Steps to set up users to receive message notifications within the Transfer IQ®.
To receive message notifications, system administrators are required to configure users to receive one or both of the following:
Wireless notifications via WCTP (Wireless Communications Transfer Protocol) endpoints.
Email notifications via the user’s email address.
This configuration occurs in the user’s profile (User Account page). The administrator will click the box to select the method(s) of notification.
Configure User to Receive Notifications via WCTP
Admin > Users > Message Notifications
Select Add Communication Provider.
A drop-down box will display showing all Communication Providers that are listed within Platform Settings.
Select a value from the list that appears.
Enter a unique Identifier for the Communication Provider.
If more Communication Providers are to be added to the user, repeat steps 2-4.
Ensure WCTP Endpoint has been selected under Notification Methods
Select Save Changes to update the user profile
Configure User to Receive Notifications via Email
Admin > Users > Message Notifications
Ensure Email has been selected under Notification Methods.
Best Practices
A user can be associated with multiple Communication Providers.
When a user has multiple identifiers for the same Communication Provider, each of those will be notified separately when a message is sent to that Communication Provider. There is no way to only send to one or the other.
A user can be configured to receive notifications by email, WCTP endpoint, or both.