Patient/Placement Details are used by authorized clinical and administrative staff—such as patient placement coordinators, nurses, and registrars—to review, update, and manage patient placement and admission information. This feature exists to ensure accurate patient tracking, streamline bed assignments, and facilitate patient admissions, transfers, and notifications. It is used during admissions, transfers, bed searches, and when initiating placement requests.
Where you can find this feature: Accessible via the electronic bedboard view, placement list view, patient search results, and the Admits Today list view.
How Patient/Placement Details Works
Access & Permissions:
Access is granted if you have permissions for the electronic bedboard view, placement list views, Admits Today list view, and patient search.
Users with the Maintain Patient/Placement Details permission can view the form; additional edit rights (e.g., Edit Patient Name, Edit Patient Associated Physicians) are required to make changes.
With the Create New PreAdmits permission, you can create a new preadmit record.
Viewing and Editing Details:
In the electronic bedboard view, search for a patient by typing part of their first or last name in the Patient Search box and pressing Enter.
Alternatively, hover over a cell containing an occupied or assigned bed and click; if multiple patients appear, select the appropriate name (the current occupant is highlighted in orange).
When a new patient is targeted to a unit, the record displays on the Unit Tab in the PatientTracking Portal with a status indicator (e.g., R+ for admissions or T+ for transfers).
To open a blank Patient/Placement Details form for creating a preadmit record, hover over a bed, press and hold the Shift key, and click to display the menu; then select Create PreAdmit.
Admission Information:
Campus: Select the campus where the patient is being admitted. Once set (or auto-selected if only one campus is available), it cannot be changed post-admission unless updated automatically when the patient’s home location changes.
Confidential: Check this option if an alias should appear in list views instead of the patient’s first and last name.
Home Location: For Admit or Transfer actions, type the first few characters of the bed identifier (ADT ID, abbreviation, or name based on campus configuration) and select the appropriate bed from the list. Use the magnifying glass to search within your membership units/clusters.
Origin Nurse & Current/Intake Location: Origin Nurse displays the nurse’s alias (or first name) and phone number from staff assignments. Current Location is auto-set from admissions, transfers, or transports (or manually set for outpatients); Intake Location is used for preadmit records.
Spec Location: When sending a patient for a procedure, select a specialty location (only beds with a "Specialty" type are allowed).
Home Accom: Refers to the room type where the bed is located, such as Private or Semi-Private.
Home Bed Size: Refers to the bed size at the patient’s home, which can be for an adult, child, or infant.
Admit Diagnosis & Proj. Discharge: Enter the diagnosis and view the projected discharge date, which is automatically calculated based on the unit’s or enterprise’s length-of-stay settings. Manually override if needed.
Patient Contact Information: Click the double arrow to display and enter the patient’s address, home telephone number, and work telephone number.
Patient Contact Information:
Street Address: Enter the patient’s primary residence.
City: Specify the city where the patient resides.
State: Select the patient’s state of residence.
Zip: Enter the postal code for accurate location tracking.
Home: Input the patient’s home phone number for contact.
Work: Input the patient’s work phone number if applicable.
Associated Physicians:
Click the patient’s name in the Name column or the physician’s name in a list view (e.g., Admitting Physician) to access the Patient/Placement Details form.
Click (+) to add a new physician row if none exists.
Under Physician Name, type the physician’s last name and select from the list.
Repeat for additional physicians as needed.
In the Association column, select the physician’s role (e.g., Admitting).
Bed Attributes:
Hospital Service: Specifies required services (e.g., Chemotherapy).
Level of Care: Identifies the care intensity needed (e.g., Critical Care).
Discipline: Indicates care restrictions or specialty disciplines.
Accommodation Needed: Specifies room type (e.g., Private, Semi-Private).
Bed Size Needed: Determines bed size (e.g., Crib, Adult).
Custom Bed Attributes: Includes additional features (e.g., Lead-Lined, Negative Airflow, Hardwire Monitor, Telemetry).
Patient Attributes:
Defines specific patient needs for isolation and custom attributes.
Isolation: Specifies infection control requirements (e.g., Airborne for highly contagious conditions).
Patient Custom Attributes: Captures additional patient-specific details (e.g., Flu) to assist with placement and care planning.
Miscellaneous Information:
Comments, Procedures/Precautions, and Miscellaneous Notes: Enter any additional information that is important for the staff.
Admit Type, Admit Source, and Patient Type: Select from the lists configured in the Admin Tool or Capacity Management settings.
Misc. Enter miscellanous text
Flag: To mark a bed with special information, select the Flag checkbox and enter the relevant text; a light-blue corner will appear on the cell. (Requires the Set/Clear Patient Bedboard Flag permission.)
Observation: Set observation start and stop times by clicking the Observation box. Enter the start time and duration (which auto-calculates the stop time) or, if ending observation, enter the actual stop time (must be after the start time and not in the future).
Patient Walkout Alarm Opt Out: For systems integrated with TeleTracking RTLS, select this option to disable the walkout alarm for individual patients if no alarm is required.
Placement Information:
Request Time: Displays the date and time the placement request was made.
Requester: Identifies the staff member who submitted the request.
Origin Unit: Specifies the current unit where the patient is located.
