The enterprise is the highest level of the organization, encompassing a larger system of hospitals that can contain multiple campuses. Users with the appropriate permissions can change the enterprise name, abbreviation, logo, and web site address. This feature is used to ensure that the enterprise's branding and contact information are accurately reflected in Capacity IQ®.
Where you can find this feature: Admin Tool > Enterprise Management > Enterprise Information or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Enterprise Management > Enterprise Information.
How Enterprise Works
To edit an enterprise name, abbreviation, logo, and web site address, follow these steps:
Navigate to the Enterprise Information:
Go to Admin Tool > Enterprise Management > Enterprise Information.
Or go to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Enterprise Management > Enterprise Information.
Edit Enterprise Name:
On the Enterprise Information tab, click in the Enterprise Name box and change the name (e.g., ABC Hospital System).
Maximum number of characters: 50.
Edit Enterprise Abbreviation:
Click in the Enterprise Abbr field and change the abbreviation for the enterprise name that will appear on screen when space is limited (e.g., ABC HS).
Maximum number of characters: 15.
Upload Enterprise Logo:
In the Logo Picture section, select the enterprise picture file that should appear.
Note: The file must have a .gif, .jpg, or .bmp extension. After you upload and save a file, you can replace it with another one, but you cannot return to having no logo displayed. The image will not appear on the page until after you click Save.
Click Browse.
When the Choose File dialog box appears, locate and select the file.
Enter Website URL:
In the Website URL box, type the URL address of the web site that should open when users click the logo. The URL address should be in this format: http://www.websitename.extension or https://www.websitename.extension (e.g., http://www.abchospital.com or https://www.abchospital.com).
Save Changes:
Click Save.
A message will appear to indicate that changes were saved successfully.
Permissions and Memberships Required
To access and edit enterprise information, the following permissions and memberships are required:
Admin Tool Menu Permission: To access the Admin Tool menu or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management.
Global Admin - Administrative Controls - Physical Location Information Permission: To complete the task.
Edit Rights: Required to make changes. View rights allow seeing but not changing information.
Membership Type "All" with Administrative Rights Enabled: Or Membership Type "Fixed" with campus-level membership and Administrative Rights enabled for the campus.
Note: Fields on the page marked with a red * are required.