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Intake Locations
Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Intake Locations

This feature is used by healthcare staff with specific permissions to set the intake location for preadmitted patients or the current location for outpatients. It ensures accurate tracking of patient locations within the healthcare facility. Once set, the intake or current location cannot be changed.

Where you can find this feature: Patient/Placement Details form in Capacity IQ® PreAdmit and Patient Tracking Portal.

How Intake Locations Work


  • Only locations marked with an intake code by the administrator are available for selection as intake locations.

  • The administrator selects a bed display type for each campus, which can be ADT ID, abbreviation, or name.

  • Users must type the appropriate bed identifier for the Intake Location or Current Location based on the selected bed display type for the campus shown in the Campus box.

  • Users can only select locations in units and clusters to which they have membership.

  • With the proper permissions, you may set the intake location for a preadmitted patient. You may set an outpatient's current location.

    • Once you have set an intake or current location, you cannot change it.

Permissions Required

  • Maintain Patient/Placement Details (View rights): Access and view the Patient/Placement Details form without making changes.

  • Maintain Patient/Placement Details (Edit rights): Access and make changes to the Patient/Placement Details form, with specific permissions for certain changes (e.g., Edit Patient Name, Edit Patient Associated Physicians).

  • Create New PreAdmits: Create new preadmit records.

  • Set Patient Intake Location: Required to set the intake location for preadmitted patients.


Setting the Intake Location for a PreAdmitted Patient Before Saving the PreAdmit Record

  1. Create a new preadmit record, but do not save it.

  2. In the Intake Location list, do one of the following:

    • Type the first few characters of the ADT ID, abbreviation, or name of the bed, and select the appropriate bed from the list that appears.

    • Click the magnifying glass icon next to Intake Location, and select a bed.

      • The search finds locations containing the text you type (e.g., "out" could find "Outpatient Waiting Area" and "South Wing Office"). You may include a % sign with the text (e.g., "s%").

      • The campus displayed in the Campus list cannot be changed.

      • The Units/Clusters list displays all units and clusters to which you have membership within the selected campus.

  3. To include locations from all units and clusters in the search, select the Check All check box. Otherwise, select specific units or clusters.

    • Use the scroll bars to navigate the list if necessary.

  4. Click "Click to Search" to display a list of matching locations.

  5. In the Location Results box, click a location.

  6. Click "Select Location."

  7. Click "Save."

Setting the Intake Location for a Patient in PreAdmitted Status

  1. In a patient row in the Name column, click the patient's name to display the Patient/Placement Details form.

  2. In the Patient Action list, select "Set Intake Location."

  3. In the Current Location list, do one of the following:

    • Type the first few characters of the ADT ID, abbreviation, or name of the bed, and select the appropriate bed from the list that appears.

    • Click the magnifying glass icon next to Current Location, and select a bed.

      • The search finds locations containing the text you type (e.g., "out" could find "Outpatient Waiting Area" and "South Wing Office"). You may include a % sign with the text (e.g., "s%").

      • The campus displayed in the Campus list cannot be changed.

      • The Units/Clusters list displays all units and clusters to which you have membership within the selected campus.

  4. To include locations from all units and clusters in the search, select the Check All check box. Otherwise, select specific units or clusters.

    • Use the scroll bars to navigate the list if necessary.

  5. Click "Click to Search" to display a list of matching locations.

  6. In the Location Results box, click a location.

  7. Click "Select Location."

  8. Click "Save."

Setting an Outpatient's Current Location

  1. Access the outpatient's Patient/Placement Details form:

    • In a patient row in the Name column, click the outpatient's name to display the Patient/Placement Details form.

  2. In the Patient Action list, select "Set Intake Location."

  3. In the Current Location list, do one of the following:

    • Type the first few characters of the ADT ID, abbreviation, or name of the bed, and select the appropriate bed from the list that appears.

    • Click the magnifying glass icon next to Current Location, and select a bed.

      • The search finds locations containing the text you type (e.g., "out" could find "Outpatient Waiting Area" and "South Wing Office"). You may include a % sign with the text (e.g., "s%").

      • The campus displayed in the Campus list cannot be changed.

      • The Units/Clusters list displays all units and clusters to which you have membership within the selected campus.

  4. To include locations from all units and clusters in the search, select the Check All check box. Otherwise, select specific units or clusters.

    • Use the scroll bars to navigate the list if necessary.

  5. Click "Click to Search" to display a list of matching locations.

  6. In the Location Results box, click a location.

  7. Click "Select Location."

  8. Click "Save."

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