Target Unit: Indicates the destination unit for the patient transfer.
Targeted Unit Time: Records the expected time for transfer.
Assigned Bed: Displays the bed assigned to the patient.
Advanced Search: Allows users to search for available beds.
Include In-House Occ. Beds: Enables the selection of beds that are currently occupied.
Assigned Nurse: Lists the nurse responsible for the patient after placement.
Assigned Time: Records the time the bed assignment was completed.
Assigned By: Identifies the staff member who assigned the bed.
Advanced Search (Adv.Search:
Bed Request & Advanced Search: Set bed and patient attributes to search for a suitable bed. Enter the Request Time and select the Origin Unit (only those with the "Allow as Origin Unit" setting enabled) and Target Unit.
Assigned Bed: Choose the bed using one of the following methods:
Select from List: Type the first few characters of the bed identifier until it appears, or click the arrow to display a list. The list shows the bed identifier, campus, and status details.
Select from Magnifying Glass: Use the search function by typing letters (or including a % sign) to filter locations, then select from the Location Results.
Bed Status Indicators: The list displays:
O — Occupied
C — Clean
IP — In-Progress
B — Blocked
DE — Delay
DT — Dirty
ST — Stat
SP — Suspended
CN — Clean Next
■ (square) — Udef8
• (circle) — Udef9
CS — Clean Spill
CS+ — Clean Spill In-Progress
OS — Occupied Spill
OS+ — Occupied Spill In-Progress
BS — Blocked Spill
BS+ — Blocked Spill In-Progress
Read-only placement details include Origination (date/time the request was created), Requester, Target Unit Time, Assigned Nurse, Assigned Time, and Assigned By.
Notification Information:
Configure notifications for placement events such as Bed Assigned, Bed Cleaned, Ready to Move, Notify Now, and Bed Size Change.
Only users with the Receive Placement Pages permission and the appropriate notification settings (Alpha paging, email, or screen alert) can be selected.
A warning message appears if the number of selected recipients exceeds the maximum allowable number.
A warning also appears if another patient with the same last name is already in a home, current, or specialty location on the unit, has an assigned bed, is targeted to a bed, or has a transport job starting/ending on the unit.
Accessing Patient/Placement Details:
From the Electronic Bedboard View:
Search for a patient by entering part of the first or last name in the Patient Search box and pressing Enter.
If multiple names appear, click the appropriate patient.
Alternatively, hover over a cell with an occupied or assigned bed and click to open the Patient/Placement Details form.
Creating a New Preadmit Record:
Hover over a bed, press and hold the Shift key, then click to display the menu.
Select Create PreAdmit.
Activating a Bed Request:
If the Activate Bed Request When Created from Patient Detail Form setting is enabled, the placement request is activated automatically; otherwise, activate it manually.
Managing Admission Information:
Selecting Campus and Home Location:
Choose the campus (this value is fixed post-admission unless updated automatically).
For Home Location, type the initial characters of the bed identifier (as per the campus’s display type) and select the appropriate location from the list.
Use the magnifying glass to perform a text search and select from the resulting locations within your membership.
Entering Additional Details:
Fill in Origin Nurse, Current/Intake Location, Spec Location (if applicable), Admit Diagnosis, and Projected Discharge.
Expand the Patient Contact Information section and enter the patient’s address, home, and work telephone numbers.
Updating Miscellaneous Information:
Adding Notes and Flags:
Enter any comments, procedures/precautions, admit type, admit source, patient type, or miscellaneous notes.
To flag a patient’s bed, select the Flag checkbox and enter the special information.
Managing Observations:
Click the Observation box to open the dialog.
For starting observation:
Enter/select the start date and time (using the calendar icon or by typing).
Choose the duration (in hours); the stop time is calculated automatically.
Click Apply.
For ending observation:
Enter/select the actual stop time (must be after the start time and not in the future).
Click Apply.
Placing a Patient and Assigning a Bed:
Conducting an Advanced Bed Search:
Set the required bed and patient attributes.
Enter the Request Time and select the Origin Unit (ensure the unit is enabled as an origin) and the Target Unit.
Assigning a Bed:
To select an assigned bed, either type the first few characters of the bed identifier to choose from the list or click the magnifying glass icon to search for a location.
Review the displayed bed statuses, assignment priorities, level of care, discipline, and other attributes.
Click on the desired bed identifier to assign it, or clear the assignment by selecting the X if needed.
Reviewing Read-Only Placement Information:
Confirm details such as the origination time, requester, target unit time, assigned nurse, assigned time, and the user who made the assignment.
Configuring Notifications:
Setting Up Notification Recipients:
For each placement event (e.g., Bed Assigned, Bed Cleaned, Ready to Move, Notify Now, Bed Size Change), select the corresponding check box.
In the adjacent row, type the first or last name of a user or the name of a notification group to display a list of options.
Select the appropriate recipient(s) ensuring they have Alpha paging devices or have enabled email/screen alerts and the Receive Placement Pages permission.
Finalizing and Saving Notifications:
To add additional recipients, click the plus sign (+) next to the placement event.
Remove any undesired names by clicking the X next to the recipient.
Click Save. If the number of recipients exceeds the system limit, a warning message will appear; you may choose to adjust the selection or continue.