Screen Alerts
Screen Alerts are the primary communication tool used by Patient Placement staff. Once Screen Alerts are activated, Patient Placement can manage all communication related to Bed Requests as well as receive free text Instant Notify messages from departments. By using Screen Alerts, Admitting will see a significant reduction in the amount of phone calls related to bed requests, allowing staff to focus on placement tasks without constant interruption.
The Alerts button appears at the top-middle of every page. The Alerts button displays the Screen Alerts dialog used to access Screen Alerts. Screen Alerts are configured in the Alert Settings of the Capacity Management Administration page or the My Notifications/User Notifications page.
How Screen Alerts Work
When the system needs your attention, you have the option of setting up screen alerts to view important information.
This information could be related to a bed request or possibly a free text Instant Notify message sent directly from a user.
Areas like Patient Placement and Admitting are required to use screen alerts, however, intake areas and nursing units typically use a notification device making screen alerts optional.
Although screen alerts are not required in all areas, they are a useful tool to have available to keep informed about bed request activity on the unit.
Your alerts will depend on the areas you work in.
Screen Alerts can be enabled or disabled for Alerts and Notifications.
When Screen Alerts are enabled, the Alerts button will appear at the top of the screen.
The appearance of the Alerts button indicates whether you have new or unread messages.
The Alerts button may appear as follows:
Gray - No New Alert Activity - You have no new or unread messages.
If Flashing - New Message
If Not Flashing - Unread Message
With a blinking exclamation point - At least one message has been sent since the last time you viewed messages.
Highlighted - There is at least one unread message. However, no new messages have been sent since the last time you signed in.
Note: There is a setting in the Master Configuration section of the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component called Time Since Creation to Show Screen Alerts (Hours).
A TeleTracking Technologies representative can help your organization to configure this setting.
If you have no screen messages for the number of hours entered for this setting, then the button will not blink.
The Alerts button gives you access to the Screen Alerts dialog box which displays all alerts and notifications that you have received, that you have not yet deleted, and that were created within the time period specified in the Alert Settings on the Capacity Management Administration page.
Screen Alerts only need enabled once per user.
Screen Alerts will continue to display unless disabled in My Notifications.
Screen Alerts (messages) will stay in the Alerts box until you delete them.
It is best to delete your alerts (messages) once you have read them.
Until you manually mark an alert or notification as read, it appears as unread.
If you have already viewed alerts and notifications through a smart phone or mobile device, then those alerts and notifications will be marked as "Read."
When a new alert arrives, the text "New TeleTracking Alert" scrolls across the title bar of the browser window.
Instant Notify messages will appear under Screen Alerts.
If an alert or message is sent to more than one person, deleting the message in your account will NOT delete message for other users
If you are eligible to receive alerts and notifications related to multiple applications (such as Capacity IQ® EVS and Capacity IQ® Transport), you will be able to view those alerts and notifications regardless of which application you are using currently.
For example, if you click the Alerts button while you are using the Capacity IQ® EVS console, you can also see your alerts and notifications related to Capacity IQ® Transport.
If the Alerts button is not blinking red or no alerts coming through, you may need to enable the "play animations option.
Be aware there could be other causes for this issue.
Activating Screen Alerts
Select My Notifications from the upper right-hand corner.
In the Deliver my Notifications via section, click the gray Disabled button for screen alert.
It will now show Enabled and will be Green.
Click Save
Once saved, click Sign Out in the top right corner.
Log back in.
The Alerts button will appear.
Viewing Alerts and Notifications On Screen
Click the Alerts button to display the Screen Alerts dialog box.
If the list of messages spans multiple pages, click the numbers or arrows at the top of the dialog box to display additional alerts.
Read the text in the Message column.
Sorting Alerts and Notifications by Date or Message Text
On the Screen Alerts dialog box, click the Date or Message column header.
To reverse the sort order, click the column heading again.
Marking Alerts and Notifications as Read or Unread
To mark an alert or notification as read:
On the Screen Alerts dialog box, select the check boxes for the messages that you want to mark as read, or to select all messages, select the check box in the title bar.
Click Mark as Read.
If your messages span multiple pages, click the arrows to display subsequent pages and then repeat this process on each page.
To mark an alert or notification as unread:
On the Screen Alerts dialog box, select the check boxes for the already-read messages that you want to mark as unread, or to select all messages, select the check box in the title bar.
Click Mark as Unread.
If your messages span multiple pages, click the arrows to display subsequent pages and then repeat this process on each page.
Deleting Alerts
On the Screen Alerts dialog box, do one of the following:
Select the check boxes corresponding to the individual messages that you want to delete
To delete all messages, select the check box in the title bar.
Click Delete.
If your messages span multiple pages, click the arrows to display subsequent pages and then repeat this process on each page.
Closing the Screen Alerts Dialog Box
Click Close.
Screen Alerts Notification Button Not Blinking Red
If using Internet Explorer, go to Internet Options > Advanced > and then enabling "Play animations in webpage".
Restart your computer for the changes to take effect.
Note: This setting may be controlled by a group policy, so your local IT may have to enable it.
About the Scorecard - Capacity Management Performance Report
The Scorecard - Capacity Management Performance Report is a tool used by hospital administrators and management to evaluate capacity management performance. It provides a comprehensive look at key metrics over a 12-month period, allowing for trend analysis and performance tracking. This report focuses on specific units or the entire campus, giving flexibility in scope. The data included covers several crucial areas: manually entered demand indicators (likely input by administrative staff), unit-specific patient placement indicators (configured beforehand in the Admin Tool), early discharge data (also configured in the Admin Tool), and transport/housekeeping metrics. This report is to provide insights into operational efficiency and highlight areas needing improvement. By comparing this data with other Capacity IQ® reports, such as PreAdmitTracking®, BedTracking®, and TransportTracking™ reports, administrators can gain a holistic view of capacity management and make data-driven decisions.
Report Content: Includes data from:
Demand Indicators: Manually entered data.
Patient Placement Indicators: Unit-level data, configured in the Admin Tool (grouped by origin or occupied unit).
Early Discharge Data: Unit-level data, configured in the Admin Tool.
Transport/Housekeeping Metrics: (Details not provided).
Data Comparison: The Scorecard data can be compared with other Capacity IQ® reports, such as PreAdmitTracking® Processing Time Analysis, BedTracking® Compliance Report, and TransportTracking™ Cost Center Response/Transport Summary.
Configuration: Scorecard settings must be configured in the Admin Tool (or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management) before generating the report. These settings determine parameters like grouping of placement time indicators (origin or occupied unit) and which units are included. These settings cannot be changed when generating the report itself.
Permissions and Access:
Access Admin Tool: Requires "Admin Tool Menu" permission.
Configure Scorecard: Requires "Scorecard Configuration" permission with "Edit" rights. "View" rights allow viewing but not editing.
Campus Access: You can only configure settings for campuses within your membership and to which you have administrative rights (Admin Rights must be enabled in your user profile's Membership tab).
Accessing Scorecard Configuration:
Two paths:
Admin Tool > Enterprise Management > Enterprise Information
Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Enterprise Management > Enterprise Information
To Access the Scorecard Configuration Page
Do one of the following:
Go to Admin Tool > Enterprise Management > Enterprise Information.
Go to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Enterprise Management > Enterprise Information.
On the Enterprise Information tab in the Campus column, click the campus name to display the Campus Information and Global Settings tabs.
On the Global Settings tab, click the Scorecard Configuration link to display the Scorecard Configuration-Supply Indicators page.
Setting Placement Time Indicators
In the Placement Time Indicators section, select:
Report Grouping:
Occupied Unit: Data is grouped by the units receiving patients (destination units).
Origin Unit: Data is grouped by the units sending patients (source units).
Included Units: You select the specific units to include in the report. Only data from these selected units will be shown. This allows you to exclude irrelevant units.
Included Placement Types:
PreAdmit: Includes data for patients assigned beds before arrival.
In-house Transfers: Includes data for patient transfers between units.
You can select both or either.
Time Limits (Thresholds):
Bed Request to Bed Assign: The maximum acceptable time (in minutes) between a bed request and bed assignment. Placements exceeding this limit are excluded from the report.
Bed Cleaned to Bed Occupied: The maximum acceptable time (in minutes) between a bed being marked clean and it becoming occupied. Placements exceeding this limit are excluded from the report.
To Set Placement Time Indicators:
Access Configuration: Go to the Scorecard Configuration page and the Placement Time Indicators section.
Group By: Choose either "Origin Unit" (group by sending unit) or "Occupied Unit" (group by receiving unit) from the dropdown. The unit list below will change based on this selection.
Select Units:
Click the magnifying glass icon.
Click the plus sign next to the campus to see its units.
Check the boxes for the desired units (or the campus itself for all units).
Click "Select."
Include Placement Types: Select "PreAdmit" and/or "Inhouse Transfer" to specify which placement types to include in the report. At least one must be selected.
Set Time Limits (Measures):
Bed Request to Bed Assigned: Enter the maximum acceptable time (in minutes) in the "Max" box. Placements exceeding this time will be excluded from the report.
Clean Until Transfer into Bed: Enter the maximum acceptable time (in minutes) in the "Max" box. Placements exceeding this time will be excluded from the report.
Save: Click "Save" to apply the configuration.
Configuring Early Discharge Settings
Tracks the percentage of patients discharged early to free up capacity for new admissions.Configuration Steps:
Navigate to Scorecard Configuration > Early Discharge Indicators.
Select the units where early discharge performance should be monitored.
In the In Patient Unit list, click the magnifying glass icon to display the In Patient Unit dialog box.
Click the plus sign next to the campus name to display a list of units in the campus.
Select the check boxes for the units that should appear in the Early Discharges section of the report. Or, to select all units in the campus, select the check box next to the campus name.
Click Select.
Set a threshold defining early discharge (e.g., hours before the expected discharge time). In the % Discharge Before list, click the magnifying glass icon to display a menu, and then select the time of day that will be considered the end of the early discharge time period (for example, 11:00 AM). Patients discharged between 12:00 AM and the time that you select will be considered early discharges, and data about those patients will be included in the Early Discharges section of the report.
In the Discharge Compliance section, select one of the following options:
Pending: If data about actual discharges that were preceded by the patient being in Pending Discharge status should be included in the Early Discharges section of the report.
Confirmed: If data about actual discharges that were preceded by the patient being in Confirmed Discharge status should be included in the Early Discharges section of the report.
Total: Total compliance means that the same discharged patient was in Pending Discharge status and in Confirmed Discharge status before being discharged. Select Total if data about actual discharges that were preceded by the patient being in Confirmed Discharge and Pending Discharge statuses should be included in the Early Discharges section of the report.
Click Save.
Best Practices:
Collaborate with discharge planning teams to set realistic early discharge goals based on patient needs and operational capacity.
Use indicator data to identify patterns and optimize discharge processes, focusing on bottlenecks or scheduling inefficiencies.
Configuring Transport/Housekeeping Settings
Monitors transport and housekeeping performance for timely room turnovers, ensuring efficient bed utilization.
Configuration Steps:
Access Scorecard Configuration and navigate to the Transport/Housekeeping Indicators section.
Define threshold times for:
Transport Response Time: Time from request to transport staff arrival.
Housekeeping Completion Time: Time taken to clean and prepare a room for the next patient.
Select the units where these indicators should be tracked.
Save the settings.
Adjusted Thresholds:
By entering values for adjusted minimum clean time, adjusted maximum clean time, and adjusted maximum response time, you exclude from calculations any bed cleaning jobs that are outliers. Jobs that might have unusually short or long clean times or unusually long response times compared to what is considered the typical maximum or minimum will not be included in calculations. This can prevent atypical jobs from skewing data.
