Variable User
This document explains the complexities of variable user accounts within the TeleTracking system, including their impact on login/logout workflows, console views, access to units and reports, and error resolution. It's relevant to system administrators, supervisors, and variable users themselves, providing information on account management, permissions, access limitations, and troubleshooting common issues. These settings and workflows apply to various TeleTracking applications like PreAdmitTracking, PatientTracking, the EVS Mobile App, and the IVR system, specifically within user profile settings, unit configurations, and the login/logout processes. Variable user accounts are designed for those working in different units, but this flexibility requires careful management to maintain system integrity, data security, and a consistent user experience.
If a variable user selects the wrong unit or cluster upon login, they need to sign out of the application and then sign back in, choosing the correct unit/cluster during the login process.
XT Variable User Log Out workflow
Logging Out
In the upper-right corner of the page, click the sign-out or end-session link.
End Session vs. Sign Out: Variable users have the option to "End Session" (closing the current session) or "Sign Out" (closing all sessions on all workstations).
Unit Prompt: Upon logging back in, variable users are prompted to choose a unit again.
XT Variable User Login workflow
Logging In
Unit Selection: Upon login, variable users must select the unit or cluster they are working in for the day. This selection determines their data access for that day.
Changing Units: To change units, variable users must log out and log back in, selecting the new unit.
In the above picture, ADMITTING is a Unit while Psych is a Cluster containing ADULT PSYCH L1, ADULT PSYCH L2, etc. A unit cannot be individually selected if it is part of a cluster.
Several settings in a unit's configuration will affect a variable user when that unit is selected:
Allow Floaters - If this is not enabled this unit will not be available to select on the variable user login screen.
Floaters view the entire campus - When this is enabled the user will be able to see patients in the entire campus rather than just within their selected membership.
Floater Role - This will temporarily change a variable user's role when the unit is selected. This reverts when they log out for the day.
PreAdmitTracking and PatientTracking Portal Default Console View temporarily overrides the default consoles set on the user's profile.
Users with fixed memberships do not have to specify the units or clusters with which they are associated when they sign in to the application for the day.
They can access patient, bed, job, and unit data only for the units and clusters that are associated with their memberships.
Launch TeleTracking and input your User Login ID and Password. Click the Sign In button.
From the Clinical Operations menu, click the PreAdmitTracking® option.
You will now see the view of your unit.
The user profile membership allows employees to control the unit they see once logged in
Membership Selection Limitations: Variable users can typically only select their membership once per day unless the "Allow user to set membership on login without RAC" permission is enabled.
RAC Code: If a user needs to change their selected unit mid-day and lacks the above permission, a supervisor with "Allow user to request RAC" and "Capacity Management Administration page" permissions can generate a Re-Assignment Authorization Code (RAC). The user can then use this code to re-select their unit.
Variable Users Getting a Different Console View than Expected
When a variable user logs in, they are seeing a different console view than expected, or they aren't seeing the right patients or all of the patients they should.
This can be due to the Unit configuration of the membership they selected when they logged in.
The default PatientTracking Portal and PreAdmitTracking console views can be set to override the user's normal default.
Another consideration of the unit configuration is the floater role.
This can cause the user to not have access to the parts of XT that they normally do.
New EVS User Getting Error When Attempting to go "In Progress" on a Job
New variable EVS users might encounter an error when trying to start a job in the mobile app if they initially sign in under "No Section or Zones." The solution is to have them sign in with specific sections and zones selected, complete that sign-in, and then sign out. Afterward, they can sign back in as "No Sections or Zones" and should be able to start jobs without the error.
Variable Assignment
Variable assignment, primarily used in the IVR system for roles like bed cleaners and transporters, requires users to specify the sections and zones they'll be working in each day when they sign in. Supervisors determine these areas and inform their staff. Within the TransportTracking application, users with variable assignments can even choose to work exclusively within their selected sections and zones, preventing assignments elsewhere.
Variable Membership
Variable membership is for users who work in different wards or units. Administrators define the campuses these users can access. When signing into the IVR system, variable users must select the specific ward, unit, or cluster they're working in that day, and their access to patient, bed, and unit data is limited to that selection. To access other areas on the same day, they'll need to sign out and, if they lack the necessary permission, obtain a Re-Assignment Authorization Code (RAC) from a supervisor before signing back in and selecting a different area.
