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Written by Ashley Ware
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Quick Reports

Generating Capacity IQ® PreAdmit Application Quick Reports

About Generating a Quick Report

Quick reports provide summaries and statistics about placements. If you have the permissions listed under Permissions Required, you may generate a quick report.

The following quick reports are available.

  • Bed Summary

  • Current Hold Patients

  • Current Isolation Patients

  • Current Observation Patients

  • Length of Stay

  • Occupied Beds by Unit

  • Notification History

  • Placement Worksheet

  • Placements by Date

  • Placements by Physician

  • Placements by Unit

  • Placements for Today

  • Procedure Beds/Patients

Permissions Required

Generating this quick report...

Requires these permissions...

Bed Summary

  • Access Quick Reports - Either Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information OR Run Only Reports That Do Not Reveal Patient Information

Instant Notify

  • Access Instant Notify for Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application - Either Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information OR Run Only Reports That Do Not Reveal Patient Information

All other quick reports

  • Access Quick Reports - Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information

To Generate a Report:

  1. Do one of the following:

  • Click the Quick Reports icon at the top of the Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application console, and then click the quick report that you want to generate.

  • Go to Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application > Quick Reports > < name of quick report>.

  • Go to Clinical Operations > PreAdmitTracking® application > Quick Reports icon.

  • Or, if your health system is configured for multiple instances of the Capacity IQ® Solution, go to Clinical Operations > PreAdmitTracking® application > <Instance Name> > Quick Reports icon.

  1. In the Campus list, select the campus for which you want to generate the report.

  • Note: Only campuses that are within your membership appear in the list.

  1. Select the report criteria. Click the links below to learn about the available criteria for each report.

Bed Summary

  • Group by—Select whether placements will be listed within disciplines or units on the report.

  • Filter Request by the Following—The Current Requests Unfilled (within 8 hours) counts that appear on the report can be limited to only those placement requests that match the criteria selected from the following lists. For example, if you select the admit source called Emergency Room and the admit type called Surgery, then the Current Requests Unfilled count on the report will only include placement requests that have the Emergency Room admit source AND the Surgery admit type associated with them. To limit the Current Requests Unfilled count to only those unfilled current placement requests that have certain criteria, select options in the following lists. To select multiple options from one list, press and hold the CTRL key, and then click the options. If you do not select any options from a list, then all options will be included. Placements requests will not appear in counts unless they match all of the criteria that you select.

  • Unit

  • Discipline

  • Admit Source

  • Admit Type

  • Hospital Service

  • Target Unit

  • Origin Unit

  • Summary View—If you select Yes, totals for all units included in the report appear. If you select No, then the data for each unit or discipline included in the report is displayed.

Instant Notify

For the Instant Notify Quick Report, there are no criteria to select. All instant messages that you sent today will appear on the report.

Current Hold Patients

  • Campus—Select the campus that includes the units where the behavioral health holds took place.

  • Unit —Select the unit where the behavioral health hold happened to include the unit in the report.

  • Patient Display Field — Select whether the patients' medical record numbers, last and first names, or visit number will appear in the Patient column on the report.

  • Include Pts Whose Hold Ends On — Select the calendar icon and select a date to include behavioral health hold timers that ended on that date.

  • Sort by—On the report, under each unit, patients can be sorted in ascending or descending order by:

    • Hold Start Time—The date and time selected for the start of the hold for each patient (for example, 10/23/2009 13:00).

    • Hold Time Remaining—The remaining hours and minutes that the patient is scheduled to be in hold (for example, 5 hours).

    • Patient Name—Patient's last name.

In the Sort by list, select one of these options and then select the Ascending or Descending option button.

Current Isolation Patients

  • Unit—If only patients with home locations in certain units should appear on the report, select the units. If you do not select any units, patients with home locations in all units within the selected campus can appear on the report. All units displayed are within the selected campus. You can select units outside your membership. Click the magnifying glass next to the Units box to display a list of units. Select the check boxes for the units that should be included on the report, and then click Select to save the selection and return to the Units box. To return to having all units in the campus included on the report, click the restore icon next to the Units box.

  • Patient Isolation Type—If only patients associated with certain isolation types OR with any of the custom patient attributes selected in the Patient Custom Attributes box should appear on the report, select those isolation types. To select multiple types, press and hold the CTRL key, and then click the types. Only one isolation type per patient at a time will appear on the report.

  • Patient Custom Attributes—If only patients associated with certain custom patient attributes should appear on the report, select those attributes. Click the magnifying glass icon. Attributes are grouped by category. To select all attributes in a category, select the check box for the category (such as Psycho/Social). To select individual attributes within a category, click the + sign next to the category to expand the list of attributes. Select the check boxes for the attributes (such as Legally

Blind or Combative/Confused). Click Save to return to the Current Isolation Patients dialog box and place the selected attributes in the Patient Custom Attribute box. If you decide later not to restrict the report to patients with specific attributes, click the restore icon next to the Patient Custom Attribute box to remove the selected attributes. Multiple attributes per patient at a time can appear on the report.

  • Include Only Units with Isolation Patients?—If you select Yes, the report will show only units that have at least one patient with an isolation type and that are within the selected campus or the selected units. If you select No, the report will show all units in the selected campus or within the units selected in the Units list. If you select No, then if there are no patients associated with isolation types in a unit, there will be a message stating that no patients meet the criteria.

Current Observation Patients

  • Unit—If only patients with either home locations, specialty locations, or current locations in certain units should appear on the report, select the units. If you do not select any units, patients with either home, specialty, or current locations in all units within the selected campus and to which you have membership can appear on the report. All units displayed are within the selected campus. You may only select units that are within your membership. Click the magnifying glass next to the Units box to display a list of units in your membership. Select the check boxes for the units that should be included on the report, and then click Select to save the selection and return to the Units box. To return to having all units in the campus that are within your membership included on the report, click the restore icon next to the Units box.

  • Patient Display Field—Select whether the patients' medical record numbers or last and first names will appear in the Patient column on the report.

  • Sort by—On the report, under each unit, patients can be sorted in ascending or descending order by:

  • Observation Start Time—The date and time selected for the start of observation for each patient (for example, 10/23/2009 13:30).

  • Compliance Time Remaining—The remaining hours and minutes that the patient is scheduled to be in observation (for example, 5 hours, 39 minutes).

  • Patient Name—Patient's last name.

  • Observation Start Time— Time that observation began.

In the Sort by list, select one of these options and then select the Ascending or Descending option button.

Length of Stay (LOS)

  • Unit—If only certain units should appear on the report, select the units. If you do not select any units, then all units that are within the selected campus and to which you have membership will appear on the report. You may only select units that are within your membership. Click the magnifying glass icon to display the Units dialog box. Select the check boxes for the units that should be included, and then click Select. If you select specific units, and then you want to include all units in the campus, click the restore icon.

  • LOS Threshold (Days)—Type a number of days. The report will include only patients whose length of stay in the hospital equals or exceeds the number of days in the LOS Threshold (Days) box. For example, if you want the report to include only patients whose length of stay is 8 days or more at the time you are generating the report, then type 8 in this box.

Occupied Beds by Unit

  • Unit—If only occupied beds that are in certain units should appear on the report, select the units. If you do not select any units, occupied beds in all units within the selected campus and to which you have membership can appear on the report. All units displayed are within the selected campus. You may only select units that are within your membership. Click the magnifying glass next to the Units box to display a list of units in your membership. Select the check boxes for the units that should be included on the report, and then click Select to save the selection and return to the Units box. To return to having all units in the campus that are within your membership included on the report, click the restore icon next to the Units box.

  • Bed Standard Attributes—Bed standard attributes are associated with beds (locations) through the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component. They include:

  • Bed Type (or Location Type) (such as Home or Specialty), which is selected when bed (location) information is added or edited.

  • Bed Size (such as Adult or Crib), which is selected on the Bed Settings tab when a bed (location) is added or edited.

  • Accommodation (or Room Accommodation or Accommodation Type) (such as Private or Semi-Private), which is associated with the room in which the bed is located.

To include only occupied beds that have specific bed standard attributes, in the Bed Standard Attribute list, select the category of bed standard attribute (such as Bed Type), and then in the list that appears, select the specific standard attributes (such as Specialty). To select multiple options, press and hold the CTRL key, and then click the options.

  • Bed Custom Attributes — Custom bed attributes are associated with beds (locations) through the Bed Attributes tab on the Location page of the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component or through the electronic bedboard® view.

To include only occupied beds that have specific custom bed attributes, in the Custom Bed Attributes list, select the custom bed attribute category (such as Interventions), and then in the list that appears, select the specific custom bed attributes (such as Bariatric). To select multiple options, press and hold the CTRL key, and then click the options.

  • Patient Standard Attributes — On the Patient/Placement Details form, standard patient attributes (such as an Isolation Type of Airborne) and standard bed attributes (such as a level of care or a bed size) can be selected so that an optimal bed can be located and assigned to a patient.