You enter the following values under Transport/Housekeeping:
Adjusted Min Clean: 16 minutes
Adjusted Max Clean: 60 minutes
Adjusted Max Response: 120 minutes
On the Scorecard report, calculations will exclude bed cleaning jobs that were completed in less than 16 minutes or in more than 60 minutes and where the original response time was more than 120 minutes.
Best Practices:
Work closely with transport and housekeeping teams to meet defined thresholds.
Regularly review indicator data to address delays and optimize workflows.
Under Outliers, complete the following. In each box, enter a number of minutes from 0 through 10080 (that is, 0 to 7 days).
Adjusted Min Clean: Type a number of minutes (for example, 16). Bed cleaning jobs that are completed in less than this amount of time will be excluded from Average Bed Turnover Time and Percentage of Adjust Cleans calculations in the Transport/Housekeeping section of the Scorecard report.
Adjusted Max Clean: Type a number of minutes (for example, 60). Bed cleaning jobs that take longer than this amount of time to complete will be excluded from Average Bed Turnover Time and Percentage of Adjust Cleans calculations in the Transport/Housekeeping section of the Scorecard report.
Adjusted Max Response: Type a number of minutes (for example, 120). Bed cleaning jobs where the original response time is more than this amount of time will be excluded from Average Bed Turnover Time and Percentage of Adjust Cleans calculations in the Transport/Housekeeping section of the Scorecard report.
Click Save.
Search Patient Demographics
A section is a critical part of a hospital system's logical structure, positioned between campus and zone in the hierarchy: Campus > Section > Zone. Each section belongs to only one campus, though a campus can encompass multiple sections. Sections are instrumental in managing hospital operations as they serve as designated work areas for transporters, bed cleaners, and supervisors. By organizing tasks within these defined sections, hospitals can efficiently assign personnel, streamline workflows, and ensure better accountability.
This document aims to provide comprehensive guidance for configuring and managing key hospital performance indicators, including demand indicators, patient placement metrics, early discharge tracking, and transport/housekeeping indicators. Through proper configuration, hospital staff can optimize resource allocation, improve bed management processes, and elevate operational efficiency.
Intended for administrators, report generators, and data entry personnel involved in capacity management, performance reporting, and operational oversight, this resource emphasizes the importance of structured and well-monitored configurations. The strategic use of sections supports efficient task assignment and workflow coordination, which are essential for ensuring timely and effective patient care and overall hospital efficiency.
Types of Section/Zone Assignments
Fixed Assignments:
Transporters and bed cleaners are always assigned to the same sections or zones.
They may occasionally be asked to work elsewhere if necessary.
Fixed and Exclusive Assignments:
Transporters are permanently assigned to specific sections/zones and cannot be reassigned during shifts.
Variable Assignments:
Transporters and bed cleaners select sections/zones at sign-in based on supervisor instructions.
They can change sections/zones only by signing out and signing back in.
"All" Assignments:
Transporters can work across any section or zone without specifying one at sign-in.
Adding or Editing a Section
Permissions and Membership Requirements
To access and modify sections, users must have:
Admin Tool Menu
BedTracking® or TransportTracking™ Location Settings (with Edit rights)
Membership Types:
"All" Membership with Administrative Rights
"Fixed" Membership with campus-level Administrative Rights
Steps to Add or Edit a Section:
Navigate to either:
Admin Tool > Unit/Zone/Location Management > Sections & Zones
Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Unit/Zone/Location Management > Sections & Zones
Select the correct campus from the dropdown in the upper-right corner.
Choose an application:
BedTracking® or TransportTracking™
Click the Sections tab and:
Click Add Section to create a new section.
Click the section name to edit an existing one.
Fill in the required fields:
Section Name: Maximum 50 characters.
IVR ID: Numeric code greater than 0, adhering to enterprise settings for length (up to 10 characters).
Click Save to complete the process.
Deleting Sections
Before you begin, you might want to review About Physical and Logical Structures. Before you can delete a section, you must remove all zones from the section.
If you have the appropriate permissions and membership, you can delete sections in a campus. The sections will no longer be available to assign to transporters when user information is added or edited. You cannot delete a section that transporters have been assigned to.
Which permissions and memberships are required to complete this task? To access the Admin Tool menu or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management, you must have the Admin Tool Menu permission. To complete this task, you must have one of the following permissions: BedTracking® Location Settings or TransportTracking™ Location Settings. You must have Edit rights to make changes. If you have View rights you can see, but not change, information. You must have the Membership Type "All" with Administrative Rights enabled. Or, you may have the Membership Type "Fixed" and campus-level membership with Administrative Rights enabled for the campus.
To delete sections:
Do one of the following:
Go to Admin Tool > Unit/Zone/Location Management > Sections & Zones.
Go to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Unit/Zone/Location Management > Sections & Zones.
In the campus list in the upper-right corner, make sure the correct campus is selected.
On the Sections & Zones tab, in the Name/Application column, click the name of the application for which you are adding sections (for example, the TransportTracking™ application). The Section tab related to the selected application appears.
On the Section tab, do one of the following:
You may narrow (filter) the list of sections to make it easier to find a specific one. (See instructions.)
The Section page appears.
To remove all sections, select the check box in the title bar.
Select the check boxes for the individual sections that you want to remove.
Click Delete Selected Records.
When a confirmation message appears, click OK.
Click Save. If the section contains zones, a message appears stating that the section cannot be deleted. Remove the zones from the section, and then try to delete the sections again.
Unable to Delete a Section
Removing Zones:
Sections containing zones cannot be deleted. Remove all zones first.
Error Message:
If the system shows the error "Cannot perform action due to association between Section and SectionAssignment," it indicates that the section is linked to jobs, transports, or assignments.
Solution: Wait 7 days for these records to archive out before retrying the deletion.
Historical Data Preservation:
If deleting a section risks losing valuable historical data, TeleTracking recommends adding "ZZZ" at the beginning of the section name to move it to the bottom of the selection lists.
Notify end users not to select sections prefixed with "ZZZ."
This article provides a brief description of all services for the Capacity IQ®.
Clients should not start, stop, or restart any of the services listed below without Teletracking Client Support’s approval.
The CTI32 Telephony Engine is used for IVR processing
Maps HL7 data to and from the database management system (DBMS)
XT Archive
Copies all records from the production database to the archive database
XT BedTracking Timer
Used to manage BedTracking® timers and events
XT Employee Notification
This service is used to process employee notifications
XT External Integration
Capacity IQ® External Integration service is used for integration with external systems
XT Integration
Manages the two-way communication between Capacity IQ® and TeleTracking RTLS
XT Message Broker ADT Queue
Used to process and route all ADT messages
XT Message Broker Queue
Used to process and route Lab and Radiology Orders HL7 messages
XT Notification
Used to process and send notification emails
XT Patient Manger Timer
Used to manage patient timers and events in PreAdmitTracking™
XT Reporting
Used to process requests for Capacity IQ® Reports
XT Statistics
Runs every hour to populate the census data for a campus (statisticsSnapshot table)
XT Subscription-Based Notification
This service is used to process subscription-based notifications
XT Supervisor Alert
This service is used to process supervisory alerts
XT Timer Alert
This service is used to process the PreAdmitTracking® alerts contained in the My Notifications > PAT tab
XTTransport Tracking Queue
Used to process TransportTracking™ messages
XT Transport Tracking Timer
Used to manage TransportTracking™ timers and events
XT User Session Monitor
Used to monitor and manage a user’s web and IVR sessions
Primary database used
Used to backup the Capacity IQ® database and run reports against
Contains the ADT messages
Under normal conditions, users are automatically logged out if there is no activity for a period exceeding the defined session timeout value (e.g., 60 minutes).
However, there are instances where users may be logged out before the timeout expires.
Early Logout Scenario
This issue occurs when users with MSAD (Microsoft Active Directory) login types use tabbed browsing in Internet Explorer or other similar browsers.
If the user logs out of another Active Directory-based application (e.g., Outlook Webmail) in a different tab or window, the Capacity IQ® session may end prematurely.
The logout will be recorded in the Application Access Audit as a session timeout.
Separate Browsers: Open Capacity IQ® and other Active Directory applications in different browsers.
Incognito/Private Browsing: Use separate incognito or private browsing sessions for each application.
Open Multiple Sessions
Users can open multiple Capacity IQ® sessions by launching the application in separate browser windows or private browsing modes.
End Session
To avoid unexpected session terminations, users should properly log out of Capacity IQ® when switching between Active Directory applications or closing their browser sessions.
Single Sign On
Single Sign-On (SSO) is an authentication method that allows users to securely access multiple applications and websites using a single set of credentials. In Capacity IQ® versions 2.3 and later, when the SSO feature is enabled and configured, users can start the application by using their Microsoft Windows Active Directory usernames and passwords—the same credentials they use to sign in to their workstations. In a fully configured SSO environment, users do not need to manually enter their usernames and passwords; instead, they can simply click a desktop shortcut or intranet favorite and are automatically signed in using their Microsoft Windows Active Directory credentials.
Initial Setup:
SSO is not enabled by default.
Clients must work with a TeleTracking Technologies representative to enable and configure this feature.
Submit a project request via Net Suite for configuration.
Fully Configured Setup:
The Capacity IQ® URL must be set as an intranet site and available as a shortcut on user workstations.
Successful configuration allows users to start the application without entering credentials.
Non-Intranet Configuration:
If the Capacity IQ® system is not set up as an intranet site, users will encounter a Windows Security dialog box upon launching the shortcut, requiring manual login.
If the User's Login Type is Not MSAD
If MSAD was not selected in the Login Type list in the user's profile, then the user is prompted to sign in when they access the Capacity IQ® system.
The user must enter the user name and password and sign in manually.
To Sign In Again After Ending a Session or Signing Out or After a Session Timeout
If a user ends a session or signs out for the day or is signed out automatically because of inactivity (session timeout), the sign-in page appears. The user can:
Enter the user login ID and password and sign in manually,
orClick Login with Windows Credentials to be signed in automatically.
(If the user signed in through a single sign-on environment using Microsoft® Windows® credentials)
To Sign In When Another User is Already Signed In on a Workstation
Sometimes a user, such as a supervisor, needs to sign in to the Capacity IQ® system on a workstation where another user is already signed in. In this case, the new user should:
Click the End Session link to end the other user's session.
When the sign-in page appears, the user should enter their own user name and password and sign in manually.
To sign out, the user should click the End Session link to avoid being signed out on all workstations. The Sign Out option signs out the user on all workstations.
If Some Users Should Not Use the Single Sign-On Feature
Users Without SSO Access
Organizations may prefer some users to sign in manually to avoid conflicts when using multiple TeleTracking applications on the same workstation.
For these users, a different URL should be provided to access Capacity IQ®.
Manual Sign-In Option
Users can always opt for manual sign-in by entering their login credentials even in an SSO-enabled environment.
This setup ensures flexibility and secure access tailored to user and organizational needs while streamlining authentication processes.
Spill Clean
About Creating Changing, or Cancelling a Spill Cleaning Job Request
The Spill Clean feature within the BedTracking® application empowers nurses and other qualified staff to efficiently manage spill cleanup requests on beds within healthcare facilities. This functionality is available whenever spills occur on or around beds in Clean, Occupied, or Blocked statuses. Accessible through the BedTracking® system, staff can initiate, modify (before job commencement), and cancel spill cleaning requests directly within the application. This streamlined process improves hygiene management, reduces response times to spills, and helps maintain a clean and safe environment for patients and staff by ensuring prompt attention to spills of various types, including food, beverages, blood, bodily fluids, and water.
