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Patient Transport
Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Transport requests are essential for moving patients between locations within a hospital. This guide outlines the process for requesting, managing, and canceling transport requests. This feature is used by hospital staff to ensure efficient and accurate patient movement.

Where you can find this feature: Patient records, Transport Status field, Patient Search.

How Patient Transports Work


To request Transport for a patient, find the appropriate patient and click on the Transport Status field.

Note: If the patient is not on your tab view, you can use Patient Search to find their record.

The Patient Transport History dialog displays. Click on the Add Patient Request button.

The Transport Request will open. The following fields will need to be addressed:

  • Origin: Click on the magnifying glass icon next to the field. In the Search Text field, type the name/room number of the location. Click in the Check All box to select all units. Click the Click to Search button. Select the location from the Location Results box and click the Select Location button.

  • Destination: Repeat the steps for setting the Destination field.

  • Mode of Travel: Select the appropriate mode of travel from the drop-down menu.

  • Isolation Type: Verify that the Isolation is correct. If the patient has an isolation set in their record, this field will already display an Isolation.

  • Job Status:

    • Pending: Job will be sent to the first available transporter.

    • Appointment: The job is entered for a specific time. The system will release the job prior to the scheduled time to ensure the patient arrives on time.

    • Possible: The job is entered in the system but will not be an active request until the job is manually released.

  • Travel Requirements: Highlight requirements in the Available box and use the arrow to move them to the Selected box. This can also be done in reverse to remove items.

Once the fields are completed, click on Save to complete the request. At the top of the Transport Request box, you will now see the job displaying the Job Status you selected.

Other Patient Transport Functionality

  • Adding Jobs to Sequence: Allows you to add an additional stop in the transport request. Once the request is entered, click on the Add to Sequence button below the Job Status. Enter the additional destination. The second job will remain in a Possible status until it is Released.

  • Adding a Return Patient Job: Allows you to add a job in the system to return the patient to the Origin location of the first job. Once the request is entered, click the Return Patient button. The Return Job will now display as a Possible job.


Requesting Patient Transport

  1. Access Patient Record:

    • Find the patient and click on the Transport Status field. If the patient is not visible, use the Patient Search to locate their record.

  2. Open Transport History:

    • The Patient Transport History dialog box will display. Click the Add Patient Request button.

  3. Fill Out Transport Request Form:

    • Complete the following fields:

      • Origin: Click the Magnifying Glass icon next to the Origin field. Type the name or room number of the location in the Search Text field. Click Click to Search. Select the location from the Location Results box, which will now display in the Origin field.

      • Destination: Repeat the steps for setting the Destination field.

      • Mode of Travel: Select the appropriate mode of travel from the drop-down menu.

      • Isolation Type: If the patient has an isolation set in their record, this field will auto-display. Verify that the isolation type is correct.

      • Job Status: Select Pending (Admitting should always use Pending).

      • Travel Requirements: Highlight the requirement in the Available box and use the arrow to move it to the Selected box. To remove items, reverse this process.

  4. Complete the Request:

    • Once all fields are completed, click Save. The job status will update at the top of the Transport Request box to reflect the selected Job Status.

Canceling a Transport Request

  1. Access Transport Request:

    • Click on the Cancel button in the Transport Request.

  2. Select Reason Code:

    • Choose a reason code to explain why the job needs to be canceled.

  3. Confirm Cancellation:

    • The transport request will be removed from the list of requests once the cancellation is processed.

Note: Cancel the transport request if circumstances change and the patient is no longer ready to move to avoid unnecessary trips by the transporter.

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