This article will walk you through how to document communication with a person (staff member) who does not have an National Provider Index (NPI) number and, therefore, is not found in the NPI registry.
Staff Communications - Documents communications with physicians and staff that are not in the National Provider Index (NPI) for a more complete and accurate transfer case.
The benefits:
Capture documentation with Non-NPI physicians or staff members
Dedicated module for staff communication
More thorough case documentation
Adding a Staff Member to the Operations IQ® Platform Dictionary as an Admin
In the IQ platform, click on Admin > Data > Dictionaries
In the Select Dictionary drop down, select Staff
To add a person to the dictionary, click Add Entry
Provide information for the staff member and click Add Entry to save.
A green success message banner will confirm your entry has been added.
Enter Target Staff Communication
To track communications with caregivers who are not physicians, go to the case's Communication tab and the Target Staff Communication section.
In Staff Name, begin typing the staff member's name and select it from the list that appears.
If you cannot find the Staff member’s name it simply means this person has not been added to the Staff dictionary yet.
Once the staff member has been added, the same action buttons will appear for selection the same way that they do when adding a physician.
The Admitting button does not appear because only providers with an NPI number are authorized to admit a patient.
Positions specify the job title of the Staff member. Some examples might include: Behavioral Health Specialist, Social Worker, Physical Therapist.
Adding a Position to the Platform Dictionary as an Admin
Click on Admin > Data > Dictionaries
Select Positions under the Select Dictionary menu.
Click Add Entry to add a new Position
Once the position has been added, click Add Entry to save.