Variable Users Cannot Run Archive Reports
Variable users often can't run archive reports because their unit or area assignment changes daily. Archive reports require a consistent assignment. If a variable user needs to run these reports, the options are to switch their account to a fixed membership, create a separate fixed membership login just for reporting, or have someone with a fixed membership run the reports for them.
View Groups
View Groups in the PreAdmitTracking® application are managed by system administrators with the necessary permissions to control user access to specific console views. Administrators configure View Groups during console setup or when user access needs updating, which is done through the Capacity Management Administration page under Dictionary Management. View Groups ensure that users only see the consoles relevant to their roles by mapping console views to assigned groups. Configuring View Groups requires administrative permissions, with Edit Rights allowing changes and View Rights permitting only viewing without edits.
A view group can and frequently will have consoles for both Capacity IQ® Preadmit and Patient Tracking Portal
A view group can have multiple consoles for each application
Any console followed by “**” is the default console for that view group
View groups may have multiple consoles.
One of those consoles can be set as the view groups default console.
Default View Group and Default Console View
The TeleTracking Default View Group and Default Console View configurations are essential for ensuring users seamlessly access appropriate interfaces within PreAdmitTracking (PAT) and the PatientTracking Portal, improving workflow efficiency and operational consistency. System administrators and IT staff manage these settings to configure user access, while end users, such as nursing supervisors and patient flow coordinators, rely on them for daily operations. These configurations are managed through the Capacity Management Administration page under Dictionary Management for View Groups and the login id/Password section for Default Console Views. Proper setup is crucial during system onboarding, role or unit changes, ongoing maintenance, and troubleshooting. By streamlining access, reducing manual console selections, and supporting variable unit configurations, these settings ensure smooth operations and consistent user experiences.
Default View Group
Decides the group consoles the user can see when going to load/save the console.
The default console for this group will be the console that opens when the user goes into the corresponding application. (PAT/Portal) The Default view group is located in the CMS user profile under the Alias.
You can find the default for the view group by going to Capacity Management Administration page > Dictionary Management > View group. The console with the ** next to it is the group's default.
PreAdmitTracking/PatientTracking Portal Default Console View
Sets the console that loads when the user goes into the corresponding application.
The default console view in the user's profile supersedes the default console from the Default View Group.
These two options are located on a user's profile under the login id/Password section. The dropdown menu shows what the user's default console is for the given application.
Because it is possible for the Default Console View to not be in a user's Default view group, if they load a different console they will not be able to reload the default console without logging out for the day.
Units can have floater Default Console views. If the user has variable membership and selects a unit with Default Portal/PAT consoles specified the user's default consoles are overridden with the one specified in the unit settings.
Configuration Steps
To Add, Edit, or Delete View Groups:
1. Navigate to the View Group Configuration
Option 1:
Go to Capacity Management Administration page > Dictionary Management > View Group.
Option 2:
Navigate to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Miscellaneous > Dictionary Management.
In the Dictionary Name column, click the View Group link to display the configuration page.
2. Add a New View Group
Click Add to insert a new row at the bottom of the page.
In the Name column, type a new view group name (for example, Nursing Supervisors).
Click Save to store the new view group.
Repeat these steps to add additional groups.
3. Edit Existing View Groups
Locate the existing view group in the list.
Click directly in the Name column and make changes as needed.
Click Save to update the changes.
4. Delete a View Group
Note: You cannot delete a view group currently in use.
Select the checkbox to delete the view group(s).
Click Delete Selected Records at the top of the page.
When prompted with a confirmation message, click OK to finalize the deletion.
5. Set Default Consoles for View Groups
On the View Group page, locate the PreAdmitTracking Consoles and PatientTracking Portal Consoles columns.
Identify the console associated with each view group.
The console marked with ** (asterisks) is the group's default.
Modify console associations as needed by selecting a different console and clicking Save.
To Set Default Console Views in User Profiles:
Go to Capacity Management Administration page > User Management > User Profiles.
Search for the user's profile by name or ID.
In the LoginID/Password section:
Locate the dropdown menus for PreAdmitTracking Default Console View and PatientTracking Portal Default Console View.
Select the appropriate default console for each application.
