Clinical Settings
Clinical or Referrals Settings can be accessed by Administrators or Referring Facility Administrators. Clinical Settings are used to determine if the Diagnosis and Isolation fields should be included in the Clinical Summary section of a referral request. Configuring the Diagnosis and Isolation settings helps to protect the patient's private health information (PHI).
Clinical Settings can be accessed on the Manage Settings page located under Admin > Settings > Platform Settings. The configuration of this section affects which fields are visible in the Clinical Summary section of a referral request.
The Diagnosis field is also included on the Referrals list.
How Clinical Settings Work
Include and Don’t Include Radio buttons appear for both the Diagnosis and Isolation fields.
Only one radio button can be selected per field.
Include — This option displays a field for External Care Providers to enter, edit, and view when creating, editing, or viewing a referral request.
The Include settings are enabled by default.
If included, the Isolation field is required to be filled out in order to successfully submit a referral.
Don't Include — This option prevents the fields for the patient's diagnosis or isolation from appearing when External Care Providers enter, edit, or view a referral request.
This setting also prevents the Diagnosis field from appearing when rows are expanded on the Referrals list.
The user cannot create, edit, or view the patient's diagnosis or isolation with the Don't Include setting enabled.
You must have an administrator or referring facility administrator role to configure settings.
How to Configure Clinical Settings
Go to Admin > Settings > Platform Settings to display the Manage Settings page.
Under Clinical Settings in Diagnosis and in Isolation, select the options that you want.
Select Save to save the new clinical settings that you selected.
The updated Clinical Setting is activated immediately for all referrals.
If the Don't Include option is enabled, previously existing data for the Diagnosis and Isolation fields is removed from the Referrals list and the Create, Edit, and View Referral pages but remains in the database for use in reports.
Clinical Summary
The Clinical summary section is used by External Care Providers when creating a referral. The Clinical Summary section allows clinical details and notes to be entered that summarize the patient’s condition. Providing detailed clinical information during patient transfers enhances patient safety, care continuity, and overall healthcare quality. The information entered by External Care Providers in the Clinical Summary will be reviewed to help determine acceptance into a facility.
The Clinical Summary section is the third section of a Referral Request. It is visible when a referral request is being created, edited, or deleted. Information entered in the Clinical Summary section will populate columns in the Referrals list on the Referrals page and on the Transfer > Referrals list.
How the Clinical Summary Works
Filling out the information in the Clinical Summary section is one step in creating a referral.
The fields in the Clinical Summary section include:
Clinical Details
Diagnosis — The name of the patient’s diagnosis.
This field appears if the Referring Facility Administrator selected the “Include” option for the Diagnosis field in the Clinical Settings.
The options that can be selected for a Diagnosis are populated by the Diagnosis dictionary.
Isolation — The name of the type of isolation that the patient requires.
This field appears if the Referring Facility Administrator selected the “Include” option for the Isolation field in the Clinical Settings.
The options that can be selected for an Isolation type are populated by the Isolation dictionary.
Level of Care — The name of the degree of care that the patient requires.
Examples are Critical and Intermediate.
The options that can be selected for a Level of Care are populated by the Level of Care dictionary.
Clinical Notes — Any additional clinical information that you want the destination facility to know about the patient’s condition.
It is optional to leave a clinical note.
Clinical notes can be up to 255 characters in length.
Examples are vital signs, medicines, and treatments.
When a Referral is imported to the Cases List, the Clinical Summary will automatically populate the associating fields of the transfer case.
External Care Providers can enter or edit the information in the Clinical Summary until a Patient Placement Specialist has moved the referral to the Cases List.
Users with the Patient Placement Specialist (View Only) role can view information entered in the Clinical Summary section.
Enter Clinical Summary
Select Create Referral or open a Referral to Edit.
If the Diagnosis field appears, begin typing the name of the patient’s diagnosis and select it from the list that appears. If it does not appear, move to the next step.
If the Isolation field appears, begin typing the name of the type of isolation that the patient requires and select it from the list that appears. If it does not appear, move to the next step.
If the patient does not require isolation, select None from the list.
Level of Care — Begin typing the name of the degree of care that the patient requires and select it from the list that appears.
Type any Clinical Notes to share with the destination facility.
Proceed to update the Referral information in the other sections on the page.
Select Save Changes or Submit Referral when finished.
Referral IQ® dictionary items are entities that external care providers need when they create and change referrals. Dictionary items can be configured by users with the Administrator or Referring Facility Admin role. Dictionaries are used to define values that can be selected for various fields throughout Referral IQ®.
Dictionaries are located at Admin > Data > Dictionaries.
How Dictionaries Work
The same dictionary items are used for the Transfer IQ® application.
Dictionary items may be configured by the transfer center of the preferred facility.
Some dictionary items may be View only because they are integrated with other systems.
Dictionary items that can be edited have pencil icons in the rows.
Dictionary items that can be deleted have trash can icons in the rows.
Dictionaries can be Imported/Exported by TeleTracking® upon Request.
Dictionary names must be unique.
The External User Management feature allows health systems to expand their reach securely and receive referrals from non-affiliated medical practices by adding functionality for non-affiliated referring facilities to manage their own user accounts. A Referring Facility Admin (RFA) role may be associated to Medical Practice Accounts (MPA) and Facilities and associated with their own identity provider. This user may then create and manage user accounts (other RFAs and External Care Providers) within the MPAs and Facilities that they are associated to. This reduces risk for Health Systems and allows the referring facilities to maintain their own user accounts.
Your Health System can choose to enable this feature by contacting TeleTracking® Support.
How External User Management Works
External Care Provider Role
Makes patient referrals to a preferred facility. Someone in a free-standing clinic who is making an admission request via Referral IQ® would have the External Care Provider role.
External Care Providers do not create users.
Users who are assigned the External Care Provider role can only view and interact with facilities and physicians who are included in the Medical Practice Account mapped to their account.
Referring Facility Admin Role
Can create and manage External Care Providers and other Referring Facility Admin users within the Medical Practice Accounts and Facilities that they are assigned.
They are also required to have the External Care Provider role to submit and view Referrals in Referral IQ®.
Note: Before a user can be assigned to this role, the role must be enabled by TeleTracking.
Upon first implementation, the RFA role will be granted to a Health System Administrator subsequent RFA’s will be managed by that administrator.
Health System Administrators are responsible for user management of subsequent Referring Facility Administrators.
Nonaffiliated Referring Facilities must have federated authentication to access Referral IQ®.
External Medical Practices or Nonaffiliated Referring Facilities are able to manage their own user accounts through their own identity provider.
External Medical Practices are managed by Referring Facility Admin (RFA).
The External Care Provider role is required for Referring Facility Administrators.
You can confirm the External Care Provider feature is enabled by the presence of the Referring Facility Admin role when adding/editing a user.
If an External Care Provider or Referring Facility Admin is assigned an MPA or facility beyond what the assigning RFA has themselves, they will not be able to view/edit the account for that user.
A user with the RFA role can only be assigned the External Care Provider role. If any other roles are assigned a generic error will occur.
Create External Care Provider Users
Go to Admin > Users to display the User Accounts page.
Select Create Account to display the User Account - Create Account page.
In Username, enter the name that the user will sign in to the Operations IQ® Platform with.
For example, csmith
In the Identity Provider field, select the namespace for the service that authenticates the user.
For example, urn:auth0:dev-teletracking-generalhospital
Enter the user's Last Name, Middle Initial, First Name, and Suffix if applicable.
Enter the user's work Email Address.
Note: If a namespace was selected in the Identity Provider field, then the Last Name, First Name, Email Address, and User Role(s) fields are populated by that identity provider. Any values that you enter are temporary and will be over written when the Operations IQ® Platform synchronizes with that identity provider.
In Extension, type a telephone number or extension where the user can be contacted most efficiently at work.
Select the External Care Provider user role to create an External Care Provider.
