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Devices and Notification Services
Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Devices and Notification Services

Users may receive alerts or notifications through phones, email, or third-party devices. Transporters and bed cleaners use the iPhone and iPod touch to complete tasks traditionally done using the IVR, such as putting jobs in progress, completing or canceling jobs, and viewing notifications about new jobs, updates, or cancellations.

Where you can find this feature:
Admin Tool > Device Management, Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Miscellaneous > Device Management

How Devices and Notification Services Work


  • If you have the appropriate permissions, you may add, edit, or remove service and device information.

    • You cannot delete notification devices that are in use.

  • You may deactivate notification devices that are not currently in use and not assigned to users.

    • They can be activated again later if needed.

    • Activating or deactivating a notification device in Admin > Settings > Capacity Management is not the same as activating or deactivating a notification device through the Maintenance menu on the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system.

      • When a supervisor activates a notification device through the IVR, then that specific supervisor will use that notification device.

      • If a supervisor deactivates a notification device through the IVR, then that specific supervisor will not use that device. However, another supervisor or employee may use it.

    • Activating a notification device in Admin > Settings > Capacity Management makes it available for any employee or supervisor to use.

      • Deactivating makes it unavailable to all employees and supervisors.

  • When a notification device is deactivated, it cannot be assigned to a user.

  • Users who enter the identification code of a deactivated notification device on the IVR hear a message that the device does not exist.

  • You can indicate in Capacity IQ® which notification services your hospital uses and the devices that are used.

    • For example, your hospital can use DTMF, Vocera, or Telelocator, etc. for alerts or for notifications.

      • If your health system has Vocera, users must have a Vocera User ID in their user profiles to use the device.

        • You may configure only one Vocera device per Vocera notification service.

          • For example, if you configure a notification service called Vocera1 and Vocera is selected as the service protocol, you may associate only one Vocera notification device with the Vocera1 notification service.

          • If you configure an additional notification service called Vocera2 and Vocera is selected as the service protocol, you may associate only one Vocera notification device with the Vocera2 notification service.

        • They must sign in to both the device and the IVR.

        • Vocera is available to select only if Vocera Integration has been enabled in Admin > Settings > Capacity Management.

        • A TeleTracking Technologies representative can enable Vocera Integration. All Vocera devices must be signed in to the Vocera server.

      • If your organization uses Mobile Heartbeat® MH-Cure for notification purposes, you must use the Wireless Communication Transfer Protocol.

    • Your telecommunications staff will need to provide the notification services information (such as service protocol types and names).

  • You can associate a notification device with a notification service by selecting the notification service name in the Service Name list on the Device Information page.

  • If Capacity IQ® is Cloud-Hosted, the following notification protocols are supported:

    • Simple Network Paging Protocol (SNPP)

    • Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)

    • Wireless Communications Transfer Protocol (WCTP)

  • Transporters and bed cleaners can view notifications about new jobs or job updates or cancellations and can also view instant notifications.

  • Some services limit the number of characters allowed per message Capacity IQ® solution can send either a short or long message with the same information or can truncate a message.

  • You can narrow (filter) the list of devices on the Devices tab.

  • When editing device records:

    • To make the same change (for example, select the same device type) for multiple devices, select the check boxes for those devices, and then click Edit Selected Records to display the device information.

    • Device IVR ID and Pager Number must be unique and cannot be edited using the Edit Selected Records feature.

    • If the selected devices have different values for the same field already assigned (for example, different device types), then Select appears in the field.

      • If they have the same values, then that value appears.

Permissions and Memberships Needed

  • Admin Tool Menu permission: To access the Admin Tool menu or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management.

  • Global Admin Permissions-Administrative Controls-Paging Setup permission: To complete this task.

  • Edit rights: To add or make changes to notification services or notification device information.

  • Membership Type "All" and Administrative Rights enabled or Membership Type "Fixed" and campus-level membership with Administrative Rights enabled for the campus.


Configure Notification Services

  1. Display the Device Management page by going to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Miscellaneous > Device Management.

