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Transport Supervisor QRG - Capacity IQ® Transport
Transport Supervisor QRG - Capacity IQ® Transport
William Pelino avatar
Written by William Pelino
Updated over 5 months ago


Transport Supervisor

This Reference Guide provides step-by-step instructions for the functionality needed to complete the designed Patient Flow processes and workflows specific to the department.


Logging In/Out

  1. Launch TeleTracking and input your User Login ID and Password. Click the Sign In button.

  2. From the Care Support menu, click the TransportTracking™ option.

  3. You will now see the Patient Transports Dashboard.


To Log Out

  1. In the upper-right corner of the page, click the sign-out or end-session link.

    1. End session - if you are signed into more than one session or workstation, select end session to end the current session.

    2. Sign out - if you are signed into multiple sessions (or multiple workstations), sign out will close all sessions on all workstations.



  • Capacity IQ® Transport can be configured to send Notifications and Alerts to Transport Supervisors for a variety of events. Notifications are sent at the time an event takes place. Alerts are sent after a defined amount of time has elapsed since an event with no resolution so that appropriate actions can be taken to correct any issue. The next several sections will describe how the notifications are configured to enable this feature.

Enabling Notifications And Alerts

  1. From the home screen, click on the My Notifications tab to display the Delivery Methods section.

  2. Delivery Methods – In the Delivery Methods section you choose how you want Notifications and Alerts delivered.

    1. Pager

    2. Email

    3. Screen Alert

    4. Click on the Grey Disabled button to change it to Enabled for any method you wish to choose.

      1. (Note: You must have an email address entered in your profile in order to Enable Email Notifications or Alerts.)

  3. Delivery Time - This option allows the user to identify when they wish to receive Notifications and Alerts. There are two options:

    1. When I Am Logged In – Notifications and Alerts will only be sent to the user while they are logged into the system.

    2. Specific Time Range – If this option is selected the user will be prompted to identify when they want to receive Notifications and Alerts.

  4. Job Alert Matching:

    1. Assignment -The sections and zones you are logged into.

    2. Base Campus – The campus of the base location assigned in the user profile.

  5. Set Job Notification Matching:

    1. Assignment - These are the sections and zones you are logged into.

    2. Membership -· Typically a supervisor’s campus but may include other campuses.

      1. Note: Both Notification Matching and Alert Matching should be set to “Against my assignment”.

  6. Set Status - Select the status buttons for each notification you wish to receive. These notifications will be sent to you, based upon how you set the notification matching above and when the scribed notification is triggered.

Note: Alerts are configured separately in Alert Management.


  • An alert occurs after a defined amount of time has elapsed since the event. There are Status alerts for jobs and Employee alerts. The Status alerts are configured for each priority level between 0 and 9. Alerts are configured in Alert Management within the Admin Tool. You must belong to an administrator group with Transport Tracking Alert Settings enabled to perform this function. Your system administrator can make changes to the Alerts.

Employee Alerts

  • Employee Alerts allow transportation supervisors to be notified if an employee takes more than his or her allotted time for a break or lunch.

  1. From the Admin Tool tab select Settings and then Capacity Management. Once in the Capacity Management menu, find the Alert Management section and select TransportTracking™.

  2. At the Alert Settings screen, Select Employee Alerts.

  3. Select whether to set alerts for the campus or just for a specific unit. You will be prompted to select which Campus or which unit based on your selection.

  4. Click on the Employee Status(es) you want to receive alerts for from the options of Break, Lunch, Other, or Available. If you select Break, you will need to identify how many breaks an employee receives each shift.

    1. Trigger Minutes – How many minutes after an employee went into a status should we wait before alerting a supervisor. For example, if a lunch break is 30 minutes you might make the Trigger Minutes 40. That way the supervisor is only alerted if the employee is on lunch break for 10-minutes longer than allowed.

    2. Retries/Intervals – How many times do you want to resend the message to a supervisor and how long do you want to wait between retries.

    3. Alert Escalation Level – Determines who should get the alerts. The numbers refer to the setting in the Employee Profile “Level” field.

    4. Activation Start/Activation End – These fields allow you to determine when alerts should be sent. For example, you might not want alerts sent during the third shift if you have no supervisor on duty.

  5. Click Save when you have completed your settings.


Status Alerts

  • Status Alerts are set by following the same initial steps as Employee Alerts but selecting Status Alerts at the Alerts Settings Screen instead of Employee Alerts.

  1. Status Alerts are set by Priority Status, so you must also select the priority level for which you are setting the alerts.

  2. Identify which Statuses/Events you want to receive alerts about.

    1. Recipient Qualification – Do you want this alert to be sent based on a match of the Origin Location, Destination Location, or Either between the job and the supervisor’s assignment.

