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Default List Views - Transfer IQ®
Default List Views - Transfer IQ®

Transfer default list views and management

Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 6 months ago


What Are Default List Views?

  • Administrators can set a standard view of the Active cases, Upcoming cases, Completed cases, and Transfers > Referrals lists for all patient placement specialists to use and a standard view of the Referrals list for external care providers to use.

Who Can Configure Default List Views?

  • Administrators who also have patient placement specialist roles can configure the default view for the Cases list and the Transfers > Referrals list.

  • Administrators who also have external care provider roles can configure the default view for the Referrals list.

Why Manage Default List Views?

  • Different organizations have their own workflows and best practices which determine what information is most valuable to the patient placement specialists and external care providers working there. Administrators can help the users be immediately productive by setting the list views to display the columns, sorting, filtering, and sizing that is useful to them. Users do not have to spend a lot of time changing their list view to display the information that is important to them before they can get to work.

What Can Be Managed?

  • On the Active, Upcoming, Completed Cases lists, the Transfers > Referrals list, and the Referrals list administrators can select which columns appear, the order of columns, column width, the column by which the list is sorted, and the direction of the sort. In addition, administrators can apply one or more text search filters to the column information to only display cases in which that text appears.

What Appears If the Default View Is Not Configured?

  • TeleTracking supplies a selection of columns as a base default list view which is not customized to a specific organization's workflow or preferences. If the administrator has not configured a default view for the organization, the base default list view appears.

    • To learn which columns appear on the base default Cases list, see What Information Appears on the Base Default Cases List?

    • To learn which columns appear on the base default Transfers > Referrals list, see What Information Appears on the Base Default Transfers > Referrals List?

    • To learn which columns appear on the base default Referrals list, see What Information Appears on the Base Default Referrals List in the Community Access™ Portal

Create Default List Views

  • Do one of the following depending on the list you want to configure:

    • Go to Access > Referrals to display the Referrals list.

    • Go to Access > Transfers, and then select one of the following to display the list view that you want to configure:

    • In the filter section, select Active, Upcoming, or Completed to display only those types of cases on the Cases list. See Filter the Cases List by Type of Case.

    • Select the Referrals tab to display the Transfers > Referrals list. See How to View the Referrals List.

  1. Select the Show/Hide Columns icon () at the top right of the page and select the columns that you want to appear on the list.

  2. Move the columns to put them in the order that you want. See Re-Order Columns in the Cases or Transfers > Referrals lists or Re-Order List Columns in the Referrals list.

  3. Make the columns the size that you want by holding your mouse over the column border and dragging it when the double arrow appears.

  4. Display the columns in the sorting order that you want by selecting the column heading. See Sort the Case List or Sort Referrals.

  5. Apply column search filters to display the cases that you want. See Search the Case List for the Cases or Transfers > Referrals lists or Search Referrals the Referrals list.

  6. When the list view is configured the way that you want, select Save Default View followed by the tab name () at the top right of the list. The tab names on the Cases list are Active, Upcoming, and Completed. On the Referrals and the Transfers > Referrals lists, select Save Default View (without a tab name).

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  • Users will see the default view that you configured the next time they sign in and go to that list view. Users can change the configuration of the list, but the next time that they sign in they will see the default view that you created.

Edit Default List Views

  • Go to the list view that you want to edit and follow the same procedure as described above.

Reset Default List Views

  • You can return to the most recent default list view after you have customized the list.

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  1. Go to the Cases list, the Transfers > Referrals list, or the Referrals list.

  2. Select Reset To Default ()in the top right corner of the list.

  3. The list returns to the most recent default configuration. If you have not yet set a default configuration, the list view returns to the selection of columns provided by TeleTracking as a base default list view. The base default list view is not customized to a specific organization's workflow or preferences.

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