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Placement Request / Bed Request
Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Placement Requests and Patients

This feature is used by administrators, nursing units, and patient placement coordinators to manage and track bed placement requests, admissions, and transfers. It exists to ensure efficient patient flow and accurate bed assignments by dynamically displaying requests based on administrative settings, patient status, and unit configuration. It is used whenever a patient requires a bed—whether initiating a new request, updating an existing one, or cancelling a request during the admission or transfer process.

Where you can find this feature: Accessible via list views, the Patient/Placement Details form, the Admin Tool, and the Capacity Management component within the PatientTracking Portal and PreAdmitTracking applications.

How Placement Requests and Patients Works


Default Visibility Setting

  1. The administrator sets the Default Number of Days to Show on Placement List Views.

  2. Placement requests appear through the end of the day for the configured number of days, regardless of the current shift.

  3. All patients currently in the units and those with active transport jobs appear on the list view until the end of the day.

  4. Example: If set to 2 days and a placement request has a requested date of June 1, the request appears on the list view for the target unit through the end of June 1 and June 2.

Requested Column Display

  1. Shows the date and time that a bed is needed.

  2. A blank column indicates no open placement request.

  3. Color Coding:

    1. Bold and Green: The placement request is activated.

    2. Red: The placement request is not activated.

  4. Users with appropriate permissions can click the date/time in a list view to activate or deactivate a placement request.

  5. Note: Activation/deactivation is not available on the Admits Today or Pending/Confirmed Discharges list views.

Activating a Placement Request

  1. A placement request can be activated when:

    1. The Requested date/time is red (inactive).

    2. The patient's placement status is Requested or Assigned.

    3. The patient's status is PreAdmit and the patient does not have an assigned home location (or is in a home holding bed).

    4. The user has the Activate Placement permission.

  2. Clicking the red date/time updates it to the current time (indicating immediate need) and changes the display to green and bold.

Deactivating a Placement Request

  1. A placement request can be deactivated when:

    1. The Requested date/time is green and bold (active).

    2. The patient's placement status is Requested or Assigned.

    3. The user has the Deactivate Placement permission.

  2. This action is used when the bed is no longer needed immediately, even if the request’s timestamp is current.

Creating a Patient Placement Request (Bed Request)

Eligibility and Permissions Required

  1. Eligibility: Placement requests may only be created for patients in one of these statuses:

    1. Outpatient

    2. Inhouse

    3. Pending Discharge

    4. Confirmed Discharge

  2. Permissions Required:

    1. Maintain Patient/Placement Details (View): Access and view the Patient/Placement Details form.

    2. Maintain Patient/Placement Details (Edit): Make changes such as editing the patient name (requires individual permissions like Edit Patient Name) or associated physicians.

    3. Create New PreAdmits: Required to create new preadmit records in both PreAdmitTracking and PatientTracking Portal.

    4. Create Placements: To create a placement request for a patient.

    5. Cancel Bed Placement Requests: Required for cancelling requests.

    6. Additional special permissions may be required for actions like selecting a target unit, setting an assigned bed, or receiving placement-related notifications.

Access Methods

  1. From the Patient/Placement Details Form:

    1. Access a list view and select a unit (only beds with the Show on Bedboard setting enabled in the Admin Tool or under Admin > Settings > Capacity Management are visible).

    2. In the Name column, click the patient's name to display the Patient/Placement Details form.

    3. In the Patient Action list (typically on the left), select Create Bed Request.

  2. From a List View:

    1. Standard Approach:

      1. Click the patient's name in the Name column to open the Patient/Placement Details form, then select Create Bed Request from the Patient Action list.

    2. Direct Dialog Approach: (if enabled via the Master Configuration setting "Create Bed Request patient action opens Target Unit/Assign Bed Dialog instead of Patient/Placement Details form")

      1. Click in the ST or Pt Status column, then select Create Bed Request to open a dialog box with the option pre-selected.

    3. In both cases, after selecting the action, you can choose a target unit or assign a bed directly.

Completing the Request

  1. In the Placement Information section, complete the following:

    1. Request Time:

      1. Click the calendar icon.

      2. Select a month and a date.

      3. Enter the time (e.g., 15:11 or 3:11 PM, per hospital configuration).

      4. (Requires Edit Request Date Time permission.)

    2. Origin Unit:

      1. Select the unit where the patient is currently assigned or located.

      2. Only units with the Allow as Origin Unit setting enabled are available (this setting can be enabled by the hospital's Capacity IQ® solution administrator).

      3. Click the magnifying glass to view a list of campuses, expand via the plus sign (+), and select the appropriate unit.

    3. Target Unit:

      1. Begin typing the unit name; when a list appears, select the desired unit, or click the arrow to display a list.

      2. Alternatively, click the magnifying glass, expand campus details, and select the target unit.

    4. Assigned Bed:

      1. Select from List:

        1. Type the first few characters of the bed identifier until it appears, or click the arrow to display a list.

        2. The list shows the bed identifier, associated campus, and bed status information.

      2. Select from Magnifying Glass Icon:

        1. In the Campus list, ensure the correct campus is selected (if a target unit is already chosen, this cannot be changed).