To include only beds occupied by patients whose Patient/Placement Details forms have certain standard patient attributes (such as a certain isolation type) or standard bed attributes (such as a certain bed size needed) selected, in the Patient Standard Attribute list, select the category of attribute (for example, Isolation, Bed Size, or Level of Care). In the list that appears, select the attributes (for example, Airborne, Adult, or Critical). To select multiple options, press and hold the CTRL key, and then click the options.

  • Patient Custom Attributes—On the Patient/Placement Details form, custom patient attributes (such as Hard of Hearing or Combative/Confused) can be selected so that an optimal bed can be located and assigned to a patient.

To include only beds occupied by patients whose Patient/Placement Details forms have certain custom patient attributes (such as Combative/Confused) selected, in the Custom Patient Attributes list, select the category of attribute (for example, Social). In the list that appears, select the attributes (for example, Combative/Confused). To select multiple options, press and hold the CTRL key, and then click the options.

  • Sort by—On the report, under each unit, occupied beds can be sorted by the occupying patient's admit date or name or by the occupied bed's bed abbreviation. In the Sort by list, select Patient Name, Admit Date, or Bed Abbreviation, and then click Ascending or Descending.

Notification History

  • Recipients—Select the notification recipient names that should appear on the report. You may choose any recipients who are associated with the enterprise. If you do not select any names, all recipients associated with the enterprise who have received placement-based notifications about placements with requested dates within the selected date range will appear. Recipients from multiple campuses can appear on one report.

To Select Recipient Names:

  1. Click the magnifying glass icon.

  2. In the User Attribute list, select whether to search for the recipient by Last Name or First Name.

  3. In the Filter String box on the left, type text corresponding to your selection in the list (for example, if you selected Last Name, type at least part of the recipient's last name).

  4. Click Go. In the Users list, a list of recipients matching your search criteria appears. If the list spans multiple pages, click the numbers and arrows at the bottom of the list to navigate to other pages.

  5. Select the check boxes corresponding to the recipients who should appear on the report or to select all recipients who appear in the list, select the check box in the blue title bar, and then click Selected Recipients to return to the Quick Report-Notification Report dialog box. The selected names appear in the Recipient box.

  6. If you have selected specific recipients, but you now want all recipients in the campus to be included, click the restore icon.

  • Notification Type—If only placement-based notifications about specific placement events or instant notifications about discharge and transfer milestones or subscription-based notifications about the discharge timer, observation time, occupied timer, and assigned bed timer should be included on the report, select the events. Events are Bed Size Change (send notification each time the Bed Size Needed list is changed and saved on the Patient/Placement Details form after a bed has been assigned), Notify Now (send notification immediately after the Patient/Placement Details form is saved if the Notify Now check box is selected), Bed Assigned, Bed Cleaned, Ready to Move (patient is marked Ready to Move), Ready to Move Canceled (patient is marked NOT Ready to Move), Discharge Milestone Instant Notifications or Transfer Milestone Instant Notifications (messages sent to specific recipients by a user who marked a patient's discharge or transfer milestone completed or delayed), Discharge Timer, (message sent to subscribing users if patient is not discharged within time limits set for the unit of the patient's home location or last known home location), Occupied Timer (message sent to subscribing users if the difference between the Ready-to-Move time and the time that the bed becomes occupied exceeds established time limits), Assigned Bed Timer (message sent to subscribing users if the difference between placement request activation time and time that bed is assigned exceeds established time limits), Observation Timer (message sent to subscribing users when observation time exceeds established time limits). To select multiple events, press and hold the CTRL key, and then click each event.

  • Date Range (From/To)—If the report should include only those placements with requested dates that are within a certain date range, select the date range. Click the calendar icons for From and To and select a month and date.

  • Show Detail—To display a single-line summary of each message sent to each recipient, click No. If you select Yes, there will be detailed message lines below the summary line.

Placement Worksheet

  • Admit Source—To display only placements that are associated with certain admit sources, select the admit sources. To select multiple admit sources, press and hold the CTRL key, and then click each admit source.

  • Request Date (From/To)—If the report should include only those placements with requested dates that are within a certain date range, select the date range. Click the calendar icons for From and To and select a month and date.

  • Activation—Select whether the report should include placements that have been activated, that have not yet been activated or have been deactivated, or both. Select Inactive, Active, or Both.

  • Sort by—Select whether to sort the data by admit source, hospital service, patient name, patient type, requested date, or target unit by ascending or descending order.

Placements by Date

  • Group by (Target Unit or Origin Unit)—Select whether data on the report should be displayed by each target unit or by each origin unit.

  • Unit—If only placements associated with certain units should appear on the report, select the units. If you do not select any units, data from all units within the selected campus and to which you have membership can appear on the report. All units displayed are within the selected campus. You may only select units that are within your membership.

Click the magnifying glass next to the Units box to display a list of units in your membership. Select the check boxes for the units that should be included on the report, and then click Select to save the selection and return to the Units box. To return to having all units in the campus that are within your membership included on the report, click the restore icon next to the Units box.

  • Request Date (From/To)—If the report should include only those placements with requested dates that are within a certain date range, select the date range. Click the calendar icons for From and To and select a month and date.

  • Activation—Select whether the report should include placements that have been activated, that have not yet been activated or have been deactivated, or both. Select Inactive, Active, or Both.

  • Include Placements with No Unit?—If placements that are not associated with any specific units should appear on the report, select Yes. If a patient associated with a placement has no home, current, or assigned location and the placement has no target or origin unit, but you have campus-level membership to the selected campus, then the placement can appear on the report.

  • Sort by (Request Date)—Select whether to sort units in ascending or descending order by requested date.

Placements by Physicians

  • Group by—Select whether placements will be displayed by the admitting physician or attending physician that they are associated with. If a placement is not associated with a physician, it will appear in a category called No Physician. If you select admitting, only admitting physician names will appear. If you select attending physician, only attending physician names will appear.

  • Physicians—Select the physician names that should appear on the report. You may only choose physicians who are associated with the selected campus. If you do not select any names, all physicians associated with the campus will appear.

To Select Physician Names:

  1. Click the magnifying glass icon.

  2. In the Search Physicians box, type at least the first two letters of the physician's first or last name. If you type two letters, the list that appears displays names that begin with those letters. If you type more than two letters, the list that appears displays any name containing those letters. For example, if you type sm, only names such as Smith and Smallman appear. If you type smith, then names such as Smith, Desmithlan, and Wainsmith appear.

  3. When a list of names appears, click the name you want to add to the Selected Physicians list. Repeat this process until all physicians you want to include in the report are in the list.

  4. To remove a name from the Selected Physicians list, click the X corresponding to that name. Important Note! If you return to the Search Physicians window to choose another name after you have saved your selections and closed the window, the names in the Physicians box will be removed. You will be starting the selections all over again. Check to make sure that all the names you want to include in the report are in the Selected Physicians list before proceeding.

  5. Click Select to close the window and add the names to the Physician box on the Patient Physician dialog box.

  6. To return to having all physicians in the campus included on the report, click the restore icon next to the Physicians box.

  • Activation—Select whether the report should include placements that have been activated, that have not yet been activated or have been deactivated, or both. Select Inactive, Active, or Both.

Placements by Unit and Placements for Today

  • Group by (Target Unit or Origin Unit)—Select whether data on the report should be displayed by each target unit or by each origin unit.

  • Unit—If only placements associated with certain units should appear on the report, select the units. If you do not select any units, data from all units within the selected campus and to which you have membership can appear on the report. All units displayed are within the selected campus. You may only select units that are within your membership.

Click the magnifying glass next to the Units box to display a list of units in your membership. Select the check boxes for the units that should be included on the report, and then click Select to save the selection and return to the Units box. To return to having all units in the campus that are within your membership included on the report, click the restore icon next to the Units box.

  • Include Placements with No Unit?—If placements that are not associated with any specific units should appear on the report, select Yes. If a patient associated with a placement has no home, current, or assigned location and the placement has no target or origin unit, but you have campus-level membership to the selected campus, then the placement can appear on the report.

  • Activation—Select whether the report should include placements that have been activated, that have not yet been activated or have been deactivated, or both. Select Inactive, Active, or Both.

  • Sort by (Request Date)—Select whether to sort units in ascending or descending order by requested date.

Procedure Beds/Patients

  • Unit—If only placements associated with certain units should appear on the report, select the units. If you do not select any units, data from all units within the selected campus and to which you have membership can appear on the report. All units displayed are within the selected campus. You may only select units that are within your membership.

Click the magnifying glass next to the Units box to display a list of units in your membership. Select the check boxes for the units that should be included on the report, and then click Select to save the selection and return to the Units box. To return to having all units in the campus that are within your membership included on the report, click the restore icon next to the Units box.

  • Show All Specialty Beds—To display all specialty beds within the selected units, even if they are not occupied, select Yes. If you select No, unoccupied specialty beds will not appear on the report.

  • Sort by—Select whether to sort data by Specialty Bed or Patient Name.

  1. Click Run Report.

  2. When the File Download dialog box appears, do one of the following:

  • To open the report in .pdf format and view it immediately, click Open.