  2. Click the Service Configuration tab.

  3. To add a new notification service, click New Service.

  4. To edit an existing notification service, in the Service Name column, click the name of the notification service.

  5. Complete the following in the Service Information section:

    • Current Campus: Select the campus at which this notification service is used.

    • Service Name: The name of the paging service (e.g., Skytell - Network/SNPP).

    • Service Protocol: Select one of the following:

      • Network: Connectivity using TCP/IP over the hospital's network.

      • DTMF (Dual Tone Multi-Frequency): Connectivity using a dialup telephone line.

      • Email: Messages sent via email.

      • Telelocator: Connectivity via a modem or direct serial connection.

      • Vocera: Messages sent to a Vocera device.

      • WCTP: Used for sending wireless messages to mobile phones and other wireless devices.

    • Batch Max: Type the number of messages allowed per connection if supported by the paging service.

  6. The section appropriate for the service protocol that you selected appears at the bottom of the page along with the Pager Content Configuration section.

  7. Complete the available configuration section.

Device Content Configuration

To enable Capacity IQ® solution to determine whether a short, long, or truncated message should be sent:

  1. In the Maximum Message Size field, type the maximum number of characters allowed per message.

    1. If you are using digital pagers, Device Content Configuration should be set to accommodate the maximum capacity of the digital pager screen.

    2. If you are using Vocera, refer to the Vocera documentation for information on the maximum number of characters allowed per message (the maximum characters allowed for the device screen).

  2. If the notification service allows carriage returns in messages, then enable the Allow New Lines in Alpha Messages setting.

    1. To enable it, click the gray Disabled button to change it to a green Enabled button.

Network Configuration

If you selected the Network service protocol, complete the following in the Network Configuration section:

  • SNPP Level: Select an SNPP paging level. Level 1 is basic and does not require authentication. Level 2 requires a login ID and password.

  • Host Name: Network address that Capacity IQ® solution should connect to for the paging service (e.g.,

  • Port Number: The specific port number within the IP address that Capacity IQ® solution should connect to for the notification service.

  • Use SSL: Enable this setting to encrypt SNPP pages.

    • To enable this setting, click the gray Disabled button to change it to a green Enabled button.

  • Login ID and Password: Required if Level 2 is selected in the SNPP Level list. If Level 1 is selected, it is not possible to enter a login ID and password.

Telelocator Configuration

If you selected the Telelocator service protocol, complete the following in the Telelocator Configuration section:

  • Service Number: The telephone number that Capacity IQ® solution dials to initiate contact.

    • Any additional numbers, such as those dialed to reach an outside line, must be included here. Including spaces is optional. If you enter dashes or hyphens, they will be ignored. Commas indicate the number of seconds to wait.

      • Examples

        • 18007598888,,, (Dial the 800 number to initiate contact and then wait 3 seconds).

        • 818007598888,,, (Dial 8 for an outside line, then the 800 number to initiate contact, and then wait 3 seconds).

      • If the Direct check box is NOT selected in the Connection section, then the service number is required.

  • Initialization String & Prefix: Information used by the modem to initialize.

    • Any command in the Hayes AT Command Set may be used.

      • Example: AT S7= 30 DT

      • The first two characters are used to get the modem's attention.

      • The next 5 characters are used to specify the time to wait, in this case, 30 seconds.

      • The last two characters instruct the modem to expect a dial tone.

      • Spaces are optional in this field.

        • It is recommended that you use the default Initialization String and Prefix values and change them only if you encounter problems.

  • Connection: Checking the Direct check box bypasses the modem and allows port-to-port communication.

  • Port: Select the port (usually COM1 through COM4) for serial communications to the notification server.

    • You cannot select a port that has already been selected for another type of notification service.

    • You can select a port that has already been selected for the same type of notification service.

      • For example, if you selected COM 1 for a TAP modem paging service, you can select COM 1 for another TAP modem notification service.

        • However, you cannot select COM 1 for a TAP direct notification service or a DTMF notification service.

