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Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 2 weeks ago


Assets, patients, and staff can be defined as shown below. The term "entity" is sometimes used to refer to all three. An asset or staff member must have a badge to appear on the floor plan. Patients can appear on floor plans even if Capacity IQ® is not integrated with Location IQ®. In this case, patient current locations as determined by Capacity IQ® will be shown. Special permission is required to display patients on the floor plan. Additionally, the View Options button must be used to select the type of entities that appear on the floor plan. For example, if "Staff" is not selected under View Options, then badged staff members do not appear on the floor plan.

Where you can find this feature: Floor Plan View.

How Assets Work


  • Assets: A moveable piece of equipment used for patient care, such as pumps and scanners. The floor plan can help locate a specific asset.

  • Staff: People who work for the hospital and have duties involving patients and beds, such as nurses, assistants, physicians, transporters, and bed cleaners. The floor plan can help locate a specific staff member.

  • Patients:

    • Occupying Patient: In their home location or a specialty location. Home locations include home non-holding, home-holding, discharge holding, or admit holding locations.

    • Visiting Patient: In an exam location, a public location such as a lounge, or visiting another patient's home location.


  1. Displaying Entities on the Floor Plan:

    • Ensure you have the necessary permissions to display patients.

    • Use the View Options button to select the types of entities (Assets, Staff, Patients) that should appear on the floor plan.

    • If "Staff" is not selected, badged staff members will not appear on the floor plan.

  2. Locating Specific Entities:

    • Use the floor plan to locate specific assets, staff members, or patients based on their current locations as determined by Capacity IQ®.

This structure should help you organize and present the information clearly and concisely in Confluence. Let me know if you need any further adjustments!

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