  • To save the report in .pdf format to the location of your choice, click Save, select a location, and then click Save.

Bed Summary Quick Report Description

Permissions Required

You must have one of the following permissions to generate this report:

  • Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information

  • Run Only Reports That Do Not Reveal Patient Information


The Bed Summary Quick Report provides an overview of current and projected bed availability.

  • Note: See "About the Report Data" for restrictions concerning the data that appears.

Report Parameters

Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.

About the Report Data

  • The user who generates the report can select specific units or disciplines that are within their membership and within the selected campus. If the user selected specific units or disciplines, then only data about those units or disciplines appears on the report. If no specific units or disciplines were selected, then the report displays data from all units in the selected campus that are included in the user's membership.

  • The user who generates the report can select a summary view. If a summary view was selected, then totals for all units included in the report appear. If a summary view was NOT selected, then the data for each unit or discipline included in the report is displayed.

  • The user who generates the report can select specific admit sources, admit types, hospital services, origin units, and target units so that only activated requests associated with the options selected are included in the Current Requests Unfilled (within 8 hours) count. The placement requests must meet all criteria selected to be included. For example, if a specific hospital service and a specific target unit are selected, a placement request must be associated with the selected hospital service AND the selected target unit to be included in the Current Requests Unfilled count. If no options are selected, then requests associated with all of them are included in the count.

Bed Summary Quick Report Row Descriptions

If summary view is selected, the following information appears for all units in the selected campus that are included in the membership of the user who generates the report. If summary view was NOT selected, the following information appears for each unit or discipline included on the report.

Total Physical Beds—The number of physical beds in the unit or discipline listed or (if summary view is selected) in all units included in the report.

This row . . .

Displays for the time that the report was generated (real-time) and for 4 and 8 hours from the time the report was generated . . .

Total Assigned Beds

Number of patients assigned to beds.

Confirmed Discharges Slated Till

Number of patients in Confirmed Discharge status slated to be discharged at this time.

Pending Discharges Planned Till

Number of patients in Pending Discharge status (but not yet confirmed) who are expected to be discharged at this time.

Total Pending Transfers

Number of patients who are being transferred out of the unit. Outgoing patients with assigned beds AND requested beds in other units are included.

Total Census Currently

In the Real-Time column, this is the total number of occupied census beds. In the In 4 Hours and In 8 Hours columns, this is the number of census beds plus the number of activated placements with assignments in this unit minus number of patients being transferred out who have requested and assigned beds in other units minus patients in Pending Discharge and Confirmed Discharge status.

Total Staffed Beds

Number of staffed beds.

Total Blocked Beds

Number of beds that are in Blocked status (for example, because the room is being painted). If a user attempts to assign a blocked bed, a message appears indicating that the bed is in Blocked status. But the user still can assign the bed.

Total Beds Still Available

Total Staffed Beds minus Total Census Currently (excluding requested beds) minus Total Blocked Beds. Values in red are negative.

Current Requests Unfilled (within 8 Hours)

Number of activated placement requests for beds on this unit where a bed has not yet been assigned. The value includes only placement requests associated with the admit sources, admit types, hospital services, target units, and origin units selected when the report was generated. If none were selected, then requests associated with all of them will be included.

Bed Surplus (Deficit)

Total Beds Still Available minus Current Requests Unfilled

Current Hold Patients Quick Report Description

Permissions Required

You must have the Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information permission to generate this report.


The Current Hold Patients Quick Report provides information about patients who are currently in a behavioral health hold.

  • Note: See "About the Report Data" for restrictions concerning the data that appears.

Report Parameters

Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.

About the Report Data

  • The user who generates the report can select specific units that are within their membership and within the selected campus. If the user selected specific units, then only data about those units appears on the report.

  • The report displays only patients whose holds started when they were associated with current locations in the selected unit(s). If no units are selected, then the report includes all units that are within the selected campus and within the membership of the user who generated the report.

  • Patients are included on the report if they:

    • Have a hold start time of the current time or earlier, but do NOT have a hold stop time yet.

    • Had a behavioral health hold applied while they were in a selected unit.

    • Do not have statuses of Discharged or VisitCancelled.

  • The user who generates the report can choose to display either the patients' names or medical record numbers (MRNs) in the Patient column.

  • The user who generates the report can choose to sort data in either ascending or descending order by:

    • Hold Start Time—The date and time selected for the start of the behavioral health hold for each patient (for example, 10/23/2009 13:30).

    • Hold Time Remaining—The remaining hours and minutes that the patient is scheduled to be in hold (for example, 5 hours, 39 minutes).

    • Patient Name—Patient's last name.

Current Hold Patients Quick Report Column Descriptions and Unit Summary

This column . . .

Displays . . .

Patient Name

Patient's last and first name or medical record number. Patients are listed if they have a hold start time of the current time or earlier, but do NOT have a hold stop time yet.

Hold Type

The hold type associated with each patient. Hold types can be selected on the Patient/Placement Details form.

Hold Start

The date and time that was selected for the patient's hold to start. Hold start dates and times can be selected on the Patient/Placement Details form or from a list view.

Hold Duration

The scheduled duration of the patient's hold in hours and minutes (for example, 06:00 means that hold should last 6 hours). Hold duration is associated with the hold type in the Hold Type dictionary. Hold duration can be set on the Patient/Placement Details form or from a list view.

Hold Time Remaining

The time remaining for hold, based on the hold start date and time and the hold duration. The calculation is: Hold Duration minus (Current Time minus Hold Start Date and Time).

Hold Time Exceeded

If the actual duration was longer than the intended hold duration, the hours and minutes by which the intended hold duration was exceeded appears in this column. Otherwise, this column is blank.

Unit Summary

| Total Hold Patients | Total number of patients in a behavioral health hold for the selected campus (for example, 4 patients). |

Report Summary

| Total Hold Patients | Total number of patients in a behavioral health hold type for the selected campus (for example, 4 patients). |

Current Isolation Patients Quick Report Description

Permissions Required

You must have the Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information permission to generate this report.


The Current Isolation Patients Quick Report provides information about patients with home locations within selected units who are currently associated with isolation types (such as MRSA) and/or custom patient attributes (such as Legally Blind). This is helpful for infection control nurses and for nurses and other staff members who are assigned to monitor patients in isolation or with special needs.

  • Note: See "About the Report Data" for restrictions concerning the data that appears.

Report Parameters

Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.

About the Report Data

  • The user who generates the report can select specific units within the selected campus. If the user selected specific units, then only data about those units appears on the report.

  • Only patients with home locations in the selected units are included.

  • The user who generates the report can choose to include only units with at least one patient who is associated with an isolation type. If this option was not selected, then units that do not have patients in isolation can appear on the report. If this is the case, then a message stating that there are no patients who meet the criteria appears under the appropriate unit names.

  • Only one isolation type per patient at a time can appear on the report.

  • The user who generated the report might have chosen to include only patients who are associated with specific isolation types or custom patient attributes. If so, then patients associated with other isolation types or patient attributes do not appear on the report.

Current Isolation Patients Quick Report Column Descriptions

For each unit, the following information appears:

This column . . .

Displays . . .


Patient's home location.


Patient's last and first name

Admit Date

Date that patient was admitted.


The patient's diagnosis. The diagnosis is entered on the Patient/Placement Details form.


The isolation type associated with the patient. Only one isolation type per patient at a time can appear. The isolation type is entered on the Patient/Placement Details form.

Patient Custom Attributes

The custom patient attributes associated with the patient. Multiple attributes per patient can appear (for example, Legally Blind and Combative/Confused). The patient attributes are entered on the Patient/Placement Details form.

Attending Physician and Admitting Physician

The patient's attending physician and admitting physician.

Current Observation Patients Quick Report Description

Permissions Required

You must have the Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information permission to generate this report.


The Current Observation Patients Quick Report provides information about patients who are currently under observation.

  • Note: See "About the Report Data" for restrictions concerning the data that appears.

Report Parameters

Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.

About the Report Data

  • The user who generates the report can select specific units that are within their membership and within the selected campus. If the user selected specific units, then only data about those units appears on the report.

  • If the patient is not currently in the unit where the observation started, the observation is still associated with the unit where it started.

  • Only patients associated with home locations, current locations, or specialty beds in units within the membership of the user who generated the report appear.

  • Patients are included on the report if they:

    • Have an observation start time of the current time or earlier, but do NOT have an observation stop time yet.

    • Have either home locations, specialty locations, or current locations within the selected units.

    • Do not have statuses of Discharged or VisitCancelled.

  • The user who generates the report can choose to display either the patients' names or medical record numbers (MRNs) in the Patient column.

  • The user who generates the report can choose to sort data in either ascending or descending order by:

    • Observation Start Time—The date and time selected for the start of observation for each patient (for example, 10/23/2009 13:30).

    • Compliance Time Remaining—The remaining hours and minutes that the patient is scheduled to be in observation (for example, 5 hours, 39 minutes).

    • Patient Name—Patient's last name.

