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Asset Search
Ashley Ware avatar
Written by Ashley Ware
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Asset Search

An asset search helps hospital staff locate assets, such as pumps and scanners, by providing real-time information on an asset’s location, status (Ready, In Use, Dirty, or In Maintenance), and usage history. Performed by authorized personnel, including nurses, transport teams, and equipment managers, asset searches ensure that essential equipment is available when needed, optimize utilization, and support maintenance and cleaning workflows. These searches are crucial for tracking asset movement, reducing downtime, and improving patient care efficiency.

An Asset Search can be performed in any of the following Capacity IQ® applications, as long as your system is integrated with Location IQ®:

  • Capacity IQ® Transport

  • Capacity IQ® EVS

  • Patient Tracking Portal

  • Capacity IQ® PreAdmit

How Asset Search Works


  • An asset is a moveable piece of equipment that is used for patient care.

    • Examples are pumps and scanners.

    • The floor plan can help you to locate a specific asset.

  • You can search for an asset by the asset name (or part of the name), such as pump or scanner, or by the number of the Location IQ® badge that is attached to the asset.

  • When you search, you can learn information such as:

    • The current location of the asset and how long it has been there

    • The asset status (Dirty, In Use, or Ready), and

    • How long ago Location IQ® sent information about the asset.

  • You can also access a floor plan of a unit so that you can see where the asset is located within the unit.

  • You must have the Show Asset Search permission to search for assets.

  • When searching for assets, you can change the location certainty setting.

    • These options describe the likelihood that the asset described in the Search field is in the location that appears in the Location column.

    • The default setting is High, which returns only assets that are most certainly in their location.

    • The option All returns assets with any of the possible certainties: the total results for High, Medium, and Low.

  • The following information about assets appears in the search results:

    • Name—The name of the asset, such as Insulin Pump.

    • Manufacturer — The name of the company that made the asset.

    • Model — The asset's model number.

    • Owner—The name that was entered in the Title field in the Owner section of the Location IQ® Asset application. This could be any entity that is designated as the owner of the asset. For example, it could be the name of a unit or the name of a vendor from which the asset has been rented.

    • Groups — The name of the groups in Location IQ® Asset that include the asset.

    • Location—The location of the asset. The location name shown is the one used in Location IQ®. If your organization uses Centrak hardware for real-time tracking, then when you move your mouse over the cell in this column, a tooltip appears showing RF: <name>. The Location IQ® Asset application uses devices called beacons, which are installed throughout the hospital, to detect the location of asset badges. The name of the beacon that last detected the badge associated with this asset is shown after RF. This information can provide a general idea of where the asset might have been last. If Unknown appears, then the asset badge is missing or might be in an area where no beacon has been installed. If your organization does not use Centrak, then RF: <name> does not appear.

    • Floor Plan—The name of the floor plan showing the unit where the asset is located. You can click the link in the column to display the floor plan, see the location of the asset, and see the asset status.

    • Status—The status of the asset.

      • Ready — This asset is clean and ready to be used.

      • In Use — Someone is using this asset currently and it is not available.

      • Dirty — This asset is not in use currently, but it must be cleaned before it can be used.

      • In Maintenance — This asset is being fixed or cleaned and cannot be used.

    • Last Update—The last time information about this asset (for example, a status change) was received from Location IQ®.

    • Time in Location—How long the asset has been in this location.

      • If time was less than a minute ago, then time is shown in seconds (s).

      • If time was less than an hour ago, then time is shown in minutes (m).

      • If time was less than 24 hours ago, then time is shown in hours (h).

      • If it was more than 24 hours ago, it is shown in days (dy).

  • The results of a search can be sorted and searched.

    • Some search result columns have search fields below their headers.

    • You can search for specific entries in those columns by typing the term you want to find.

Search for Assets

  1. Go to one of the following:

    1. Capacity IQ® Transport > Asset Search

    2. Capacity IQ® EVS > Asset Search

    3. Patient Tracking Portal > Asset Search

    4. Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application > Asset Search

    5. Patient Tracking Portal > Asset Search icon

    6. Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application > Asset Search icon

    7. Care Support > Capacity IQ® EVS or Capacity IQ® Transport > Asset Search icon.

    8. if your health system is configured for multiple instances of Capacity IQ®:

      1. Care Support > Capacity IQ® EVS

      2. Patient Tracking Portal > <Instance Name> > Asset Search icon

      3. Capacity IQ® Transport > <Instance Name> > Asset Search icon

      4. Click the Asset Search icon.

  2. The Search for Asset window appears.

  3. In the Search box, type either part of the asset name, part of the asset owner name (such as Unit 1 or ABC Equipment Rental), or part of the badge number for the badge that is attached to the asset. To search all names, you can type "%".

  4. In Location Certainty, select from the options in the drop-down menu, All, High, Medium, or Low.

  5. If you know the status of the asset you are looking for (such as Dirty, In Use, or Ready), select it in the Status list. Otherwise, select All in the Status list.

  6. In the Campus list, select the campus where the asset is located and in which you would like to search. If there is only one campus in the enterprise, then you do not need to select anything in this list.

  7. Click Search to display a list in the Search Results section.

  8. The search results will appear, and you will be able to see the floor plan name and the location of the asset.

  9. If you wish, you can click the Floor Plan name to open the Floor Plan map.

  10. To remove the search criteria and start again, select Clear.

Searching and Sorting the Search Results

To Search

  1. To search the search results based on a column, type the term you want to find in the text box under the column header.

  2. The search results refresh to show only the rows that match what you typed in the column.

To Sort

  1. To sort the search results by the floor plan in which they are found, use the arrow next to the Floor Plan header.

  2. Clicking the arrow sorts the results alphabetically by floor plan name in descending order.

  3. Click the arrow again to reverse the alphabetical sorting in ascending order.

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