User Master List Report Description
The User Master List Report displays all users in the enterprise who have active user accounts. The report is available only as an .xls (Microsoft Excel) file.
Permission Required
To generate this report, you must have the Run Master Reports permission.
The following information is displayed on the report.
Name | Description |
User Login ID, IVR ID, Active, and User's First and Last Name | User login name, number used to identify the user on the IVR, whether or not the user's account is still active, and first and last name of the user. |
Authentication Type | Whether the user has a standard or Active Directory authentication type for signing in. |
Staff Type | The staff type associated with the user (for example, Supervisor or Nurse). |
Campus of Base Location, Unit of Base Location, and Base Location Name | The location, unit, and campus name associated with the user's base location. See the definition of base location for the BedTracking® application and the definition of base location for the TransportTracking™ application. |
Role and Groups | The role associated with the user (for example, Bed Requester) and the group associated with this role. |
Membership Type | Type of BedTracking® membership, PreAdmitTracking® application membership, or TransportTracking™ membership (for example, Fixed or Variable). |
Enterprise | Enterprise that the user is associated with (for example, University Health System). |
Campus (Membership) | Campus in which the user has membership (for example, Children's Hospital of University Health System). If the user has a Variable membership and has all campuses selected in the Variable Membership Campus Map tab of their user profile, this column is blank. If the user has Variable membership with only some campuses selected in the Variable Membership Campus Map tab of their user profile, the names of those campuses appear in this column. |
Cluster and Unit (Membership) | Clusters and units in which user has membership. |
PAT Default Console and Portal Default Console | The consoles that appear automatically when the user accesses the PreAdmitTracking® application application and PatientTracking Portal® application. These consoles were selected for the user in the user's profile. |
View Group | User's default view group. |
PAT Default Group Console (View Group) and Portal Default Console (View Group) | If the user does not have a PreAdmitTracking® application default console view or PatientTracking Portal® default console view, then this column displays the default console associated with the user's view group. |
PAT Current Console (User) and Portal Current Console (User) View | If the user is currently signed in to the PreAdmitTracking® application application or PatientTracking Portal® application, this column displays the console view that is currently selected. |
PAT Events (PAT Current Console) and Portal Events (Portal Current Console) | User notification settings for this user in the current console and all list views associated with those notification settings (for example, Assigned Bed: Incoming Patients). |
Notification Method, Delivery Time, Time Range | . |
Application / Device Type | Destination / Notification Method | Description |
Desktop | Screen Alert | Flashing red notification. User can view detailed message defined in Global Settings and subsequently access Patient details form. |
Pager | SNPP | Device ID. User can view detailed message defined in Global Settings |
SMTP | Email address. User can view detailed message defined in Global Settings | |
Nurse Mobile | Handheld-P | Push notification (Banner), limited information. Prompt user to access in-application message OR detail card |
Handheld-A | In-Application notification. Prompt user to access in-application message OR detail card | |
Transporter Mobile | Handheld | Push notification, Prompt user to access jobs information |
EVS Mobile | Handheld | Push notification, Prompt user to access jobs information |
Email Address | The user's email address. | |
Pager IVR ID and Pager Number | The IVR ID of the user's paging device and the user's pager number. | |
Employee Category | The employee category that the user is associated with (such as Bed Cleaners-Campus A, Transporters-Campus B). | |
Notification Group | If the user is a member of notification groups, the group names are listed (such as Unit A Caregivers). | |
RTLS Badge | This appears only if the Master Configuration setting called RTLS Integration is enabled. A TeleTracking representative can help your organization to enable it. If the user is associated with a staff badge, the badge ID number appears here. If the Capacity IQ® solution is integrated with the TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™, the staff badges can be used in conjunction with equipment installed throughout the hospital to determine the staff member's location. | |
Last Login Date | The date and time of the user's most recent login appears in MM dd yyyy H (AM/PM) format (example: 6/27/2010 10:32:00 PM) |