Current Observation Patients Quick Report Column Descriptions, Unit Summary, and Report Summary

This column . . .

Displays . . .

Patient Name

Patient's last and first name or medical record number. Patients are listed if they: 1) Have an observation start time of the current time or earlier, but do NOT have an observation stop time yet, 2) Have EITHER home locations, specialty locations, or current locations within the selected units, and 3) Do not have statuses of Discharged or VisitCancelled.

Admit Source

The admit source associated with each patient. Admit sources can be selected on the Patient/Placement Details form.

Admit Type

The admit type associated with each patient. Admit types can be selected on the Patient/Placement Details form.

Observation Start Date Time

The date and time that was selected for the patient's observation to start. Observation start dates and times can be selected on the Patient/Placement Details form or from a list view.

Allowed Duration

The scheduled duration of the patient's observation in hours and minutes (for example, 06:30 means that observation should last 6 hours and 30 minutes). Observation duration can be set on the Patient/Placement Details form or from a list view.

Compliance Time Remaining

The time remaining for observation, based on the observation start date and time and the selected duration. The calculation is: Allowed Duration minus (Current Time minus Observation Start Date and Time).

Unit Summary

| Total Observation Patients | Total number of patients in the unit who are currently under observation (for example, 2). |
| Average Compliance Time Remaining | The Total Remaining Compliance Time for the unit divided by the Total Observation Patients for the unit. |

Report Summary

| Total Observation Patients | Total number of patients in all units included on the report who are currently under observation (for example, 8). |
| Average Compliance Time Remaining | The Total Remaining Compliance Time for all units divided by the Total Observation Patients for all units on the report. |

Instant Notify Quick Report Description

Permissions Required

You must have the Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information permission or the Run Only Reports That Do Not Reveal Patient Information permission and the Access Instant Notify permission for the Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application to generate this report.


The Instant Notify Quick Report provides a list of all instant messages sent on the current date by the user who generates the report. The report includes messages sent from all applications.

Instant Notify Quick Report Column Descriptions

This column . . .

Displays . .

Notify Date

Date and time that the message was sent.


Last and first names of users to whom the message was sent. It might take some time to send a message. If you generate the report immediately after sending a message, the recipients' names might not appear in the column. There is no guarantee that a user listed in the Recipient column received a successfully sent message.


User name of the user who sent the message (user who generated the report) and the message text.

Notification Method

Application / Device Type, Destination / Notification Method, and Description.


If a message was not sent successfully, then No appears. If a message was sent successfully, then Yes appears. Yes indicates only that the message was sent. There is no guarantee that an intended recipient got a successfully sent message. A message might not be sent successfully if, for example, the identification code of the paging device was found to be invalid.

Failure Reason

If a message was not sent successfully, the reason for the failure appears here. Examples are "Invalid Pager ID" or "Did not get ID." A failure reason called "Expired Message" might appear in this column, even though the message was sent successfully. This situation can occur if the notification method was screen alert, but the message was not read within the time period specified in the Master Configuration setting called Time Since Creation to Show Screen Alerts (Hours). The time period is usually 8 hours.

Length of Stay Quick Report Description

Permissions Required

You must have the Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information permission to generate this report.


The Length of Stay Quick Report shows how long it has been since patients in specific units were admitted to the hospital. The user who generates the report selects units and selects a number of days (called an LOS threshold). The report shows only patients in the selected units whose length of stay equals or exceeds the LOS threshold and who have not been discharged or had their visits cancelled.

Example: The user who generates the report selects Units 1000 and 1010 and enters an LOS threshold of 8 days. The report includes only patients with home locations in Units 1000 and 1010, who have not been discharged or had their visits cancelled, and who have been in the hospital for 8 days or more.

  • Note: See "About the Report Data" for restrictions concerning the data that appears.

Report Parameters

Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.

About the Report Data

  • The user who generates the report:

    • Can select specific units within the selected campus. If the user selected specific units, then only patients with home locations in those units appear on the report. If no specific units were selected, then patients whose home locations are within the campus are included on the report.

    • Enters a number of days (called an LOS threshold). The report shows only admitted patients who were in the hospital for at least that number of days at the time that the report was generated.

Length of Stay Quick Report Column Descriptions

For each unit, the following information appears:

This column . . .

Displays . . .


Bed identifier of patient's home location.


Patient's last and first name


Patient's medical record number.

Admit Date

Date and time that patient was admitted.

Current LOS

The number of days from when the patient was admitted to the hospital to when the report was generated.


The patient's diagnosis. The diagnosis is entered on the Patient/Placement Details form.

Attending Physician and Admitting Physician

The patient's attending physician and admitting physicians.

Occupied Beds by Unit Quick Report Description

Permissions Required

You must have the Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information permission to generate this report.


The Occupied Beds by Unit Quick Report provides an overview of each unit's occupied beds, the occupied beds' associated custom bed attributes, and details about the patients who occupy the beds (such as admitting physician, diagnosis, requested standard bed and patient attributes \[such as level of care\], and requested custom bed and patient attributes). This report is helpful when you need to see a list of patients who are currently associated with a specific patient attribute or bed attribute or to compare a patient's current patient or bed attributes with the location's attributes.

  • Note: See "About the Report Data" for restrictions concerning the data that appears.

Report Parameters

Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.

About the Report Data

  • The user who generates the report can select report criteria. The occupied beds that appear on the report can be limited to those that:

    • Are in selected units.

    • Have certain standard and custom bed attributes associated with them.

    • Are occupied by patients who have certain custom patient attributes associated with their placement requests (such as Hard of Hearing).

    • Are occupied by patients who have certain standard bed and patient attributes associated with their placement requests. For example, the report could be limited to beds occupied by patients who have the standard bed attribute Critical Level of Care and the standard patient attribute C. Diff Isolation Type associated with their placement requests.

  • Only units within the membership of the user who generated the report appear.

  • Each unit displays occupied home, specialty, and current locations. A patient could appear more than once on the report. For example, a patient could occupy a home location in Unit 1 and also occupy a specialty bed in Unit 2. The patient would be listed with the home location in Unit 1 and with the specialty location in Unit 2. In addition, if a bed could be occupied by multiple patients, it could appear more than once on the report.

  • The user who generates the report can choose to sort data by bed abbreviation, patient admit date, or patient name in ascending or descending order.

Occupied Beds by Unit Quick Report Field Descriptions

Beds are listed under their associated units. The discipline and hospital service/level of care associated with each unit are listed under the unit name.

This field . . .

Displays for the occupied bed listed under the unit . . .


The abbreviation of the occupied bed. The abbreviation is entered in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component.

Bed Type

The location type associated with this bed in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component (for example, Home or Specialty)

Accommodation (first reference)

The accommodation type associated with the room where this bed is located (for example, Private or Semi-Private).

Bed Size (first reference)

The bed size associated with this occupied bed in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component (for example, Adult or Child).

Bed Custom Attributes

The custom bed attributes (such as Negative Airflow Room or Near Nurses' Station) that are associated with the occupied bed. The bed's custom bed attributes can be selected through the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component or through the electronic bedboard view. The attributes are listed within their associated categories and separated with semi-colons (for example, Bed Attribute Category 1: Near Nurses' Station; Bed Category 2: Negative Airflow Room).


Patient who occupies the bed.


Gender of patient who occupies the bed.

Occupying As

Whether the occupied bed is the patient's home location, specialty location, or current location.

Admit Date

The date on which the patient who occupies the bed was admitted.

Exp. Disch.

The projected discharge date of the patient who occupies the bed. If the Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application global setting called Use Length of Stay to Calculate Proj. Discharge Date is enabled, then the default length of stay for the unit is used to calculate a patient's projected discharge date. If no default length of stay is associated with the unit, then the default length of stay established for the enterprise in the Master Configuration section of the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component is used to calculate the projected discharge date. If a patient is marked Pending Discharge or Confirmed Discharge and then the patient is transferred to another unit, the projected discharge date is not automatically recalculated based on the new unit's default length of stay.


Age of patient who occupies the bed.

Admitting Physician

Admitting Physician of the patient who occupies the bed.

Hosp. Service

Hospital service selected on the Patient/Placement Details form.

Level of Care

Level of Care selected on the Patient/Placement Details form.


Discipline selected on the Patient/Placement Details form.

Attending Physician

Attending Physician of the patient who occupies the bed.

Isolation Type

Isolation type selected on the Patient/Placement Details form.


Accommodation type (for example, Private) selected on the Patient/Placement Details form.

Bed Size (second reference)

The bed size selected on the Patient/Placement Details form.


The patient's diagnosis entered on the Patient/Placement Details form.


Text entered in the Comments box on the Patient/Placement Details form.

Patient Custom Attribs

Custom bed attributes and custom patient attributes that were selected on the Patient/Placement Details form. Examples of custom bed attributes are Negative Airflow Room and Near Nurses' Station. Examples of the custom patient attributes are Hard of Hearing, Fall Risk, Combative/Confused. The attributes are listed within their associated categories and separated with semi-colons (for example, Social: Combative/Confused; Bed Attribute Category 1: Near Nurses' Station).

