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Applications Overview
Ashley Ware avatar
Written by Ashley Ware
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Applications Overview

Capacity IQ® contains multiple applications that can perform different functions. Capacity IQ® coordinates all critical activities that impact patient flow with a complete set of workflow automation and visibility tools for patient placement, nursing, housekeeping, and transport. Key benefits include optimizing available capacity, minimizing Length Of Stay (LOS), reducing diversion and ED & PACU holds, reducing Left Without Being Seen (LWBS) incidences, decreasing bed turnover time, reducing patient wait times, and increasing patient satisfaction. Capacity IQ® applications are used by hospital administrators, patient flow coordinators, nursing staff, environmental services (EVS) teams, transport teams, and bed management personnel.

The Capacity IQ® solution provides the platform for all of our applications: Capacity IQ® Transport, Capacity IQ® EVS, Capacity IQ® PreAdmit, and Patient Tracking Portal.

How the Applications Work


  • The Capacity IQ® Transport application allows your organization to manage moving patients and items (such as lab samples) from one location to another.

  • The Capacity IQ® EVS application allows your organization to manage bed cleaning jobs.

  • The Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application with the electronic bedboard® view allows your organization to manage patient placements and bed assignments.

  • The Patient Tracking Portal application gives nurses and unit staff members quick and comprehensive access to patient information.

    • They easily can perform patient flow tasks and keep track of critical clinical patient information.

    • Staff members can manage patients, patient placements, and patient transports; view staff assignments and schedules; set and view discharge and transfer milestones; and manage beds, bed assignment priorities, and patient bed assignments.

  • Depending on your permissions, you may have access to all or just some of the applications.

  • You can access the applications that you have permission to use from the menus at the top of the page.

  • If you are in an application, such as the Capacity IQ® EVS application or Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application and you want to close the application and access My Information or My Notifications, click your username in the upper-right corner.

  • To access a section of the Capacity Management page (such as User Management), in the navigation bar go to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management and then click the appropriate option name.

  • To access the Standard Reports or Clinical Operations > CMS Reports, or Care Support > CMS Reports component, in the navigation bar, click Standard Reports or go to Clinical Operations > CMS Reports or Care Support > CMS Reports. Or, if your health system is configured for multiple instances of Capacity IQ®, go to Clinical Operations > CMS Reports > <Instance Name> or Care Support > CMS Reports > <Instance Name>.

  • To access the Capacity IQ® EVS application, Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application, Patient Tracking Portal® application or Capacity IQ® Transport application, in the navigation bar, click the application name. Or, go to Clinical Operations > PreAdmitTracking® application, Clinical Operations > PatientTracking Portal®, Care Support > BedTracking®, or Care Support > TransportTracking™. Or, if your health system is configured for multiple instances of Capacity IQ®, go to Clinical Operations > PreAdmitTracking® application > <Instance Name>, Clinical Operations > PatientTracking Portal® > <Instance Name>, Care Support > BedTracking® > <Instance Name>, or Care Support > TransportTracking™ > <Instance Name>.

  • Administrators with the appropriate permissions can set up users, permissions, data, dispatch sets, and parameters to ensure that each applications functions appropriately via the Capacity Management Administration page.

    • Access to administrative functions is based on permissions.

    • You will only be able to access sections that you have been granted permissions to use.

  • Through Standard Reports (Clinical Operations > CMS Reports or Care Support > CMS Reports), users with the appropriate permissions can generate reports about bed cleaning jobs, patient placements, transport jobs, and employees.

  • There are also master reports that provide information about users, locations, paging devices, and patients.

  • In addition, there are product-specific master reports that provide listings of travel requirements, items, and modes of travel for the Capacity IQ® Transport application and physician summaries for the Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application.

  • HIPAA-related reports are also available (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996).

  • Your ability to access applications and perform specific tasks is controlled by permissions.

    • For example, if you are an administrator, you might be able to access the Capacity Management Administration page and perform certain tasks (such as adding users), but not others.

    • If you are a transporter, you might have permission to perform transport-related tasks such as cancelling a transport job request. However, you may not use the application to add a request for a transport job.

    • Some bed cleaners might have permission to block beds or suspend jobs while others do not.

    • Some Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application users may have permission to generate "quick reports" while others do not.

Capacity IQ® Transport

  • The Capacity IQ® Transport Application within Capacity IQ® gives your organization the ability to manage the movement of patients and items (i.e., lab samples) from one location to another.