Begin typing the name of a Medical Practice account to map to the user account in the Medical Practice Account box.
Select a medical practice account from the list that appears.
In the Facilities field, begin typing the name of a facility that you want to associate with the user and select it from the list.
To remove the association, select the X next to the facility name.
To associate the user with another medical practice account, select Add another medical practice account and repeat steps 9-11.
You do not need to select anything in the Associated Facilities drop-down. This is used by another application.
Select Create User.
Integrated Mode
Referral IQ® can be integrated with Capacity IQ® and Transfer IQ®, allowing certain information about a patient’s visit like the bed assignment and patient status to flow back into Referral IQ® after a patient has been admitted to a facility.
Information that comes from other applications will appear inside of the Referral Request and appear in the columns of the Referrals List.
How Integrated Mode Works
There is only certain information that will flow from Capacity IQ® to Referral IQ®.
If the View Admission Details field value was set to Yes for an MPA (Medical Practice Account) during configuration:
The following fields will be integrated into Referral IQ® from Capacity IQ®:
Visit Number, Target Unit, Assigned Bed, Patient Status, Occupied Bed, Admit Date/time, Discharge Date/time
The following fields will not be integrated into Referral IQ® from Capacity IQ®:
Patient Name, Gender, DOB, MRN, SSN, Diagnosis, Isolation, Level of Care, Admitting Physician, Destination Facility, Referring Physician, Referring Facility, Caller Name, Caller Phone, Clinical Notes, Infection Prevention Answer, Preferred Facility, Redirect Reason
NOTE: Admitting physician will only update from Transfer IQ® to Capacity IQ® on the initial case build.
What Happens When Integration with the Transfer IQ® Application Is Restored after an Interruption?
When the integration between the Transfer IQ® application and Referral IQ® is interrupted, information stops flowing between the two applications. A message appears below the page titles of the Referral list, the Admission Details pane, and the Create and Edit pages.
When the integration between the Transfer IQ® application and Referral IQ® is restored, any updates that occurred during the interruption are automatically sent from the Transfer IQ® application to Referral IQ®. The Transfer IQ® application synchronizes created and updated cases and dictionaries, including bed requests, with Referral IQ® until the cases are closed in the Transfer IQ® application. After the cases are closed, bed request information continues to update in the Admission Details pane of Referral IQ®. Referral IQ® also sends to the Transfer IQ® application any updates for referrals that do not have a status of In Progress.
Medical Practice Accounts (MPA)
Medical practice accounts are organizations that refer patients to larger health systems. These accounts can include several facilities and physicians. Medical Practice Accounts define the physicians and facilities in an organization.
Medical Practice Accounts can be configured from Admin > Structure > Medical Practice.
How Medical Practice Accounts Work
You cannot currently delete or deactivate a Medical Practice Account.
When the External Care Provider flag is enabled, Medical Practice Accounts can only be edited/created by TeleTracking.
If the External Care Provider flag is disabled, users with IQ administrator permissions can create/edit medical practice accounts.
Locking down changes of Medical practice accounts is a requirement to manage our Business + Legal requirements appropriately.
You can rename a Medical Practice Account.
Associating facilities to an MPA is restricted but creating/editing facilities is not.
When setting up MPAs:
The physicians that you select appear in the Referring Physician list of the Create and Edit Referral pages.
The facilities that you select appear in the Referring Facilities list of the Create and Edit Referral pages.
From the Medical Practice Accounts page, administrators can:
Configure Medical Practice Accounts
View Medical Practice Account List
View Medical Practice Account Details
Create Medical Practice Accounts
Go to Admin > Structure > Medical Practice to display the Medical Practice Accounts list.
Select +Create Account.
In Medical Practice Name, type the name of the group of facilities and physicians that you want to add.
In Contact Name, type the name of the primary contact person at the medical practice.
In Contact Phone #, type the phone number of the primary contact person at the medical practice.
In Contact Email, type the email address of the primary contact person at the medical practice.
Check the Display patient updates after admission check box to allow all users of this medical practice to see patient status information after admission if desired.
In Referring Facilities, begin typing the name of a referring facility that you want to associate with the medical practice account. The drop-down menu displays the facility name, city, and state. Select a facility from the list. More than one facility may be selected.
Select Create Account.
Navigate to Admin > Structure > Medical Practice
Click on the Medical Practice Name to pull up that practice
Click Edit Account and make your adjustments
Click Save Changes.
Requesting edits to an MPA
Identify what needs to be changed within your nonaffiliated facility/health system.
Consult with your governing health system administrator.
Confirm what is Included/excluded in your existing contracts.
Reach out to TeleTracking Support with a request to edit.
This is used for Application Administrators to provision access to External Facilities to submit Referrals in Referral IQ®.
Add New Referring Facilities
Navigate to the Facility Dictionary
Go to Admin > Data > Dictionaries.
Under Select Dictionary, choose Facility.
Check for duplicates.
Ensure to search to make sure you don’t add excess data for your users to filter through.
Use the Search Name box to go through your current facilities.
Add a Facility.
Select Add Entry in the top right.
Populate at minimum the Name field under Facility Details.
Select Save Changes for the facility to be available for use.
Create a Medical Practice Account.
Configure a Medical Practice Account following the steps in the Creating Medical Practice Accounts section above.
Create a Operations IQ® Platform Account.
Create an External Care Provider user account. Link to Create External Care Provider or Referring Facility Admin Users
Associate Facilities.
External Care Providers can use the National Provider Index to search for a physician when creating or editing a referral. The NPI search feature ensures accuracy when identifying providers, speeds up the process of locating a provider in the system, provides access to more detailed provider data like specialties and contact details, ensures proper documentation of provider information to meet HIPPA standards, and improves patient outcomes by allowing teams to better coordinate care transitions through access to up-to-date provider information.
The NPI Search for new physician feature is available for the Referring Physician or Admitting Physician fields in the Referral Information section of the Referrals page.
How the NPI Search Works
The NPI Search allows you to:
Quickly locate healthcare providers by entering their name or NPI number.
Use various fields (e.g., last name, first name, taxonomy, state) for searching.
At least two characters must be entered in a field to perform a physician search.
When searching by NPI Number, the full 10-digit NPI Number must be entered.
No additional criteria are needed, and they will be ignored if entered. The search will be performed exclusively using the NPI Number.
You are unable to search solely by state. You must enter more information.
View detailed information about providers, including specialties and contact details.
You can hover your mouse over any of the columns in the results grid to get more details.
For example, if part of the address is cut off, you can hover your mouse over the address to display more information.
Easily add new providers to the system if they are not already listed.
The NPI Search automatically syncs with the NPI Registry for up-to-date provider information.
Results can be sorted by relevance or other criteria for easier navigation.
The NPI is only available in the U.S., so the search functionality will only be available to health systems in the U.S.
While fields within the Referral Request Form are labeled with the word Physician, any clinician that has an NPI number can be populated in this field.
When typing a name in a Physician field on the Referral Request form, previously used names will appear in a drop-down menu.
If the desired name isn’t listed or shows a "No Results" message, it means the provider hasn't been used before, and you’ll need to search for them in the NPI repository via the NPI search feature.
When searching by first or last name, results may include physicians with name changes.
For example, searching "Doe" could return "Jane Smith" if her name changed.
Select Search for a new physician.
In the window that appears, populate the fields as desired to set the search criteria.
Click Search.
Review the search results and click Add to select the appropriate physician.
If you are unable to locate the physician/clinician you are looking for, click the Back to Search link and try tweaking your search criteria with a new search.
If you are still unable to locate the provider you are looking for, please start a chat with a TeleTracking® Client Support Team member by clicking “Get More Help”.
Patient Information
The Patient Information section of a referral is crucial in collecting demographic information about a patient. External Care Providers will start with this section when creating a referral for submission or editing existing referral requests. Patient Information will be visible in the referral request to Patient Placement Specialists when placing a patient in a facility. Providing complete and accurate demographic information facilitates a smoother transfer process and enhances patient safety and care continuity.