Notification History Quick Report Description

Permissions Required

You must have the Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information permission to generate this report.


The Notification History Quick Report provides an overview of:

  • The placement-based notifications that have been sent to users for placements whose requested dates fall within a selected date range. Placement-based notifications are those that are sent based on selections made on the Patient/Placement Details form. On the Patient/Placement Details form, the requester can select placement-related events and select users who will be notified about those events through the methods that they selected in My Notifications (paging device, email, screen, or handheld). An example of a placement-related event that selected users can be notified about is Bed Size Change. A selected user can receive a notification when the bed size selected in the Bed Size Needed list on the Patient/Placement Details form is changed and saved after the bed has been assigned (for example, from Adult to Child).

  • Notifications that users subscribed to on the My Notifications > PreAdmitTracking tab. These notifications can include discharge timer, occupied timer, assigned bed timer, and observation timer messages.

  • Instant notifications about discharge and transfer milestones.

  • Note: See "About the Report Data" for restrictions concerning the data that appears.

Report Parameters

Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.

About the Report Data

  • The user who generates the report can select report criteria. The placement-based notifications that appear on the report can be limited to those that were:

    • Sent to selected recipients. If no recipients are selected when the report was generated, then notifications that meet the other selected report criteria and that were sent to all recipients in the enterprise will appear on the report. Recipients from multiple campuses can appear on the report.

    • About selected placement-related events (such as Bed Size Change).

    • About placements with requested dates that fall within a selected date range.

  • Users subscribe to discharge timer, observation timer, assigned bed timer, and occupied timer notifications on the My Notifications tab. The report can include these subscription-based notifications if they fall within the selected date and time range and were sent to the selected users.

  • Discharge and transfer milestone instant notifications can also appear on the report if they fall within the selected date range and were sent to the selected users.

  • For notifications that have beds associated with them, only those notifications associated with beds that are within the membership of the user who generated the report appear. For notifications that do not have beds associated with them (for example, Notify Now notifications), the user who generates the report must have campus-wide membership to the campus with which the patient is associated for the notifications to appear on the report.

  • The user who generates the report can select to hide or show details. The detailed report displays the text of each message under each recipient. The text displays information such as the destination bed, destination bed's status, and the origin unit.

  • Instant notifications related to discharge and transfer milestones can be included. Other types of instant notifications are excluded.

Notification History Quick Report Field Descriptions

On the detailed report, message text is listed under each message recipient. On the summary report, only date/time, event (such as Bed Size Change), patient name, delivery method (such as email), and assigned bed associated with the placement are listed.

This field . . .

Displays . . .

Recipient Notification Count

The number of messages sent to this recipient.

Last Name, First Name

Recipient's name. If the detailed report was generated, the text of the message (for example, ASSGND Alert, Jones Pat, 50, Visit#22222 F, Admit Source: ED) appears under the name.

Event Type

The placement event that generated the notification. Some possible events are Bed Size Change, Notify Now (page immediately after the placement request is saved if the Notify Now check box is selected), Bed Cleaned, Bed Assigned, Ready to Move (patient marked Ready to Move), or Ready to Move Canceled (patient marked NOT Ready to Move), Unit Targeted, Patient Occupy Bed, Assigned Bed Timer, Discharge Timer, Observation Timer, Occupied Timer. Instant notifications about discharge or transfer milestones are also noted in this column. If a user who marked a patient's discharge or transfer milestone as completed or delayed sent an instant message to specific users about the change, this column displays Transfer Milestone Instant Notifications or Discharge Milestone Instant Notifications. The text of the instant notification appears at the bottom of the row. If the user who sent the message chose to show patient information, then the patient's name, unit, and campus appear. Otherwise, only the message text that the sender typed appears. If Discharge Timer appears in this column, then notifications were sent to subscribing users because a patient was not discharged within the time limits established for the unit of the patient's home location or last known home location. Settings in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component determine the time limits (called thresholds) for the discharge timer. Messages are sent to subscribing users if a patient has not been discharged by the established thresholds. In addition, Observation Timer, Occupied Timer, and Assigned Timer can appear in this column to indicate that a notification about this patient was sent to a user who subscribed to notifications about these timers on the My Notifications tab. Message content appears under the date and can include several items, depending on selection made in the campus Global Settings section of the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component. Examples of items that can be included are the patient name, gender (F, M, or U for Unknown), medical record number, and visit number as well as the patient's admit source, level of care or destination bed and its bed status. If the Alert button at the top of the screen is indicating that a screen alert has been received, the message will be included in this history, even if the user has not yet clicked the Alert button to view the message.

Delivery Method

Application / Device Type, Destination / Notification Method, and Description.

Patient Name

Patient who is associated with the placement request.

Assigned Bed

Abbreviation of the assigned bed associated with the placement request.


Yes means that the message was sent successfully. However, this does not guarantee that the intended recipient got the message. If the Alert button at the top of the screen is indicating that a screen alert has been received, the message will be included in this history, even if the user has not yet clicked the Alert button to view the message.

Total Notifications

Total number of messages sent to all recipients included in the report.

Placement Worksheet Quick Report Description

Permissions Required

You must have the Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information permission to generate this report.


The Placement Worksheet Quick Report provides an overview of placement requests within a specific requested date range that are associated with the selected admit sources and that have not yet been completed and have not been cancelled.

  • Note: See "About the Report Data" for restrictions concerning the data that appears.

Report Parameters

Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.

About the Report Data

  • The placements that appear can be limited to those with requested dates that are within a certain date range. The user who generates the report can select the date range.

  • Data will only appear on the report if at least one of the following is the case:

    • The membership of the user who generates the report includes one of the following:

      • The origin unit associated with the placement.

      • The patient's home, current, or assigned location.

      • If there is no assigned location, the target unit associated with the placement.

    • The placement request has no origin unit or target unit and no home, current, or assigned location, but the user has a campus-level membership to the campus associated with the patient on the Patient/Placement Details form.

  • The user who generates the report can choose to display placements that are activated, not activated, or both.

  • The user who generates the report can choose to sort data by admit source, hospital service, requested date and time, target unit, patient name, or patient type.

Placement Worksheet Quick Report Field Descriptions

This field . . .

Displays for the request date range selected . . .

Request Date

The requested date, which is the date that a bed is needed.

Admit Source

The admit source associated with the placement.

Patient Name

Patient associated with the placement.


Gender of patient associated with the placement.


Age of patient associated with the placement.

Admitting Physician

Admitting Physician of the patient associated with the placement.

Hospital Service

Hospital service selected on the Patient/Placement Details form.

Admitting Diagnosis

The patient's diagnosis entered on the Patient/Placement Details form.


Text entered in the Comments box on the Patient/Placement Details form associated with this placement.

Target Unit or Patient Unit

If a bed is not assigned, this is the target unit associated with the placement request. If a bed is assigned, this is the unit of the assigned bed.

Patient Type

Patient type associated with the placement (for example, A for Adult).

Assigned Time

Time that the bed assignment was made for the placement.

Assigned Bed

The IVR identification code, name, or abbreviation of the assigned bed associated with the placement. If this field is blank, no bed has been assigned.

Assigned Bed Status

Current status of the assigned bed associated with the placement (for example, Clean). See Bed Status Definitions.

Placements by Date Quick Report Description

Permissions Required

You must have the Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information permission to generate this report.


The Placements by Date Quick Report provides an overview for each requested date and each origin unit or target unit of placement requests that have not yet been completed and have not been cancelled.

  • Note: See "About the Report Data" for restrictions concerning the data that appears.

Report Parameters

Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.

About the Report Data

  • The user who generates the report can select specific target units or origin units that are within their membership and within the selected campus. If the user selected specific units, then only data about those units appears on the report.

  • Data will only appear on the report if at least one of the following is the case:

    • The user's membership includes one of the following:

      • The origin unit associated with the placement.

      • The patient's home or assigned location.

      • If there is no assigned location, the target unit associated with the placement.

    • The placement request has no origin or target unit and no home or assigned location, but the user has a campus-level membership to the campus associated with the patient on the Patient/Placement Details form.

  • The user who generates the report can choose to display data by origin unit or by target unit.

  • The user who generates the report can include placements that are activated, not activated, or both.

Placements by Date Quick Report Field Descriptions

This field . . .

Displays for each requested or assigned placement for each requested date . . .

Date and day

Requested date and day-of-the-week, which is the date and day when the bed is needed. (for example, 10/10/2009)


The requested time associated with the placement request, which is the time that the bed is needed.

Target or Origin

If the data is grouped by origin unit, this is the target unit. If the data is grouped by target unit, this is the origin unit.


The IVR identification code, name, or abbreviation of the assigned bed associated with the placement request. If this field is blank, no bed has been assigned.


Patient associated with the placement.


Age of patient associated with the placement.


Gender of patient associated with the placement.


The patient's diagnosis.

Placements by Physician Quick Report Description

Permissions Required

You must have the Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information permission to generate this report.