Required Bed Statuses
You can create spill-cleaning jobs for beds that are in the following statuses:
Permissions Required
Create Spill Cleaning Request—To create a spill cleaning request or change a spill type on an existing spill cleaning request.
Cancel Spill Request—To cancel a spill cleaning job that has been requested.
Current status must be: Clean, Occupied, Blocked
Permission Required: The Create Spill Cleaning Request permission is required to perform this task. The Spill Clean BedTracking® global setting must be enabled before you can create, change, or cancel a spill cleaning job. If you have the permission shown in Permissions Required, you can create a request to clean up a spill that is on or around a clean, occupied, or blocked EVS bed.
Accessing the Bed Details Window:
From Electronic Bedboard® View:
Click a cell containing a bed in Clean or Dirty status to open the Bed Detail window.
If the bed is Occupied, hold the Shift key and click to access the Bed Information menu.
From List View:
Select a unit from the PatientTracking Portal® list views.
Ensure beds have the Show on Bedboard setting enabled.
Membership and Bed Visibility:
Only beds with the Show on Bedboard setting enabled in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component can appear in list views.
How Membership Affects Bed Visibility
When your user profile is set up, you are assigned membership, which determines your access to unit information.
Fixed Membership: Limits visibility to specific units defined in your profile. You can only display these units in list views.
Variable Membership (Floater): Allows you to select units to work in each time you sign in, which will automatically appear in list views.
Variable Membership (Floater)
If you have variable membership, select units each time you sign in. These units will automatically appear in list views.
Fixed Membership
If you have fixed membership, visibility is limited to specific units included in your profile. Only units within your membership can be displayed in the list view. The following scenarios apply:
Fixed Membership Setting | Displays on List View |
One individual unit | The unit assigned |
Multiple units (non-cluster) | Your base unit |
Multiple units in the same cluster (not all) | Your base unit |
One individual cluster | All units in that cluster |
Multiple clusters | Your base unit |
How to Access the List View
Go to PatientTracking Portal<sup>®</sup> > List Views > <name of a list view> to display it.
Go to Clinical Operations > PatientTracking Portal<sup>®</sup> > Select the instance name > <list view tab name> OR Custom Views icon > <list view name>.
Click the tab for the list view.
Click the Custom Views icon > <list view name>.
Select the units where the beds that you want to view are located.
Click the magnifying glass icon to display the Unit dialog box.
In the Campus list, select a campus name to display a list of units.
Select the names of the units to place check marks next to them.
Click the Add > button to place the selected units in the list on the right side.
If you placed multiple units in the list on the right and you want to change the order in which they appear in list views, then click and hold a unit, move it to the correct position on the list, and then release.
Click Save.
To display the Bed Detail window, in the Assgd Bed column, click the bed identifier or in the Bed column click the bed identifier, and then on the menu that appears, click Bed Information.
Accessing the Change Status Dialog Box
On the Bed Details window, under Bed Information, click the bed status name (such as Dirty or Clean Next) next to Bed Status.
Creating a Spill Cleaning Request:
Access the Bed Detail window.
Click the current bed status name (e.g., Clean, Dirty).
Select Create Spill Request from the Action list.
Choose the spill type (e.g., Food, Blood, Bodily Fluid).
Click Submit.
Changing Spill Type on Spill Cleaning Request
Current status must be: Clean, Occupied, Blocked
Permission Required: The Create Spill Cleaning Request permission is required to perform this task. The Spill Clean BedTracking® global setting must be enabled before you can create, change, or cancel a spill-cleaning job.
After a spill clean job request is created, but before a bed cleaner has started the job, you might discover that you need to change the spill type associated with the job. For example, you might have discovered that bodily fluid was spilled rather than water. If you have the permission shown in Permissions Required, you can change the spill type associated with a request to clean up a spill. The bed cleaner will receive an updated notification of the job with the new spill type.
To Change the Spill type on an Existing Spill Cleaning Request (if the cleaning job is not yet in progress):
In the Bed Status column, click the status name (such as Clean), which has an S in a circle beside it to indicated that there is a spill-cleaning job associated with the bed.
If a menu appears, click Change Bed Status to display the Change Bed Status dialog box.
On the Change Bed Status dialog box, view the Bed Status name. It displays <Status Name> Spill or <Status Name> Spill In Progress. If <Status Name> Spill in Progress appears, then the job is already in progress and you cannot change the spill type.
In the Spill Type list, select another type of spill to be cleaned, such as Food, Blood, or Bodily Fluid.
Click Submit.
Cancelling a Spill Cleaning Request
Current status must be: Clean, Occupied, Blocked. You cannot cancel a job that is already in progress.
Permission Required: The Cancel Spill Cleaning Request permission is required to perform this task. The Spill Clean BedTracking® global setting must be enabled before you can create, change, or cancel a spill-cleaning job.
After a spill clean job request is created, but before a bed cleaner has started the job, you can cancel the job. The job cannot be canceled if it is already in progress. If you have the permission shown in Permissions Required, you can cancel a spill-cleaning job.
To Cancel a Spill Cleaning Request:
In the Bed Status column, click the status name (such as Clean), which has an S in a circle beside it to indicated that there is a spill-cleaning job associated with the bed.
If a menu appears, click Change Bed Status to display the Change Bed Status dialog box.
On the Change Bed Status dialog box, view the Bed Status name. It displays <Status Name> Spill or <Status Name> Spill In Progress. If <Status Name> Spill in Progress appears, then the job is already in progress and you cannot cancel it.
In the Action list, select Cancel Spill Request.
Click Submit.
Allowing Spill Cleaning Jobs
If users (with appropriate permissions) should be able to create, change the spill types for, and cancel, spill cleaning jobs, then enable the Spill Cleans global setting.
To allow spill-cleaning jobs:
Under General, in the Spill Cleans section, make sure the green Enabled button appears. If the gray Disabled button appears, click it to change it to Enabled.
Note: If there are any current requested or in-progress spill-cleaning jobs, then the Spill Clean setting cannot be disabled until those jobs are canceled.Click Save.
Spill Type
The spill type indicates the kind of item that has to be cleaned up for the spill job.
Every spill-cleaning job must have a spill type associated with it.
The bed cleaners need to know the type of item that has been spilled so that they can prepare to clean up the spill (for example, take precautions if blood or bodily fluid has been spilled).
Administrators configure the spill types that can be selected in the Dictionary Management section of the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component.
Configuring Spill Types
Spill types are essential for managing spill cleanup requests in healthcare facilities, ensuring that Environmental Services (EVS) teams are adequately prepared to handle different types of spills, such as food, water, blood, or bodily fluids. Every spill-cleaning job must have a spill type associated with it so that cleaners can take appropriate precautions and use the correct cleaning methods. Administrators configure spill types through the Dictionary Management section of the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component. If the Spill Clean global setting is enabled for a campus, users can request and complete spill-cleaning jobs by selecting the appropriate spill type, helping EVS staff anticipate and efficiently clean up spills.
The spill type indicates the kind of item that has to be cleaned up for the spill job. Bed cleaners must know the spill type to take necessary precautions and prepare adequately, especially when dealing with hazardous materials like blood or bodily fluids.
Spill types must be configured by administrators in the Dictionary Management section of the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component. Proper configuration ensures that campuses can handle spill-cleaning requests effectively.
Permissions Required
To manage spill types, administrators must have the following permissions:
BedTracking® Application: Administrative permission for Spill Type Settings with Edit rights.
Membership Type: Either "All" membership with Administrative Rights enabled or "Fixed" membership with campus-level Administrative Rights.
To Add, Edit, or Delete Spill Types:
Do one of the following to display the Dictionary Management page:
Go to Admin Tool > Dictionary Management.
Go to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Miscellaneous > Dictionary Management.
In the Dictionary Name column, click the Spill Type link.
To add a spill type:
Click Add to add a new row at the bottom of the page.
In the blank row in the Campus column, select the campus that the spill type is associated with. If the same spill type should be associated with multiple campuses, you must enter the spill type for each campus and select each campus name separately. Even campuses that do not have the Spill Clean global setting enabled appear in the list. Select only campuses that have the Spill Clean global setting enabled.
In the blank row in the Name column, type a spill type name, such as Food, Water, Blood, or Bodily Fluids. Requesters who request spill-cleaning jobs using their workstations will have to select this name when creating the requests. Bed cleaners who are prompted to accept spill-cleaning jobs will hear this name on the IVR.
In the IVR ID column, type the IVR ID number that will be used to identify the spill type on the IVR. Requesters will have to enter this number when they are using the IVR to create a spill clean request for this spill type. Bed cleaners who are prompted to accept the spill cleaning job through the IVR will hear the spill type name associated with this IVR ID number.
Click Save. The new spill type appears in the list, which is grouped by campus. For each campus, spill types are listed in the order in which they were entered.
To add more spill types, repeat steps a through d.
To edit existing spill types, in the appropriate rows in the Name or IVR ID column, change the text, and in the Campus list, select a different campus if necessary. Then, click Save.
To delete spill types, do one of the following:
Select the checkboxes for the spill types that you want to delete, and then click Delete Selected Records.
To select all spill types, select the checkbox in the title bar, and then click Delete Selected Records.
Note: Spill types that are currently associated with spill-cleaning requests or jobs cannot be deleted.
Error When Adding Spill Types
If administrators encounter an error stating, "An error has occurred. Please contact your system administrator" when adding spill types, it may be due to access rights issues.
Ensure that the Spill Cleans global feature is enabled under BedTracking Global Settings.
Verify that the administrator’s group rights include access to Spill Cleans set to "EDIT."
This breakdown provides a user-friendly and comprehensive guide for administrators to efficiently manage spill types and ensure that EVS teams can handle spill-cleaning requests smoothly.
Split View
Splitting the Console
About Splitting the Console View
The split console view feature allows healthcare staff and administrators managing patient admissions, placements, and bedboards to display and manage two views simultaneously, enhancing efficiency and workflow management. Available within the PreAdmitTracking® and Clinical Operations applications of Capacity IQ® Solution, this functionality is particularly useful during daily operations when monitoring multiple lists or bedboards is required. By enabling side-by-side tracking of different views, it improves task visibility and operational efficiency, fostering a more streamlined approach to patient management. Users with the necessary permissions can also save their split view settings for continued use.
Permissions Required
While no specific permissions are required to split a console view, users must have appropriate permissions under the "Saving a Console View" settings to save split view preferences and retain them for future sessions.
To Set the Split View:
To configure a split view:
Access Split View Settings:
Click the Split View Settings icon, or
Navigate to PreAdmitTracking® application > Split View Settings, or
Go to Clinical Operations > PreAdmitTracking® application > Select Instance Name (if configured for multiple instances) > Split View Settings icon.
Select Views: In the dialog box, choose the views for Pane 1 and Pane 2.
Choose Orientation: Select horizontal or vertical display.
Save Configuration: Click Save to apply the settings.
To Display the Split View That Has Been Set:
To display a set split view:
Click the Split View Settings icon or navigate through the PreAdmitTracking® application or Clinical Operations console as described above.
Change Pane Views: Use the drop-down list in the upper-left corner of the pane to switch views.
Resize Panes: Move the splitter bar by hovering over it until it changes to a double arrow. Click, hold, and drag to adjust the view sizes.
Note: Changes remain active until the user ends the session or signs out. To save settings permanently, use the Load/Save Console feature.
Enabling SSL for Capacity IQ® ensures secure data transmission and is essential when using Mobile or TransferCenter integrations. Follow the steps below to enable SSL and ensure smooth operation.
