Isolation Types (Iso Types)
Isolation Types are used to indicate the reason a patient is in isolation, helping supervisors, requesters, or EVS employees determine if special precautions are necessary. This feature is used by healthcare staff, such as supervisors, requesters, or EVS employees, to manage patient isolation statuses and ensure proper precautions are taken. It is used when assigning beds, managing patient details, and handling job requests.
Where you can find this feature: Admin > Settings > Capacity Management, Patient Tracking Portal, Capacity IQ® EVS application, Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application, and Capacity IQ® Transport, Bed Lists (e.g., Occupied Beds, All Beds), Electronic Bedboard® View, Patient Attributes section of the Patient/Placement Details form
How Isolation Types Work
Isolation Types are configured in the Dictionary Management section of Admin > Settings > Capacity Management.
Users with the appropriate permissions can edit isolation types by clicking the isolation type or cell to display a menu.
Organizations may require selecting an isolation type or None before assigning a bed.
Isolation Types are codes indicating the reason for patient isolation.
Isolation Types can be linked to job requests and displayed on the electronic bedboard® view.
In the Patient Tracking Portal, isolation types can be selected in the Patient Attributes section of the Patient/Placement Details form so that they can be used in the advanced bed search to find an optimal bed for a patient.
You can change the isolation type associated with a patient if you have the appropriate permissions and the patient is associated with the areas in your membership.
You can change or remove a patient's isolation type from a list view or from the Patient/Placement Details form.
Permissions Required
Admin Tool Menu: Access to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management.
Global Admin Permissions- Administrative Controls: - Isolation Type permission. Needed to delete Isolation Types
Global TeleTracking Technologies Permissions: Capacity IQ® Transport - Console Patients Tab permission.
Edit Patient Name: Change the patient name.
Maintain Patient/Placement Details: Access the Patient/Placement Details form
Edit Rights: Required to change information.
View Rights: View but not change information
User May Edit Patient Information: Required to change or remove isolation types from the Occupied Beds list.
Create New PreAdmits: Create a new preadmit record
User May Edit Patient Isolation Types: Required to change or remove patient isolation types.
User May Edit Patient Transports: Required to change the isolation type.
Membership Type: "All" with Administrative Rights or "Fixed" with campus-level membership and Administrative Rights.
Adding or Editing an Isolation Type
Navigate to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Miscellaneous > Dictionary Management.
Click the Isolation Types link in the Dictionary Name column.
To add, click Add Isolation Type. To edit, click the name in the Name column.
Complete the following fields:
Isolation Type Name: Unique name, max 30 characters
ADT ID: Code submitted by the hospital's ADT system for this isolation type
IVR ID: Numeric ID code for the IVR system for this isolation type (greater than 0)
Color Code: Color associated with this isolation type for transport requests and list views for your hospital
This color does not appear on the electronic bedboard® view.
Show on Bedboard: Enable if the isolation type should appear on the electronic bedboard® view.
Bedboard Character: Character to identify the isolation type on the bedboard.
Capacity IQ® PreAdmit Only
Example: an upper-case C for C.Diff
Cell #: Cell number for the bedboard.
Capacity IQ® PreAdmit Only
Bed Attribute: If a certain bed attribute should be selected on the Patient/Placement Details form automatically when this isolation type is selected, select that bed attribute name.
Capacity IQ® PreAdmit Only
Attribute Matching Type: If you selected a bed attribute in the previous step, select either P (for bed attribute is preferred) or R (for bed attribute is required).
Display Icon: If isolation types will appear on Patient Tracking Portal list views, select an icon to represent the isolation type.
Click Save.
Changing or Removing a Patient’s Isolation Type from a List View
Access a list view and select a unit.
Display the patient's name in the list view by:
Searching for the patient.
Clicking a placement tab.
Navigating to the Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application > List Views > [placement list view name] and filtering the list.
Going to Clinical Operations > PreAdmitTracking® application > [placement tab name] and filtering the list.
For multiple instances of Capacity IQ®, go to Clinical Operations > PreAdmitTracking® application > [Instance Name] > [placement tab name] and filter the list.
In the Iso Type column, click the isolation type corresponding to the patient.
To change the isolation type, select another isolation type from the list.
To remove the isolation type, click Clear.
Resetting a Patient's Isolation Type
View Patient Details.
Click the patient's isolation type and select another one.
Return to the Patients list by clicking the Patients tab or navigating to the Patient List.
Changing or Removing a Patient Isolation Type from a List View
In the Iso Type column, click the isolation type corresponding to the patient.
To change the isolation type, select another isolation type from the list.
To remove the isolation type, click Clear.
Changing or Removing an Isolation Type from the Patient/Placement Details Form
Access the Patient/Placement Details form.
In the Iso Type list, select an isolation type or choose Select to remove an isolation type.
Click Save or Save and Close.
Deleting Isolation Types
Navigate to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Dictionary Management.
Click the Isolation Types link in the Dictionary Name column.
Select the checkboxes for the isolation types you want to delete.
To select all isolation types, select the checkbox in the title bar.
Click Delete.
Confirm the deletion by clicking OK.
In the Iso Type column, click the icon or current text or click -- to display the list.
Select an isolation type or select Clear to remove an isolation type.