  • The Capacity IQ® Transport application, with appropriate permissions, allows supervisors, requesters, and transporters to:

    • Add and change requests to transport patients or items (add requests for transport jobs).

    • Add a single or sequential request to take a patient to multiple locations in a certain sequence (i.e., to X-Ray, and then to Physical Therapy).

    • Access floor plans to see the real-time locations of patients, staff, and assets.

      • To do this, your organization has to use floor plans and Capacity IQ® integrated with Location IQ®.

      • In addition, Patient Tracking and Staff Tracking licenses are required.

      • If your organization uses floor plans, but Location IQ® is not integrated, then you can view the floor plan to see the locations of patients as determined by Capacity IQ®.

      • If your organization uses floor plans and Capacity IQ® is integrated with Location IQ®, and your organization has Patient Tracking and Staff Tracking licenses, then you can search for assets and staff members.

  • Use the Capacity IQ® Transport console to monitor and change the status of transport jobs. You can also:

    • View information about equipment return tasks for patient transport jobs.

    • View the dispatch monitor.

    • View transporters' employee statuses (for example, to learn whether a transporter is at lunch or in Available status).

    • View transporters' statistics.

    • Sign a transporter in or out.

    • Change a transporter's zone and section assignment or paging device.

    • View the notification history of transport jobs

    • View when pages or messages were sent to supervisors or transporters concerning specific requests for transport jobs.

    • View transport jobs for which alerts have been sent.

    • View patient details.

    • View patient transport schedules (history).

    • Generate a "quick report" that displays employee-related information such as:

      • The total number of hours employees spent in In Progress status.

      • The total number of breaks employees took.

      • The total number of transport job delays.

      • Instant notifications are other types of notifications.

  • The Capacity IQ® Transport application works in conjunction with the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) telephone system to manage transport jobs. You can use the IVR, as well as the application, to do tasks such as check and change job statuses and hear real-time transport statistics.

Patient Tracking Portal

  • The Patient Tracking Portal application is used by nursing units to manage various aspects of patient care and beds.

  • Patient Tracking Portal can also replace the manual, static nursing unit whiteboards.

  • The information in Patient Tracking Portal is updated and displayed electronically, in real time. If you have the appropriate permissions, you can:

    • Edit patient information, such as comments, procedures/precautions, isolation types, and diet information.

    • Set patient or bed attributes.

    • Set or remove bed assignment priorities (bed ahead).

    • If your organization uses floor plans and Capacity IQ® is integrated with Location IQ®, and your organization has Patient Tracking and Staff Tracking licenses, then you can access a floor plan to see the real-time locations of patients, staff, and assets.

    • If your organization uses floor plans, but Location IQ® is not integrated, then you can view the floor plan to see the locations of patients as determined by Capacity IQ®.

    • If your organization uses floor plans and Capacity IQ® is integrated with Location IQ®, and your organization has Patient Tracking and Staff Tracking licenses, then you can search for assets and staff members.

    • Assign staff members to beds.

    • View patients' staff assignment history and order history.

    • Post and view campus and unit messages and send instant messages.

    • Complete patient-related actions, such as admitting, transferring, and discharging patients.

    • Set or view transfer or discharge milestones.

    • Change bed size.

    • Change custom bed attributes.

    • Re-occupy beds marked clean by mistake.

    • View patient transport history.

    • Add, edit, or cancel patient or item transport job requests.

    • View RTKIs.

    • Access and configure the electronic bedboard® view.

    • Generate quick reports.

Capacity IQ® Preadmit

  • The Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application with the electronic bedboard® view allows your organization to manage patient placements and bed assignments.

  • If you have the appropriate permissions, you can:

    • Customize and/or see list views displaying patient placement information, patients admitted today, and patients in Pending Discharge or Confirmed Discharge status.

    • Configure the settings that determine which subscription-based notifications you receive.

    • Search for a patient.

    • Set and view transfer and discharge milestones.

    • Create new preadmit records or edit existing patient placement details and complete information on the Patient/Placement Details form.

      • You may use the Patient/Placement Details form to perform tasks such as entering patient contact information, setting the patient attributes and needed bed attributes so that an optimal bed can be found in an advanced bed search, performing an advanced search for a bed for the patient, setting the patient's observation start time or entering when the observation ended, selecting a target ward for a patient, selecting users to receive notifications about the placement, or assigning a bed.

    • If your organization uses floor plans and Capacity IQ® is integrated with Location IQ®, and your organization has Patient Tracking and Staff Tracking licenses, then you can access a floor plan to see the real-time locations of patients, staff, and assets.

