On the Cases List you are able to adjust the displayed columns per filter, (Active, Upcoming, Completed). This is generally used by management to set standards for what fields should be used for locating patients, or what fields the TransferCenter staff may frequently need to see at a glance.
We’ll cover the column selection options, saving the default view, and resetting the view.
Default Views
Each time you sign in, the default columns appear on the Cases list, Referrals list or Transfer > Referrals list.
Show/Hide Columns
Navigate to the Active Case List under Access > Cases > Active
Click on the Show/Hide Columns button located on the right
You’ll then see a long list of all the selected columns. Use the Checkboxes to show and hide the columns you want to display.
Once you’re done click Update to push the changes through.
You’ll see your columns update on the Active list on the far right.
You can drag and drop your columns wherever you like.
Using Select All/Unselect All
Select the Show/Hide Columns icon at the top right of the page to display the Show/Hide Columns dialog box.
Select the boxes next to the names of columns that you want to appear on the list or select Select All to select all of the columns at once.
Clear the boxes next to the columns that you do not want to appear on the list or select Unselect All to clear the check boxes for all of the columns at once.
The options in the list may appear differently depending on your role in the TeleTracking IQ® platform.
Best Practices
Saving Default View
Ensure you are on the appropriate Tab that you want to update, (Active, Upcoming, Completed)
Select Save Default View to lock in your column changes. You can only do this if you have an Admin role.
Resetting to Default
If you’d like to revert your changes and return to default, select Reset to Default