The Placements by Physician Quick Report provides an overview for each admitting physician or attending physician of placement requests that have not yet been completed and have not been cancelled.

  • Note: See "About the Report Data" for restrictions concerning the data that appears.

Report Parameters

Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.

About the Report Data

  • The user who generates the report can select to display data by attending physician or admitting physicians. The physicians who appear on the report are associated with the campus selected when the report was generated.

  • Under each physician name, data is grouped by Assigned or Requested placement status.

  • Data will only appear on the report if at least one of the following is the case:

    • The user's membership includes one of the following:

      • The origin unit associated with the placement.

      • The patient's home or assigned location.

      • If there is no assigned location, the target unit associated with the placement.

    • The placement request has no origin or target unit and no home or assigned location, but the user has a campus-level membership to the campus associated with the patient on the Patient/Placement Details form.

  • The user who generates the report can include placements that are activated, not activated, or both.

Placements by Physician Quick Report Field Descriptions

This field . . .

Displays for each requested or assigned placement for each requested date . . .

Physician name or No Physician

If Admitting was selected when the report was generated, the admitting physician's name appears. If Attending Physician was selected, then the attending physician's name appears. If no physicians are associated with some of the patients, No Physician appears. Placements for patients who have no physicians associated with them appear under No Physician.

Requested or Assigned

Placements by Physician Quick Report Description

Permissions Required

You must have the Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information permission to generate this report.


The Placements by Physician Quick Report provides an overview for each admitting physician or attending physician of placement requests that have not yet been completed and have not been cancelled.

  • Note: See "About the Report Data" for restrictions concerning the data that appears.

Report Parameters

Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.

About the Report Data

  • The user who generates the report can select to display data by attending physician or admitting physicians. The physicians who appear on the report are associated with the campus selected when the report was generated.

  • Under each physician name, data is grouped by Assigned or Requested placement status.

  • Data will only appear on the report if at least one of the following is the case:

    • The user's membership includes one of the following:

      • The origin unit associated with the placement.

      • The patient's home or assigned location.

      • If there is no assigned location, the target unit associated with the placement.

    • The placement request has no origin or target unit and no home or assigned location, but the user has a campus-level membership to the campus associated with the patient on the Patient/Placement Details form.

  • The user who generates the report can include placements that are activated, not activated, or both.

Placements by Physician Quick Report Field Descriptions

This field . . .

Displays for each requested or assigned placement for each requested date . . .

Physician name or No Physician

If Admitting was selected when the report was generated, the admitting physician's name appears. If Attending Physician was selected, then the attending physician's name appears. If no physicians are associated with some of the patients, No Physician appears. Placements for patients who have no physicians associated with them appear under No Physician.

Requested or Assigned

Under each physician name or under No Physician, the placement statuses Requested and/or Assigned appear. The placements associated with the physicians are listed under their associated statuses. For example, all placements listed under Requested are in Requested status.


Patient associated with the placement.


Age of patient associated with the placement.


Gender of patient associated with the placement.

Request Date

The requested date and time associated with the placement, which are the date and time that the bed is needed.


The IVR identification code, name, or abbreviation of the assigned bed associated with the placement. If this field is blank, no bed has been assigned.


The patient's diagnosis.

Placements by Unit Quick Report Description

Permissions Required

You must have the Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information permission to generate this report.


The Placements by Unit Quick Report provides an overview for each origin unit or target unit of placement requests that have not yet been completed and have not been cancelled.

  • Note: See "About the Report Data" for restrictions concerning the data that appears.

Report Parameters

Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.

About the Report Data

  • The user who generates the report can select specific target units or origin units that are within their membership and within the selected campus. If the user selected specific units, then only data about those units appears on the report.

  • Data will only appear on the report if at least one of the following is the case:

    • The user's membership includes one of the following:

      • The origin unit associated with the placement.

      • The patient's home or assigned location.

      • If there is no assigned location, the target unit associated with the placement.

    • The placement request has no origin or target unit and no home or assigned location, but the user has a campus-level membership to the campus associated with the patient on the Patient/Placement Details form. (The user who generates the report can include placement requests that do not have a unit.)

  • The user who generates the report can choose to display data by origin unit or by target unit.

  • The user who generates the report can include placements that are activated, not activated, or both.

Placements by Unit Quick Report Field Descriptions

This field . . .

Displays for each target or origin unit . . .

Date and day

Requested date and day-of-the-week, which are the date and day that the bed is needed.


The requested time, which is the time that a bed is needed.

Target or Origin

If the data is grouped by origin unit, this is the target unit. If the data is grouped by target unit, this is the origin unit.


The IVR identification code, name, or abbreviation of the assigned bed associated with the placement request. If this field is blank, no bed has been assigned.


Patient associated with the placement.


Age of patient associated with the placement.


Gender of patient associated with the placement.


The patient's diagnosis.

Placements for Today Quick Report Description

Permissions Required

You must have the Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information permission to generate this report.


The Placements for Today Report provides an overview of placement requests with requested dates of the current day that have not yet been completed and have not been cancelled.

  • Note: See "About the Report Data" for restrictions concerning the data that appears.

Report Parameters

Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.

About the Report Data

  • The user who generates the report can select specific target units or origin units that are within their membership and within the selected campus. If the user selected specific units, then only data about those units appears on the report.

  • Data will only appear on the report if at least one of the following is the case:

    • The user's membership includes one of the following:

      • The origin unit associated with the placement.

      • The patient's home or assigned location.

      • If there is no assigned location, the target unit associated with the placement.

    • The placement request has no origin or target unit and no home or assigned location, but the user has a campus-level membership to the campus associated with the patient on the Patient/Placement Details form. (The user who generates the report can include placement requests that do not have a unit.)

  • The user who generates the report can choose to display data by origin unit or by target unit.

  • Data is grouped by the Requested and Assigned placement statuses. Within each placement status, the origin or target units with placement requests in that status appear with data about each patient.

Placements for Today Quick Report Field Descriptions

This field . . .

Displays . . .

Req Time

The requested time, which is the time that a bed is needed.


Patient associated with the placement.


Age of patient associated with the placement.


Gender of patient associated with the placement.

Admit. Phys.

Admitting physician of the patient associated with the placement.

Origin or Target

Origin unit or target unit associated with the placement.


The IVR identification code, name, or abbreviation of the assigned bed associated with the placement. If this field is blank, no bed has been assigned.


The patient's diagnosis.


Text entered in the Comments box on the Patient/Placement Details form associated with this placement.


The isolation type associated with the patient on the Patient/Placement Details form (for example, Airborne).


Accommodation type selected on the Patient/Placement Details form.

Hospital Service

Hospital service selected on the Patient/Placement Details form.

Level of Care

Level of Care selected on the Patient/Placement Details form.

Bed Size

Bed size selected on the Patient/Placement Details form.

Procedure Beds/Patients Quick Report Description

Permissions Required

You must have the Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information permission to generate this report.


The Procedure Beds/Patients Quick Report provides information about specialty beds (also called procedure beds) and patients who are occupying specialty beds, but also have home locations.

  • Note: See "About the Report Data" for restrictions concerning the data that appears.

Report Parameters

Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.

About the Report Data

  • The user who generates the report can select specific units that are within their membership and within the selected campus. If the user selected specific units, then only data about those units appears on the report.

  • Only specialty beds in units within the membership of the user who generated the report appear.

  • The user who generates the report can choose to display data by specialty bed or by patient.

  • The user who generates the report can choose to display all specialty beds that are in the selected units, meaning that even unoccupied specialty beds will appear on the report.

Procedure Beds/Patients Quick Report Column Descriptions

This row . . .

Displays . . .

Specialty (SPEC) Bed

The name, IVR identification code, or abbreviation of the specialty bed.

Home (PROC) Bed

The home location of the patient in the specialty bed.

Patient Name

Patient who occupies the specialty bed.

Medical Record Number

Patient's medical record number.

SPEC Date/Time

Date and time that patient was transferred from the home location to the specialty location.


The user who initiated the transfer from the home location to the specialty bed.

Generating Patient Tracking Portal Application Quick Reports

About Generating a Quick Report

Quick reports provide summaries and listings about staff members, patients, and instant messages. If you have the permissions listed under Permissions Required, you may generate a quick report.

The following quick reports are available.

  • Length of Stay

  • Instant Notify

  • Patient Order

  • Patient Physician

  • Care Progression Worklist

  • Staff Assignment

Permissions Required

Generating this quick report . . .

Requires these permissions . . .

Instant Notify

Access Quick Reports

Either Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information OR Run Only Reports That Do Not Reveal Patient Information

All other quick reports

Access Quick Reports

Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information

To Generate a Report

  1. Do one of the following:

    • Click the Quick Reports icon at the top of the Patient Tracking Portal® console, and then click the quick report that you want to generate.

    • Go to Patient Tracking Portal® > Quick Reports > the quick report that you want to generate.

    • Go to Clinical Operations > Patient Tracking Portal® > Quick Reports icon > the quick report that you want to generate.

