The Patient Audit report displays information about changes to patient records. This information is helpful when you are trying to determine the history of the patient.
The Patient audit report is found using the following path:
Standard Reports > HIPAA > Patient Audit
Prerequisite for running the patient audit report
Here we will go over filling in the necessary information to run a patient audit report.
Selecting the Database
We will need to choose between:
Production Database
Archive Database
Production Database should be used to pull information for the past 7 days.
Archive Database would be used to pull all data prior to the 7 day Production period.
Selecting the Campus
The next step would be to pick the campus for which we will be running the report.
Selecting the Date Time Range
The user who generates the report selects a date range. Only actions that occur between that date range appear on the report. The dates of the actions are called event dates.
Reports can be run in the following ranges:
Yearly (not recommended as it could cause system performance issues while the data is being gathered)
Selecting the Patient
Search for the patient by using the magnifying glass.
Only patients associated with the campus that was selected when the report was generated appear.
You can search for patients by the following;
Last Name
First Name
Visit Number
Once you have the patient info entered in the filter string hit GO
You will now have a list of patients or just your patient showing.
Check the box for the patient you need and hit selected patients.
Your patient is now populated.
Show Detail
You can decide if you need to show detail for your patient.
If you select Yes, you will see:
+ or - (To see details of changes to a patient record based on an event)
Event Date (The date and time that the action occurred in local time)
Source (How the change was made)
Request and Action (The event that occurred or action that was taken.)
MRN and Visit Number (The patient’s medical record number and visit number)
XT Patient ID (A number used in the database to associate the patient with their information.)
Patient Status (The patient's status as a result of the action)
Home Location Type (Whether the patient's home location is a Home Non-Holding bed or a Home Holding bed)
Assigned Bed (The bed to which the patient has been assigned)
Admit Date (The date that the patient was actually admitted)
Expected Admit Date (The date the patient was expected to be admitted)
User (The name and IVR ID of the user who made the change)
Transport Job Details (For a completed transport job, the patient's name, medical record number and visit number; the job's origin and destination; the job number; the dates and times that the job was created, entered Pending status, and entered In Progress status; and the requester's name and base location)
HL7 Message (If there is an HL7 message associated with the event, then a message segment and field appear in this column)
Chameleon XML (If there is an HL7 message associated with the event, then <Chameleon Import> appears in this column)
Payor (A list of all the payors for a patient. Up to three payors will be listed in order of priority)
Field (The fields in the patient record)
Result (The change to a field as a result of an event)
Previous Value (The information that was associated previously with the field that was changed)
Changed (If the Previous Value column and the Result column show two different values , then Yes appears in the Changed column)
If you select No, you will see:
Patient Name (The patient's last and first name)
MRN and Visit Number (The patient’s medical record number and visit number)
Date (The date and time that the action occurred in local time)
Request and Action (The event that occurred or action that was taken.)
Change (The type of information that was changed)
Old Value (The information before the change was made)
New Value (The information after the change was made)
Access Type (How the change was made)
User (The name and IVR ID of the user who made the change)
Payor (A list of all the payors for a patient)
Include All RTLS Location Changes
If the user who generated the report selected Include RTLS Changes, then the events that occur in locations that are defined only in TeleTracking RTLS solutions. are included.
For example, if a patient who has a patient tag is moving through a trackable locations while being transported, this will be included on the report if the Include RTLS Changes option is enabled. This option can be enabled only if the Capacity IQ® system is integrated with Location IQ® solutions
Selecting Output
If the user who generated the report selected output then this is how the report will generate.
Adobe Acrobat
Microsoft Excel
Adobe and Microsoft do not install with the report, you need to have this installed on your computer prior to running the report. If you do not have either of these applications, please contact your internal help desk, so they can install the needed application.
Run Report
Now that everything is populated, you will hit Run Report to generate your report.
Best Practices
Always check to make sure the correct Database is selected.