Pre-Configuration Steps
Update TransferCenter Integration:
If Mobile or TransferCenter is in use, update the URL in the TransferCenter integration window.Mobile Apps Repair Install:
Perform a repair install of the Mobile Apps with the updated Capacity IQ® URL.
Configuration Process
Access the Admin Tool:
Navigate to Master Configuration > Server Config.
Change the setting for SSL Enabled to Enabled.
Restart Services:
Cycle all services and IIS to apply the changes.
Validate Server Settings:
Ensure that DNS, FQDN, and ports are valid for all applicable servers.
Note that SSL typically uses port 443.
Client Testing:
Verify with the client that the changes are successful.
Requesting Support for SSL Activation
If you'd prefer support assistance, TeleTracking Support can enable SSL for your Capacity IQ® application.
Setup in Test Environment:
Ensure your system is set up with a valid SSL Certificate in the test environment.Provide Configuration Details:
Share the following information with TeleTracking Support:DNS Name
Configuration Confirmation:
TeleTracking Support will update and confirm all settings before changes are made.Restart Services:
Support will restart IIS and all services.Client Validation:
You will be asked to validate the setup.Schedule Production Changes:
Changes can then be scheduled for the production environment.
Staff Assignments
Accessing the Staff Assignment Dialog
The Staff Assignment dialog allows Charge staff and authorized personnel to assign and manage staff members for bed locations in a unit during the current or future shifts. It provides access to a Staff List, which includes staff profiles linked to the selected unit and associated with various staff types, along with their device numbers, such as phone or pager numbers. This dialog integrates with third-party staff assignment systems, though staff lists originating from these systems cannot be modified directly through the Staff Assignment interface. When shifts roll over, newly assigned staff automatically replace previous assignments. If a patient is transferred within the same unit, the assigned staff remains associated with the bed, while transfers to different units automatically assign new staff. Only non-stacking beds with the "Show on Bedboard" setting enabled appear in the dialog, as stacking beds cannot be assigned. Access to the Staff Assignment dialog requires the Access Staff Assignment permission, ensuring that only authorized users can perform these tasks.
To Access the Staff Assignment Dialog:
Do one of the following to display the Staff Assignment dialog:
Click the Staff Assignment icon.
Go to PatientTracking Portal® > Staff Assignment.
Go to Clinical Operations > PatientTracking Portal® > Staff Assignment icon.
Or, if your health system is configured for multiple instances of the Capacity IQ® Solution, go to Clinical Operations > PatientTracking Portal® > <Instance Name> > Staff Assignment icon.
The Staff Assignment dialog appears.
From the Unit list, select the unit.
Note - If only one unit is selected on the list view in the PatientTracking Portal® application, the Unit list does not display.
The left side of the Staff Assignment dialog shows the Staff List and displays the following information:
Staff members, permanent and temporary, that have been added to the staff list for this unit using Edit Staff List and that have been assigned to patients in the unit within the time frame configured by the Purge Staff from staff List After (Days) setting in the Admin Tool component or in Admin > Settings > Capacity Management, if this setting is enabled.
Note - Temporary staff members have a blue diamond to the right of their name.
Device number, such as phone number or pager number, for each staff member.
Number of beds to which each staff member is assigned. If shifts are assigned, the number of assigned beds reflects the number of beds for the currently selected shift.
The right side of the Staff Assignment dialog displays the following:
Shift buttons for each shift, for example, Current Shift and Night Shift. Shift buttons are available only if shifts are assigned.
A list of beds (locations) in the selected unit.
A list of patients assigned to beds in the selected unit. The patient list also includes the following patient information:
Patient age,
Patient gender,
Patient placement status,
Isolation type
Note - If the Display Alias for Patients setting under Console Settings is enabled, the patient alias displays in place of the patient's name.
Staff members are assigned to beds in the selected unit for the current shift. The current shift is the shift within which the current time falls.
To view staff assignments for a different shift, click the shift button for the shift you want to view.Staff type columns for each of the staff types are displayed on the list view in the PatientTracking Portal® application.
Assigning Staff Members to Beds
The Staff Assignment Dialog in the Workflow IQ® application allows Charge staff to efficiently assign, edit, and manage staff responsibilities within their healthcare units. Below is a comprehensive guide to using this feature.
Accessing the Staff Assignment Dialog
Navigate to the Staff & Assignments tab.
Select a staff member's name from the displayed list.
Click Assign/Manage Staff to open the Staff Assignment Dialog.
Key Functions
The Staff Assignment Dialog provides the following essential functions:
Assign Staff to Bed or Unit Responsibilities:
Select individual bed locations or assign coverage for the entire unit.
Edit Existing Assignments:
Update the staff member's assigned locations, modify shift start and end times, or remove assignments.
View Assignment History:
Access a detailed view of previous assignments and shift durations.
Assigning Staff Members to Beds
If using shifts, make sure that the shifts have been set for the unit. Administrators with appropriate permissions can set the shifts. For more information on setting shifts, Administrators can click Admin Tool > (or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management) > Unit/Zone/Location > Units, and then Help, and then see Unit, Zone, Physical Structure, and Location Configuration Units and then Configuring Unit PreAdmitTracking® application Application Settings.
Access the Staff Assignment dialog. The Staff List is displayed on the left side of the window and the bed assignments display on the right side of the window.
If using shifts, select the appropriate button for the desired shift. If you are not using shifts, staff assignments will take place after saving the staff assignments.
To Filter the Staff List:
In the Search Staff List box, type the first name, last name, or alias of a staff member.
Click the X that appears in the Search Staff List to clear the search.
To narrow the search, you can type both the last name and first name separated by a comma. For example, type "Smith, Alex" or "Alex, Smith" to find the name Alex Smith.
Click Filter By to display a list of staff types and click the desired staff types to filter the list further.
The list of search returns appears, which displays a maximum of 200 staff members along with their base campuses.
In the Staff List, click on the name of the staff member you want to assign to a bed.
If shifts are assigned, selecting a staff member displays two additional text boxes pre-populated with the start and end times of the selected shift. You can customize the start and end times for a staff member before assigning them to a bed. If a staff member's start and end time for a bed spans across shifts, then the staff will be displayed in both of the shifts for that bed.
All of the names of the patients that the selected staff member has been assigned to will be highlighted under the Patient Information column if the Duration to Highlight Cared for Patients (Hours) setting in the Admin Tool component or in Admin > Settings > Capacity Management is configured. For example, if the setting is configured at 48 hours and a staff member’s name is selected from the list, all of the patients that the staff member has cared for in the last 48 hours will be highlighted under the Patient Information column.
Click the appropriate staff type column, such as Registered Nurse or Nursing Assistant, to assign that staff member to the bed. Under the Staff List, the number of beds to which this staff member is assigned increases.
If a staff member's name appears in a cell, you can assign an additional staff member to a bed. An additional staff member will also be assigned to the bed.
Staff members of any staff type may be assigned to any column. Multiple staff types can be assigned to one bed. For example, a registered nurse and a certified nursing assistant can be assigned to one bed.
Additionally, if shifts are assigned, a staff member can be assigned to multiple beds with multiple start and end times. For example, if a staff member should be assigned to bed B1 from 5 am to 10 am and bed B2 from 7 am to 11 am, select that staff member's name from the Staff List set the start time as 5 am, and end time as 10 am and select the appropriate staff type on the right side of the window for bed B1. Then select that staff member again, set the start time as 7 am and the end time as 11 am, and select the appropriate staff type on the right side of the window for bed B2.
To save your changes, click Save and Close.
To close without saving changes, click Close.
Additional Notes
Ensure all changes are accurately reviewed before saving to avoid assignment conflicts.
Regularly review and update the Staff Assignment Dialog to maintain accurate staff and patient records.
To Remove Staff Assignments:
Access the Staff Assignment dialog.
Select the shift (e.g., Current Shift or Night Shift).
Hover over the staff member's name on the right side.
Click the X next to the name to remove the assignment.
Save your changes by clicking Save and Close.
Important Note:
Deleting assignments before the shift starts means they won't be recorded for reporting.
Deleting assignments after the shift starts will record the duration the staff member was assigned.
To Add Staff Members to the Staff List:
Access the Staff Assignment dialog.
Click Edit Staff List on the left side.
Enter the last name, first name, or alias of the staff member in the Add Staff to List box.
Select the staff member’s name from the displayed list.
Repeat steps 3-4 to add more names.
Click Done to finalize the additions.
For adding temporary staff members, refer to the specific instructions for that process.
To Edit Staff Member Information on the Staff List:
The Staff List displays the list of available staff members, staff member device numbers, such as phone number or pager number, if entered, and the currently selected shift's start and end times for each staff member.
Access the Staff Assignment dialog.
Click the staff member’s name on the left side of the window.
Edit the necessary information:
Shift start time: Enter the starting time for the shift in the first box (if shifts are defined).
Shift end time: Enter the ending time for the shift in the second box (if shifts are defined).
Device Number: Enter a phone number, extension, or pager number (up to 10 characters long) in the last box.
Important Note: If shifts are not defined for the unit, only the device number can be edited.
To Remove a Staff Member from the Staff List:
You can remove a staff member from the Staff List so that the staff member is no longer available to be assigned to beds for the selected unit. If a staff member, temporary or permanent, is no longer an employee, their account can be deactivated to prevent them from being added back to the list. (See instructions.)
Access the Staff Assignment dialog.
Click Edit Staff List on the left side.
Click the minus sign next to the staff member's name you want to remove.
Click Done to finalize the removal.
To Add Temporary Staff Members to the Staff List:
Access the Staff Assignment dialog.
Click Edit Staff List on the left side.
Click Manage Temp Staff at the bottom of the list.
Fill out the blank form at the top:
First Name (Required): Enter the first name.
Last Name (Required): Enter the last name.
Alias (Optional): Enter an alternative name.
Agency Staff (Optional): Check the box if applicable.
Position (Required): Choose a staff type from the list.
Click Create to add the staff member.
Repeat steps 4-5 to add more temporary staff members.
Click Done to finalize the additions.
The newly added temporary staff members will appear with a blue diamond next to their name.
To Edit Temporary Staff Members on the Staff List:
Access the Staff Assignment dialog.
Click Edit Staff List on the left side.
Click Manage Temp Staff at the bottom of the list.
Filter the list if needed:
Type the first name, last name, or alias in the Search Staff List box.
Click the X to clear the search.
Click Filter By to select desired staff types.
Edit the necessary information:
First Name (Required): Enter the first name.
Last Name (Required): Enter the last name.
Alias (Optional): Enter an alternative name.
Agency Staff (Optional): Check the box if applicable.
Position (Required): Choose a staff type from the list.
Click Done to save the’s name. A box for the device number appears.
Enter the device number.
To save your changes, click Save.
Add Temp Staff to Staff Assignment
Steps to add a temporary staff to the Staff List within the PatientTracking Portal.
From PatientTracking, click on Staff Assignment.
Select Edit Staff List, then click Manage Temp Staff.
Complete the required fields in the blank form that opens. There are optional fields as well.
Click Create to add the staff member to the list.
Click the Done button twice to finalize the process.
Assistant Column Missing in Staff Assignment
You may find that the Assistant column is missing from your Staff Assignment screen. The functionality of the Staff Assignment View is tied to the console view you have loaded in the Patient Tracking Portal. We’ll cover what to look for.
Close out of Staff Assignment.
Check your PatientTracking Portal view for the Assistant column. This column must be present to show in staff assignments.
If the Assistant column is not visible:
Navigate to View Options → Configure Columns.
Search for and add the Assistant column.
If you do not see the option to add the Assistant column, you may need a manager or administrator to adjust this for you.
