With the correct permission, you may customize the columns and layouts on the list views. You may use the View Options button on the list views to add or remove columns and determine the order.
TeleTracking cannot complete any user column maintenance. Reach out to your admin or helpdesk for any changes.
Permissions and Membership Required
You must have the Show/Hide/Reorder View Columns permission to perform this task on a list view.
In addition, you must have the permission required to access the list view (for example, the Access Placement List Views permission).
Accessing the List View Columns Dialog Box
On a list view, click View Options.
Customization Rules
Unless you save the console, your customizations are only in effect for the current session.
After you upgrade to version 2018.1, clear your browser cache so that you can see the changes that have been made to the List View Column Selection window.
Column names are categorized in groups. You add a group, and then add column names to the group.
Each group can have a maximum of two rows of column names.
If there are two rows of column names, one row can have multiple column names and the other row can have only one column name.
See Example
When you add a group, it will always be placed to the right of the previous column.
You can move column names between groups, provided you do not exceed the maximum column names allowed in a row.
In the example above, you cannot move a column name from another group to the row that displays Comments. The row above the one with Comments already has multiple column names (Requested, Origin Unit, and Current Loc). Therefore, the row displaying Comments can only have one column name.
To Add or Remove a Group
Access the List View Columns dialog box (available under Preadmit & PatientTracking Portals).
To add a group to the right of an existing group, select the arrow to the right of the group to display a menu, and then select Add.
To remove a group, select the arrow to the right of the group to display a menu, and then select Remove.
Click Save.
To Place a Column Name in a Group:
Access the List View Columns dialog box (Preadmittracking).
To find a column name under Available Columns, begin to type the name in the Filter Columns box.
Drag a column name from Available Columns to the group and the position where you want it to appear under Selected Columns.
Note - If there are two rows in a group, one row can have multiple headings and the other can have only one.
Click Save.
To Move a Column to a Different Group
Access the List View Columns dialog box (Capacity IQ® PreAdmit).
In Selected Columns, drag a column name from one group to another.
Note - If there are two rows in a group, one row can have multiple column headings and the other can have only one.
Click Save.
To Change the Order of a Column in a Group
Access the List View Columns dialog box (Capacity IQ® PreAdmit).
In Selected Columns, select the column name and drag it to a different location in the group.
Click Save.
To Remove a Column Name
Access the List View Columns dialog box (PreAdmit & Patient Tracking Portal).
Drag the column name from Selected Columns to Available Columns.
Click Save
Saving Your Work
Click Save.
Note - The selections that you made will be in place until you end your current session or sign out. To save them permanently, save the console view. A message prompting you to save the console using the Load/Save Console feature appears.