        2. In the Units/Clusters list, select a specific unit or choose "All Units/Clusters."

        3. The Location Results list displays all matching locations.

        4. Select the desired location and click Select.

      3. (Requires Set Bed Assignment permission initially; if modifying an existing assignment, the Change Bed Assignment permission is needed.)

  2. Advanced Bed Search (Optional):

    1. Click Adv Search to perform an advanced search based on specific bed attributes (e.g., level of care, discipline, bed assignment priority, and accommodation type) and patient attributes (such as MRSA status).

    2. Review the search results, noting details in the Bed Status column (e.g., Clean or Occupied) and any conflict indicators in the Bed column (such as patient gender or age conflicts).

    3. Once an optimal bed is identified, click its identifier to select it, which will then populate the Assigned Bed box.

  3. Warning:

    1. A warning message appears if another patient with the same last name is already present (in a home, current, or specialty location), has an assigned or targeted bed, or is associated with a transport job in the unit.

    2. Hospital policy may require selecting a different unit to prevent duplicate last name conflicts.

  4. Configuration Note:

    1. Unless the Master Configuration setting Allow Assignment to Other Than Non Holding Beds is enabled, only home locations not marked as holding beds are available.

Cancelling a Patient Placement Request (Bed Request)

  1. Eligibility:

    1. Only placement requests for patients in PreAdmit or Pending Transfer statuses may be cancelled.

  2. Patient Status Changes on Cancellation:

    1. Cancelling the request changes the patient's status to:

      1. Visit Cancelled if the patient does not have a home location, or

      2. Inhouse if the patient is in PreAdmitted status with a home location or is in Pending Transfer status.

    2. Note: If the Master Configuration setting Dirty the Patient Home Location Upon Creation of Pending Transfer Request from Specialty Bed is enabled and a bed cleaning job is associated with the cancelled request, that job will also be cancelled.

  3. Process:

    1. From the Patient/Placement Details Form:

      1. Access the form for the patient.

      2. In the Patient Action list, select Cancel Bed Request.

      3. Click Save or Save and Close.

    2. From a List View:

      1. Click in the ST or Pt Status column.

      2. Select Cancel Bed Request from the Patient Action dialog box.

      3. Click Save.

Create Bed Request – Includes Intra-Unit

  1. This variant notifies a request to transfer a patient to another inpatient bed within the same unit.

  2. Process:

    1. Click on the patient's status in the ST column and select Create Bed Request.

    2. Update Bed and Patient Custom Attributes, as well as Comments if applicable.

    3. Save and close the request.

    4. For patients ready to move, a single click on the Ready to Move (RTM) indicator will complete the transfer.

Managing Bed Requests For Nursing Units

  1. Overview:

    1. Nursing units handle two primary scenarios: admissions into the unit and transfers out.

    2. Proper management of both scenarios is critical for patient safety and efficient placement.

  2. Bed Requests VIA Electronic Order:

    1. When an admit order is entered in the EMR, a Bed Request is automatically generated in TeleTracking.

    2. Process:

      1. Identify the bed request by clicking the patient’s name (often labeled with a test name such as "Test, Test" in examples).

      2. The Patient Placement Details box opens.

      3. Update/verify the following:

        1. Admit Diagnosis

        2. Associated Physicians

        3. Level of Care

        4. Bed Custom Attributes

        5. Isolation

        6. Patient Custom Attributes


        8. Origin Unit
          Note: Some information is pre-populated from the EMR order but must be verified for accuracy.

      4. Save and close the record.

      5. Activate the Ready-to-Move (RTM) Timer.

  3. Bed Request – Manual Creation:

    1. Process:

      1. Click the Patient Search icon.

      2. In the Search Text field, type the patient’s Visit Number (preferred) and click Search.

      3. From the results (e.g., "Test, Test"), click the patient’s name to open the Patient Placement Details form.

      4. Update/verify the following:

        1. Admit Diagnosis

        2. Associated Physicians

        3. Level of Care

        4. Bed Custom Attributes

        5. Isolation

        6. Patient Custom Attributes


        8. Origin Unit

      5. Activate the request by clicking on the red date/time (which then changes to green and bold).

      6. Save and close the record.

  4. Viewing Bed Request Information:

    1. When a bed request is relevant to Admitting, a screen alert is sent.

    2. Process:

      1. Click the alert or locate the patient via the appropriate tab.

      2. The Patient/Placement Details box opens displaying:

        1. Admit Diagnosis

        2. Associated Physicians

        3. Level of Care

        4. Admit Type and Patient Type

        5. Isolation

        6. Patient Custom Attributes

        7. Comments (if applicable)

        8. Origin Unit

        9. Target Unit (for Direct Admits)

        10. Assigned Bed (for Direct Admits)

      3. Update any necessary information in the ADT system.

      4. Save and close the record.

    3. Note: For workflows that require pre-registration of Direct Admits, verify the patient’s name (including middle initial), DOB, and MRN before proceeding.