Reopen Staff Assignment and confirm that the Assistant column is now visible.
Staffed Beds
A bed is considered a staffed bed if there are enough nursing staff members on duty during a given shift to care for a patient in that bed, avoiding the assignment of beds in wards that do not have enough staff members on duty to care for patients. Administrators are responsible for setting the number of "staffed" beds per shift for each unit. This setting is used during each shift to ensure adequate staffing and applies to each unit within the healthcare facility. The purpose is to ensure that there are enough nursing staff members available to provide care for patients in each bed, thereby maintaining patient safety and care quality. This setting is used in the PreAdmitTracking® application bed search. Staffed beds are showing zero; the client expects to see a certain number of staffed beds but the count is 0. A potential cause is that "Automatically Calculate Staffed Beds" is turned on in Master Config with no assigned staff. To resolve this, assign Nurses and/or Caregivers, check the Master Config for "Automatically Calculate Staffed Beds" to verify it is enabled, and ensure that there are Nurses and/or Caregivers assigned to the shift. If they are not, the bed count will shift back to zero.
How to add Staffed Beds
This article will walk you through how to add Staffed beds.
To add staffed beds to a unit, follow the steps provided below.
You will need to go to admin - Settings - Capacity Management - Units
In the upper right corner, you will need to select the campus
Select your unit from the list
Select the Unit PreadmitTracking settings tab
At the bottom, you will see a section called Shifts and Staffed Beds. Within this unit, these are where shifts are defined.
You can set shifts and enter the number of staffed beds that exist per unit per shift. These numbers are used in the bed search. A warning appears when a user attempts to assign a bed and the bed assignment would cause the number of assigned beds to exceed the number of staffed beds.
To add staffed beds you will need to click Add
You will then need to enter the information in the fields, and then click Save.
The following is an example of this section with populated information
Editing Staffed Beds per Shift for Multiple Unit
If the numbers of staffed beds per shift have been entered on the Unit PreAdmit Settings tabs for multiple units, you may edit the number of staffed beds per shift per unit for multiple units at once using the Staffed Beds feature. This number that you configure does not affect the PreAdmitTracking® application or PatientTracking Portal® application when it is used on a tablet device. Administrators are responsible for setting these numbers to ensure adequate staffing across units. This setting is used during each shift to maintain proper staffing levels and applies to each unit within the healthcare facility.
The purpose is to ensure that there are enough nursing staff members available to provide care for patients in each bed, thereby maintaining patient safety and care quality. To access the Admin Tool menu or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management, you must have the Admin Tool menu permission. To complete this task, you must have the Administrative permission called Edit Staffed Beds. This permission applies to the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component rather than the PreAdmitTracking® application. You must have Edit rights to change information. If you have View rights, you can see but not change information. You may only edit or view units to which you have membership.
To Edit Staffed Beds per Shift for Multiple Unit
Go to Admin Tool > Staffed Beds or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Miscellaneous > Staffed Beds.
In the Campus list, select a campus.
In the row that corresponds to the shift start time, type the number of staffed beds for that shift for each day of the week.
Click Save.
Note: The "No Shifts Have Been Defined" message indicates that no shifts have been added for this unit on the PreAdmit Unit Settings tab. For instructions on adding a shift and setting the number of staffed beds for a unit, see Configuring Unit PreAdmitTracking® application Settings.
The Staffed Beds for the Unit are Full
The user is reporting they get a popup when attempting to place a patient.
It is a message letting the user know that at the time of the initial bed request that the staffed beds were full. It does not inhibit any user action as it is purely informational.
The Staffed Beds for unit <Unit Name> on <Date> from <Timeframe> are full
Configuring the Automatically Calculate Staffed Beds Count Setting
To configure the Automatically Calculate Staffed Beds Count setting in the PatientTracking Portal®, if the setting is set to Yes, the staffed beds for the unit will be calculated when the shift is set for the unit. The staffed bed count will equal the number of beds in the unit that have nurses assigned to them for that shift. To configure this setting, do one of the following:
If the number of staffed beds should be calculated automatically based on the number of nurses assigned to beds in that shift, click the gray No button to make it a green Yes button.
If the number of staffed beds should not be calculated automatically, click the green Yes button to make it a gray No button.
Setting Unit Staffing
About Unit Staffing
You may enter the number of staffed beds that exist per unit per shift. These numbers are used in the bed search, and a warning appears when a user attempts to assign a bed that would cause the number of assigned beds to exceed the number of staffed beds. Administrators enter shift start times in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component and can also enter the number of staffed beds per shift. However, if you have the Access Staffed Beds permission, you may change the number of staffed beds per shift from the PatientTracking Portal® console, though you cannot enter the shift start times from the console. To complete this task, you must have the Access Staffed Beds permission and can only set staffing for units included in your membership.
To set unit staffing, you can click the Staffed Beds icon, go to PatientTracking Portal® > Staffed Beds, or navigate through Clinical Operations > PatientTracking Portal® or PreAdmitTracking® application, depending on your health system's configuration. Select a unit by clicking the magnifying glass next to the Unit box, choose the appropriate campus and unit, and then enter the number of staffed beds available for each shift for each day of the week in the corresponding cells. Finally, click Save to apply the changes.
Setting Shifts and Entering Staffed Beds per Shift
To set shifts and enter the number of staffed beds per shift, you may use the Unit PreAdmit Settings tab. These numbers are used in the bed search, and a warning appears when a user attempts to assign a bed that would cause the number of assigned beds to exceed the number of staffed beds. This setting does not affect the PreAdmitTracking® application or PatientTracking Portal® application when it is used on a tablet device. To set shifts and enter staffed beds per shift, access the Unit PreAdmit Settings tab. In the Shifts and Staffed Beds in this Unit section, click the Add button to add a row. In the Shift Name column, type a unique name for the shift. For users upgrading to version 3.2, any shifts that were defined at the time of upgrade will be named “Shift 1," "Shift 2," "Shift 3," and so on for all defined shifts. After the upgrade is complete, you can go back and modify the names. New shifts created after the upgrade will have names you have defined.
In the Shift Start column, type the time that a shift starts (for example, 07:00). Shift end times are based on the start time of subsequent shifts. In the row that corresponds to the shift, type the number of staffed beds for that shift for each day of the week. Click Save. To remove saved shifts, click the check boxes for those shifts, click Delete Selected Records, and when a confirmation message appears, click OK. Finally, click Save.
Staff Members
Staff members are individuals who work for the hospital and have duties involving patients and beds, such as nurses, assistants, physicians, transporters, and bed cleaners. The floor plan can help locate specific staff members. Some users have aliases or pseudonyms, like Unit Supervisor, in their user profiles. If an alias should appear in a staff type column that displays the staff member assigned to a bed instead of the staff member's name, and an alias should appear in alarm warnings, enable the Display Alias for Staff setting. If this setting is enabled and the staff member's user profile does not have an alias, the staff member's first name will appear.
To show aliases or first names for staff members, ensure Enabled appears in the Display Alias for Staff row on the Console Settings window. If Disabled appears, click it to change it to Enabled. To show names instead of aliases or first names for staff members, click Enabled to change it to Disabled. This setting is managed by administrators to ensure clarity and proper identification of staff members during their shifts, which is crucial for maintaining efficient communication and patient care within the hospital.
Staff Search
Searching for a Staff Member
About Searching
To search for a staff member, you can use their first or last name (or part of the name), or the number of the TeleTracking Location IQ System™ badge associated with them. This search allows you to find information such as the current location of the staff member, how long they have been there, and how long ago TeleTracking Location IQ sent information about them. You can also access a floor plan of a unit to see where the staff member is located within the unit. This feature is used by administrators and staff members during their shifts to ensure efficient communication and patient care within the hospital. Your organization must have a Staff Tracking license, and you must have the Show Staff Search permission to search for staff members. This search functionality is crucial for maintaining efficient operations and ensuring that staff members can be quickly located when needed.
Searching for a Staff Member
On the Staff Badging page, in the Source list, select one of the following to indicate where in the database the Capacity IQ® solution should search for the staff member:
Physician—Select this option if the staff member is a physician. (The staff member has been added to the Physicians section of Dictionary Management in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component.)
Capacity IQ® User—Select this option if the staff member is any other kind of user other than a physician. (Staff member has a user profile in the User Management section of the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component.)
In the list next to the Search Text box, select one of the following:
Name—To search for the staff member by all or part of the first or last name.
Badge—If the staff member is already associated with a badge and you know the badge number.
In the Search Text box, if you selected the following in the list:
Name—Type all or part of the staff member's first or last name. All names that contain the letters entered in the order in which they were entered will appear in search results.
Badge—To search for the staff member by badge number, type the badge number WITHOUT the letters and zeroes that appear at the beginning.
Example: If the white sticker on the badge shows 1105T00112233, then type 112233 in the badge box.
Click Search.
A list of users or physicians who meet the search criteria appears. The following information is in the search results.
Search Result Information
Search Criteria:
Use the staff member's first or last name (or part of the name), or the number of the TeleTracking Location IQ™ badge associated with them.
This search allows you to find information such as:
The current location of the staff member.
How long they have been there.
How long ago TeleTracking Location IQ sent information about them.
Access a floor plan of a unit to see where the staff member is located within the unit.
Used by administrators and staff members during their shifts.
Ensures efficient communication and patient care within the hospital.
Your organization must have a Staff Tracking license.
You must have the Show Staff Search permission to search for staff members.
On the Staff Badging page, in the Source list, select either Physician or Capacity IQ® User to indicate where in the database the Capacity IQ® solution should search for the staff member.
In the list next to the Search Text box, select Name to search by name or Badge to search by badge number.
Enter the search criteria in the Search Text box and click Search.
A list of users or physicians who meet the search criteria will appear, showing details such as:
Location IQ badge number: Identification number or -- (if no badge is associated with the staff member).
Tooltip shows the TeleTracking Location IQ location of the staff member's badge, how long ago information about the badge was updated, and how long the badge has been in the location.
If the badge cannot be detected in a TeleTracking Location IQ location, "Unknown" will appear.
If your organization uses Centrak® hardware for real-time tracking, the tooltip will also show RF: , indicating the beacon that last detected the badge.
Staff Type: The staff type name that will appear on the floor plan in the location of the user who is wearing this badge.
You can change the staff type associated with the badge.
Name: Physician's or user's last and first name.
ADTID (for Physicians): The code used to identify this physician in the hospital ADT system.
Service (for Physicians): The service (such as Cardiology) that the physician provides.
Login ID (for Capacity IQ® Users): The name that the user enters along with a password to sign in to the Capacity IQ® solution.
IVIRID (for Capacity IQ® Users): The code that this user enters to sign in to the IVR over the telephone.
Campus (for Capacity IQ® Users): This user's base unit within this campus.
Click the Location IQ badge number to badge, unbadge, or rebadge the staff member.
Change the staff type associated with the badge.
To Search
Navigate to Staff Search:
Go to TransportTracking™ > Staff Search.
Go to BedTracking® > Staff Search.
Go to PatientTracking Portal® > Staff Search.
Go to PreAdmitTracking® application > Staff Search.
Go to Clinical Operations > PreAdmitTracking® application > Staff Search icon.
Go to Care Support > TransportTracking™ > Staff Search icon.
Go to Clinical Operations > PatientTracking Portal® > Staff Search icon.
Go to Care Support > BedTracking® > Staff Search icon.
For multiple instances of the Capacity IQ® Solution:
Go to Care Support > BedTracking® > > Staff Search icon.
Go to Care Support > TransportTracking™ > > Staff Search icon.
