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Alert Escalation
Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Alert escalation occurs when a job or employee remains in a specific status beyond the set trigger time, ensuring timely response and resolution. Administrators configure escalation rules, assigning levels to supervisors who receive alerts based on their assigned sections and zones. If a supervisor at the initial level does not respond or is not logged in, the alert automatically escalates to the next level until action is taken. This process helps maintain workflow efficiency by ensuring critical tasks receive prompt attention.

Alert Escalation Levels are assigned to users on their user profile and can also be set for each alert configured in the Alert Settings found under the Alert Management section of the Capacity Management Administration page.

How Alert Escalations Work


  • An alert can escalate through five levels (Level 1 - Level 5).

  • The time periods and levels can be customized from the Capacity Management Administration page.

  • The administrator can select an alert escalation level for each supervisor. For each job or employee status, the administrator can select the levels to which alerts for those statuses should be escalated.

    • Example

      • If Pat Smith's user profile has an alert escalation level setting of 2, and the In Progress status has an alert escalation level setting of 2, then Pat Smith could receive an alert when a job remains in the In Progress status for longer than the trigger minutes selected by the administrator.

  • Supervisors can enable Screen Alerts in My Notifications for real-time updates

  • If no supervisor with the appropriate initial alert escalation level is signed in when an alert is sent, the alert will be escalated to the next level automatically.

    • Escalation will continue until there is a response from a signed-in supervisor.

  • If there is no reply or action following the initial alert, further notifications may be directed to a supervisor.

    • If the status remains the same, the alert can be escalated and sent automatically to a supervisor at the next level.

    • If there is still no change, the supervisor at the next level could receive a certain number of additional alerts.

  • If a supervisor is not receiving escalation alerts despite correct settings and permissions, it may be due to a variable assignment.

How Alerts for Employee Statuses Are Escalated

  1. The administrator determines which statuses alerts are sent for, under which circumstances they are sent, and which levels of users should receive them. These settings are configured from the Alert Settings under the Alert Management section of the Capacity Management Administration page.

  2. Alerts are sent to users (supervisors whose section and zone assignment includes the section and zone assignment of the employee about whom the alert is generated) at certain alert escalation levels when an employee is in one status (such as Break) for a specific amount of time.

For example, the administrator might configure a setting so that if an employee is in Break status for 40 minutes between the hours of 8:00 AM and midnight, a supervisor with an alert escalation level of 2 receives an alert. If there is no change in five minutes, that supervisor receives a second alert. If there is no change in five more minutes, a supervisor at the next level receives an alert.

Note: If no supervisor with the appropriate initial alert escalation level is signed in when an alert is sent, the alert will be escalated to the next level automatically. Escalation will continue until there is a response from a signed in supervisor.

How Alerts for Transport Jobs Are Escalated

  1. The administrator configures alert settings that determine whether an alert is sent when the transport job's origin, destination, or either is within the supervisor's assigned zones and/or sections on the Capacity Management Administration page.

  2. Supervisors who have been assigned alert escalation levels in their user profiles receive alerts when transport jobs that are within their zone and section assignments or the campus containing their base units remain in one status for a certain period of time.

  3. Based on the alert settings configured, if a transport job status still does not change for a period of time after the alert was sent, an alert is sent to a supervisor at the next highest level. This continues until a response is received or the alert has been sent to the highest-level supervisor.

For example, the administrator might configure a setting so that if a transport job is in Pending status for 10 minutes between the hours of 8:00 AM and midnight, a supervisor with an alert escalation level of 2 receives an alert. If there is no change in five minutes, that supervisor receives a second alert. If there is no change in five more minutes, a supervisor at the next level receives an alert.

Note: If no supervisor with the appropriate initial alert escalation level is signed in when an alert is sent, the alert will be escalated to the next level automatically. Escalation will continue until there is a response from a signed in supervisor.

Escalation Examples

  1. Pat Smith and Chris Kelly are both supervisors. Pat and Chris both have memberships that include Unit A. In Pat Smith's user profile, 2 has been selected in the Level list. In Chris Kelly's profile, a level of 4 has been selected. The administrator has configured settings for the In Progress job status so that trigger minutes = 25, retries = 2, and interval minutes = 10. The administrator has selected alert escalation levels of 2 and 4 for the In Progress status.

    1. If a job in Unit A remains in the In Progress status for 26 minutes, then Pat Smith will receive an escalation alert (1st alert / 1st message).

    2. If the job has no status change in the next 10 minutes, a retry escalation alert (1st retry / 2nd message) will be sent to Pat Smith.

    3. If the job has no status change for another 10 minutes, another retry escalation alert (2nd retry / 3rd message) will be sent to Pat Smith.

    4. If the job has no status change for another 10 minutes, an escalation alert (1st alert / 1st message) will be sent to Chris Kelly.

    5. If the job has no status change for another 10 minutes, a retry escalation alert (1st retry / 2nd message) will be sent to Chris Kelly.

    6. If the job has no status change for another 10 minutes, another retry escalation alert (2nd retry / 3rd message) will be sent to Chris Kelly.

Note: If Pat Smith (level 2) is not logged in to the system, the initial alert after trigger minutes will be sent to Chris Kelly (level 4).

Supervisor Not Receiving Escalation Alerts

  1. To fix this, update the Job Alert Matching setting in the User Notifications tab to Against my base campus in the User profile.

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