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Advanced Filters (Adv. Filters)
Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 2 weeks ago

If you want only certain types of data to appear on a list view, you may select advanced filters. For example, you might want a list view to include only patient records that are associated with the bed attribute called Negative Airflow Bed. In the same list view, you might want to exclude patient records associated with the patient attribute MRSA. You might want a list view to include only patients who have lab orders that are in the Ordered status. Advanced Filters are used by nurses, Patient Placement Specialists, or Admitting staff.

The Adv. Filters button is located on the top right corner of a list view in the Capacity IQ® PreAdmit and Patient Tracking Portal applications.

How Advanced Filters Work


  • If you do not see the advanced filters button, you will need to speak with your internal administrator to have the advanced filter group permission added to the user's profile.

  • You may use the Adv. Filter button to:

    • Select filters to include or exclude types of data.

    • Choose whether the selected filters are combined by AND or OR (For example, include only patient records associated with BOTH the Isolation bed attribute AND the MRSA patient attribute or to include patients who are associated with EITHER the Isolation bed attribute OR the MRSA patient attribute.

    • Include incoming or outgoing preadmitted or pending transfer patient records or both.

    • Include activated or unactivated preadmitted or pending transfer placement requests, or both.

  • You must have the Set Advanced Filters permission to use Adv. Filters

  • After selecting Advanced Filters, your changes will only be in effect until you end your session or sign out, unless you save the console.

Select Advanced Filters:

  1. On the list view, click Adv. Filters, to display the List View Advanced Filters dialog box.

  2. Under Column, select the check boxes for the category of data you would like to filter by.

    Example: To display only patient records associated with certain types of bed attributes, patient attributes, and hospital services, select the Bed Attributes, Patient Attributes, and Hospital Services check boxes.

  3. Under Filter, select the types of data that you would like to filter by for each category. Click the magnifying glass icon, and then do one of the following:

    • If a list of options with check boxes appears (for example, for Bed Attributes):

      1. Select the check boxes corresponding to the types of data.

      2. Click Select.

    • If a drop-down list of options appears (for example, for Hold Timer):

      1. Select one of the options.

      2. Click Select.

    • If a user selection box appears (for example, for Assigned by User):

      1. Select a campus. You may only select users whose base units are in the selected campus who have at least one of the following permissions: Activate Placements, Edit Origin Unit, Create Pending Transfer, Create New PreAdmit, Badge Patient Ready to Move.

      2. Type the first few letters of the user's first or last name.

      3. Select First Name or Last Name (depending on what you typed).

      4. Click Search to display names in the Available Users list.

      5. In the Available User list, click a name, and then click Add.

      6. Click Select.

    • If a text box appears (for example, for Misc to filter on text in the Misc. box on the Patient Details form), type text, and then click Select.
      Example: To display only patient records associated with the Isolation bed attribute, the MRSA patient attribute, and the Surgery hospital service, under Filter, in the row corresponding to Bed Attributes, select Isolation, in the row corresponding to Patient Attributes, select MRSA, and in the row corresponding to Hospital Services, select Surgery.

  4. Select whether patient records associated with the data type that you chose should be included in, or excluded from, the list view. In the Inc/Exc list select Include or Exclude.

    Example: To display only patient records associated with the Isolation bed attribute and with the MRSA patient attribute, but NOT with the Surgery hospital service, under Inc/Exc, in the row corresponding to Isolation bed attributes, select Include, in the row corresponding to MRSA patient attributes, select Include, and in the row corresponding to Surgery hospital services, select Exclude.

  5. For each category that you select under Column, select whether patient records with unknown data in that category should be included. In the row corresponding to the selected category, under Include Unknown, click the gray Disabled button to change it to Enabled.

    Note: The Include Unknown option is NOT available for the following: Patient Status, Placement Status, Observation, Requesting User.

    Example: Some patient records might have no bed attributes associated with them. But you still might want them to appear on the list view if they meet the other criteria that you have selected. To include patient records that do not have any specific bed attribute associated with them, in the Include Unknown column, in the row corresponding to bed attributes, click Disabled to change it to Enabled.

  6. In the Combine Filters By list, select one of the following:

    • To include patient records associated with all of the types of data selected, select AND.

    • To include patient records associated with ANY of the types of data selected, select OR.

    Example: To include only patient records associated with BOTH the Isolation bed attribute AND the MRSA patient attribute and that are NOT associated with the Surgery hospital service (in a previous example, Surgery was excluded), select AND. To include patients who are associated with EITHER the Isolation bed attribute OR the MRSA patient attribute OR who are NOT associated with the Surgery hospital service, select OR.

  7. (Not Available in Patient Tracking Portal Search Results) In the For PreAdmit and Pending Transfers section, select whether to include records for incoming or outgoing preadmitted and pending transfer patients or both. Do one of the following in the Incoming/Outgoing Patients list:

    • To include only records for incoming patients (those with assigned beds or target units in the selected unit), select Incoming.

    • To include only records for outgoing patients (those with home, current, or specialty locations within the selected unit or those with placements where the selected unit is the requested unit), select Outgoing.

    • To include BOTH incoming AND outgoing patients, select Incoming or Outgoing.

  8. (Not Available in Patient Tracking Portal Search Results) In the For PreAdmit and Pending Transfers section, select whether to include preadmitted or pending transfer patients with activated or unactivated placement requests or both. In the Requests list, select one of the following:

    • To include only patients with activated placement requests (the requested date and time, or time that the bed is needed, is either now or in the past), select Activated.

    • To include only patients with unactivated placement requests, (the requested date and time, or time that the bed is needed, is in the future), select Unactivated.

    • To include patients with BOTH activated and unactivated requests, select Activated or Unactivated.

To Save Your Selections:

  • To save the selections for your current session and return to the list view to see results, click Save

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