  • COM Settings: If the Direct check box is not selected, define the serial connection in the following comma-delimited format: baud rate, parity (e for even, o for odd, n for none), data bits, and data bits (number of bits per single piece of information), and number of stop bits.

    • This information can be obtained from the notification company.

      • Example: 2400,n,8,1

      • Each service should have its own individual modem or serial port.

      • If the Direct check box is selected, you may enter any valid serial communications port parameters in the following format: <parameter>=<value> <parameter>=<value>

      • Include spaces between each grouping of <parameter>=<value>. Exclude spaces before and after the = sign.

        • Examples

          • baud=<number> parity=<e or o or n> data=<number> stop=<number> rts=<on or off> dtr=<on or off>

          • baud=1200 parity=e data=7 stop=1 rts=on dtr=on

Email Configuration

If you select the Email service protocol, complete the following in the Email Configuration section:

  • Sending Email Server: Select the network address or computer name for the email server set up for notifications.

    • A TeleTracking Technologies representative sets up this email server through the Master Configuration section in Admin > Settings > Capacity Management.

  • Receiving Email Server: Enter the domain part of the email address for the notification devices.

    • For example, if notification device email addresses end in "", then enter

    • Sometimes the sending and receiving email servers are the same.

DTMF Configuration

If you selected the DTMF service protocol, complete the following in the DTMF Configuration section:

  • Service Number: The telephone number that Capacity IQ® solution dials to initiate contact.

    • Any additional numbers, such as those dialed to reach an outside line, must be included here.

    • If the paging devices have their own telephone numbers, you may leave this box blank.

    • Including spaces is optional.

    • If you enter dashes or hyphens, they will be ignored.

    • Commas indicate the number of seconds to wait.

      • Examples

        • 18007598888,,, (Dial the 800 number to initiate contact and then wait 3 seconds).

        • 818007598888,,, (Dial 8 for an outside line, then the 800 number to initiate contact, and then wait 3 seconds).

  • Initialization String & Prefix: Information used by the modem to initialize.

    • Any command in the Hayes AT Command Set may be used.

      • Example: AT S7= 30 DT

      • The first two characters are used to get the modem's attention.

      • The next 5 characters are used to specify the time to wait, in this case, 30 seconds.

      • The last two characters instruct the modem to expect a dial tone.

      • Spaces are optional in this field.

  • Suffix: If certain commands must end every notification transaction, type the codes for them here.

    • The Hayes AT Command Set is the standard for the commands.

      • Example: \#

  • Initialization: Commands needed to set up the modem.

    • Commands required to place a call should not be entered here.

    • The Hayes AT Command Set is the set of commands that can be used in the in the Initialization box.

    • In most circumstances, this field will remain blank.

  • Port: Select the port (usually COM1 through COM4) associated with the calling modem.

    • You cannot select a port that has already been selected for another type of notification service.

    • You can select a port that has already been selected for the same type of notification service.

      • For example, if you selected COM 1 for a DTMF paging service, you can select COM 1 for another DTMF notification service.

        • However, you cannot select COM 1 for a TAP direct notification service or a TAP modem paging service.

WCTP Configuration

If you selected the WCTP service protocol, complete the following in the WCTP Configuration section:

  • URL: The WCTP endpoint provided by the messaging program vendor, such as Mobile Heartbeat.

    • A TeleTracking representative can help to obtain the URL from the vendor.

  • Sender ID: Helps the messaging program determine that Capacity IQ® is an authorized message sender.

    • The message generator produces the sender ID.

    • A TeleTracking representative can help to obtain the sender ID from the message generator.

  • Security Code: Verifies that Capacity IQ® is an authorized messaging program user.

    • The security code is similar to a password that would be needed to use an online service.

    • A TeleTracking representative can help to obtain the security code.

Configure Paging Device Information

  1. Display the Device Management page by going to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Miscellaneous > Device Management.

  2. Click the Devices tab.

  3. To add a device, click New Device.

  4. To edit device information, in the Device IVR ID column, click the code that the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system uses to identify the device.

  5. Complete the following:

    • Campus: Select the campus where the device is to be used.