Go to Clinical Operations > PatientTracking Portal® > > Staff Search icon.
Go to Clinical Operations > PreAdmitTracking® application > > Staff Search icon.
Click the Staff Search icon.
Search for Staff:
The Search for Staff window appears.
In the Search box, type either part of the staff member's name or part of the badge number for the TeleTracking Location IQ™ badge that the staff member wears.
In the Campus list, select the campus where the staff member's base unit is and in which you would like to search. If there is only one campus in the enterprise, then you do not need to select anything in this list. If you are searching for a physician, you do not need to select anything in this list.
Click Search to display a list in the Search Results section.
Understanding Search Results
The following information appears about the staff members found in the search:
Name: Staff member's first and last name.
Floor Plan: The name of the floor plan showing the unit where the staff member is currently located. You can click the link in this column to display the floor plan and see the staff member's location. Hovering over the name will also show the staff member's name.
Location: The current location of the staff member, based on where their staff badge has been detected. The location name shown is the one used in TeleTracking Location IQ. If your organization uses Centrak® hardware for real-time tracking, a tooltip will appear when you hover over the cell, showing RF: . This indicates the beacon that last detected the badge, providing a general idea of where the staff member might have been last. If your organization does not use Centrak, RF: will not appear.
Last Update: The last time information about this staff member was received from TeleTracking Location IQ.
If the time was less than a minute ago, it is shown in seconds (s).
If the time was less than an hour ago, it is shown in minutes (m).
If the time was less than 24 hours ago, it is shown in hours (h).
If it was more than 24 hours ago, it is shown in days (dy).
Time in Location: How long the staff member has been in this location.
If the time was less than a minute ago, it is shown in seconds (s).
If the time was less than an hour ago, it is shown in minutes (m).
If the time was less than 24 hours ago, it is shown in hours (h).
If it was more than 24 hours ago, it is shown in days (dy).
Staff Type
Configuring Staff Types
About Staff Types
Staff types are used by the TeleTracking Location IQ System™ when integrated with the Capacity IQ® solution and if your organization has a license for the PreAdmitTracking® application, to facilitate staff assignment through the PatientTracking Portal® application. This is crucial for identifying who is responsible for specific tasks and ensuring efficient workflow management. Notably, two staff types, Physician and Staff, appear automatically and cannot be renamed or removed. Users can view a floor plan in the Capacity IQ® solution to determine the current locations of physicians and other staff members wearing staff badges, provided they have a Staff Tracking license starting from version 2017.1. Staff types, such as Charge Nurse and Attending Physician, help identify the roles or functions of staff members on the floor plans. In the PatientTracking Portal® application, staff types enable users to assign staff members to beds, either in advance if shifts are set up or as staff members report for their scheduled shifts. Each staff type can be configured to perform rounding activities to monitor patient care and can be mapped with third-party staffing assignment systems. Additionally, all created staff types can be added as columns in the List View of the PatientTracking Portal® application. To configure staff types, you need the administrative permission called Staff Type with Edit rights to make changes, while View rights allow you to see but not change staff types in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component. This ability to update staff types is essential for maintaining accurate records and optimizing staff utilization, ultimately improving overall operational efficiency.
A user's staff type indicates their role, such as nurse, assistant, transporter, requester, bed cleaner, transport supervisor, or EVS supervisor. Staff types can also be configured for those performing rounding activities.
You can change a staff member's staff type through:
Dictionary Management
RTLS > Staff Badging in the Admin Tool
Admin > Settings > Capacity Management
To Add, Edit, or Delete Staff Types:
Go to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Miscellaneous > Dictionary Management to display the Dictionary Management page.
In the Dictionary Name column, click the Staff Type link.
To add staff types:
Click Add to open a new Staff Types dialog.
In the Name box, type a staff type, for example, Charge Nurse or Nursing Assistant.
In the same row for the Display Icon, select the symbol (picture) that will be used to identify this staff type on the floor plan. Click the magnifying glass icon to display a window that shows a list of available pictures. Click one of the pictures shown, and then click OK.
To remove a picture that has already been selected, click the x in the upper-right corner of the picture.
To make this staff type available in the Staff Assignment window and to be included as a column in the PatientTracking Portal® application, enable the Staff Assignment setting. Click Disabled to change it to Enabled.
To enable beds assigned to staff members with this staff type to be included in the total staffed bed count, enable the Include in Staffed Beds Calculation setting. Click Disabled to change it to Enabled. This is helpful if you want to see totals for staffed beds on the PatientTracking Portal® application, in the PreAdmitTracking® application, or in specific bed reports.
Important Note: The Include in Staffed Beds Calculation setting can only be enabled if the Staff Assignment setting is enabled.
If this staff type is assigned to users who perform rounding activities, enable the Include in Rounding Calculation setting. Click Disabled to change it to Enabled. Users who have a staff type with this setting enabled will affect the Last Seen (LS) column in the PatientTracking Portal® application and will be included in the Caregiver/Clinician Rounding report. Users who have a staff type with this setting disabled will not affect the LS column and will not be included in the Caregiver/Clinician Rounding report. Your organization must have a Patient Tracking license to use the Last Seen feature and must have both a Patient Tracking and a Staff Tracking license to generate the Caregiver/Clinician Rounding report.
If third-party staff assignment systems, such as Rauland or Kronos, will be integrated with the Capacity IQ® solution, map a staff type to an equivalent staff type in the third-party staff assignment systems. Under the External System Identifiers section, click the plus sign (+) under the name of the appropriate third-party system your organization is using. A blank box is added. In the blank box, enter the exact name/identifier sent by third-party system messages for this staff type. Repeat this process for all third-party staff assignment system staff types that need to be mapped to this staff type.
Click Save. The staff type appears in the list in alphabetical order.
To add more staff types, repeat step 3.
To edit existing staff types:
In the Staff Type Name column, click the staff type name.
Change the information.
Click Save.
To delete a staff type:
Do one of the following:
To delete all staff types, except
the two default staff types, select the checkbox in the first row and first column of the page.
To delete individual staff types, select the checkboxes for them.
Click Delete Selected Records.
When a confirmation message appears, click OK.
Staff Type Column
To display staff assignments for each bed row and patient row based on staff type, you need to add columns for each staff type configured in the Dictionary Management section of the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management application, provided the staff type has been enabled in Dictionary Management. The column title is determined by the staff type name, such as Nurse for the nurse staff type. These columns are informational and do not allow changes to staff assignments. If shifts are assigned, the column will display currently assigned staff member names or aliases (if the Display Alias for Staff console setting is enabled), incoming staff scheduled to start in a specified number of minutes, and outgoing staff scheduled to end their shift in a specified number of minutes. You can hover over a staff member's name to see a list of outgoing and incoming staff members. If shifts are not assigned, the column will display currently assigned staff member names or aliases, and hovering over a name will show the full list of assigned staff members. When both incoming and outgoing staff are displayed for a bed, the staff type column will scroll through the names. This setup helps in efficiently managing and viewing staff assignments based on their roles. For more information on modifying staff assignments, refer to the Assigning a Staff Member to a Bed section. The display of staff member information in the column is based on whether your organization has shifts assigned, with specific settings configured on the Unit PatientTracking Portal® Settings tab in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component.
Bedtracking Supervisor - Workflow
The Bed Tracking Supervisor workflow in TeleTracking is designed to help EVS supervisors efficiently manage hospital cleaning operations and staff assignments. Supervisors log in using their credentials and access BedTracking from the Care Support menu to view the BedTracking Dashboard, which provides a comprehensive view of bed statuses, discharge and spill clean statuses, and employee assignments. They receive notifications and alerts to ensure timely responses to events, which can be configured by delivery method and timing. The Beds view provides detailed information on bed statuses, while the Discharge and Spill Clean section enables supervisors to reassign cleaning tasks as needed. The Daily Clean tab tracks daily cleaning progress, and the Employees tab displays employee statuses. Instant Notify allows supervisors to communicate directly with staff. As part of the shift turnover process, supervisors print the Employee Zone Coverage Report and make necessary updates. These tools and processes help supervisors maintain a clean and well-functioning hospital environment, ensuring tasks are completed efficiently and staff is appropriately managed.
Logging In and Logging Out
Launch TeleTracking and input your User Login ID and Password. Click the Sign In button.
From the Care Support menu, click on BedTracking.
You will now see the BedTracking Dashboard view. Details of this Dashboard are covered in the Working with Beds section of this guide.
To Log Out
In the upper-right corner, click on sign out or end session.
End session - if you are signed into multiple sessions or workstations, select end session to end the current session.
Sign out - if you are signed into multiple sessions (or multiple workstations), sign out will close all sessions on all workstations.
TeleTracking provides the ability to configure Notifications and Alerts for EVS supervisors to stay informed about important events:
Notifications: Sent immediately when an event occurs.
Alerts: Sent after a defined time has elapsed without resolution to prompt corrective actions.
Enabling Notifications and Alerts
Click on the My Notifications tab, at the top of the screen. Here you can select the delivery method for both notifications and alerts.
A notification occurs at the time the event occurs.
An alert occurs after a defined amount of time has elapsed since the event.
Click on the preferred Delivery Method you want to receive Notifications and Alerts to Enable.
Pager - The device must be configured in the application. Please reach out to your system admin for more information.
Email- Requires email address set in user profile. Please reach out to your system admin for more information.
Screen Alert
Note: If enabling Screen Alerts, for them to take effect, you will need to Log Out and Log back into the system.
Set the Delivery Time to choose when you wish to receive messages. There are two options:
When I Am Logged In – Notifications and Alerts will only be sent to the user while they are logged into the system.
Specific Time Range – If this option is selected the user will be prompted to identify when they want to receive Notifications and Alerts.
Set Job Alert Matching:
Assignment -The sections and zones you are logged into.
Base Campus – The campus of the base location assigned in the user profile.
Set Job Notification Matching:
Assignment - The sections and zones you are logged into.
Membership -This is typically a supervisor’s campus but may include other campuses within the enterprise.
NOTE: Both Notification Matching and Alert Matching should be set to “Against my assignment.”
Set Status - Select the status buttons for each notification you wish to receive. These notifications will be sent to you, based upon how you set the notification matching above, as soon as a bed moves into that status.
NOTE: Alerts are configured separately in Alert Management.
Working With Beds
The BedTracking Dashboard provides supervisors with an overview of hospital bed status from an EVS perspective. This section covers the Beds View, Discharge and Spill Clean, and Employees Tab functionalities.
Beds View
The Beds view displays the beds listed by status for the entire campus. The Unit Filter can be used to filter beds by unit. You may also click the dropdown arrow under the campus and select beds based on building, floor, section, cluster, unit, and zone.
Clicking on the drop-down arrow next to a campus name allows you to drill down to segments of the campus as shown to the right.
Clicking on any column heading will provide additional information including detailed information about the beds in each status. In the provided example, we selected the Dirty status. Information provided includes:
Bed Number.
Room Accommodation.
Bed Size.
Bed Status.
Delayed-will show if the bed had been delayed.
Status Time-the time the bed entered the specific status selected.
Reference Key in the upper right corner of the Status Time is displaying Tan, Orange, or Red.
Job Number
Last Employee Informed- The housekeeper that was notified of the job.
Unit-The unit that the bed is on.
Iso Type-If the patient that was in the bed prior to it being dirtied was in Isolation.
Discharge and Spill Clean
The Discharge and Spill Clean view categorizes beds based on their current cleaning status. Supervisors can monitor and manage these beds efficiently.
Sorting Beds
Beds are sorted by either:
Time the bed entered its current status
Clicking on any column heading will re-sort the information accordingly.