The Patient Information section is the first section of a Referral Request. It is visible when a referral request is being created, edited, or deleted. Information entered in the Patient Information section will populate columns in the Referrals list on the Referrals page and on the Transfer > Referrals list. This information will also appear on a transfer case in Transfer IQ® or a bed request in Capacity IQ® later in the patient’s care journey if Referral IQ® is set up to integrate with these applications.
How the Patient Information Section Works
The Patient Information section includes the Patient Details fields and the Infection Prevention Question.
Patient Details include the following fields about a patient:
Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial, and Suffix
Date of Birth (DOB)
Medical Record Number (MRN)
Social Security Number (SSN)
The Infection Prevention Question is vital for ensuring patient safety, controlling the spread of diseases, and protecting public health.
External Care Providers should select the radio button (Yes or No) that aligns with the patient’s answer to the following question.
Has the patient (or someone they have been in contact with) traveled outside of the U.S. within the last 21 days?
In the Patient Information section, the following fields are required:
Last Name
First Name
Infection Prevention Question
If the required sections are not completed, the referral request will not be submitted.
Red messages will appear on any missed required information.
Upon completing this information, the referral can be successfully submitted.
The information in the Patient Details section of a referral can be edited by an External Care Provider until a Patient Placement Specialist adds the referral request as a transfer case to their Cases List.
Upon submitting a referral, Patient Placement Specialists at a Transfer Center will be able to view and edit the information entered in the request.
Patient Placement Specialists will be able to edit the Patient Details if needed.
The Patient Details on a transfer case will be visible in a bed request on Capacity IQ® if it is integrated with the Patient Placement Specialist's instance of Transfer IQ®.
Users with the Patient Placement Specialist (View Only) role can view information entered in the Patient Information section.
Preferred Facility
The Preferred Facility section of a Referral Request allows External Care Providers to enter the name of the Facility that is preferred for the patient. This may or may not be the facility where the patient actually goes. External Care Providers can also enter the name of the physician in the preferred facility who has agreed to accept the referral patient in this section. After a referral has been submitted, Patient Placement Specialists can view the preferred information and take it into consideration when making placement assignments.
The Preferred Facility section is located under the Referral information section of a Referral Request. The information entered may appear in the Referrals list and the Transfer > Referrals list depending on the configuration of the columns.
How the Preferred Facility Section Works
External Care Providers can enter or edit the information in the Preferred Facility section until a Patient Placement Specialist has moved the referral to the Cases List.
The following fields can be filled out in the Preferred Facility Section:
Facility Name — When selecting a facility, begin typing the name of the facility where you want to place the patient and select it from the list that appears.
This selection may or may not be the facility to which the patient goes.
After selecting a facility name, you can select the i icon next to the Facility Name field to view more information about your selection.
A box appears that displays the facility's Address, Phone, Current Date/Time with time zone, Facility Category, Enterprise in hierarchy format, Facility Notes, and Available Service Lines.
If your health system is integrated with multiple instances of the Capacity IQ® solution and the facility is defined in the Capacity IQ® solution, then the Capacity IQ® Instance name also appears.
Admitting Physician — If you know the name of the physician in the preferred facility who has agreed to accept the referral patient, begin typing the physician's name and select it from the list that appears.
If your health system is in the United States and is integrated with the National Provider Identifier (NPI) Registry, the physician's primary taxonomy appears before their city and state in the selection list.
If the name of the physician or clinician does not appear, then the physician does not exist in your health system’s Physician dictionary, and you can use the NPI Search feature to locate them in the system.
After selecting an admitting physician, you can select the i icon next to the Admitting Physician field to view more information about your selection.
A box appears that displays the physician's Clinical Specialties (taxonomies), Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Contact Information, Address, and Physician Notes.
Users with the Patient Placement Specialist (View Only) role can view information entered in the Preferred Facility section.
Referring Facility
The Referring Facility section of a Referral Request allows External Care Providers to enter the name and phone number of the staff member that entered the referral into Referral IQ®, the physician who is requesting the transfer, and the name of the facility requesting the transfer. Patient Placement Specialists may use this information to contact the Requester, Facility, or Physician about a transfer case. Documenting accurate information in the Referring Facility section ensures accountability, facilitates communication, supports continuity of care, meets regulatory compliance, and aids in tracking and auditing patient transfers.
The Referring Facility section is located under the Referral information section of a Referral Request. The information entered may appear in the Referrals list and the Transfer > Referrals list depending on the configuration of the columns.
How the Referring Facility Section Works
External Care Providers can enter or edit the information in the Referring Facility section until a Patient Placement Specialist has moved the referral to the Cases List.
The following fields can be filled out in the Referring Facility Section:
This is the name of the staff member entering the referral request.
It is recommended that you enter the name in "Last Name, First Name" format.
The phone number associated with the requester.
Referring Physician
The name of the physician who requests the transfer.
When entering this value, begin typing the name of the physician and select it from the list that appears.
If your health system is in the United States and is integrated with the National Provider Identifier (NPI) Registry, the physician's primary taxonomy appears before their city and state in the selection list.
If the name of the physician or clinician does not appear, then the physician does not exist in your health system’s Physician dictionary, and you can use the NPI Search feature to locate them in the system.
After selecting a physician, you can select the i icon that appears next to the Physician Name field to display information about the physician.
A box appears that displays the physician's Clinical Specialties (taxonomies), Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Contact Information, Address, and Physician Notes.
Facility Name
The name of the referring facility.
When entering this value, begin typing the name of the facility requesting the transfer and select it from the list that appears.
After selecting a facility, you can select the i icon next to the Facility Name field to display information about the facility.
A box appears that displays the facility's Address, Phone, Current Date/Time with time zone, Facility Category, Enterprise in hierarchy format, Facility Notes, and Available Service Lines.
If your health system is integrated with multiple instances of the Capacity IQ® solution and the facility is defined in the Capacity IQ® solution, then the Capacity IQ® Instance name also appears.
If you have an external care provider role, the facilities in the list when adding a facility:
Belong to the Medical Practice Account for the selection that you made in the My Current Facility filter.
Are associated with you.
If you have an external care provider role and you selected the All My <MPA Name> Facilities option in the My Current Facility filter, then several facilities appear in the Facility drop-down list.
Otherwise, only one facility appears in the drop-down list.
Users with the Patient Placement Specialist (View Only) role can view information entered in the Referring Facility section.
Referring Facility Administrators (RFA)
Referring Facility Administrators create and manage user accounts and configure settings and dictionaries so that Referral IQ® is ready for your health system to create, submit, edit, and view referrals. This reduces risk for Health Systems and allows the referring facilities to maintain their own user accounts.
Your Health System can choose to enable this feature by contacting TeleTracking® Support.
How the Referring Facility Administrator Role Works
The External Care Provider feature must be enabled in order to create Referring Facility Admins.
Referring Facility Admins are able to create other RFA’s within their assigned Medical Practice Accounts (MPA) or the Facilities that they have access to.
Their access is controlled by the governing Health System Administrator
Upon first implementation, the RFA role will be granted to an Health System Administrator subsequent RFA’s will be managed by that administrator.
Health System Administrators are responsible for user management of subsequent Referring Facility Administrators.
Health System Administrators create Referring Facility Admins
Referring Facility Admins create other Referring Facility Admins or External Care Providers
Referring Facility Administrators can perform the following actions:
Set Up Users
User Configuration
Access User Configuration
Create a User
Referring Facility Administrator Overview
Edit a User
Deactivate or Activate Users
Reset Users' Passwords
Configure Medical Practice Accounts
View Medical Practice Accounts List
View Medical Practice Account Details
Create New Medical Practice Accounts
Edit Medical Practice Accounts
Manage Settings
Configure Security Settings
Configure Clinical Settings
Configure the Facility Utilization Setting
Work with Dictionaries
Dictionary Item Configuration
Create Referring Facility Admin Users
Go to Admin > Users to display the User Accounts page.