    • Device IVR ID: Type the code used to identify this device in the IVR system.

      • There is a required minimum and maximum length for the IVR ID.

      • The values entered in the IVR ID Min Char and IVR ID Max Char boxes on the Enterprise Wide Settings page in Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component determine the minimum and maximum number of characters that you must enter for the IVR ID.

      • The maximum can be no longer than 10.

    • Pager Number: Type the number of this notification device.

      • This can be the identification code assigned to this notification device by the notifications company or the name portion of the email address assigned by the notifications company (the portion that is before the @ sign).

      • Maximum number of characters that you can type: 20

      • If you are using a Vocera service, do not enter a pager number.

        • The Pager Number box becomes disabled when you select a Vocera service.

    • Device Type: Select whether the device is Digital (numeric pages or messages only) or Alpha (alphanumeric pages or messages permitted).

    • Service Name: Select the notification service associated with the device.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Test the device to ensure it can send messages successfully:

    • On the Devices tab, in the row containing the device, click Test.

    • Review the information in the Device Detail dialog box and click Send.

    • If the device passes the test, a success message appears. If the test fails, an error message appears.

    • Click Close to exit the Device Detail dialog box.

Filtering the Devices List

  1. Go to the Devices tab.

  2. In the Device Attribute list, select Pager Number, Device IVR ID, Device Type, or Service Name.

  3. In the Filter String box, type the text for the attribute that you selected.

    1. For example, if you want to see only alpha devices in the list, select Device Type, and then type Alpha in the Filter String box.

  4. Click Go. To clear the filter and return to the full list, click Clear.

Note: Vocera devices do not have pager numbers. If you select Pager Number as a device attribute, Vocera devices will not be included in the filtered list.

View Additional Devices in the Devices List

  • Click the numbered links to see lists of additional devices

  • Click >> to display the last page

  • Click << to display the first page

  • Click < or > to display the previous or next page.

Deleting Notification Services

  • Select the check boxes for the notification services you want to delete, and then click Delete Selected Records. Confirm the deletion when prompted.

  • To delete all notification services, select the check box in the title bar, and then click Delete Selected Records. Confirm the deletion when prompted.

Note: You cannot delete notification services that are already associated with notification devices. Ensure the service is not associated with a device before deleting.

Deleting Notification Devices

  1. Display the Device Management page by going to to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Miscellaneous > Device Management.

  2. Click the Devices tab.

  3. Select the check boxes for the devices you want to delete.

    1. To delete all devices, select the check box in the title bar.

  4. Click Delete Selected Records.

  5. When a confirmation message appears, click OK.

  6. Click Save.

Deactivate or Activate a Notification Device

  1. Go to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Miscellaneous > Device Management.

  2. Click the Devices tab.

  3. Select the check boxes for the devices that should be deactivated or activated.

  4. Do one of the following:

    • To deactivate the selected devices, click Deactivate. A gray background appears around the deactivated devices and they are disabled. A confirmation message appears at the top of the tab.

    • To activate devices that were previously deactivated, click Activate. The gray background is removed and the devices are enabled. A confirmation message appears at the top of the tab.

Change the Employee's or Supervisor's Assigned Paging Device:

  1. Click the employee or supervisor's device ID or zones or click the dashes in the Device ID or Zones column to display the Supervisor Login/Logout dialog box.

  2. In the Device section, select an available device number for the employee.

  • Notes:

    • The employee or supervisor must be signed in before you can change the device.

    • Do not select a device that has a * next to it. Those devices are already assigned and are not available.

    • Selecting a device makes the Save button available. If the Save button does not become available after you select a device, then the selected device might not be available to assign. Select a different device.

    • If an Invalid Device Method message appears when you attempt to select a device, then the administrator must select a device method (such as Variable) in the employee's user profile before you can continue.

    • You may only assign Vocera devices to employees or supervisors who have Vocera user IDs assigned in their user profiles.

  1. Click Save.

  2. To close the dialog box, click Close.

  3. The employee's or supervisor’s new device ID appears on the list of employees.

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