Bed Status Indicators
Bed Numbers with Brackets [ ]:
Indicates that a patient has been admitted to this bed. Once the bed is cleaned, it will automatically be marked as occupied.*Bed Numbers with an Asterisk :
Indicates that the bed went dirty due to a transfer event.
Clicking on any bed number will display a Bed Detail window showing the current bed status, details about that bed, and its history.
Based on your rights, clicking on the bed status allows certain functions to be performed on this bed. These may include blocking beds, canceling cleaning requests, or changing the bed priority. Depending on the action you may be prompted to select a reason for your action. You can also click on the bed size button and change it if needed.
The bed history window will display all actions performed on that bed including details.
The information displayed here can be filtered by date range.
Whether or not the bed is a Specialty Bed is indicated.
Whether EVS services the bed is indicated as well.
There also is an option for the notify new function. That functionality is detailed below.
Notify New
The Notify New feature allows supervisors to reassign a bed cleaning job from one employee to another. This is particularly useful for balancing workloads when:
One employee's assignment encounters many discharge/transfer requests for cleaning.
Another employee has fewer or no cleaning requests.
How It Works
A new job notification is sent to the reassigned employee.
A canceled job notification is sent to the original employee.
Accessing Notify New
The Notify New function can be accessed in two ways:
From the Bed View: Select a bed and choose Notify New from the options menu.
From the Job Details: Open the job details for a specific cleaning task and select Notify New to reassign the task.
Click on the bed you wish to reassign. This opens the Bed Detail window. Click on the Notify New button.
The second way to access Notify New is to click on the Notify New icon on the Navigation Bar.
Select the Campus for the bed to be reassigned. This may be auto-filled due to your membership.
Select the Bed to be reassigned. If you’ve reached Notify New via the Bed Detail the bed will be auto-filled.
Select the employee to whom you are reassigning the bed. The Employee must be logged in with a device to receive notifications.
The bed will be reassigned, and the original employee will receive a canceled job message.
Daily Clean
The Daily Clean tab displays all beds that require a Daily Clean, In Progress, and Daily Cleans completed today.
To-Do – List all beds that currently require daily cleaning.
In Progress – The housekeeper is currently cleaning a bed.
Clean – List of all daily cleans completed today.
The Employees tab displays each employee’s status and how many Employees are currently in that status. Like the Bed tab, the information is broken down by campus.
In Progress – The housekeeper is currently cleaning a bed.
Available – The housekeeper is logged in to sections and/or zones.
Break – The housekeeper is on an authorized break.
Lunch – The housekeeper is on an authorized lunch break.
Logged In – The housekeeper is logged in but does not have either a pager/mobile device assigned or a section or zone.
Logged Out – The housekeeper has logged out for the day.
Clicking on the drop-down arrow next to a campus name allows you to drill down to segments of the campus as shown to the right.
Clicking on the campus name itself will display all employees and their status.
Clicking on a Status name displays just the Employees in that Status.
Clicking on Device ID, Zones, or Sections displays a popup box. From this popup, you can change:
The Employee’s device.
The Employee’s assignment.
Instant Notify
Instant Notify allows a supervisor to send messages to employees who are logged in with a pager or other device. Please note that these messages are a reportable item. They appear on the Instant Notify History Report.
Clicking on Instant Notify brings up the popup screen.
Search for the user, or group of users to whom you want to send the message.
Type your message in the message box.
Click Send.
You will see a “Message Sent” message at the top of the screen.
Click on the X to close the Instant Notify box.
NOTE: Notification groups can be created by your system Admin. This will enable you to send messages to a group, say all EVS Employees, without having to search for them individually.
Supervisor Shift Turnover Process
Print the Employee Zone Coverage Report.
Click on the Quick Reports icon.
Click on Employee Zone Coverage Quick Report.
Click on Run Report.
Once the report is run, you will be prompted to either open or save the report. Select Open to view the report immediately.
The Employee Zone Coverage Report is sorted by units and displays which EVS zone is attached to each unit. There may be more than one zone on a unit.
User Name – The name of each Employee logged into each zone with their IVR ID.
Position Type – Whether the Employee is an Employee or a Supervisor.
Pager ID – If the employee signed in with a pager, the pager number is shown. If the Employee is using a device other than a pager (iPhone or Android Device, etc.) then no Pager ID will be displayed.
Beds with no coverage – This column will display the currently dirty beds in zones that have Employees logged in:
Make Corrections from the Employee List.
After reviewing the Employee Zone Coverage Report you may identify changes that need to be made to the coverage in the system.
Click on the name of the Campus you are reviewing to display the Employees for that campus.
Employees identified as Available are Logged In to at least 1 zone, with a valid pager.
Employees identified as Logged In have no pager and/or are not assigned to a zone or section.
From the Employee List, click on the Device ID, Zones, or Sections for the employee you wish to edit.
Click on Login for the Day or Logout for the Day to either log an Employee in or out.
Change the Device by clicking on the drop-down area.
Click on Change Assignment and edit the Sections or Zones assigned to an Employee.
Click Submit on the Change Assignment Screen when you are done.
Housekeeping Supervisors should also be logged into Bed Tracking with the correct device and the Zones and Sections for which they are responsible.
Supervisor IVR Menu
If you are using pagers, the IVR System is the way Employees and Supervisors will log into BedTracking.
Starting a Shift
Dial The BedTracking Phone Extension.
Enter your IVR ID: _____ Press the # (pound sign) when complete.
For Requester functions press 1. (This does NOT log you in as a Supervisor.)
For Supervisor functions press 2. (You will only receive alerts for the areas you log into.)
For Employee functions press 3. (You will assume the role of a normal employee.)
Logging in as a Supervisor or Employee will set your DEFAULT behavior for the day. You still have access to the other functions through the telephone menu options once logged in.
For Employee Telephone Functions see Employee Phone QRG.
Logging out at the End of a shift
Dial The BedTracking Phone Extension:
Enter your IVR ID: _____ Press the # (pound sign) when complete.
“To Log Out –“ Press 3
Supervisor Menu
Dial The BedTracking Phone Extension:
Enter your IVR ID:_____ Press the # (pound sign) when complete.
“For Supervisor Functions–“ Press 2.
“For Notify New Requests” Press 1.
“Please Enter the Numeric Bed ID followed by the # (pound sign).”
The system will prompt you with the available employees in that campus zone, if no employees are available in the chosen bed’s zone or if you wish to skip the listing of available employees; you can press 1 to enter an employee IVR ID which is currently available or logged into the system. You will only be able to select employees who have a valid pager assignment.
“Please Enter the Employee IVR ID followed by the # (pound sign).”
The system then will tell you who is going to receive the Notify New page and if the bed was paged out previously to another employee, who will receive the cancel page. Then you will be prompted to press 1 to accept these actions and the pages will be sent.
TransportTracking Supervisor Reference Guide
Transport Supervisor
The Transport Supervisor plays a critical role in managing patient flow within a healthcare facility by overseeing transport operations and ensuring that patient movement is efficient and timely. This Reference Guide provides step-by-step instructions for executing key workflows and processes necessary for optimal patient flow. Transport Supervisors are responsible for assigning and monitoring transport jobs, resolving issues, and ensuring compliance with established protocols. By utilizing this guide, supervisors can effectively coordinate transport activities, streamline operations, and contribute to the overall efficiency and quality of care provided in the department.
Logging In/Out
Launch TeleTracking and input your User Login ID and Password. Click the Sign In button.
From the Care Support menu, click the TransportTracking™ option.
You will now see the Patient Transports Dashboard.
To Log Out
In the upper-right corner of the page, click the sign-out or end-session link.
End session - if you are signed into more than one session or workstation, select end session to end the current session.
Sign out - if you are signed into multiple sessions (or multiple workstations), sign out will close all sessions on all workstations.
The TransportTracking™ can be configured to send Notifications and Alerts to Transport Supervisors for a variety of events. Notifications are sent at the time an event takes place. Alerts are sent after a defined amount of time has elapsed since an event with no resolution so that appropriate actions can be taken to correct any issue. The next several sections will describe how the notifications are configured to enable this feature.
Enabling Notifications And Alerts
From the home screen, click on the My Notifications tab to display the Delivery Methods section.
Delivery Methods – In the Delivery Methods section you choose how you want Notifications and Alerts delivered.
Screen Alert
Click on the Grey Disabled button to change it to Enabled for any method you wish to choose.
(Note: You must have an email address entered in your profile in order to Enable Email Notifications or Alerts.)
Delivery Time - This option allows the user to identify when they wish to receive Notifications and Alerts. There are two options:
When I Am Logged In – Notifications and Alerts will only be sent to the user while they are logged into the system.
Specific Time Range – If this option is selected the user will be prompted to identify when they want to receive Notifications and Alerts.
Job Alert Matching:
Assignment -The sections and zones you are logged into.
Base Campus – The campus of the base location assigned in the user profile.
Set Job Notification Matching:
Assignment - These are the sections and zones you are logged into.
Membership -· Typically a supervisor’s campus but may include other campuses.
Note: Both Notification Matching and Alert Matching should be set to “Against my assignment”.
Set Status - Select the status buttons for each notification you wish to receive. These notifications will be sent to you, based upon how you set the notification matching above and when the scribed notification is triggered.
Note: Alerts are configured separately in Alert Management.
An alert occurs after a defined amount of time has elapsed since the event. There are Status alerts for jobs and Employee alerts. The Status alerts are configured for each priority level between 0 and 9. Alerts are configured in Alert Management within the Admin Tool. You must belong to an administrator group with Transport Tracking Alert Settings enabled to perform this function. Your system administrator can make changes to the Alerts.
Employee Alerts
Employee Alerts allow transportation supervisors to be notified if an employee takes more than his or her allotted time for a break or lunch.
From the Admin Tool tab select Settings and then Capacity Management. Once in the Capacity Management menu, find the Alert Management section and select TransportTracking™.
At the Alert Settings screen, Select Employee Alerts.
Select whether to set alerts for the campus or just for a specific unit. You will be prompted to select which Campus or which unit based on your selection.
Click on the Employee Status(es) you want to receive alerts for from the options of Break, Lunch, Other, or Available. If you select Break, you will need to identify how many breaks an employee receives each shift.
Trigger Minutes – How many minutes after an employee went into a status should we wait before alerting a supervisor. For example, if a lunch break is 30 minutes you might make the Trigger Minutes 40. That way the supervisor is only alerted if the employee is on lunch break for 10-minutes longer than allowed.
Retries/Intervals – How many times do you want to resend the message to a supervisor and how long do you want to wait between retries.
Alert Escalation Level – Determines who should get the alerts. The numbers refer to the setting in the Employee Profile “Level” field.
Activation Start/Activation End – These fields allow you to determine when alerts should be sent. For example, you might not want alerts sent during the third shift if you have no supervisor on duty.
Click Save when you have completed your settings.
Status Alerts
Status Alerts are set by following the same initial steps as Employee Alerts but selecting Status Alerts at the Alerts Settings Screen instead of Employee Alerts.
Status Alerts are set by Priority Status, so you must also select the priority level for which you are setting the alerts.
Identify which Statuses/Events you want to receive alerts about.
Recipient Qualification – Do you want this alert to be sent based on a match of the Origin Location, Destination Location, or Either between the job and the supervisor’s assignment.
Trigger Minutes – How many minutes after the job went into a status should we wait before alerting a supervisor.
Retries/Intervals – How many times do you want to resend the message to a supervisor and how long do you want to wait between retries.
Alert Escalation Level – Who should get the alerts. The numbers refer to the setting in the Employee Profile “Level” field.
