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Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 2 weeks ago


This feature is used by administrators and managers to create, edit, and manage consoles within the Capacity IQ® Preadmit, Capacity IQ® Transport, and Patient Tracking Portal applications. It exists to facilitate the organization and customization of views for different user groups, ensuring that relevant information is easily accessible. It is used when setting up new consoles, modifying existing ones, or managing console settings.

Where you can find this feature: Admin Tool > Dictionary Management > View Group

How Console Works


  • A console must have a unique name within each application.

    • The name may be the same as the name of its view group, but it must be a unique console name.

  • When creating a new group console, make sure to have the view group complete prior to starting your new console.

  • A custom console can be saved as a personal or group console.

  • Saving a custom console as a personal console allows the user who saved it to load it later and have access to the custom changes.

  • A group console must be associated with a view group, so that the user who made the changes or all users who are assigned to the view group can load the console view and have access to the custom changes.

  • Every group console must belong to a view group. Prior to creating a console, you must create a view group or identify an existing view group to which that console will belong.

    • View group is not available with personal consoles.

  • If you have the appropriate permissions, it is possible to customize the following console aspects:

    • Number of placement list views visible on tabs and through the Custom Views icon.

    • For each type of list view:

      • Column selection and layout

      • Names displayed on tabs and in the Custom Views icon menu

      • Advance filter settings

      • Column sorting and sort order.

      • electronic bedboard® view settings

      • Notifications for list views (Capacity IQ® Preadmit only)

      • Projected census options (Capacity IQ® Preadmit only)

  • TeleTracking Technologies has created some consoles for you, referred to as default consoles.

  • There are two types of default consoles:

    • A default console, which displays data commonly used in hospitals.

    • Several function/department-specific consoles that display data commonly used by departments such as ED, PACU, Cath Lab, Admitting, and nursing units.

      • Depending on the versions of the product that you have or have had in the past, function/department-specific consoles might not be available.

  • You can do the following with the default console:

    • Load the default console and use it as is.

    • Load the default console, change it using the Adv. Filters button, and then save it with a different name.

  • You cannot:

    • Change the existing default console name.

    • Delete the default console.

  • You can do the following with the function/department-specific default consoles, if they are available:

    • Load the default consoles and use them as they are.

    • Load the default consoles, change them using the Adv. Filters button, and then save the changes with the default name.

    • Load the default consoles, change them using the Adv. Filters button, and then save them with different names.

  • You cannot:

    • Change the existing function/department-specific default console names.

    • Delete the function/department-specific default consoles.

  • Unless you save the console, your changes are in effect only until you end your session or sign out.

  • If you are saving a console and you have the appropriate permissions, you may set the console that you are saving as your default or as a group default.

  • Areas within the console you can update:

    • Electronic Bedboard

    • Custom Views

    • Notification Settings

    • Console Settings

    • Units

    • Advanced Filters

    • View Options

  • If you make any changes, you will get a reminder that you need to save your console to ensure the changes permanently save.

  • You can set up a console so that list views cannot be edited.

    • For example, no one can edit comments from a list view.

    • The read-only configuration can make a list view easier to read when consoles are displayed on large wall monitors.

  • The Copy View Options feature within the Console Settings feature allows you to copy:

    • List View Layout—The layout configured for an existing placement list view to another placement list view. The following are copied from the existing placement list view to the other placement list view: column layout, column width, selected column on which the list view is sorted, and existing sort order.

    • Bedboard View Options—The view options selected for an existing bedboard to another bedboard. All view options from the existing bedboard are copied to the other bedboard. Examples of view options are displayed units, sort by option, and excluded gender.

  • Only list views and bedboards that have been enabled and applied on the Settings tab can be selected.

  • If the console will be displayed on wall monitors in public areas, you can require that users sign in before they can change information to prevent unauthorized staff or others from accessing and changing patient Protected Health Information (PHI).

Which Units Appear After the Console is Loaded?

  • Multiple units can be included in the list views in the console. The units that you can see after the console is loaded depend on your membership.

If your membership. . .

Then you can see on the list view. . . .

