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Dispatch Monitor
Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Dispatch Monitor

The Dispatch Monitor is used by authorized personnel to view and understand the dispatching of patient transport jobs. It helps in identifying why a specific transporter was assigned to a job and provides detailed information about the dispatch process. This feature is typically used by transport coordinators and administrators to monitor and manage transport activities.

Where you can find this feature: Capacity IQ® Transport application, TransportTracking™ console.

How Dispatch Monitor Works


The Dispatch Monitor displays transport jobs that were completed or cancelled after the cutoff date shown in the archiving history on the Archive Management page.

The Dispatch Monitor display includes:

  • The dispatch set used (see About Dispatch Sets).

  • Dispatching information about a specific transport job or the last dispatched job.

  • Details such as the zone of a job's origin and destination, the time a job went into Pending status, and the jobs available for dispatch.

  • The name of the transporter(s) assigned to the job, their last known location, the location level, assigned zone and section, equipment for the current job, and job subset (Assist, Priority 0, self-dispatched, batched item transport, or Other).

    • All jobs that were considered for a transporter, even if they do not have the same subset as the job to which they were dispatched.

Permissions Required

  • Capacity IQ® Transport application > User is Enabled to View Dispatching Monitor permission.

  • Access to at least one Capacity IQ® Transport console tab.

  • Only records within your membership area are visible.

Understanding the Dispatching Monitor

  • Bypassed jobs do not appear on the Dispatch Monitor.

  • Self-dispatched jobs or batched item transport requests do not show dispatch value or other jobs in the Remaining Jobs section.

  • Dates and times are formatted as configured in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management.

  • Only jobs completed or cancelled after the archiving cutoff date are displayed.

  • The dispatch set in use at the time of dispatch appears at the top of the page.

  • The first job in the subset section is the last dispatched job, followed by other jobs in the same segregation group.

  • The Remaining Jobs section lists jobs not part of the dispatched job's segregation group.

Employee List

The Employee list contains all employees who were dispatched to the job listed at the top under Requests. The employee who was dispatched to the job first appears first. Select the name of the transporter to display full dispatch information, including:

  • Last Known Location: The location and zone where the employee was last known to be at the time of dispatch.

  • Auto-Location Level: The employee's location level in relation to their Last Known Location.

  • Section Assignment and Zone Assignment: The section and/or zone where the transporter was assigned to work at the time of dispatch.

  • Equipment: The equipment/mode of travel the transporter had at the time of dispatch.

  • DV Time: The time the dispatch value was calculated.

  • Subset Name: The segregation group containing the dispatched job.

  • Proximity Match Values: The proximity match weights configured in the dispatch set.

  • Equipment Matching: Whether equipment matching is enabled or disabled.

  • Appointment Factor: The Appointment Factor value associated with the transport job.

  • Include Assist/Priority 0 Outside of Fixed Assignment: Indicates if transporters with fixed assignments can be considered for assistance and Priority 0 jobs outside their assigned sections and zones.

Job Details

In the subset section, view the following information about each transport job:

  • Job#: Identification number of the transport job.

  • Patient#/Name: Name and identification number of the patient or item being transported.

  • Pend Time: The time the transport job's status became Pending.

  • Origin and Org Zone: The transport job's origin and the zone that includes that origin location.

  • Dest and Dest Zone: The transport job's destination and the zone that includes that destination.

  • Ast: Number of transporters needed to assist on this job.

  • WJP: The Weighted Job Priority value associated with this transport job.

  • AP: The Adjusted Priority value (WJP multiplied by Appointment Factor).

  • PMV: The Proximity Match Value associated with this transport job.

  • EPM: The Equipment Possession Matrix value associated with this transport job.

  • DV: The Dispatch Value associated with this transport job.

Note: Equipment return jobs do not appear on the Dispatch Monitor.


Displaying the Dispatching Monitor

  1. Open the Capacity IQ® Transport console.

  2. Click on the Dispatch Monitor icon.

  3. View the dispatch information about the last dispatched transport job by clicking the job number and then select Dispatching Monitor from the menu.

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