Click Save to apply the changes.
View Option
View Options Permission
"View Options" is a permission feature in TeleTracking that allows specific user groups to access and customize certain viewing preferences within the application.
How to Gain Access
If you require access to "View Options," follow these steps:
Contact a Designated Authority:
Reach out to one of the following:Your Facilities TeleTracking Administrator
Local IT Department
Request Permission Update:
Ask them to modify your user permissions to grant access to the "View Options" feature.Once the permission is added you will now be able to see the View options button located in Preadmit Tracking.
Vocera Integration
Vocera devices can be integrated into Capacity IQ to provide one-way communication to users. This service functions as a substitute for traditional paging devices by dispatching notifications to Vocera devices.
Eligibility Requirements for Vocera Integration
To integrate a Vocera system, the following requirements must be met:
Vocera System Version: Minimum version 4.1.
Licensing: Vocera Messaging Interface (VMI) must be licensed.
Device Compatibility: Devices must support expected notifications (e.g., LCD screens and character limits).
Notification Workflow
A notification is generated for a user associated with a Vocera pager.
XT dispatches the user's Vocera ID and the notification text to the Vocera system.
The Vocera system manages message delivery using the Vocera ID to link the message to the user's current device.
Setup Requirements for Vocera Integration
1. System Configuration
Enable Vocera integration in the Master Configuration of Capacity IQ.
2. Vocera Paging Service Setup
Create a paging service for the Vocera system within the Capacity Management Administration page > Device Management, using the IP address of the Vocera server.
3. Device Assignment
Assign at least one pager to the Vocera paging service within the Capacity Management Administration page > Devices.
User Configuration
Each user requiring Vocera notifications must have the following setup:
Pager Association: Associate the user account with the Vocera pager created in the Capacity Management Administration page.
Vocera ID: Update the user's account to include their Vocera ID in the designated field.
VOX Files
Recorded Special Instructions in IVR
Transport requesters with the Record Special Instructions permission can call into the IVR to leave recorded instructions for transporters. These instructions are stored as VOX files and saved in the database within the VoxMessage and VoxMessageLanguage tables. When the transport job is completed and archived, the files are moved to the archived database.
Key Differences from Legacy System
XT Application: VOX files are stored in the database.
Legacy System: VOX files are stored on the local application server.
Listening to VOX Files
To listen to a VOX file, you need:
IVR Voice File Type Code: Corresponds to the type of entity (e.g., campus or location).
IVR ID Code: Configured for each entity in the Capacity Management Administration page or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management.
Steps to Access VOX Files
Sign in and select the Maintenance menu.
On the Maintenance menu, press 4.
Enter the IVR voice file type code and the IVR ID code, then press #.
Example: Enter 1101111 to access a file for a campus with IVR ID 1111.
The voice file plays.
To hear another file, repeat step 3, or press # to end the call.
Note: If an incorrect code is entered, the system will prompt: "Invalid entry. Please check VOX file type and IVR ID."
Recording VOX Files
To record a new VOX file:
Sign in and select the Maintenance menu.
On the Maintenance menu, press 5.
Enter the IVR voice file type code and IVR ID code, then press #.
Example: Enter 1101111 to record a file for a campus with IVR ID 1111.
When prompted, record the name of the entity.
Options for Existing Files
Press 1: Record over the existing VOX file.
Press 2: Record a different VOX file.
Press #: End the process.
Post-Recording Options
Press 1: Accept the file and continue.
Press 2: Listen to the recorded file.
Press 3: Record again.
Press #: End the process.
IVR Maintenance Voice File Type Codes for the BedTracking® Application
If you have permission to listen to or record IVR voice files (VOX files) you will need to know the following voice file type codes. You will be prompted to enter them when recording or listening to IVR voice files. Each voice file type (for example, campus, employee, or section) has a different file type code.
File type codes beginning with... | Are related to... |
10 | Locations |
20 | Users |
30 | Transport |
40 | Beds |
Note: Voice files for break reasons and patients do not have file type codes.
For this file type... | When prompted for a file type code, enter... |
Campus | 110 |
Employee | 200 |
Location | 120 |
Reason Code | 350 |
Section | 140 |
Zone | 130 |
Bed Size | 410 |
Bed Status | 420 |
Spill Clean | 430 |