Includes all of the units that are shown on a list view in the console that was loaded

All of the units that were selected for the list view

Includes only one of the units that are shown on a list view in the console that was loaded

Only that unit

Includes a cluster that has units that are shown on a list view in the console that was loaded

All units in the cluster

Is a Fixed membership type to individual units (not to a cluster) or is an All membership type

No units are shown automatically. You must select the units.

Patient Tracking Portal and Capacity IQ® Preadmit Consoles

  • In general, consoles work the same in Patient Tracking Portal as in Capacity IQ® Preadmit.

    • A primary difference between the two consoles is Purpose.

    • Capacity IQ® Preadmit consoles can only show patients with bed requests.

    • Patient Tracking Portal consoles show patients or locations associated with a unit. Units and locations must have “Show on Bedboard” enabled to appear on consoles.

    • Only locations with a “Location Type” of Admit, Home, or Specialty Bed will appear on a console.

Capacity IQ® Transport Console

  • The Capacity IQ® Transport console is used by healthcare staff to monitor and manage transport jobs, transporters, and patients being transported. This feature exists to streamline the transport process within healthcare facilities, ensuring efficient and timely movement of patients and items. It is used whenever there is a need to request, track, or manage transport jobs.

    • The Capacity IQ® Transport console provides the following functionalities:

      • Transport Jobs: Add or edit requests for transport jobs, and change and view the status of existing transport jobs.

      • Transporters: View transporter status (e.g., Available) and statistics (e.g., total time spent in Available status, number of transport jobs completed).

      • Patients: View patient data.

    • The following Icons and Menu Commands are available within the console:

      • Patient Trans: Search for patients.

      • Patient Add/Edit: Admit and discharge a patient and update patient information.

      • Item Trans: Create new requests for item transport jobs.

      • Notification History: View history and information about alerts and notifications.

      • Dispatch Monitor: View dispatch information about the last dispatched transport job.

      • Quick Reports: Generate quick reports (e.g., Employee Daily Performance Report).

      • Console Settings: Customize the console to hide or display icons or tabs.

    • The following information can be accessed from the console:

      • Patient Transport Jobs: Click the Patient Transports tab or go to Capacity IQ® Transport > Patient Transport Dashboard.

      • Item Transport Jobs: Click the Item Transports tab or go to Capacity IQ® Transport > Item Transport Dashboard.

      • Transporters: Click the Transporters tab or go to Capacity IQ® Transport > Transporter Dashboard.

      • Patients: Click the Patients tab or go to Capacity IQ® Transport > Patient List, and then search for the patient.

Permissions Required

Group Console

  • Save/Show/Delete Group Views: Allows you to save, show, and delete group views.

  • Console View Admin: Grants administrative permissions for console views.

  • Set Group Default View: Allows you to set a group console as the default view for the view group.

Personal Console

  • Save/Show/Delete Personal Views: Allows you to save, show, and delete personal views.

  • Set My Default View: Allows you to set a personal console as your default view.

To sign in successfully (for consoles that require login), users:

  • Must have fixed membership to the unit that is displayed on the console, or

  • If they have variable membership, they must sign in for the day to the unit displayed at this workstation or wall monitor.

  • If they have variable membership and they already signed in for the day elsewhere, then they must ask a supervisor for a RAC code (If the hospital uses RAC codes), go to a workstation and sign in to the unit that is displayed on the console using the RAC code (if applicable), and then return to the wall monitor and sign in to the unit again. (If your hospital uses RAC codes, it is not possible to use them on consoles that are for touch-screen editing).

Additional Notes

  • If you have only the Save/Show/Delete Group Views permission (and not the Console View Admin or Save/Show/Delete Personal Views permissions), you must also be assigned to a view group in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management to save a group console.

  • To load or delete a group console, you must have at least one of the following permissions: Save/Show/Delete Group Views or Console View Admin. The Show Group Views permission also allows you to load a group console.

  • To set a group console as your default view, you must have the Set My Default View permission.


Create a Console

  1. From the console screen select Load/Save Console

    1. Click Save

  2. Select whether this console will be a personal console, available only to me, or a group console, available to multiple people.