    • Or, if your health system is configured for multiple instances of the Capacity IQ® Solution, go to Clinical Operations > Patient Tracking Portal® > <Instance Name> > Quick Reports icon > the quick report that you want to generate.

  2. In the Campus list, select the campus for which you want to generate the report.

Note: Only campuses to which you have membership to at least one unit appear in the list.

  1. Select the report criteria. Click the links below to learn about the available criteria for each report.

Instant Notify

  • There are no criteria to select for the Instant Notify Quick Report. All instant messages that you sent today will appear on the report.

Length of Stay (LOS)

  • Unit—If only certain units should appear on the report, select the units. If you do not select any units, then all units that are within the selected campus and to which you have membership will appear on the report. You may only select units that are within your membership and within the selected campus. Click the magnifying glass icon to display the Units dialog box. Select the check boxes for the units that should be included, and then click Select. If you select specific units, and then you want to include all units in the campus, click the restore icon.

  • LOS Threshold (Days)—Type a number of days. The report will include only patients whose length of stay in the hospital equals or exceeds the number of days in the LOS Threshold (Days) box. For example, if you want the report to include only patients whose length of stay is 8 days or more at the time you are generating the report, then type 8 in this box.

Patient Order

  • Unit—If only certain units should appear on the report, select the units. If you do not select any units, then all units within the selected campus and to which you have membership will appear on the report. All units displayed in the Unit list are within the selected campus. You may only select units that are within your membership. Click the magnifying glass icon to display the Units dialog box. Select the check boxes for the units that should be included, and then click Select. If you select specific units, and then you want to include all units in the campus, click the restore icon.

  • Patient—Select the patient names that should appear on the report. Only patients with home locations in the selected units who have lab or radiology orders for their current visits and who are NOT in Discharged or VisitCancelled status are available to select. If you do not select any names, all patients who meet this criteria will appear on the report.

To Select Patient Names:

  1. Click the magnifying glass icon.

  2. In the Patient Attribute list, select whether to search for the patient by visit number, medical record number (MRN), Last Name, or First Name.

  3. In the Filter String box on the left, type text corresponding to your selection in the list (for example, if you selected Last Name, type at least part of the patient's last name).

  4. Click Go. In the Patient Search Results section, a list of patients matching your search criteria appears.

  5. A patient who has had multiple visits might appear multiple times in search results. To ensure that you select a check box in search results that corresponds to a patient's current visit information, view the visit number, medical record number, admit date, and discharge date. Then, select the check boxes for the appropriate patient rows. Then, click Selected Patients to close the Search Patients window. Only the selected patients appear on the report.

  6. If you have selected specific patients, and then you would like to include all patients in the campus, click the restore icon next to the Patient box.

  • Order Type—Select whether the report should include lab orders, radiology orders, medication orders, or other orders (other clinical orders, such as EKG or Pain Assessment). To select more than one type, press and hold the CTRL key, and then click the types.

  • Summary View?—Select whether to display a summary view. If the summary view is selected, then one line for each order identification code will appear on the report. The most recent status date and status for each order will appear. If the summary view is NOT selected, then one line will appear for each status date and/or status change for each order. The same order identification code could appear multiple times (one time for each status change or status date). Select the Yes or No option button.

  • Group by—Select whether data will be grouped within each unit by patient last name or by order type.

Patient Physician

  • Unit—If only certain unit should appear on the report, select the units. If you do not select any units, then all units within the selected campus and to which you have membership will appear on the report. All units displayed in the Unit list are within the selected campus. You may only select units that are within your membership. Click the magnifying glass icon to display the Units dialog box. Select the check boxes for the units that should be included, and then click Select. If you select specific units, and then you want to include all units in the campus, click the restore icon.

  • Patient—Select the patient names that should appear on the report. Only patients with home locations in the selected units who are NOT in Discharged or VisitCancelled status are available to select. If you do not select any names, all patients who meet this criteria will appear on the report. Patients who do not have physicians associated with them still will appear on the report.

To Select Patient Names:

  1. Click the magnifying glass icon.

  2. In the Patient Attribute list, select whether to search for the patient by visit number, medical record number (MRN), Last Name, or First Name.

  3. In the Filter String box on the left, type text corresponding to your selection in the list (for example, if you selected Last Name, type at least part of the patient's last name).

  4. Click Go. In the Patient Search Results section, a list of patients matching your search criteria appears.

  5. A patient who has had multiple visits might appear multiple times in search results. To ensure that you select a check box in search results that corresponds to a patient's current visit information, view the visit number, medical record number, admit date and discharge date. Then, select the check boxes for the appropriate patient rows. Then, click Selected Patients to close the Search Patients window. Only the selected patients appear on the report.

  6. If you have selected specific patients, and then you would like to include all patients in the campus, click the restore icon next to the Patient box.

  • Physicians—Select the physician names that should appear on the report. You may only choose physicians who are associated with the selected campus. If you do not select any names, all physicians associated with the campus will appear.

To Select Physician Names:

  1. Click the magnifying glass icon to display the Search Physicians window.

  2. In the Search Physicians box, type at least the first two letters of the physician's first or last name. If you type two letters, the list that appears displays names that begin with those letters. If you type more than two letters, the list that appears displays any name containing those letters. For example, if you type sm, only names such as Smith and Smallman appear. If you type smith, then names such as Smith, Desmithlan, and Wainsmith appear.

  3. When a list of names appears, click the name you want to add to the Selected Physicians list. Repeat this process until all physicians you want to include in the report are in the list.

  4. To remove a name from the Selected Physicians list, click the X corresponding to that name.
    Important Note! If you return to the Search Physicians window to choose another name after you have saved your selections and closed the window, the names in the Physicians box on the Patient Physician dialog box will be removed. You will be starting the selections all over again. Check to make sure that all the names you want to include in the report are in the Selected Physicians list before proceeding.

  5. Click Select to close the window and add the names to the Physician box on the Patient Physician dialog box.

  6. To return to having all physicians in the campus included on the report, click the restore icon next to the Physicians box.

  • Group by—Select whether data will be grouped within each unit by patient last name or by physician last name.

Care Progression Worklist

  • Unit—If only certain units should appear on the report, select the units. If you do not select any units, then all units within the selected campus will appear on the report. All units displayed in the Unit list are within the selected campus. Click the magnifying glass icon to display the Units dialog box. Select the check boxes for the units that should be included, and then click Select. If you select specific units, and then you want to include all units in the campus, click the restore icon.

  • Care Progression Group—Select the category of ancillary care that should appear on the report (for example, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy).

  • Care Type—If only specific subcategories of ancillary care (care types) should appear on the report, select them. The list that you can choose from includes only care types from within the care progression group that you selected earlier. For example, if you selected Physiotherapy, then only care types associated with Physiotherapy, such as Neurological Rehabilitation, are available to choose. To select multiple care types, press and hold the CTRL key and click each item.

  • Status—If the report should include only care types that are in specific statuses, such as In Progress or Completed, then select those statuses. To select multiple care types, press and hold the CTRL key and click each item.

  • Show Only Delays?—If the report should show only care types that have been delayed, then select Yes. If a delay reason has been selected for a care type, then the care type is considered delayed until Select… is chosen in the Delay Reason list on the Set Care Progression Details dialog box.

  • Sort by—Select whether the data on the report should be sorted alphabetically by care type (such as Neurological Rehabilitation), alphabetically by status (such as Ordered or In Progress), or chronologically by date that the care type was ordered, and whether it should appear ascending or descending order.

Staff Assignment

  • Shift—Select whether information from the Current, Previous or Next shift will be included on the report.

  • Group by—Select whether the report will be grouped by unit, by staff member, or by patient. In the Group By list, click the appropriate option.

    • If you need to learn information about specific units, such as which staff members were assigned to which patients within specific units, then it is helpful to group the report by unit.

    • If you need to learn information about specific staff members, such as which patients within each unit staff members were assigned to, it is helpful to group the report by staff.

    • If you need to learn information about specific patients, such as which staff members were assigned to a patient and when that assignment began and ended, then it is helpful to group the report by patient.

    • Depending on the selection you made in Group by, select one of the following:

  • Unit

    To select Units:

    1. Click the magnifying glass next to the Unit box. The Unit dialog appears displaying a list of units in the selected campus.

    2. Click the check boxes for the units that should be included on the report.

    3. Click Select to close the Unit dialog and add the names to the Unit box on the Quick Report - Staff Assignment dialog box.

    4. To return to having all of the units in the campus included on the report, click the restore icon next to the Unit box.

  • Staff

    To select staff members:

    1. Click the magnifying glass next to the Staff box. The Search Staff dialog appears displaying a list of staff members who have been assigned to beds in the selected campus.

    2. To filter the list, in User attribute, select from Last Name, First Name, or Staff Type. In the Filter String box, enter a first name, last name, or staff type, and click Go.

    3. Select the check boxes for the staff members that should be included on the report.

    4. Click Selected Staff to close the Search Staff dialog and add the names to the Staff box on the Staff Assignment dialog.

    5. To return to having all of the staff members in the campus included on the report, click the restore icon next to the Staff box.

