My Information
My Information is used by all users to view and update their personal details, such as application memberships, role assignments, and contact information. This feature exists to ensure that users can manage their own data and keep it up-to-date. It is used whenever users need to check or change their personal information.
Where you can find this feature:
Select your username link at the top-right of the page (for example, csmith), then select My Information.
How My Information Works
In My Information, you can:
View your:
BedTracking® application membership
PreAdmitTracking® application membership
TransportTracking™ application membership
Section and zone assignments (for transporters, bed cleaners, or supervisors)
Role assignments
Last sign-in date and time
Change your user and contact information:
Abbreviation used to identify you on screen
Telephone numbers
Personal identification number (PIN) for the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system
Photograph (thumbnail file)
Note: You cannot change your user login ID.
Changing Your Name, Photograph, and Contact Information
To change your name, telephone numbers, abbreviation, and photograph:
Select your username link (for example, csmith) on the upper-right of the page, and then select My Information.
In the First Name and Last Name boxes, type your first and last name (maximum 30 characters each).
In the User Abbr box, type the abbreviation used to identify you on screen (maximum 15 characters).
In the Mobile Tel., Home Tel., and Work Tel. boxes, type your telephone numbers (maximum 12 characters each, e.g., 412-555-5555).
To change your photograph:
Select a file with a .jpg or .gif extension.
Next to the Thumbnail File box, click the Browse button.
In the Choose File dialog box, select the directory containing your photograph file.
Click the file name and then click Save.
Changing Your Password or PIN
If allowed by the administrator, you can change your password and PIN:
Select your username link (for example, csmith) on the upper-right of the page, and then select My Information.
In the Old Password or Old PIN box, type your previous password or PIN.
In the New Password or New PIN box, type your new password or PIN.
In the Confirm New Password or Confirm New PIN box, re-type your new password or PIN.
Click Save.
If a message appears stating that the password or PIN does not meet requirements, contact your administrator.
If you have forgotten your password or PIN, select the "Forgot your password?" link that appears when signing in.
Changing Your Name, Photograph, and Contact Information
Select your username link (for example, csmith) on the upper-right of the page.
Select My Information.
Update the First Name, Last Name, User Abbr, and telephone numbers as needed.
To change your photograph, click Browse next to the Thumbnail File box, select the file, and click Save.
Changing Your Password or PIN
Select your username link (for example, csmith) on the upper-right of the page.
Select My Information.
Enter your old password or PIN.
Enter and confirm your new password or PIN.
Click Save.