    2. Trigger Minutes – How many minutes after the job went into a status should we wait before alerting a supervisor.

    3. Retries/Intervals – How many times do you want to resend the message to a supervisor and how long do you want to wait between retries.

    4. Alert Escalation Level – Who should get the alerts. The numbers refer to the setting in the Employee Profile “Level” field.

    5. Activation Start/Activation End – These fields allow you to determine when alerts should be sent. For example, you might not want alerts sent during the third shift if you have no supervisor on duty.

  3. Be careful when setting the trigger time for alerts. You want to set these so that when an alert is received it triggers an action by the supervisor. If you set the time too low, you may receive alerts that are ignored. We recommend that the alerts are set to match your breaches, which is the time at which a job or transporter should not be in that status.

  4. Be careful not to conflict with the Dispatch Set. If you set a Pending Alert trigger time for a longer period of time than the Upgrade Time in the Dispatch Set, you will not trigger those alerts.

  5. If you don’t want the alert to retry set the number of retries to 0.

Using TransportTracking™

  • From the Care Support menu, click the TransportTracking™ option.

  1. The Patient Transports tab contains all the jobs for patients.

  2. The Item Transports tab contains the same information for item jobs.

  3. The default view below will display the campus and the number of jobs in each status.

  4. Clicking on the drop-down arrow next to a campus name allows you to drill down to segments of the campus as shown to the right.

  5. Or select the Campus of the jobs you wish to view.


Transport Job Status Definitions

  • Job Requests without a date or time assigned. Must be released (to pending status) or canceled.

  • Job Requests that are scheduled for a specific date and time. Will become pending automatically at the lead time of the job destination.

  • Job Requests that are currently in the queue and are waiting to be dispatched to a transport.

  • The transporter has been assigned to the request. The transporter is on the way to retrieve the item.

  • The transporter has entered a delay while they are dispatched. The item has yet to be moved.

  • The transporter is now moving the item to the destination.

  • The transporter has entered a delay while they are moving towards the destination.

  • The transporter has requested help. This will cause a delay as the transporter waits.

  • The transporter has reached the destination. The Job is finished.

  • The job has been canceled.

Job List Column Definitions

  • Job # – Each patient or item transport job has a unique identifier.

  • Status - This is the status of the job. See above for the definitions of each status.

  • ! – Once the job has triggered an alert, this column will display the user level of the Supervisor that was alerted.

  • Patient # / Name – Identifying information about the patient being transported.

  • Empl ID – Lists the login ID of the last user who interacted with the job. This may be a requester or transporter.

  • Origin – Job Origin.

  • Destination – Job Destination.

  • Priority – Each job has a priority between 0 and 9. See the section below on job priorities.

  • Apt / Pend Time – The time of the appointment or the time the on-demand job becomes Pending.

  • Status Time – The time this job went into its current status.

  • Trv Reqs – These are the IDs of the Travel Requirements. Place your cursor over the numbers to display.

  • MOT – The Mode of Travel for the patient.

Making Changes To Transport Jobs

  1. A patient or item transport may be changed up until the time it is Dispatched by clicking on the Job Number.

  2. Once it is Dispatched it can no longer be changed.

  3. With the Transport Request open make any required changes to the job and click on Save.


Cancelling A Transport Job

  • A patient or item transport job may be canceled up until the time it is in progress. Once the job is In Progress only the transporter may cancel the job. There are two ways to cancel a job using the console.

  1. Click on the Job #

  2. When the Transport Request Screen opens select Cancel.

  3. Select the Reason you are canceling the job.

    1. If there are additional jobs in a sequence you may click “Cancel All Remaining Jobs”.

    2. If you want Capacity IQ® to return the patient to their Home Location click “Return Patient” to Home.

  4. The second way to cancel a job is to click on the status.

  5. When the Transport Job Status Dialog box appears select the Reason Code and click “Submit”.



  • You can filter your view of patient and item transport jobs. Filters allow you to narrow or widen the list of transport jobs. Patient's jobs may be filtered by Location and Date. Item jobs may be filtered only by Date.


  1. Select whether you want to filter based on the Origin or Destination location.

  2. Click on the Browse button and the “Find a Location” Dialog box opens to allow you to select a location or locations on which to base your search.

  3. The Default Time for the filter is one day. To change the date range either manually change the date range or use the calendars to select different dates.

  4. Click on the “Filter” button to search based on your filters.

  5. Click on the “Clear” button to remove any filters.



  • The Transporters tab displays the current statuses of transporters. These include Dispatched, Delay/Dispatched, In Progress, Delay/In Progress, Assist, Break/Lunch, In, Available, and Out.

