Data Source | Snowflake Field Name | Tableau Data Source Field | Folder | Description |
IQ Case Enterprise | N/A | Enterprise 2 Enterprise 25 | Root | The name of a group or subgroup of facilities in the health care system's enterprise structure. |
IQ Case Enterprise | N/A | Enterprise 1 | Root | The name of the health care system in the enterprise structure. |
IQ Case Enterprise | N/A | Facility ID | Root | The unique identifier for the facility in the health care system. |
IQ Case Enterprise | N/A | Facility Name | Root | The name of the facility in the health care system. |
IQ Case Enterprise | N/A | Facility Zipcode | Root | The zip code for the facility in the health care system. |
IQ Case Enterprise | N/A | Patient Age Current | Custom Calc | The time in years between the Patient's date of birth and today. Calculation: DATEDIFF('year', [Patient Dob], NOW()). |
IQ Case Enterprise | N/A | Patient Age Initial | Custom Calc | The time in years between the Patient's date of birth and the case created date. Calculation: DATEDIFF('year', [Patient Dob], [Case Created Date]). |
IQ Case Enterprise | WAREHOUSEACQUISITIONDATE_UTC | WAREHOUSEACQUISITIONDATE_UTC | System Calc | The latest timestamp that a record is inserted in the Snowflake Data Warehouse in UTC format. |

Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over a week ago