  3. Identify the view group to which this console will be defined.

  4. Enter a console name.

  5. Select Set as my default if you want this console and all changes to be set to your account.

    1. Check if this console is going to be the console that will be automatically loaded upon login

  6. Select Set as group default if you want these changes to be saved for anyone who uses this console.

    1. Check if this console is going to be the default console for its view group.

  7. Click Save.

Loading a Console View

  1. Go to Patient Tracking Portal > Load/Save Console.

  2. Go to Clinical Operations > Patient Tracking Portal > If your health system is configured for multiple instances of Capacity IQ®, select the instance name > Load/Save Console icon.

  3. Go to Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application > Load/Save Console.

  4. Go to Clinical Operations > Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application > If your health system is configured for multiple instances of Capacity IQ®, select the instance name > Load/Save Console icon.

  5. Click the Load/Save Console icon.

  6. Click the Load tab.

  7. Click the plus sign (+) next to Personal Console or Group Console to display a list.

  8. Select the check box for the appropriate console.

  9. (Optional) To make this your default view, select the Set as My Default check box.

  10. Click Load.

Saving a Console View

  1. While the console view that you want to save is displayed or loaded, go to Patient Tracking Portal > Load/Save Console.

  2. Go to Clinical Operations > Patient Tracking Portal > If your health system is configured for multiple instances of Capacity IQ®, select the instance name > Load/Save Console icon.

  3. Go to Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application > Load/Save Console.

  4. Go to Clinical Operations > Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application > If your health system is configured for multiple instances of Capacity IQ®, select the instance name > Load/Save Console icon.

  5. Click the Load/Save Console icon.

  6. Click the Save tab.

  7. In the Scope list, select Group Console or Personal Console.

  8. (If you selected Group Console) In the View Group list, select the view group that should be associated with this group console view.

  9. In the Name box, type the new name of the console or select the name of the console you want to overwrite.

  10. (Optional) To make this a default console, select the Set as My Default or Set as Group Default check box.

  11. Click Save.

Deleting a Console

  1. Go to Patient Tracking Portal > Load/Save Console.

  2. Go to Clinical Operations > Patient Tracking Portal > If your health system is configured for multiple instances of Capacity IQ®, select the instance name > Load/Save Console icon.

  3. Go to Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application > Load/Save Console.

  4. Go to Clinical Operations > Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application > If your health system is configured for multiple instances of Capacity IQ®, select the instance name > Load/Save Console icon.

  5. Click the Load/Save Console icon.

  6. Click the Load tab.

  7. Click the plus sign (+) next to Personal Console or Group Console to display a list.

  8. Select the check box for the console you want to delete.

  9. Note: You may not delete a default console provided by TeleTracking Technologies.

  10. Click Delete.

Setting and Loading Your Default Console View

  1. Click the Load/Save Console icon.

  2. Go to Patient Tracking Portal > Load/Save Console.

  3. Go to Clinical Operations > Patient Tracking Portal > If your health system is configured for multiple instances of Capacity IQ®, select the instance name > Load/Save Console icon.

  4. Go to the Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application > Load/Save Console.

  5. Go to Clinical Operations > Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application > If your health system is configured for multiple instances of Capacity IQ®, select the instance name > Load/Save Console icon.

  6. Click the Load tab.

  7. Click the plus sign (+) next to Personal Console or Group Console to display a list of views.

  8. Select the check box for the appropriate view.

  9. Select the Set as My Default check box.

  10. Click Load.

Updating Consoles

  1. Load the console you want to update.

    1. If you do not have the correct console, you can search and select the one you need.

    2. Once you have the console selected, click Load.

  2. Update areas within the console such as Electronic Bedboard, Custom Views, Notification Settings, Console Settings, Units, Advanced Filters, and View Options.

  3. Save the console to ensure the changes are permanently saved.

    1. To save, go to the Load/Save Console icon.

    2. Click the Save tab.

    3. Click Save.

Copying an Existing Console

  1. Load an existing console.

  2. Edit the existing console.

  3. Save the edited console with a new name.

Making List Views Non-Editable (Read-Only)

  1. On the Console Settings window, in the Read-Only (Bed/Patient Rows) row, make sure Enabled appears.

  2. If Disabled appears, click it to change it to Enabled.

Copying List View Layouts and Bedboard View Options

  1. Access the Console Settings window.

  2. Click the Copy View Options tab.

  3. In the Copy From list, select the existing placement list view or bedboard from which you want to copy.

  4. In the Copy To list, select the placement list view or bedboard to which you want to copy view options.

  5. Click Copy.

  6. Click Close.

Requiring Login to Access the Console

  1. On the Console Settings window, in the Require Authentication to Edit Information row, make sure Enabled appears.

  2. If Disabled appears, click it to change it to Enabled.

Login to Access the Console

If the Require Authentication to Edit Information setting is enabled:

  1. Click the Login button that appears in the upper-right corner of the console.

  2. Enter IVR IDs and PINs (if your organization uses PINs) to access the list views and change information, such as patient level of care or diet.