  • Dispatched – The transporter is dispatched on a job. They are assigned the job but have not yet begun to move the patient or item.

  • Delay/Dispatched – The transporter has been dispatched on a job but has encountered a delay.

  • In Progress – The transporter is moving the patient or item to the Destination.

  • Delay/In Progress – The transporter is moving the patient or item but has encountered a Delay.

  • Assist –The transporter has requested the help of another transporter and is waiting for Assistance to arrive.

  • Break/Lunch – The transporter has gone on an authorized break or to lunch.

  • In – The transporter has logged in but has not selected a Device. Transporters must make a selection – they cannot log in to any zone or section.

  • Available – The transporter is logged in properly and is waiting to receive a job.

  • Out – The transporter has logged out.

Clicking on any of the column headers will display a list of transporters in that status. Clicking on the Campus Name opens a list of every transporter.

  • Status – The current status of the transporter.

  • Job # – The job number of the job the transporter is currently working.

  • Empl ID – This is the User Login ID from the transporter’s user profile.

  • Device ID – The ID of the pager the transport is using. If the department is using the mobile app handheld devices an icon looking like a cell phone will appear.

  • Reject – The number of jobs the transporter has rejected since logging in.

  • Adjust – The number of adjustments that the transporter has had since they logged in.

  • Time – The time that the transporter entered their current status.

  • Act – Whether or not the transporter has logged into Transport Tracking with a valid paging device.

    • Y = Yes

    • N = No

    • B = Yes, but is on a scheduled break

    • U = Yes, but is on an unscheduled break

  • Zones – Zones the transporter logged into. An asterisk (*) indicates the transporter has logged in exclusively.

  • Current Location – The last location where the transporter moved a patient or item.

Transporter Tab Column Definitions


  • The typical job rejection is when a transporter is presented with a job, but they do not perform an authorized action. A rejection is triggered when a transporter replays the job details on the telephone more times than what is set for the Max review jobs configuration in the Capacity IQ® Transport Global Settings or takes no action on the mobile device.



  • An adjustment is triggered when a transporter completes a job under or over a set amount of time. The idea is that these jobs are considered to be an outlier or unusual and are not a standard practice. Adjusted jobs are not counted as averages in some of the Capacity IQ® Transport standard reports and are not included in calculating the Real Time Key Indicators (RTKIs).


Transporter Information And Statistics

Click on the Employee ID to get more information about a transporter.


  • The date range you wish to display information for may be selected in the middle of the screen.

  • The top section of the display shows the transporter's statistics during the chosen date range.

  • The bottom section displays all of the jobs that the transporter handled during the selected date range.

Changing A Transporter Device, Assignment, And Logging In Or Out

  1. Click on the Employee’s Device ID or Zones to Edit this information.

  2. Click on the Device Drop-Down menu to change the ID for the Device the employee is carrying. This only has applicability for sites using pagers. If you are using the Mobile Apps, this function is mute.

  3. Click on “Change Assignment” to open a drop-down box from which to select a new section and zone assignments for the transporter.

  4. Click on “Logout for the Day” to log the user out.

  5. If the user is logged out, they can be logged in by clicking “Login for the Day”.


Instant Notify

  1. Instant Notify allows a Supervisor to send messages to employees who are logged in with a Pager or other Device. Please note that these messages are a reportable item. They appear on the Instant Notify History Report.

  2. Clicking on “Instant Notify” brings up the popup seen on the right.

    1. Search for the user, or group of users that you want to send the message to.

    2. Type your message in the message box.

    3. Click “Send”.

    4. You will see the green “Checkmark” and the “Message Sent” message at the top of the screen.


NOTE: You can create notification groups in Dictionary Management. This will enable you to send a message or messages to a group, e.g. all transporters without having to search for them individually.

Notification History

  1. Notification History displays all the messages that Capacity IQ® Transport has generated for a time period.

  2. Messages may be filtered for:

    1. The Recipient's Last Name

    2. The Recipient's First Name

    3. The Job #

    4. The past 3-hours

    5. The past 8-hours

    6. A Date Range in the past, including Today.

  3. Notification History displays:

    1. Date Sent

    2. Date Generated

    3. The Type of message sent

    4. Job ID

    5. The employee the message relates to (this column will be blank in many cases).

    6. Message Text

    7. Recipient Name

    8. Destination

    9. Success


Real-Time Key Indicators (RTKI’S)

  • RTKI provides key statistics for Capacity IQ® Transport. Most are for the last 60 minutes and are updated every 3 minutes.