Select Create Account to display the User Account - Create Account page.
In Username, enter the name that the user will sign in to the Operations IQ® Platform with.
For example, csmith
In the Identity Provider field, select the namespace for the service that authenticates the user.
For example, urn:auth0:dev-teletracking-generalhospital
Enter the user's Last Name, Middle Initial, First Name, and Suffix if applicable.
Enter the user's work Email Address.
Note: If a namespace was selected in the Identity Provider field, then the Last Name, First Name, Email Address, and User Role(s) fields are populated by that identity provider. Any values that you enter are temporary and will be over written when the Operations IQ® Platform synchronizes with that identity provider.
In Extension, type a telephone number or extension where the user can be contacted most efficiently at work.
Select both the External Care Provider and Referring Facility Admin roles to create a Referring Facility Admin.
Both roles must be selected, or an error message will appear.
Begin typing the name of a Medical Practice account to map to the user account in the Medical Practice Account box.
Select a medical practice account from the list that appears.
In the Facilities field, begin typing the name of a facility that you want to associate with the user and select it from the list.
To remove the association, select the X next to the facility name.
To associate the user with another medical practice account, select Add another medical practice account and repeat steps 9-11.
You do not need to select anything in the Associated Facilities drop-down. This is used by another application.
Select Create User.
Referral Information
The Referral Information section contains the Referring Facility, Preferred Facility, and ETA sections of the Referral Request. These sections contain fields that capture where a patient currently is, where they hope to go, and when they are expected to arrive if accepted. External Care Providers can fill out this information when creating or editing a referral request. Patient Placement Specialists will use this information when receiving a referral request and determining the best placement for the patient.
The Referral Information section is the third section of a Referral Request. It is visible when a referral request is being created, edited, or deleted. Information entered in the Referral Information section will populate columns in the Referrals list on the Referrals page and on the Transfer > Referrals list.
How the Referral Information Section Works
External Care Providers can enter or edit the information in the Referral Information section until a Patient Placement Specialist has moved the referral to the Cases List.
Users with the Patient Placement Specialist (View Only) role can view information entered in the Referral Information section.
The following information can be entered in the Referral Information Section:
Referring Facility
This section includes the name and phone number of the staff member that entered the referral into Referral IQ®, the physician who is requesting the transfer, and the name of the facility requesting the transfer.
Preferred Facility
This section includes the name of the Facility that is preferred for the patient and the name of the physician in the preferred facility who has agreed to accept the referral patient in this section.
This is the date and time that the patient is expected to arrive at the preferred facility.
The date/time when the +Create Referral button was selected appears by default.
Selecting Now will insert the current date and time.
A different date can be selected using the calendar tool, or by typing a date in the MM/DD/YYY format.
A different time can be selected by typing the hour and minutes using two digits for each.
For example, enter "01" for the first hour of the day and "06" for the sixth minute of the hour.
If you are using a 12-hour time format, follow the time with "am" or "pm" such as "106pm" for 1:06 pm.
When your cursor moves to the next field, the colon is automatically inserted in the format configured for your health system. If you type a time in 24-hour format, it is reformatted in 12-hour format.
A referral is a request for a patient to be admitted from one healthcare facility to another. For example, a referral request may be created for a patient that needs to be transferred from an urgent care setting to an acute care facility in order to receive a higher level of care. External Care Providers in referring facilities can create referrals in Referral IQ® for submission to the access center of a preferred facility. Patient placement Specialists in the access center of a preferred facility utilizing Transfer IQ® integrated with Referral IQ® can view referral requests and import referrals to the Cases list.
Referrals appear in the Referrals Lists of the Access > Referrals view and on the list on the Referrals tab (Access > Transfers > Referrals).
How Referrals Work
Referrals can be created, submitted, viewed, edited, canceled, and imported.
Users with the Patient Placement Specialist (View Only) role can only view referrals.
After a referral request has been created, it appears in the Referrals List and on the Referrals tab.
The status of the referral determines who can edit it:
Submitted Status: External care providers use Referral IQ® to edit Submitted referrals.
In Progress Status: A Patient Placement Specialist can edit the referral as a case.
When a referral has a status of In Progress, it has been accepted into the destination facility's access center and appears as a case.
Both external care providers and patient placement specialists can cancel a referral that has a Submitted status.
A referral with a status of Cancelled cannot be reactivated.
You must create a new referral.
You may be unable to cancel or withdraw a referral if:
You are in edit mode. You must be in view mode for the option to appear.
The Transfer Case status has been changed from Submitted to In Progress.
This means the Transfer Center Agent has already acknowledged the case and has started to work on it.
The network connection is interrupted.
The Edit Referral button on the View Referrals page and the Save Changes button on the Edit Referral page will be disabled until the connection is restored.
An external care provider user from the referring facility creates a referral and submits it online to the preferred facility via Referral IQ®.
After a Referral is submitted, it appears on the Referrals Lists of the Referrals view and the Transfers > Referrals view with a Request Status of Submitted.
External Care Providers cannot cancel or edit referrals after they have left the Submitted status.
The patient placement specialist in the preferred facility imports the referral into the hospital system.
After a referral has been imported, the Request Status changes to In Progress.
External Care Providers will be unable to make any edits to the case, including withdrawing a referral.
Any changes to the referral submission must be called into the Transfer Center for the health system in which you are submitting the request.
An External care providers can track a case's progress up to the point that the patient is admitted to a facility.
If integrated with Capacity IQ®, cases can be monitored up to the point that a patient is discharged.
If a transfer case that is created has a referring facility that is associated with a medical practice account, the case generates a referral on the referring facility's Referral list with an In Progress status.
The case also appears on the preferred facility's Cases list as an active case.
When a network connection is interrupted, you cannot create referrals.
The Create Referral button on the Referrals list is disabled.
On the Create Referral page, the Submit Referral button is disabled.
When a network connection is interrupted, you cannot cancel referrals.
The Withdraw Referral button on the View Referral details page is disabled.
Importing referrals means that the requests listed on the Referrals tab are accepted from Referral IQ® into the Transfer IQ® application.
From there, the referral can be processed as a transfer case.
The patient can be admitted to the preferred facility or placed in a different facility.
If you are responsible for managing more than one facility or medical practice account, the My Current Facility Drop-down will appear at the top of the screen.
This drop-down can be used to limit the Referrals that appear on the Referrals view to only those from the selected facility or group of facilities.
If you only manage one facility, the My Current Facility dropdown will not appear.
The application recognizes that you're associated with just one facility and will load the corresponding list of referrals.
Create Referrals
Go to Access > Referrals to display the Referrals list and proceed as described in the following steps.
If the My Current Facility filter appears, select at least one facility in the list to display referrals from that facility.
Select Create Referral.
Fill out each section with as much detail as possible, with the required fields at a minimum.
Upload any documents needed.
Select Submit Referral.
View Referral Details
Go to Access > Referrals or Access > Transfers Referrals to display the Referrals list.
If the My Current Facility filter appears, select at least one facility in the list to display referrals from that facility.
Select the view icon in the first column of the referral that you want to see.
The View Referral page appears, displaying all of the details about the referral.
The Referral Status appears above the Patient Information section.
Edit Submitted Referrals
Go to Access > Referrals to display the Referrals list.
If the My Current Facility filter appears, select at least one facility in the list to display referrals from that facility.
Select the edit (pencil) icon in the first column of a referral that has a status of Submitted.
Make changes as needed.
Select Save Changes.
Cancel Submitted Referrals
Go to Access > Referrals to display the Referrals list.
If the My Current Facility filter appears, select at least one facility in the list to display referrals from that facility.
Locate a submitted referral that you want to cancel in the Referrals List.
Select the View icon in that referrals row.
Select Withdraw Referral.