Generating Quick Reports

  1. Open the console.

  2. Click on the Quick Reports icon.

  3. Select the desired report (e.g., Employee Daily Performance Report).

  4. Generate and view the report.

Patients and/or beds not showing on console

  1. Verify bed settings are correct and match showing beds.

  2. Navigate to the desired console > Select View options > Show/hide beds > Select the checkbox for beds that are missing to have them show back on the console.

    1. Also please be aware any beds chosen affect all users, not just the specific console.

  3. Select Show/Hide Beds.

  4. Select which beds will show on the consoles.

Console Troubleshooting Basic - Checklist

This checklist will go through steps to resolve issues with a console.

  1. Confirm Console Loaded

    1. Ensure you have the correct console loaded.

      1. Click Load/Save Console icon

      2. You will get a popup showing your current console.

      3. If under Patient Tracking Portal make sure that you have the correct unit(s) selected.

        1. Click the magnifying glass to select & deselect your units.

  2. Confirm the Default Console in the Profile

    1. Check the user Profile to see what the default console is set to.

      1. Go to Admin Tool - User Management - User Management - select your user.

      2. Check the default console

        1. If the incorrect console is displayed, click the drop down and update the console.

        2. Once you have the correct console selected, hit Save.

  3. Identify any Changes

    1. If you believe there were changes to the console and you are not sure what they were, you may be able to validate against your test environment.

    2. Try loading the console in test.

  4. Identify Who Made Changes

    1. Currently it is not possible to identify who last changed a console within the application.

    2. If you are comfortable reverting the changes, then please do so.

    3. If this is a reoccurring issue, then we may be able to help identify who made changes as long as it is still in the broken state.

      1. Please provide us with:

        1. Full name of the console

        2. A rough timeframe this may have happened

    4. If it becomes a reoccurring issue you may want to identify and restrict access to less team members.

Console Settings

Console Settings are used to customize the display and functionality of the console interface. These settings are used by administrators and users to tailor the console to their specific needs, improving usability and efficiency. Console Settings are accessed when configuring the interface for different applications within the Capacity IQ® suite.

Where you can find this feature: Capacity IQ® Transport, Capacity IQ® EVS, Patient Tracking Portal, Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application, and various Care Support modules.

How Console Settings Work


  • Console Settings allow users to customize various aspects of the console interface, including toolbar visibility, tabbed views, icon display, and text size.

  • The console display can be customized so that all icons or tabs are either hidden or displayed.

    • Whether icons and tabs are displayed by default is determined by two settings in the Master Configuration section of the Admin Tool or Admin Settings > Capacity Management component called Tabbed View
      (displays or hides tabs) and Toolbar View (displays or hides icons).

    • If icons and tabs are hidden, use the menu instead of the icons and tabs to complete tasks.

    • Each tab, each option on the Custom Views icon menu, and each electronic bedboard® view has a custom name.

    • Selected tabs, Custom Views icon menu options, and bedboards are displayed and others are hidden.

      • The Custom Views icon menu is the menu that appears when you click the Custom Views icon.

      • You can have as many as 5 list views appearing on tabs and as many as 5 additional list views appearing on the Custom Views icon menu. (If the icon toolbar is hidden, the Custom Views icon menu names can be accessed from the List Views option on the application menu.)

    • Each available tab and menu represents a different list view.

    • These two settings can be configured separately.

    • For example, Tabbed View can be enabled (tabs displayed) while Toolbar View is disabled (icons hidden).

      • A TeleTracking Technologies representative can help your organization to configure these settings.

  • These settings are configured through the Console Settings window, which can be accessed through different paths depending on the application.

  • When changing Console Settings, there are various settings for each application.

