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Placement Settings
Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Configuring Placement Settings

Configuring Placement Settings allows administrators to set default values for patient length of stay, child/adult bed cutoff age, and bed cleaner notifications. This feature is used by hospital administrators to ensure efficient patient placement and bed management.

Where you can find this feature: Unit PreAdmit Settings tab.

How Configuring Placement Settings Works


  • Length of Stay: Sets the default number of hours after a patient's admission that they are expected to be discharged. This is used to calculate the projected discharge date if the global setting is enabled. If no unit-specific length of stay is set, the enterprise default is used.

  • Child/Adult Cutoff Age: Determines the age at which a patient is placed in an adult bed rather than a child's bed. This ensures appropriate bed assignments during searches.

  • Default Housekeeper to Page for Bed Size Change Requests: Specifies the default bed cleaner to be paged when a bed size change is saved, provided no specific cleaner is selected on the Patient/Placement Details form.


To Configure Placement Settings:

  1. Access the Unit PreAdmit Settings tab.

  2. Complete the following fields:

    • Length of Stay: Enter the default number of hours.

    • Child/Adult Cutoff Age: Enter the cutoff age.

    • Default Housekeeper to Page for Bed Size Change Requests: Select a default bed cleaner.

  3. Click Save.

Allowing Automatic Creation of a Bed Request and Status Change to PreAdmit for an Outpatient Who is Moved to a Specialty Holding Bed:

  1. Access the PreAdmitTracking Global Settings page.

  2. In the Automatic Patient Status Transitions section, click the gray Disabled button for Create Bed Request for Outpatient When Moved to Specialty Holding Bed to change it to a green Enabled button.

  3. Click Save.

To Cancel Automatically a Transfer Bed Request for a Patient Who is Moved to a Specialty Location and then Moved Back to their Original Home Location Before the Transfer Occurs:

  1. Access the PreAdmitTracking Global Settings page.

  2. In the Automatic Patient Status Transitions section, click the gray Disabled button for Cancel Bed Request for PROC/SPEC Patient When Moved to Same Home Non-Holding Bed to change it to a green Enabled button.

  3. Click Save.

Setting Time to Gray Out Unactivated PreAdmit Requests:

  1. Access the PreAdmitTracking Global Settings page.

  2. In the Pre-Admit Request Auto-Cancellation section, enter the number of hours in the Gray-out Hours After Expected Admission box.

  3. Click Save.

Setting Default Number of Days to Display Placement Records:

  1. Access the PreAdmitTracking Global Settings page.

  2. In the Pre-Admit Request Auto-Cancellation section, enter the number of days in the Default Number of Days to Show on Placement List Views box.

  3. Click Save.

Changing PreAdmit's Default Days:

  1. From the Admin Tool, select Enterprise Info and choose a campus.

  2. Go to Global Settings > PreAdmitTracking > Default number of days to show on placement list views.

  3. If unable to make these changes, contact an admin for assistance.

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