Select Yes, Withdraw Referral to confirm the cancellation.
Using the My Current Facility Drop-down
Click the arrow to expand the My Current Facility Drop-down.
Select the Appropriate Facility:
You can opt to see patients from a single facility or all facilities associated with your medical practice account.
Remember, the patient list will show patients being requested to transfer OUT of the selected facility or facilities.
Referrals List
The Referrals list displays all patients who have been referred to the health system's access center by community care providers, such as physician offices, clinics, or emergency rooms. These referrals can be created by facilities within community medical practice accounts or directly by the health system's access center. Each row in the list represents a single patient's referral, with information from the referral fields appearing in various columns, where each column corresponds to a specific referral detail. The configuration of the default view of the Referrals list is determined by the system administrator, ensuring that relevant data is displayed for easy tracking and management of patient referrals.
You can view the Referral list by clicking Access > Referrals
How the Referral List Works
Who Can View the Referrals List?
The administrator in your TeleTracking solution assigns specific roles to users. If you are assigned the External Care Provider role, you can view referrals from all the facilities you are associated with, provided that those facilities are selected in the My Current Facility filter.
External Care Providers can access referrals from their associated facilities.
If you are assigned the Patient Placement Specialist role, and your health system integrates the Transfer IQ® application with Referral IQ® on the Operations IQ® Platform, you can view referrals from referring facilities across all medical practice accounts linked to your health system.
Patient Placement Specialists can access referrals from all associated medical practice accounts.
Note: If a field has more information than is visible, ellipses (...) appear next to it. You can hover over the field to see the complete information in a tooltip.
Why View the Referrals List?
As an External Care Provider, you view the Referrals list to submit patient referrals to other facilities and track the progress of the referrals. As a Patient Placement Specialist, you view the Referrals list to import referrals into your health system. The Referrals list lets users with either role see at a glance the most recent information concerning patient referrals. The list is comprehensive because both users with External Care Provider roles in the referring facility and users with Patient Placement Specialist roles in the access center of the preferred facility can create the referrals. The list of information updates every 30 seconds. Depending on your role, you can sort, view, expand, edit, import, or cancel referrals and view cancellation reasons.
How to View the Referrals List
To view the Referrals list, follow these steps based on your role:
External Care Provider role: Navigate to Access > Referrals to display the Referrals list.
Patient Placement Specialist role: Select Access > Transfers to open the Worklist page > Cases list. If your health system has the Transfer IQ® application integrated with Referral IQ®, select the Referrals tab to display the Referrals list.
Additional Options:
My Current Facility field: If you are an External Care Provider, you might see this field after signing in. Select a specific facility or the All My Facilities option to view relevant referrals.
One facility in one Medical Practice Account: The My Current Facility filter does not appear, and referrals for your facility will display automatically.
Multiple facilities in a Medical Practice Account: You can choose to display:
One facility (choose the facility’s name).
All facilities (select All My [Medical Practice Account Name] Facilities).
More than one Medical Practice Account: You can select from the following:
A single facility from one account.
All facilities in one Medical Practice Account.
Note: Facilities are listed under their Medical Practice Account names in the My Current Facility dropdown list. Patient Placement Specialists with Transfer IQ® integration automatically view all referrals without needing to select facilities, as the My Current Facility field will not appear.
Why View the Referrals List?
As an External Care Provider, you use the Referrals list to submit patient referrals to other facilities and monitor their progress.
As a Patient Placement Specialist, you access the Referrals list to import referrals into your health system.
The Referrals list provides both roles with up-to-date information about patient referrals, allowing for easy tracking and management. Since both External Care Providers in referring facilities and Patient Placement Specialists in the access center of the preferred facility can create referrals, the list is comprehensive. The information refreshes every 30 seconds, and depending on your role, you can sort, view, expand, edit, import, or cancel referrals and also view reasons for cancellations.
Administrators have the capability to configure a standard view of the referrals list for all external care providers, which can significantly enhance workflow efficiency. By establishing default list views, external care providers save time that would otherwise be spent individually adjusting their list views to highlight the most relevant information for their medical practice accounts.
External Care Provider Role: Users can create referrals, edit them before submission, and submit them to the preferred facility within the health system.
Administrator Role: Users can create, modify, and delete medical practice accounts, configure facility utilization, adjust security and clinical settings, and manage account information for external care providers.
Manage Default List Views
What Are Default List Views?
Default list views are pre-configured displays of referral data that administrators can establish for external care providers. These views help streamline the user experience by presenting essential information in a readily accessible format, allowing users to quickly find and act on relevant referral data.
What Appears If the Default View Is Not Configured?
In the absence of a configured default view, users may be required to manually set up their referral lists each time they log into the system. This lack of standardization can lead to inefficiencies and increased time spent navigating through referral data.
Why Manage Default List Views?
Effectively managing default list views ensures that all external care providers have consistent and efficient access to important referral data tailored to their specific workflow requirements. This consistency enhances operational efficiency and helps facilitate better patient care.
What Can Be Managed?
Administrators have the authority to create, edit, and reset default list views as necessary. This flexibility allows them to adapt the views to meet the evolving needs of the healthcare environment and ensure that external care providers have access to the most relevant and current information.
Create Default List Views
To create default list views, administrators can select specific fields and configurations that align with the workflow requirements of external care providers. This customization ensures that the displayed information is relevant and useful for users in managing referrals efficiently.
Edit Default List Views
Existing default list views can be modified to better suit changing operational needs or to incorporate new data elements. This flexibility allows administrators to keep the views aligned with current practices and ensure that external care providers have access to the most pertinent information.
Reset Default List Views
If necessary, default list views can be reset to their original configurations, allowing administrators to revert to previously established settings. This feature is helpful in cases where changes may not have achieved the desired outcome or when a standard view is needed across the board.
What Information Appears on the Base Default Cases List?
Information on the base default cases list typically includes referral-related data essential for managing patient transfers and referrals. This data helps users monitor the status of referrals and facilitate effective patient care.
Additional Notes
When users access the Referrals list, they have the option to display either one or all facilities associated with their medical practice account. The information shown will be limited to facilities within a single medical practice account at any given time.
What Information Appears on the Base Default Cases List?
The base default cases list typically includes essential referral-related data for managing patient transfers and referrals. This data can encompass:
Patient Information: Name, identification number, Gender, DOB, Age, MRN, SS, and Infection Prevention.
Referral Details: Referral date, status, and priority level.
Facility Information: Name and location of the Referring and Preferred facilities.
Clinical Details: Diagnosis, isolation, level of care, and any pertinent clinical notes.
Additional Notes
When users access the Referrals list, they can select one or all facilities associated with their medical practice account. The information displayed will be limited to facilities within a single medical practice account at any given time. This ensures that users can focus on the most relevant data for their specific workflow and operational needs.
Reset the List to the Default View
Administrators have the capability to set a standard view of the Referrals lists for all external care providers. This includes configuring:
Visible Columns: Choose which columns appear in the list.
Column Order: Arrange the order in which the columns are displayed.
Column Width: Adjust the width of each column for optimal viewing.
Sorting Options: Select the column by which the list is sorted and the sort direction (ascending or descending).
Text Search Filters: Enter specific text filters to only display cases containing that text.
Column Drop-Down Filters: Choose one or more filters from the column drop-down list to refine the displayed cases based on selected data.
Steps to Reset the List to the Default View
Access the Referrals List: Navigate to the Referrals list in your TeleTracking application.
Select Reset To Default: Click on the Reset To Default icon (typically represented by an icon such as a gear or reset symbol) located in the top right corner of the list.
Default Configuration Restored: The list will return to the administrator's default configuration, displaying the pre-defined columns and settings established for all external care providers.
In the Cases or Referrals List, you can customize the displayed columns based on different filters (Active, Upcoming, Completed). This feature is particularly useful for management to establish standards regarding which fields are essential for locating patients or what information the staff may need to view quickly.