    • For Capacity IQ® PreAdmit + Patient Tracking Portal, these settings adjust options for the list views, the projected census, and the electronic bedboard views.

  • The changes that you make to console settings will only be available while you are in your current session. If you end your session or sign out, the settings will not be saved.


  • You must have the Change Console Settings permission to complete this task.


Access the Console Settings Window

  1. Do one of the following:

  • Click the Console Settings icon.

  • Go to Capacity IQ® Transport > Console Settings.

  • Go to Care Support > TransportTracking™ > Console Settings icon.

  • For multiple instances of Capacity IQ®, go to Care Support > TransportTracking™ > > Console Settings icon.

Hiding or Showing Icons and Tabs

To show the icon toolbar and the tabs:

  • On the Console Settings window, in the Toolbar/Tabbed View row, make sure Enabled appears under Visible. If Disabled appears, click it to change it to Enabled.

To hide the icon toolbar and the tabs:

  • On the Console Settings window, in the Toolbar/Tabbed View row, under Visible, click Enabled to change it to Disabled.

Hiding or Showing the Sign Out Link Area

To show the Sign Out link area:

  • On the Console Settings window, in the Logout Row row, make sure Enabled appears. If Disabled appears, click it to change it to Enabled.

To hide the Sign Out link area:

  • On the Console Settings window, in the Logout Row row, make sure Disabled appears. If Enabled appears, click it to change it to Disabled.

Hiding or Showing the Unit and Shift Display Row

To show the unit and shift display row:

  • On the Console Settings window, in the Unit/Shift Row row, make sure Enabled appears. If Disabled appears, click it to change it to Enabled.

To hide the unit and shift display row:

  • On the Console Settings window, in the Unit/Shift Row row, make sure Disabled appears. If Enabled appears, click it to change it to Disabled.

Hiding or Showing Column Headings

To show the column headings:

  • On the Console Settings window, in the Column Headings Row row, make sure Enabled appears. If Disabled appears, click it to change it to Enabled.

To hide the column headings:

  • On the Console Settings window, in the Column Headings Row row, make sure Disabled appears. If Enabled appears, click it to change it to Disabled.

Hiding or Showing Scroll Buttons

To show scroll buttons on the side of the console:

  • On the Console Settings window, in the Display Side Scroll Controls row, make sure Enabled appears. Click Disabled to change it to Enabled.

To hide the scroll buttons:

  • If Enabled appears, click it to change it to Disabled.

Setting the F11 Key to Hide and Display the Menu Bar

To set the F11 key to hide and display the menu bar:

  • On the Console Settings window, in the Hide Menu Bar with F11 row, make sure Enabled appears. If Disabled appears, click it to change it to Enabled.

To disable the F11 key for hiding and displaying the menu bar:

  • On the Console Settings window, in the Hide Menu Bar with F11 row, make sure Disabled appears. If Enabled appears, click it to change it to Disabled.

Configuring Text Size

You can display text in various sizes in the bed and patient rows on list views. The available sizes are Smaller, Small, Medium, Large, Larger, and Touch (for touch screens).
















  • If you started using Capacity IQ® with version or later and have NOT upgraded from a version earlier than, the default text size is Smaller.

  • If you previously used version 2.4 or earlier and had the Larger Text (Bed/Patient Row) setting Disabled, the default text size is Smaller.

  • If you previously used version 2.4 or earlier and had the Larger Text (Bed/Patient Row) setting Enabled, the default text size is Small.

  • If you used version or and had the Bed Patient Row Text Size set to Small, the default text size is Smaller.

  • If you used version or and had the Bed Patient Row Text Size set to Medium, the default text size is Small or Large.

To configure text size:

  • On the Console Settings window, in the Bed/Patient Row Text Size row, select Smaller, Small, Medium, Large, or Larger.

Changing Console Settings

  1. Click Console Settings.

  2. Enable or disable settings under the Visible column.

  3. If you see additional options in the View Section (application dependent):

    1. Use up and down arrows to reorder the views.

    2. Edit the name of the views using the free text field.

    3. Specific settings for the Portal require a drop-down.

      1. Click and select an option for either of the following settings:

        1. Bed/Patient Row Text Size

        2. Projected Discharge Date Display

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