Activating/Deactivating Placement Requests (Detailed)

  1. The Requested column shows the time a bed is needed. Activating the request sets this to the current time, indicating urgency, while deactivation is used if the need is postponed.

  2. Additional Activation Conditions:

    1. If the Master Configuration setting Activate Bed Request When Created from Patient Detail Form is enabled, a new preadmit record’s placement request is automatically activated.

    2. For pending transfers, if the requested date/time is current or in the past, the request auto-activates regardless of the setting.

  3. Viewing Filters:

    1. Use advanced filters (selecting "Activated" or "Deactivated") in the placement view to see requests by their status.


Workflow: Creating a Patient Placement Request (Bed Request)

  1. Access:

    1. From a list view, select a unit (ensure only beds with the Show on Bedboard setting are visible).

    2. Click the patient’s name or the ST/Pt Status column to open the Patient/Placement Details form.

  2. Initiate Request:

    1. In the Patient Action list, select Create Bed Request.

  3. Complete Placement Information:

    1. Set Request Time by clicking the calendar icon, choosing a date, and entering the time.

    2. Select the Origin Unit (using the magnifying glass icon to view campuses and units if needed).

    3. Choose the Target Unit either by typing or selecting from a list/magnifying glass.

    4. Assign a bed using either the dropdown list (typing the bed identifier or clicking the arrow) or the magnifying glass option.

    5. (Optional) Click Adv Search for an advanced search based on bed and patient attributes.

  4. Finalize:

    1. Click Save to create the placement request.

Workflow: Activating a Placement Request

  1. Confirm that the Requested date/time is displayed in red.

  2. Verify that the patient’s placement status is Requested or Assigned and that the patient is in PreAdmit status without an assigned home location (or is in a home holding bed).

  3. Click the red date/time; it updates to the current time and changes to green and bold, indicating activation.

Workflow: Deactivating a Placement Request

  1. Confirm that the Requested date/time is green and bold (active).

  2. Verify that the patient’s placement status is Requested or Assigned.

  3. Click the green date/time to deactivate the request.

  4. (Optional) Use advanced filters in the placement view to confirm deactivation.

Workflow: Cancelling a Patient Placement Request

  1. Open the Patient/Placement Details form for the selected patient.

  2. In the Patient Action list, select Cancel Bed Request.

  3. Click Save (or Save and Close).

  4. Alternatively, from a list view, click in the ST/Pt Status column, select Cancel Bed Request from the dialog, and then click Save.

  5. Note the resulting change in patient status (to Visit Cancelled or Inhouse) and the potential cancellation of any associated bed cleaning job if configured.

Workflow: Managing Bed Requests For Nursing Units

  1. For Electronic Order-Generated Requests:

    1. Identify the bed request by clicking the patient’s name (e.g., "Test, Test") when a screen alert is received.

    2. The Patient Placement Details box opens.

    3. Update/verify:

      1. Admit Diagnosis

      2. Associated Physicians

      3. Level of Care

      4. Bed Custom Attributes

      5. Isolation

      6. Patient Custom Attributes


      8. Origin Unit
        Note: Some fields may auto-populate from the EMR order but require verification.

    4. Save and close the record.

    5. Activate the Ready-to-Move (RTM) Timer.

  2. For Manual Bed Request Creation:

    1. Click the Patient Search icon.

    2. In the Search Text field, type the patient’s Visit Number (preferred) and click Search.

    3. From the results (e.g., "Test, Test"), click the patient’s name to open the Patient Placement Details form.

    4. Update/verify:

      1. Admit Diagnosis

      2. Associated Physicians

      3. Level of Care

      4. Bed Custom Attributes

      5. Isolation

      6. Patient Custom Attributes


      8. Origin Unit

    5. Activate the request by clicking on the red date/time (it changes to green and bold).

    6. Save and close the record.

  3. For Viewing and Processing Requests:

    1. Monitor screen alerts for new bed requests.

    2. Open the Patient/Placement Details form via the alert or by selecting the patient from the appropriate tab.

    3. Review details including:

      1. Admit Diagnosis

      2. Associated Physicians

      3. Level of Care

      4. Admit Type and Patient Type

      5. Isolation

      6. Patient Custom Attributes

      7. Comments (if applicable)

      8. Origin Unit

      9. Target Unit (for Direct Admits)

      10. Assigned Bed (for Direct Admits)

    4. Update any necessary ADT system information.

    5. Save and close the record.

    6. Note: For workflows requiring pre-registration of Direct Admits, verify the patient’s name (including middle initial), DOB, and MRN before proceeding.

Workflow: Activating/Deactivating Placement Requests (Advanced)

  1. Activation Conditions:

    1. Ensure the request is inactive (red date/time) and that all activation criteria (patient status, placement status, permissions) are met.

    2. If the Master Configuration setting Activate Bed Request When Created from Patient Detail Form is enabled, the request may activate automatically.

  2. Deactivation Conditions:

    1. Confirm that the request is active (green and bold) and that manual deactivation is allowed (not a Pending Transfer).

  3. Filtering:

    1. Use advanced filters in the placement view to display only activated or deactivated requests for monitoring.

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