Activation Start/Activation End – These fields allow you to determine when alerts should be sent. For example, you might not want alerts sent during the third shift if you have no supervisor on duty.
Be careful when setting the trigger time for alerts. You want to set these so that when an alert is received it triggers an action by the supervisor. If you set the time too low, you may receive alerts that are ignored. We recommend that the alerts are set to match your breaches, which is the time at which a job or transporter should not be in that status.
Be careful not to conflict with the Dispatch Set. If you set a Pending Alert trigger time for a longer period of time than the Upgrade Time in the Dispatch Set, you will not trigger those alerts.
If you don’t want the alert to retry set the number of retries to 0.
Using TransportTracking™
From the Care Support menu, click the TransportTracking™ option.
The Patient Transports tab contains all the jobs for patients.
The Item Transports tab contains the same information for item jobs.
The default view below will display the campus and the number of jobs in each status.
Clicking on the drop-down arrow next to a campus name allows you to drill down to segments of the campus as shown to the right.
Or select the Campus of the jobs you wish to view.
Job List Column Definitions
Job # – Each patient or item transport job has a unique identifier.
Status - This is the status of the job. See above for the definitions of each status.
! – Once the job has triggered an alert, this column will display the user level of the Supervisor that was alerted.
Patient # / Name – Identifying information about the patient being transported.
Empl ID – Lists the login ID of the last user who interacted with the job. This may be a requester or transporter.
Origin – Job Origin.
Destination – Job Destination.
Priority – Each job has a priority between 0 and 9. See the section below on job priorities.
Apt / Pend Time – The time of the appointment or the time the on-demand job becomes Pending.
Status Time – The time this job went into its current status.
Trv Reqs – These are the IDs of the Travel Requirements. Place your cursor over the numbers to display.
MOT – The Mode of Travel for the patient.
Making Changes To Transport Jobs
A patient or item transport may be changed up until the time it is Dispatched by clicking on the Job Number.
Once it is Dispatched it can no longer be changed.
With the Transport Request open make any required changes to the job and click on Save.
Cancelling A Transport Job
A patient or item transport job may be canceled up until the time it is in progress. Once the job is In Progress only the transporter may cancel the job. There are two ways to cancel a job using the console.
Click on the Job #
When the Transport Request Screen opens select Cancel.
Select the Reason you are canceling the job.
If there are additional jobs in a sequence you may click “Cancel All Remaining Jobs”.
If you want Capacity IQ®to return the patient to their Home Location click “Return Patient” to Home.
The second way to cancel a job is to click on the status.
When the Transport Job Status Dialog box appears select the Reason Code and click “Submit”.
You can filter your view of patient and item transport jobs. Filters allow you to narrow or widen the list of transport jobs. Patients' jobs may be filtered by Location and Date. Item jobs may be filtered only by Date.
Select whether you want to filter based on the Origin or Destination location.
Click on the Browse button and the “Find a Location” Dialog box opens to allow you to select a location or locations on which to base your search.
The Default Time for the filter is one day. To change the date range either manually change the date range or use the calendars to select different dates.
Click on the “Filter” button to search based on your filters.
Click on the “Clear” button to remove any filters.
The Transporters tab displays the current statuses of transporters. These include Dispatched, Delay/Dispatched, In Progress, Delay/In Progress, Assist, Break/Lunch, In, Available, and Out.
Dispatched – The transporter is dispatched on a job. They are assigned the job but have not yet begun to move the patient or item.
Delay/Dispatched – The transporter has been dispatched on a job but has encountered a delay.
In Progress – The transporter is moving the patient or item to the Destination.
Delay/In Progress – The transporter is moving the patient or item but has encountered a Delay.
Assist –The transporter has requested the help of another transporter and is waiting for Assistance to arrive.
Break/Lunch – The transporter has gone on an authorized break or to lunch.
In – The transporter has logged in but has not selected a Device. Transporters must make a selection – they cannot log in to any zone or section.
Available – The transporter is logged in properly and is waiting to receive a job.
Out – The transporter has logged out of TransportTracking™.
Clicking on any of the column headers will display a list of transporters in that status. Clicking on the Campus Name opens a list of every transporter.
Status – The current status of the transporter.
Job # – The job number of the job the transporter is currently working.
Empl ID – This is the User Login ID from the transporter’s user profile.
Device ID – The ID of the pager the transport is using. If the department is using the mobile app handheld devices an icon looking like a cell phone will appear.
Reject – The number of jobs the transporter has rejected since logging in.
Adjust – The number of adjustments that the transporter has had since they logged in.
Time – The time that the transporter entered their current status.
Act – Whether or not the transporter has logged into Transport Tracking with a valid paging device.
Y = Yes
N = No
B = Yes, but is on a scheduled break
U = Yes, but is on an unscheduled break
Zones – Zones the transporter logged into. An asterisk (*) indicates the transporter has logged in exclusively.
Current Location – The last location where the transporter moved a patient or item.
Transporter Tab Column Definitions
The typical job rejection is when a transporter is presented with a job, but they do not perform an authorized action. A rejection is triggered when a transporter replays the job details on the telephone more times than what is set for the Max review jobs configuration in the TransportTracking™ Global Settings or takes no action on the mobile device.
An adjustment is triggered when a transporter completes a job under or over a set amount of time. The idea is that these jobs are considered to be an outlier or unusual and are not a standard practice. Adjusted jobs are not counted as averages in some of the TransportTracking™ standard reports and are not included in calculating the Real Time Key Indicators (RTKIs).
Transporter Information And Statistics
Click on the Employee ID to get more information about a transporter.
The date range you wish to display information for may be selected in the middle of the screen.
The top section of the display shows the transporter's statistics during the chosen date range.
The bottom section displays all of the jobs that the transporter handled during the selected date range.
Changing A Transporter Device, Assignment, And Logging In Or Out
Click on the Employee’s Device ID or Zones to Edit this information.
Click on the Device Drop-Down menu to change the ID for the Device the employee is carrying. This only has applicability for sites using pagers. If you are using the Mobile Apps, this function is mute.
Click on “Change Assignment” to open a drop-down box from which to select a new section and zone assignments for the transporter.
Click on “Logout for the Day” to log the user out.
If the user is logged out, they can be logged in by clicking “Login for the Day”.
Instant Notify
Instant Notify allows a Supervisor to send messages to employees who are logged in with a Pager or other Device. Please note that these messages are a reportable item. They appear on the Instant Notify History Report.
Clicking on “Instant Notify” brings up the popup seen on the right.
Search for the user, or group of users that you want to send the message to.
Type your message in the message box.
Click “Send”.
You will see the green “Checkmark” and the “Message Sent” message at the top of the screen.
NOTE: You can create notification groups in Dictionary Management. This will enable you to send a message or messages to a group, e.g. all transporters without having to search for them individually.
Notification History
Notification History displays all the messages that TransportTracking™ has generated for a time period.
Messages may be filtered for:
The Recipient's Last Name
The Recipient's First Name
The Job #
The past 3-hours
The past 8-hours
A Date Range in the past, including Today.
Notification History displays:
Date Sent
Date Generated
The Type of message sent
Job ID
The employee the message relates to (this column will be blank in many cases).
Message Text
Recipient Name
Real-Time Key Indicators (RTKI’S)
RTKI’s provides key statistics for TransportTracking™. Most are for the last 60 minutes and are updated every 3 minutes.
The Real-Time Indicators displayed are:
Avg Resp: Response Time is the time from the Job Creation (Pending) until the job is In Progress. This RTKI shows the average number of minutes it has taken for jobs to go from Pending to InProgress in the last 60 minutes. A job must have gone In Progress during the last 60 minutes to be included.
Avg Resp A: The calculation is the same as Average Response, but only includes jobs that were appointments.
Avg Resp OD: The calculation is the same as the Average Response, but only for On-Demand jobs. An On-Demand job is a job that is not an Appointment.
Avg Trip: The trip time is calculated from Pending to Complete. The Average RTKI will calculate the Average Trip time for the last 60 minutes. To be included in the calculation, a just must have been completed in the last 60 minutes.
Avg Transit: Transit time is the InProgress time. This is calculated from the time a job goes in progress until the job is complete. A job must have been completed in the last 60 minutes and do not include jobs that qualify as outliers.
Avg Pend: This RTKI is for pending time only: It is calculated from the time a job goes pending to the time it is dispatched. A job must have been dispatched within the last 60 minutes to be included in the calculation. The calculation will not include jobs that qualify as outliers.
Pt Pend: This RTKI is the number of patient jobs that are currently pending.
I Pend: This RTKI is the number of item jobs that are currently pending
RJT: This RTKI is the number of jobs that have been rejected over the last 24 hours.
Note: Because RTKI averages are calculated based on job status during the last 60 minutes, RTKIs must be looked at individually rather than compared. For example, it’s possible the Avg Pend might be larger than Avg Resp at a given time, which would be counterintuitive. This is because different jobs may be included in the calculations based on job status.
Dispatch Monitor
The Dispatch Monitor is a tool you may use in order to see how jobs are being prioritized by your Dispatch Set.
Click on the Dispatch Monitor icon to open the Dispatch Monitor.
The Dispatch Monitor displays the most recently assigned job, the other jobs pending at the time of assignment, and how each job’s dispatch value (DV) compares to the assigned job. The job with the highest DV is the assigned job. Pending Time is the tiebreaker.
The calculation for the priority of each job will display
AST – This identifies whether a job requires more than one transporter.
WJP – This is the Weighted Job Priority.
PMV – This is the Proximity Matching Value. How close to the job was the transporter.
EPM – If you are using Equipment Matching, what is the value.
AP – This is Adjusted Priority, a calculation of the WJP times the Appointment Factor, if there is one.
DV – Dispatch Value = PMV + EPM + AP.
The highest DV is the job that was assigned to the transporter.
Adjusting A Priority
Priorities may be adjusted in two ways and both of these features are permission-driven.
Manually using the IVR System.
Through the TransportTracking™ Dashboard by clicking on the job’s Current Priority. Click on the drop-down list and select the new priority for the job. This will bypass the Dispatch Logic.
Transporters can be exclusive. When a transporter is exclusive, they will only be eligible for jobs that have an Origin or Destination in the Sections or Zones where they are exclusive.
Important: If you have enabled the Include Assist / Priority 0 outside of the fixed assignment setting in the dispatch set, a transporter that is exclusive to a set of zones will be considered for Assist and Priority 0 jobs outside of their zones.
An example: A transporter logged in and has indicated that they are exclusive. This transporter has logged into zone 10 which is the zone for all of radiology. This transporter will now only be eligible for jobs that have an Origin or Destination in Zone 10. If there are no jobs for zone 10 this transporter would not be eligible for any other jobs.
A transporter that is not exclusive is eligible for any job, however, jobs within the zones to which the transporter has logged in are considered for primary assignment.
When a transporter has logged into an exclusive zone those jobs are not eligible for any other transporter besides the transporters that have logged into the exclusive zone.
Ways a Transporter may be Exclusive –
The transporter’s assignment plays a key role in determining if the transporter will be exclusive. Your system administrator can modify the transporter’s assignments in their user profile.
The typical assignment settings used for transporters are Variable, Fixed, or Fixed and Exclusive.
Variable – The transporter has the option of selecting whether they will be exclusive when they log in. They are also able to choose their sections and zones.
Fixed – The transporter is not exclusive and is assigned to sections and zones.
Fixed and Exclusive – The transporter is exclusive and is assigned to sections and zones.
Zone Exclusivity
Zones can be exclusive. When a zone is exclusive only the transporters that log into the exclusive zone will be eligible for jobs that have an Origin or Destination in that zone.