The ability to perform tasks such as creating requests for transport jobs, dispatching themselves to a transport job, creating or canceling a bed request, or suspending or canceling a bed cleaning job is controlled by permissions.
Permissions give users rights within applications. Permissions are associated with groups. Groups are associated with roles. Users associated with a role have the permissions of the group that is connected to that role. Finally, the permissions are restricted or dependent on a user's membership.
Note: Although every role must be associated with one group and one application, it is possible that a role could have no groups associated with it for a particular application.
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How Users Receive Permissions
A group is created in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component.
Selected permissions are associated with the group. (If the permissions are related to the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component, then the users will receive either view rights, edit rights, or no rights).
A role is created in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component.
The person creating the role selects a group within a specific application to associate with the role.
When user information is created or edited, the user is placed in a membership and associated with a role.
The user then has all of the permissions associated with the group and the application for the specific areas within the membership.
Flow of Group, Role, and User Permission Assignment
How the assignment of a new permission would happen.
A Group is created and permissions are associated with it
The Role is created and the group is associated with one specific application for that role. Only one group per role can be associated with each application.
The User record is created and placed in a membership.
The Role is given to the user and is effective for their membership. Each user can only have one role per enterprise.
Note(s):If one user has access to multiple campuses but should have different permissions for them, then the system administrators for all of those campuses must work together to determine a set of permissions that is appropriate for all campuses for this user. Then the system administrators must create a role that is associated with a group which includes the agreed-upon permissions for each relevant application and give the role to that user.
If you edit user information and you select a different role for an existing user to give them new permissions, the new permissions will not take effect until the user signs in again. You cannot edit user information while the user is signed in.
The User has the permissions associated with the group for the specific application for the areas included in the membership (for example, the user has those permissions for the Capacity IQ® Transport application for Unit 1, Floor 3, Building J in the main campus).
Permission Effects on Capabilities
We’ll review how groups, roles, and permissions affect user capabilities.
Note: If you edit user information and you select a different role for an existing user to give them new permissions, the new permissions will not take effect until the user signs in again. You cannot edit user information while the user is signed in.
Example Users
Chris Smith, Pat Kelly, and Terry Ramirez are all Capacity IQ® Transport users.
Example Groups
The following are three of the groups that have been created in the Admin Tool.
Transport Group A
Transport Group B
Request Group X
Example Permissions
The following are some of the permissions that each group has:
Transport Group A - Round Trips
Transport Group B - Round Trips, Release Self from Job.
Request Group X - User May View Patient Transports, User May Edit Patient Transports
Example Roles
The following are three of the roles that have been created in the Admin Tool and the groups that they have been associated with for the Capacity IQ® Transport application.
Transporter 1--Associated with Transport Group A
Transporter 2--Associated with Transport Group B
Requester 1--Associated with Request Group X
Example - How the Users Receive Their Permissions
Chris Smith
Chris is placed in a membership that includes Unit 1, of Floor 3 of Building J on the main campus. At this time, Chris is associated with the Transporter 1 role. Due to the Transporter 1 role being associated with Transport Group A, then for the specific areas associated with the membership, Chris can perform round trips, but cannot release themself from the job, create patient transports, or edit patient transports.
Pat Kelly
Pat is placed in a membership that includes Unit 1, of Floor 3, of Building J on the main campus. At this time, Pat is associated with the Transporter 2 role. Due to the Transporter 2 role being associated with Transport Group B, then Pat can both perform round trips and release themself from the job, but cannot create or edit patient transports.
Terry Ramirez
Pat is placed in a membership that includes Unit 1, of Floor 3, of Building J on the main campus. At this time, Terry is associated with the Requester 1 role. Due to the Requester 1 role being associated with Request Group X, then for the specific area of the membership, Terry can view and edit patient transports, but cannot perform round trips or release themself from the job.