  • The Real-Time Indicators displayed are:

    • Avg Resp: Response Time is the time from the Job Creation (Pending) until the job is In Progress. This RTKI shows the average number of minutes it has taken for jobs to go from Pending to InProgress in the last 60 minutes. A job must have gone In Progress during the last 60 minutes to be included.

    • Avg Resp A: The calculation is the same as Average Response, but only includes jobs that were appointments.

    • Avg Resp OD: The calculation is the same as the Average Response, but only for On-Demand jobs. An On-Demand job is a job that is not an Appointment.

    • Avg Trip: The trip time is calculated from Pending to Complete. The Average RTKI will calculate the Average Trip time for the last 60 minutes. To be included in the calculation, a just must have been completed in the last 60 minutes.

    • Avg Transit: Transit time is the InProgress time. This is calculated from the time a job goes in progress until the job is complete. A job must have been completed in the last 60 minutes and do not include jobs that qualify as outliers.

    • Avg Pend: This RTKI is for pending time only: It is calculated from the time a job goes pending to the time it is dispatched. A job must have been dispatched within the last 60 minutes to be included in the calculation. The calculation will not include jobs that qualify as outliers.

    • Pt Pend: This RTKI is the number of patient jobs that are currently pending.

    • I Pend: This RTKI is the number of item jobs that are currently pending

    • RJT: This RTKI is the number of jobs that have been rejected over the last 24 hours.

Note: Because RTKI averages are calculated based on job status during the last 60 minutes, RTKIs must be looked at individually rather than compared. For example, it’s possible the Average Pend might be larger than the Average Resp at a given time, which would be counterintuitive. This is because different jobs may be included in the calculations based on job status.

Dispatch Monitor

The Dispatch Monitor is a tool you may use in order to see how jobs are being prioritized by your Dispatch Set.

  1. Click on the Dispatch Monitor icon to open the Dispatch Monitor.

  2. The Dispatch Monitor displays the most recently assigned job, the other jobs pending at the time of assignment, and how each job’s dispatch value (DV) compares to the assigned job. The job with the highest DV is the assigned job. Pending Time is the tiebreaker.

  3. The calculation for the priority of each job will display

    1. AST – This identifies whether a job requires more than one transporter.

    2. WJP – This is the Weighted Job Priority.

    3. PMV – This is the Proximity Matching Value. How close to the job was the transporter.

    4. EPM – If you are using Equipment Matching, what is the value.

    5. AP – This is Adjusted Priority, a calculation of the WJP times the Appointment Factor, if there is one.

    6. DV – Dispatch Value = PMV + EPM + AP.

    7. The highest DV is the job that was assigned to the transporter.


Adjusting A Priority

Priorities may be adjusted in two ways and both of these features are permission-driven.

  1. Manually using the IVR System.

  2. Through the Capacity IQ® Transport Dashboard by clicking on the job’s Current Priority. Click on the drop-down list and select the new priority for the job. This will bypass the Dispatch Logic.



  • Transporters can be exclusive. When a transporter is exclusive, they will only be eligible for jobs that have an Origin or Destination in the Sections or Zones where they are exclusive.

  • Important: If you have enabled the Include Assist / Priority 0 outside of the fixed assignment setting in the dispatch set, a transporter that is exclusive to a set of zones will be considered for Assist and Priority 0 jobs outside of their zones.

    • An example: A transporter logged in and has indicated that they are exclusive. This transporter has logged into zone 10 which is the zone for all of radiology. This transporter will now only be eligible for jobs that have an Origin or Destination in Zone 10. If there are no jobs for zone 10 this transporter would not be eligible for any other jobs.

    • A transporter that is not exclusive is eligible for any job, however, jobs within the zones to which the transporter has logged in are considered for primary assignment.

    • When a transporter has logged into an exclusive zone those jobs are not eligible for any other transporter besides the transporters that have logged into the exclusive zone.

Ways a Transporter may be Exclusive –

  1. The transporter’s assignment plays a key role in determining if the transporter will be exclusive. Your system administrator can modify the transporter’s assignments in their user profile.

  2. The typical assignment settings used for transporters are Variable, Fixed, or Fixed and Exclusive.

    1. Variable – The transporter has the option of selecting whether they will be exclusive when they log in. They are also able to choose their sections and zones.

    2. Fixed – The transporter is not exclusive and is assigned to sections and zones.

    3. Fixed and Exclusive – The transporter is exclusive and is assigned to sections and zones.

  3. Zone Exclusivity

    1. Zones can be exclusive. When a zone is exclusive only the transporters that log into the exclusive zone will be eligible for jobs that have an Origin or Destination in that zone.


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