Default Views
Upon signing in, the default columns are automatically displayed on the Cases list, Referrals list, or Transfer > Referrals list.
Using Select All/Unselect All
Open the Column Selection Dialog:
Click the Show/Hide Columns icon at the top right of the page. This action will open the Show/Hide Columns dialog box.Select Columns to Display:
To choose the columns you want to appear on the list, check the boxes next to the column names.
To select all columns at once, click Select All.
Deselect Columns:
To remove columns from the list, uncheck the boxes next to the columns you wish to hide.
To clear all selections at once, click Unselect All.
Note: The available options in the list may vary depending on your role within Referral IQ®.
Resetting to Default
If you wish to revert any changes made to your column selections and return to the default view:
Click Reset to Default in the column selection dialog. This action will restore the original column settings established by the administrator.
Best Practices
You must select at least one column to appear on the list.
Select Update to return to the list. Your changes to the column selections appear in the list. Columns that you added appear at the far right of the list.
Differ to any standards set by your Health System before adjusting the view
Add or Remove List Columns
You can add or remove any column to customize your Cases and Referrals lists. Each time you sign in, the default columns appear on the Cases list, Referrals list, or Transfer > Referrals list. See one of the following as appropriate:
Here is what Information Appears on the Cases List?
Here is what Information Appears on the Base Default Transfers > Referrals List
Here is what Information Appears on the Base Default Referrals List in Referral IQ®.
Access the Show/Hide Columns Dialog:
Click the Show/Hide Columns icon located at the right side of the page. This action will open the Show/Hide Columns dialog box.
The available options in this dialog may vary based on your role within the Operations IQ® Platform.
Select Columns to Display:
To Add Columns: Check the boxes next to the names of the columns you wish to add to your list. Alternatively, you can select Select All to add all available columns at once.
To Remove Columns: Uncheck the boxes next to the columns you do not want to display. You can also choose Unselect All to remove all columns at once.
Note: You must select at least one column for the list to display properly.
Apply Changes:
After making your selections, click Update to return to the list. Your changes will be applied, and any newly added columns will appear at the far right of the list.
By customizing your column views, you can tailor the information displayed to better suit your workflow and operational needs.
Resize List Columns
Hold your mouse on the border between two columns.
When the double-headed arrow appears, select and drag the column border to the width that you want.
Re-Order List Columns
You can move any column to customize your Referrals list.
Select a column heading and drag and drop it in a different location on the list view.
Note: When you sort, search, filter, add or delete columns, set column widths, and re-order columns, your settings remain until you sign out.
What Information Appears on the Referrals List?
Columns that You Can Add to the Referrals List
You can add any of the following columns to the Referrals list if they do not appear by default. The columns that you add appear on the Referrals list after the default columns. See "Add or Remove List Columns" starts on page 1.
Caller Name – The name of an employee in the referring facility who contacted the health system to request a patient transfer.
Caller Phone – The phone number of an employee in the referring facility who contacted the health system to request a patient transfer. The extension appears if it exists in the dictionary.
Clinical Notes – Clinical information that is important for the destination facility to know about the patient’s condition. This column appears by default for users with the Patient Placement Specialist role.
DOB – The date that the patient was born.
ISO Type – The name of the type of isolation that the patient requires. This column appears by default for users with the Patient Placement Specialist role.
Infection Prevention – The answer to the question: "Has the patient (or someone they have been in contact with) traveled outside of the U.S. within the last 21 days?" This field only appears for users in the U.S. A check appears for "Yes." Double dashes (--) appear for "No."
Level of Care – The degree of care that the patient requires such as Critical, Acute, Intermediate. This column appears by default for users with the Patient Placement Specialist role.
MRN – The medical record number associated with the patient.
Preferred Facility – The facility that is preferred for the patient. This may or may not be the facility where the patient actually goes. This column appears by default for users with the Patient Placement Specialist role.
Redirect Reason – The reason that the preferred location does not accept the patient such as Capacity, Equipment. Users with the External Care Provider role can add this column.
SSN – The social security identifier that is associated with the patient.
What Information Appears on the Base Default Transfers > Referrals List?
Each row on the Transfers > Referrals list describes one referral. Each column describes one field for the referrals.
What Information Appears on the Base Default Referrals List in Referral IQ®?
TeleTracking® supplies a selection of columns as a base default list view which is not customized to a specific organization's workflow or preferences. You can accept this base default selection of columns or you can add and delete columns to create a default Referrals list that is customized for your organization. The base default selection of columns for the Referrals list includes the following:
Created Date/Time – The date and time that the referral was created or imported to the Cases list from the Referrals list.
Patient Name – The patient's name in the last name, first name, middle initial, and suffix format.
Gender – The patient's gender appears on a color-coded background. The female appears as F on a pink background. The male appears as M on a blue background. Unknown appears as U on a gray background.
Age – The patient's age. The application automatically calculates and displays the patient's age when the date of birth is entered in the case details page.
Diagnosis – A medical provider's identification of the patient's condition, disease, or injury from evaluating the symptoms. Multiple diagnoses appear separated by commas in primary, and secondary order.
Referring Physician – The full name of the physician who requests the transfer for the patient in last name, first name, middle initial, and suffix format.
Referring Facility – The name of the facility that requests to transfer one of its patients.
Destination Facility – The facility that actually admits the patient. This column only appears by default for users with the External Care Provider role.
ETA – The estimated date and time that the patient is expected to arrive at the destination facility. This column only appears by default for users with the External Care Provider role.
Admitting Physician – The name of the physician who agrees to admit the patient into the destination facility in last name, first name, middle initial, and suffix format. This column only appears by default for users with the External Care Provider role.
Status – Displays the referral's status (Submitted, In Progress, Cancelled) until the Transfer IQ® application sends the Case Disposition which then appears.
Target Unit – The unit that is preferred for the patient as appears in the destination facility bed request. Users with the External Care Provider role can add this column.
Assigned Bed – The identifier for the bed assigned to the patient appears on a color-coded background that signifies the state of the bed such as Blocked, Clean, Clean Next, Delayed, Dirty, In Progress, Occupied, Stat, Suspended, Udef8, Udef9, Clean Spill. This column only appears by default for users with the External Care Provider role.
Patient Status – After a referral has been accepted and a bed request has been made, the patient is in preadmit status. If the value "NA" appears in the column no data is available from the destination facility because it does not have the Capacity IQ® solution. This column only appears by default for users with the External Care Provider role. Options are preadmit, admitted, discharged, or canceled.
Occupied Bed – The identifier for the bed that is the patient's Home Location in the Capacity IQ® solution. If the value "NA" appears in the column no data is available from the destination facility because it does not have the Capacity IQ® solution. This column only appears by default for users with the External Care Provider role.
Admit Date/Time – The date and time that the patient was admitted to the destination facility. If the value "NA" appears in the column no data is available from the destination facility because it does not have the Capacity IQ® solution. Users with the External Care Provider role can add this column.
Discharge Date/Time – The date and time that the destination facility discharged the patient. If the value "NA" appears in the column no data is available from the destination facility because it does not have the Capacity IQ® solution. Users with the External Care Provider role can add this column.
Visit Number – The identifying number for the patient's visit to the destination facility. Users with the External Care Provider role can add this column.
Columns that You Can Add to the Base Referrals List in Referral IQ®
You can add any of the following columns to the Referrals list if they do not appear by default. The columns that you add appear on the Referrals list after the default columns. See Add or Remove List Columns.
Caller Name – The name of an employee in the referring facility who contacted the health system to request a patient transfer.
Caller Phone – The phone number of an employee in the referring facility who contacted the health system to request a patient transfer. The extension appears if it exists in the dictionary.
Clinical Notes – Clinical information that is important for the destination facility to know about the patient’s condition. This column appears by default for users with the Patient Placement Specialist role.
DOB – The date that the patient was born.
