If you have the appropriate permissions and membership, you are able to delete units.
Permissions Needed
You will need to have the following permissions and memberships to delete a unit.
To access the Admin Tool menu or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management, you must have the Admin Tool Menu permission.
To complete this task, you must have the Unit-Cluster Management permission.
You must have Edit rights to make changes. If you have View rights you can see, but not change, information.
You must have Membership Type of All and Administrative Rights enabled.
** TeleTracking® Support is unable to add these permissions and memberships to a users profile. If you are requesting these permissions and memberships you will need to contact your internal Help Desk, or your Health Systems TeleTracking® administrator.
Steps to Delete
Go to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Unit/Zone/Location Management > Units.
In the campus list in the upper-right corner, make sure that you have selected the appropriate campus.
On the Units tab, do one of the following:
Select the check boxes for the units that you want to delete.
To select all units, select the check box in the title bar.
Click Delete Selected Records.
When a confirmation message appears, click OK.
** TeleTracking does not recommend deleting units. We recommend removing any and all permissions from the unit, and adding zzz at the beginning of the units name. All historical data will stay with the unit, and will be available to be reactivated if needed.