The Patient Tracking Portal application is used by nursing units to manage various aspects of patient care and beds. It can also replace the manual, static nursing unit whiteboards. The information is updated and displayed electronically, in real-time. If you have the appropriate permissions, you can:
Edit patient information, such as comments, procedures/precautions, isolation types, and diet information.
Set patient or bed attributes.
Set or remove bed assignment priorities (bed ahead).
If your organization uses floor plans and the Capacity IQ® solution is integrated with Location IQ® solutions, and your organization has Patient Tracking and Staff Tracking licenses, then you can access a floor plan to see the real-time locations of patients, staff, and assets. If your organization uses floor plans, but the Location IQ® solutions is not integrated, then you can view the floor plan to see the locations of patients as determined by the Capacity IQ® solution
If your organization uses floor plans and the Capacity IQ® solution is integrated with Location IQ® solutions, and your organization has Patient Tracking and Staff Tracking licenses, then you can search for assets and staff members.
Assign staff members to beds.
View patients' staff assignment history and order history.
Post and view campus and unit messages and send instant messages.
Complete patient-related actions, such as admitting, transferring, and discharging patients.
Set or view transfer or discharge milestones.
Change bed size.
Change custom bed attributes.
Re-occupy beds marked clean by mistake.
View patient transport history.
Add, edit, or cancel patient or item transport job requests.
View RTKIs.
Access and configure the electronic bedboard® view.
Generate quick reports.