ISO Type – The name of the type of isolation that the patient requires. This column appears by default for users with the Patient Placement Specialist role.
Infection Prevention – The answer to the question: "Has the patient (or someone they have been in contact with) traveled outside of the U.S. within the last 21 days?" This field only appears for users in the U.S. A check appears for "Yes." Double dashes (--) appear for "No."
Level of Care – The degree of care that the patient requires such as Critical, Acute, Intermediate. This column appears by default for users with the Patient Placement Specialist role.
MRN – The medical record number associated with the patient.
Preferred Facility – The facility that is preferred for the patient. This may or may not be the facility where the patient actually goes. This column appears by default for users with the Patient Placement Specialist role.
Redirect Reason – The redirect reason for the preferred facility. If no preferred facility is documented this column will remain blank. Users with the External Care Provider role can add this column.
SSN – The social security identifier that is associated with the patient.
Show & Hide Columns
You can easily customize which columns are displayed or hidden on your Cases and Referrals lists. Follow these steps to make your selections:
Access the Column Button:
Select or Unselect Column Headings:
Scroll through the list of column headings.
To show a column, place a checkmark next to its name.
To hide a column, click again on the checkmark to remove it.
Use Select All/Unselect All Options:
If you want to quickly select or deselect all columns, you can use the Select All or Unselect All options located below the show/hide columns title.
Update Your Selections:
Important Notes
Administrative Permissions: While you can customize the column layout, only users with administrative permissions can save these changes.
Default Settings: If you do not have admin rights, your custom layout will not be saved. Once you log out, the layout will revert to the original default settings. The next time you log in, the default layout will be displayed.
The Referrals Tab displays a list of Referral Requests that have been submitted by External Care Providers. Patient Placement Specialists can view the list, import referrals to the Cases list, and open imported referrals to work on them as transfer cases. This tab is crucial for managing patient transfers efficiently, ensuring timely communication, and organization of referral requests.
If your health system has the Transfer IQ® application on the Operations IQ® Platform integrated with Referral IQ®, the Referrals tab appears next to the Cases tab on the Access > Transfers view.
How the Referrals Tab Works
After a referral request has been created, it appears on the Referrals tab.
Users with the Patient Placement Specialist (View Only) role can only view the referrals list on the Referrals tab.
Bed request and discharge information appear in Referral IQ® Referral list columns if the administrator for the medical practice account has activated the View Admission Details setting.
When importing referrals, it may be helpful to use column filters and the Add to Case List button to pull over multiple referral requests of a certain type at once.
Patient placement specialists see an orange flag icon on the Referrals tab when there are referrals with a Submitted status waiting to be imported.
The Referrals tab also displays the number of submitted referrals in parentheses.
The count of referrals updates every 30 seconds.
The columns on the Referrals List of the Referrals Tab function in the same way as the Referrals List on the Access > Referrals view.
The columns can be re-ordered, re-sized, filtered, shown, hidden, or used to sort the Referrals list.
The Referrals list is automatically sorted chronologically by the created date, with the most recent entries appearing at the top by default.
A base view of the columns is supplied by TeleTracking® but administrators can configure and save a default view that will be applied to all Patient Placement Specialists using the application.
Patient Placement Specialists can temporarily customize their view by re-ordering, re-sizing, filtering, sorting, showing, or hiding columns, but cannot save their view.
After logging out and back into the application the columns will be reset to the default view.
The Reset to Default feature allows Patient Placement Specialists to return their view to the default view.
The Referrals displayed in the list on the Referrals tab will vary based on the dates selected in the Date filter.
You can filter Referrals by the following:
Created Date
You can filter by the Created Date or ETA date range alone or together.
You can apply one filter and then apply the other filter to the resulting list of referrals.
If you need to search again or adjust your filters you will need to select clear filter.
The dates that you enter remain in the filter fields until you select clear filter or until you sign out.
Select the Clear filter to clear the dates that you entered and display the full list of referrals.
Column Filters can be used to further limit the results that appear.
Each column that can be searched will display a search box below the column heading.
If a column doesn’t have a search box, it means that column cannot be searched (e.g., Clinical Note and Requester Phone columns).
If you currently see information at the top of the columns, there is a filter in place for the column.
To remove an applied filter, click the X on the filter.
If a column contains a triangle in the column header, the Referrals that appear in the list can be sorted by that column.
Filter by Created Date
Select Created Date in the Filter by options.
Type a date or use the calendar tool to select a date that is the beginning of the created date range or select Today to put today's date in both Filters by fields.
If you want an end date that differs from the current date, in the field next to “to”, type a date or use the calendar tool to select a date that is the end of the created date range.
Select Apply filter to display the referrals that have a created date within the range that you entered.
Filter by ETA
Select ETA in the Filter by options.
Type a date or use the calendar tool to select a date that is the beginning of the ETA date range or select Today to put today's date in both Filters by fields.
If you want an end date that differs from the current date, in the field beside “to”, type a date or use the calendar tool to select a date that is the end of the ETA date range.
Select Apply filter to display the referrals that have an ETA date within the range that you entered.
Import Referrals
Directly Progress Referrals
Go to Access > Transfers > Referrals.
Choose a referral that you need to progress.
Click the Open and Add to Case List button to directly import and open the referral.
This will open the record in a new case tab for you to progress.
Add Referrals for Future use
Go to Access > Transfers > Referrals.
Choose a referral that you may want to look at in the future.
Click the Add to Case List button to import the referral to your Cases List.
You’ll find this within your health systems list for future reference.
If you have the Patient Placement Specialist (View Only) role the Referrals list does not display the open now or add icons in the referral rows.
Sort the Referrals List
Sorting by Columns:
You can change the sort order for certain columns. If a column can be sorted, an arrow icon will appear when you hover over or select the column heading.
Sort Ascending/Descending:
Click the column heading to sort the list in descending order based on that column's values.
Click the column heading again to reverse the sort to ascending order.
Columns That Cannot Be Sorted:
Some columns, such as Clinical Notes and Caller Phone, cannot be sorted.
The Diagnosis and ISO Type columns can be sorted on the Transfers > Referrals list, but they cannot be sorted on the Cases list.
Search Referrals
Enter Search Criteria:
In the search box, start typing at least three consecutive characters related to the information you want to find (e.g., patient name, referring facility).
If the search box has a drop-down list, you can select it to display referrals that do not have a value in that column.
You can repeat this process to select more than one option within the same column.
Use Search Examples:
Example 1: If you want to search for a specific facility, type part of the facility's name in the Referring Facility column.
Example 2: Combine searches in multiple columns, such as typing "East End Medical Center" in the Referring Facility column and "Pulmonary Fibrosis" in the Diagnosis column to find cases matching both criteria.
Filter Options in Drop-Down Lists:
The Referring Facility and Destination Facility columns may display a hierarchy of facilities. The drop-down lists may show the city, state, or enterprise group that a facility belongs to (separated by the
character).Selecting an enterprise group from the drop-down will show all the facilities under that group. Only enterprise groups with associated facilities will appear in the list.
Additional Features:
If a [Blank] option is available in the drop-down, you can select it to filter referrals that don’t have a value in that column.
If the search criteria are too long to fit within the column width, click the search field to expand it vertically.
Refine Your Search:
To narrow down your search results, type more letters or select fewer options from the drop-down list.
To expand your search results, type fewer letters or select more options.
You can also combine searches across multiple columns to refine your results.
Searching for a Specific Patient:
Use the search box above the Referrals list (located in the top-left corner of the list) to search for a patient's referral.
To see fewer returns in the returns list:
In text search fields, type more letters.
In search fields that display a drop-down list, select fewer options.
Combine searches in more than one column.
To see more returns in the returns list:
In text search fields, type fewer letters.
In search fields that display a drop-down list, select more options.
Search fewer columns at the same time.
Delete all text in the search field to search that column of the list.
