An assignment determines which zones or sections a user, such as a transporter, bed cleaner, or EVS supervisor, can work in when logged into the system. Assignments can be Fixed, Fixed and Exclusive (transport only), Variable, All, or None, impacting job dispatch and availability. User assignments are configured by administrators. Assignments help manage workforce distribution, ensuring transporters, bed cleaners, and supervisors are deployed efficiently to specific areas. This optimizes workflow, reduces delays, and improves hospital operations by ensuring staff availability where needed. Assignments are set or modified when a new user is added to the system, a user's job responsibilities change, coverage needs shift due to staffing adjustments, or administrators review and optimize resource allocation.
Assignments are managed in Capacity IQ® Transport and Capacity IQ® EVS under the TransportTracking and BedTracking Assignment tabs on a User Profile (Admin > Settings > Capacity Management Administration > select a user).
How Assignments Work
The following Assignments can be made:
Fixed Assignment means a user is assigned to specific zones or sections and will always receive tasks within those areas. This ensures consistency and familiarity with the assigned zones.
Fixed and Exclusive Assignment (Capacity IQ® Transport Only) is similar to Fixed Assignment, but exclusively for transport tasks. Users are assigned to specific zones or sections and will only receive transport-related tasks within those areas. This provides focused deployment for transport tasks, ensuring dedicated coverage in specific zones.
Variable Assignment allows a user to be assigned to different zones or sections as needed. This provides flexibility and enables the system to allocate resources dynamically based on current demands and staffing levels.
All Assignment users are not restricted to any specific zone or section and can be dispatched to jobs in any zone or section of the campus when they are signed in to the IVR system. This provides maximum flexibility, allowing users to work anywhere as needed.
None - Users are not assigned to any specific zone or section and will not receive any tasks. This is typically used for users who are not currently active or available for assignments.
Select… - This option allows administrators to manually select and assign specific zones or sections for users. Provides customized assignment options tailored to specific requirements or preferences.
If a section includes both exclusive and non-exclusive zones, then zones must be assigned individually to variable and fixed (non-exclusive) users.
Transporter assignments are made on the TransportTracking Assignment tab of a User Profile (Admin > Settings > Capacity Management Administration > select a user).
An assignment type can be selected for a transporter or supervisor
A transporter or transport supervisor with a fixed assignment cannot be assigned to an exclusive zone.
Bed cleaners and EVS supervisors' assignments are made on the BedTracking Assignment tab of a User Profile (Admin > Settings > Capacity Management Administration > select a user).
Transporters or bed cleaners cannot work in areas that are not assigned to them.
Transporters or bed cleaners with variable assignment types select their assigned areas when they sign in.
Supervisors who do not have saved assignment types might not be able to generate some reports or receive notifications when transporters reject transport jobs.
The following permissions are required to use Assignments:
To access the Capacity Management Administration page, you must have the Admin Tool Menu permission.
To access administrative groups, you must have the Global Admin Permissions-Administrative Controls-User Management permission.
To change user information, you must have Edit rights.
If you have View rights, you can see, but not change, user information.
Your Membership Type must be All and Administrative Rights to the membership must be enabled.
Alternatively, your Membership Type can be Fixed with a campus-, cluster-, or unit-level membership with Administrative Membership rights enabled.
You can only see, add, or edit user information for users within your membership.
Assignments can be added, edited, and deleted.
Set the Assignment Type and Section and Zone Assignment
Add or edit, and then save, user information.
If the user's membership type is fixed membership, make sure that you have set the user's membership.
With the user information displayed in the User Profile section of the User page, click the TransportTracking Assignment or BedTracking Assignment tab.
Using the Assignment Type drop-down, select an assignment type.
If the user has a Fixed or Fixed & Exclusive assignment type, follow the steps below. For all other assignment types, skip to step 6.
Click Add.
In the Campus list, select the appropriate campus.
The dialog box displays the hierarchy of existing zones and sections.
To display the zones names under the sections, click the +.
Do one of the following:
To add all of the zones within a specific section or sections to the tab, select the check boxes for those sections, and then click Add.
To add specific zones, select the check boxes for those zones, and then click Add.
Click Close or x.
Select the check boxes for the Assignment.
Click Save on the User’s Profile.
Delete Section and Zone Assignments
Select the check boxes for the Section and Zone Assignments to remove or select the check box in the Sections and Zones in Assignment title bar to select all of them.
Click Delete Selected Records.
When a confirmation message appears, click OK.