    • If your organization uses floor plans, but Location IQ® is not integrated, then you can view the floor plan to see the locations of patients as determined by Capacity IQ®

    • If your organization uses floor plans and Capacity IQ® is integrated with Location IQ®, and your organization has Patient Tracking and Staff Tracking licenses, then you can search for assets and staff members.

    • Perform patient actions on the Patient/Placement Details form, such as admitting a patient, transferring a patient, sending a patient to a procedure, and changing a patient's status to Pending Discharge or Confirmed Discharge.

    • Add, edit, or cancel patient transport requests.

    • Access and configure multiple bedboards, so that you can view a snapshot of beds by ward and see information for each bed such as bed status, the patient who is occupying or assigned to the bed, whether the patient is being transferred or is in Pending Discharge or Confirmed Discharge status, the number of physical beds, staffed beds, and census beds per ward, whether a bed is assigned to or occupied by a male or female patient, whether a bed that is not assigned or occupied can accommodate a male or female patient.

    • Indicate that a patient is or will be ready to move.

    • Use the electronic bedboard® view to create a new preadmit record, associate bed attributes with a bed/location, view bed details, or view patient details.

    • Generate "quick reports" that display information about beds, patients, placements, and placement-based notifications.

    • Enter the number of staffed beds that exist per ward, per shift.

    • View and print the projected census.

      • For example, you can view the current census, the total staffed beds or physical beds, the number of available beds, the number of patients in Pending or Confirmed Discharge status who are expected to be discharged within a certain amount of time from now, and the number of requested and assigned placements for incoming or outgoing internal transfers and incoming new preadmitted patients.

  • Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application users with the appropriate permissions can use the IVR to set or cancel a patient's Pending Transfer, Pending Discharge, or Confirmed Discharge status.

Capacity IQ® EVS

  • The Capacity IQ® EVS application allows your organization to manage bed cleaning jobs. If you have the appropriate permissions, you can:

    • Use the bed dashboard to view the number of beds in each status per area and access bed lists.

    • View bed lists for all beds, beds by status, or beds by area (for example, by building).

    • View occupied bed lists.

    • View multiview bed lists (unoccupied beds in the following statuses: In Progress, Dirty, Clean Next, Stat, UDEF-8, UDEF-9, Blocked, and Clean).

    • Access bed information and view bed details (for example, bed status and history).

    • If your organization uses floor plans and Capacity IQ® is integrated with Location IQ®, and your organization has Patient Tracking and Staff Tracking licenses, then you can access a floor plan to see the real-time locations of patients, staff, and assets. If your organization uses floor plans, but Location IQ® is not integrated, then you can view the floor plan to see the locations of patients as determined by Capacity IQ®.

    • If your organization uses floor plans and Capacity IQ® is integrated with Location IQ®, and your organization has Patient Tracking and Staff Tracking licenses, then you can search for assets and staff members.

    • Change bed status (for example, from Dirty to STAT).

    • Create or cancel EVS bed cleaning requests or requests to clean spills (for example, spills of fluids or foods) that are associated with EVS beds.

    • Change bed size.

    • Mark a bed clean.

    • If a bed is marked clean by mistake and therefore it appears that the patient is no longer in the bed, you may reoccupy the bed so that it is clear that the patient is still in the bed.

    • Access employee information and view employee details.

    • Sign an employee in or out.

    • Change an employee's zone and section assignment or paging device.

    • Reset or remove a patient's isolation type.

    • View Real-Time Key Indicator (RTKI) statistics (daily average turnaround time, total beds cleaned today, and current census).

    • Generate "quick reports" that display information about bed or spill cleaning jobs, patient discharges and transfers, employees, and notifications.

    • Capacity IQ® EVS application tasks can be performed only for locations that have the EVS Service bed setting enabled from the Capacity Management Administration page.

  • The Capacity IQ® EVS application works in conjunction with the IVR to create, assign, and change the status of bed cleaning jobs.

How the Capacity IQ® Applications Work Together

Capacity IQ® applications work together to manage processes within a hospital. For example:

  • User permissions to use the Capacity IQ® Transport, Capacity IQ® EVS, and Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application functions are configured on the Capacity Management Administration page.

  • In each application, users can perform tasks according to their permissions.

  • The Standard Reports or Clinical Operations > CMS Reports or Care Support > CMS Reports component can generate reports about jobs that were requested and managed in the Capacity IQ® Transport application or Capacity IQ® EVS application or about transfers or discharges that were managed through the Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application.

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