Example: In the box above the Referring Facility column, begin typing the name of the referring facility that you want to find and select it from the list that appears. You can combine searches in more than one column. For example, you can select "East End Medical Center" in the Referring Facility search box and "Pulmonary Fibrosis" in the Diagnosis search box. The results that appear are the cases that have both the referring facility East End Medical Center and a diagnosis of Pulmonary Fibrosis.
When the Referral list appears, type the name of the patient in the search field just above the left corner of the list.
Note: Use the following format when entering patient names in the list: last name, first name, and suffix (if appropriate). If a column cannot be searched, no search box appears below the column heading. The Clinical Note and Requester Phone columns cannot be searched. Type a minimum of 3 characters for the first and last names. Select the magnifying glass icon to display the patient's referral.
A Target Facility refers to a healthcare facility that has been designated as a destination for patient referrals. It is a facility to which patients can be transferred for further care based on their medical needs. Administrators configure Target Facilities to ensure that only specific, approved facilities appear as options when healthcare providers are initiating a referral or transfer request. This helps streamline the referral process by limiting the selection to facilities that are part of a health system’s network or that meet certain criteria for patient care.
Go to Admin > Settings > Platform Settings to display the Manage Settings page.
How to Add and Remove Target Facilities
Who Can Configure the Facility Utilization Setting?
To configure referral settings in the system, you must have administrator access. Follow these steps to manage facility referrals:
Navigate to Facility Utilization: Under the "Select Facilities" section, begin typing the name of the facility to which you want to allow referrals to be sent.
Select the Facility: From the list that appears, select the facility. These facilities are identified as Targeted Facilities within the Transfer IQ® application or the Capacity IQ® solution of the health system to which the patient will be referred.
View Target Facilities List: Once selected, the facility name will appear in the Target Facilities list.
Save Selections: Click Save to confirm the new targeted facilities.
After saving, only these targeted facilities will appear in the Preferred Facility drop-down menu when users with the External Care Provider role create referrals on the Referral Submission page. This ensures that referrals are directed only to the designated facilities.
Remove Target Facilities
To remove a facility from the Target Facilities list, follow these steps:
Access Platform Settings: Navigate to Admin > Settings > Platform Settings to open the Manage Settings page.
Find Target Facilities: Under the Facility Utilization section in Target Facilities, move your cursor over the facility name you want to remove.
Remove the Facility: Select the X that appears next to the facility name. The name will clear from the Target Facilities list, and a Removed icon will appear.
Save the Changes: Click the Save button to confirm and save the updated Target Facilities list.
Once removed, users with the External Care Provider role will no longer see this facility in the Preferred Facility list when creating or editing referrals. The updated facility settings apply to all future referrals.
To manage user access for creating, changing, and viewing referrals, Application Admins need to create and edit user accounts. Assign roles like External Care Provider or Patient Placement Specialist based on the user's responsibilities.
How to Set Up Users
First, create and edit user accounts for the people at your organization who will create, change, and view referrals. Assign the External Care Provider or Patient Placement Specialist role to them.
Set Up User Accounts
User Configuration: Access the user configuration settings to begin creating or editing accounts.
Create a User: Add new users by populating their account information and assigning appropriate roles.
Referring Facility Administrator: Administrators oversee user account management and ensure proper access to facilities.
Edit a User: Update user information or adjust roles as needed.
Deactivate or Activate Users: Manage account status by deactivating or reactivating users when necessary.
Reset Passwords: Reset a user’s password if they encounter login issues or need a password update.
Create Users
To create a new user account, follow these steps:
Navigate to User Accounts:
Enter User Details:
Fill in the required fields:
User's Name: First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name, and Suffix (if applicable).
Username: This will be the user's login name (e.g., csmith).
Identity Provider: Select the authentication namespace (e.g., urn:auth0
Email Address: Enter the user's work email.
Extension: Provide the user's contact phone number or extension
Note: If the user account is linked with Active Directory, certain fields (Name, Email) will be auto-populated. Any values that you enter are temporary and will be overwritten when the Operations IQ® Platform synchronizes with that identity provider.
Select Roles for the User
From User Role(s), assign one or more roles:
External Care Provider: This role is for users making patient referrals.
Referring Facility Admin: This role is for managing other External Care Providers and Referring Facility Admin users within specified medical practice accounts and facilities.
When you assign the External Care Provider role to a user, you'll need to map them to one or more medical practice accounts and their associated facilities. Here's how to do it:
Access External Care Provider Information:
Once the External Care Provider role is selected, the External Care Provider Information section will appear.
Map to a Medical Practice Account:
In the Medical Practice Account field, start typing the name of the medical practice account. A list of matching accounts will appear.
Select the appropriate medical practice account from the list.
Note: Users assigned the External Care Provider role can only view and interact with facilities and physicians that are part of the selected medical practice account.
Associate Facilities:
In the Facilities field, begin typing the name of the facility you want to associate with the user. The list will only display facilities within the selected medical practice account.
Select the facility name from the list to associate it with the user.
To remove a facility, click the X next to the facility name.
Add Additional Medical Practice Accounts (if needed):
To associate the user with more than one medical practice account, click Add another medical practice account.
Follow the same steps to map the user to additional medical practice accounts and facilities.
By completing this mapping, the user will have access to the designated facilities within the selected medical practice account(s) and be able to perform referral-related tasks
(For Referrals) Create a Referring Facility Admin for a referring facility using Referral IQ®.
An Administrator may create a Referring Facility Admin for a referring facility using Referral IQ®. This Referring Facility Admin user may create and manage External Care Providers and other Referring Facility Admin users within the Medical Practice Accounts and Facilities that they are assigned to.
Note: This role must be enabled by TeleTracking initially, but future responsibility belongs to your Health System.
To create a Referring Facility Admin, complete the steps above and then select Referring Facility Admin and External Care Provider roles.
Note: Any user with the Referring Facility Admin role must also have the External Care Provider role. If both roles are not assigned to a Referring Facility Admin, the error shown below will occur.
Once the External Care Provider role is selected, the External Care Provider Information section will appear.
Follow these steps to map the external care provider to one or more medical practice accounts and facilities:
In the Medical Practice Account field, begin typing the name of a medical practice account.
A list of matching medical practice accounts will appear based on the letters you typed.
Select the appropriate medical practice account from the list.
To map the Referring Facility Admin to one or more medical practice accounts and their associated facilities, follow these steps:
In the Medical Practice Account field, begin typing the name of a medical practice account.
A list of medical practice accounts that match the letters you typed will appear.
Select the appropriate medical practice account from the list.
In the Facilities field, follow these steps to associate a facility with the user
Begin typing the name of the facility you want to associate.
A list will appear, displaying only the facilities within the selected medical practice account.
Select the facility name from the list to associate it with the user.
If you need to remove the association, click the X next to the facility name.
To associate the user with an additional medical practice account, follow these steps:
Select the Add another medical practice account option.
Begin typing the name of the new medical practice account in the provided box.
A list will appear, showing medical practice accounts that match the letters you typed. Select the appropriate account from the list.
In the Facilities field, start typing the name of a facility associated with this new medical practice account.
Select the facility name from the list to associate it with the user.
Repeat these steps as necessary to add more medical practice accounts and their corresponding facilities.
Save and Create a User Account
Select Create User to save the user and return to the User Accounts page.
The purpose of the welcome email is to provide new users with essential information and instructions for activating their account in Referral IQ®. It typically includes an activation link and serves as a guide for setting up the account by creating a secure password.
How the Welcome Email works
To activate your Referral IQ® account, follow these steps:
Invitation Email: You will receive an email with an activation link from the health system providing access.
Activate Account: Click the Activate your account link in the email.
Create a Password:
Enter your Username.
Create a New Password that meets the listed password requirements.
Re-type your password to confirm it.
A green confirmation checkmark will appear next to each requirement if entered correctly.
Finalize: Click Create Password. A confirmation window will appear indicating the password was successfully created.