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Enterprise Messages
Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Enterprise Messages

Enterprise messages provide all users with standard or important information regarding upcoming maintenance and service interruptions. They are configured by the administrator.

Enterprise Messages appear on the right side of the My Information and My Notifications tabs.

How Enterprise Messages Work


  • Enterprise messages provide important information for all Capacity IQ® users.

  • Users with the appropriate permissions can enter, enable, disable, and delete the message text and configure the appearance of the message.

  • If you have the appropriate permissions, you may delete enterprise messages from the database.

  • If you do not want a message to appear right now, but you want to use the same message in the future, you can disable it instead of deleting.

    • If you disable a message, but do not click Save, and then delete a message, the disabled message becomes enabled.

  • The administrator configures these messages using the Administration Tool.

    • Information for the administrator about setting up scheduled maintenance and enterprise messages can be found under Admin > Settings > Capacity Management under Configuring Enterprise Messages.

  • Tips about enterprise messages:

    • View the Enterprise Messages section each time you sign in to Capacity IQ® to learn whether there is any new important information.

    • The administrator might color-code the messages (e.g., high importance messages might appear in red).

    • The message might scroll.

    • The time or date and time might appear.

  • Scheduled maintenance messages inform users when the system might be unavailable due to maintenance work. These messages appear near My Home Page, My Information, and My Notifications.

    • Check the Scheduled Maintenance section for messages each time you sign in.

Permissions and Memberships Required

  • To access Admin > Settings > Capacity Management, you must have the Admin Tool Menu permission.

  • You must have the Global Admin Permissions-Administrative Controls-Enterprise Communication permission to configure Enterprise Messages.

  • You must have Edit rights to change information.

  • If you have View rights, you can see, but not change, information.

  • You must have the Membership Type "All" with administrative rights enabled.

    • Alternatively, you may have the Membership Type "Fixed" and campus-level membership with administrative rights enabled for the campus.


Configuring Enterprise Messages

  1. Go to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Enterprise Management > Enterprise Communication.

  2. On the Enterprise Communication tab, complete the following:

    1. In the Display Options list, select either Scrolling (for long messages that should scroll) or Fixed (for messages that should not scroll).

    2. In the Message Header list, select one of the following:

      1. Enterprise Name: Only the name of your enterprise (e.g., ABC Hospital System).

      2. Enterprise Name/Time: The name of your enterprise and the time.

      3. Enterprise Name/Date/Time: The name of your enterprise and the date and time.

      4. None: No message header.

    3. Click Add.

    4. In a blank row in the Message column, type the message text (maximum 255 characters), and then click Save.

    5. A green Enabled button appears next to the message to indicate that the message is enabled and now appears for users to view.

    6. In the Display list, select whether the message will appear in the Standard Enterprise Message section or the Scheduled Maintenance section.

    7. In the Color/Severity Indicator list, select the color of the message text (e.g., select Red to indicate urgency).

Note: You can also change any of the settings above for a message that already appears on the tab.

  1. To disable the message without deleting it, click the green Enabled button. After you save, it becomes a gray Disabled button. To enable the message again later, click the gray Disabled button.

  2. Click Save.

  3. To review the message, in the navigation bar click Home to display the My Home Page, My Information, and My Notifications tabs. If you have the Operations IQ® Platform, select the My Notifications link or select the link for your user name in the upper-right corner. The messages appear on the right of the page.

  4. To return to the Admin Tool component or to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management after reviewing the message, in the navigation bar, click the Admin Tool menu, and then click an option or go to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management.

Disabling/Enabling Enterprise Messages

  1. Do one of the following:

    • Go to Admin Tool > Enterprise Management > Enterprise Communication.

    • Go to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Enterprise Management > Enterprise Communication.

  2. On the Enterprise Communication tab, do one of the following:

    • Click the green Enabled button next to the message, and then immediately click Save.

      • The button becomes a gray Disabled button.

    • Click the gray Disabled button to enable the message again when needed.

  3. Click Save.

Deleting Enterprise Messages

  1. Do one of the following:

    • Go to Admin Tool > Enterprise Management > Enterprise Communication.

    • Go to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Enterprise Management > Enterprise Communication.

  2. On the Enterprise Communication tab, do one of the following:

    • Note: To disable instead of deleting, click the green Enabled button next to the message, and then immediately click Save. The button becomes a gray Disabled button. Later, you can click the gray Disabled button to enable the message again when needed. If you disable a message, but do not click Save, and then delete a message, the disabled message becomes enabled.

    • Select the check boxes for the messages that you want to delete.

    • To select all messages, select the check box in the title bar.

  3. Click Delete Selected Records.

  4. When a confirmation message appears, click OK.

  5. Click Save.

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