  • Patient

    To select patients:

    1. Click the magnifying glass next to the Patient box. The Search Patients dialog appears and displays a list of patients whose home location was within the selected campus.

    2. To filter the list, in the Patient attribute drop down, select from Last Name, First Name, Visit Number, Medical Record Number, or Staff Type. In the Filter String box, enter a first name, last name, medical record number, or visit number, and click Go.

    3. Select the check boxes for the patients that should be included on the report.

    4. Click Selected Patients to close the Search Patients dialog and add the names to the Staff box on the Staff Assignment dialog box.

    5. To return to having all of the patients in the campus included on the report, click the restore icon next the Patient box.

  • Assignment Type—Select the assignment types that you want to include in the report. Assignment type, as it relates to staff assignment, is the role fulfilled by the staff member assigned to a bed. The available assignment types are based on the staff types that have been enabled in Dictionary Management for staff assignment, and any staff types that have been used previously to assign staff members to beds. If you do not select a specific Assignment Type, the report takes into account all staff assignment types while fetching the staff assignment data for the report.

  • Include Patient Info?—If you select Yes, then when the report is grouped by unit or staff, the report displays columns for patient name, visit number, and medical record number.

  1. Click Run Report.

  2. When the File Download dialog box appears, do one of the following:

    • To open the report in .pdf format and view it immediately, click Open.

    • To save the report in .pdf format to the location of your choice, click Save, select a location, and then click Save.

Length of Stay Quick Report Description

Permissions Required

You must have the Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information permission to generate this report.


The Length of Stay Quick Report shows how long it has been since patients in specific units were admitted to the hospital. The user who generates the report selects units and selects a number of days (called an LOS threshold). The report shows only patients in the selected units whose length of stay equals or exceeds the LOS threshold and who have not been discharged or had their visits cancelled.


The user who generates the report selects Units 1000 and 1010 and enters an LOS threshold of 8 days. The report includes only patients with home locations in Units 1000 and 1010, who have not been discharged or had their visits cancelled, and who have been in the hospital for 8 days or more.

  • Note

See About the Report Data for restrictions concerning the data that appears.

Report Parameters

Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.

About the Report Data

  • The user who generates the report:

    • Can select specific units within the selected campus. If the user selected specific units, then only patients with home locations in those units appear on the report. If no specific units were selected, then patients whose home locations are within the campus are included on the report.

    • Enters a number of days (called an LOS threshold). The report shows only admitted patients who were in the hospital for at least that number of days at the time that the report was generated.

Length of Stay Quick Report Column Descriptions

This column . . .

Displays . . .


Bed identifier of patient's home location.


Patient's last and first name


Patient's medical record number.

Admit Date

Date and time that patient was admitted.

Current LOS

The number of days from when the patient was admitted to the hospital to when the report was generated.


The patient's diagnosis. The diagnosis is entered on the Patient/Placement Details form.

Attending Physician and Admitting Physician

The patient's attending physician and admitting physicians.

Patient Order Quick Report Description

Permissions Required

You must have the Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information permission to generate this report.


The Patient Order Quick Report provides a list of orders for patients whose home locations are in the selected units.

Note: See About the Report Data for restrictions concerning the data that appears.

Report Parameters

Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.

About the Report Data

  • The user who generates the report can select specific units that are within their membership and within the selected campus. If the user selected specific units, then only data about those units appears on the report. If the user did not select specific units, then the report includes data from all units that are within the selected campus, that are included in the user's membership.

  • The user who generates the report can select specific patients to appear on the report. If no patients are selected, then all patients with home locations in the selected units who have lab or radiology orders for their current visits appear on the report.

  • Patients in VisitCancelled or Discharged status do not appear on the report.

  • The report displays only patients who have home locations in the selected units and have at least one lab or radiology order for their current visits.

  • The report can display lab orders, radiology orders, or both, depending on the selections made when the report was generated.

  • The user who generates the report can select to display a summary view. If the summary view is selected, then one line for each order identification code will appear on the report. The most recent status date and status for each order will appear. If the summary view is NOT selected, then one line will appear for each status date and/or status change for each order. The same order identification code could appear multiple times (one time for each status change or status date).

  • Data can be grouped by patient name or by order type. If the user who generated the report chooses to group data by patient name, it will appear in ascending, alphabetical order by patient last name. Under each patient name, data will be sorted by lab order or radiology order. Under lab order or radiology order, data will appear in descending order by order date, with the most recent status first. If data is grouped by order type, lab orders will appear first, and then radiology orders. Under each order type, patients will appear in ascending, alphabetical order by patient last name. Under each patient name, orders will appear in descending order by order date, with the most recent status first.

Patient Order Quick Report Column Descriptions

This column. . .

Displays for each unit . .

Patient or Order Type

If data is grouped by patient, then for each patient name, the Order Type column displays whether the order is a lab, radiology, medication, or other order. "Other" means clinical orders that are not lab and radiology orders (such as EKG or Pain Assessment). If data is grouped by order type, then for each order type, the Patient column shows each patient's last and first name.

Order ID

The identification code for the order. If the summary view is selected, each order ID appears only once. If the summary view is NOT selected, the same order ID can appear multiple times (once for each status change or status date).


The description of the order from the ADT system. If the summary view is NOT selected, then the same description can appear more than once for the same order identification code.


The date and time that the order status listed in the Order Status column took effect.

Order Status

The order status description, priority, and specimen type action for this order type. For example, if this is a lab order and the status of the lab order is In Process, the description might be LabInProcess. LabinProcess might have a priority of STAT (called "Rush"), and a specimen action type of Nurse Collected, meaning specimens for these types of orders must be collected by a nurse or another qualified staff member. The column might say LabinProcessRushNurseCollected.

Ordered Date

The date that the work was ordered.

Ordered by

The last and first name of the provider who initiated the order.

Patient Physician Quick Report Description

Permissions Required

You must have the Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information permission to generate this report.


The Patient Physician Quick Report provides a list of physicians associated with patients whose home locations are in the selected units. The physicians' services or the patients' home locations and the physician associations with the patients (for example, Admitting or Referring) are listed.

  • Note

See About the Report Data for restrictions concerning the data that appears.

Report Parameters

Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.

About the Report Data

  • The user who generates the report can select specific units that are within their membership and within the selected campus. If the user selected specific units, then only data about those units appears on the report. If the user did not select specific units, then the report includes data from all units that are within the selected campus, that are included in the user's membership.

  • The user who generates the report can select specific patients to appear on the report. If no patients are selected, then all patients with home locations in the selected units appear on the report. If selected patients do not have physicians associated with them, they will still appear on the report.

  • Patients in VisitCancelled or Discharged status do not appear on the report.

  • Specific physicians can also be selected to appear on the report. If no physicians are selected, all physicians who are associated with the selected patients will appear on the report.

  • Data can be grouped by patient name or by physician name. If the user who generated the report chooses to group data by patient name, it will appear in ascending, alphabetical order by patient last name. Under each patient name, data will be sorted by physician association (for example, Referring) in ascending order. If data is grouped by physician name, physician names will appear in ascending alphabetical order and patient names will appear in ascending alphabetical order under each physician name.

Patient Physician Quick Report Column Descriptions

This column. . .

Displays for each unit . .

Patient Name or Physician

If data is grouped by patient, the Physician column displays the patient's last and first name with each physician associated with the patient listed under the patient. Patients who do not have associated physicians are also listed. If data is grouped by physician, the Patient Name column shows each physician's last and first name with the patients who are associated with them listed under them.

Home Location or Service

If data is grouped by physician, the Home Location column shows each patient's home location. If data is grouped by patient, the Service column shows each's physician's service (for example, Cardiology).


The association column shows the physician's association with the patient (for example, Attending Physician, Admitting Physician, Consulting Physician, or Referring Physician).

Ordered Date

The date that the lab or radiology work was ordered.

Care Progression Worklist Quick Report Description

Permissions Required

You must have the Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information permission to generate this report.


Some patients require categories of ancillary care, such as Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, or Social Work. Often, there are several items within these categories that have to be finished successfully before the patient's ancillary care is considered complete. For example, within the Physiotherapy category, the patient might be ordered to successfully complete neurological rehabilitation, orthopedic rehabilitation, and respiratory rehabilitation. In the Capacity IQ® solution, categories of ancillary care are called care progression groups and the items within the categories of ancillary care are called care types. In the Patient Tracking Portal application, the progress of a patient's ancillary care can be tracked. A care progression group can be added to a list view as a column. Unit staff can use the column to access a dialog box where they can indicate whether each care type within a care progression group has been ordered, is in progress, is delayed (the reason for the delay), or has been completed. This information is visible on the list view for other unit staff members. A care progression group is considered complete for a patient after the patient has finished all care types that have been ordered for them within that group. The administrator might have configured care types so that they must be completed in a certain order. In addition, the administrator can configure care type statuses so that they must be selected in a certain order (for example, the In-Progress status cannot be selected unless the Ordered status has been selected first.) The administrator configures the care progression groups and care types in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component.

You can generate the Care Progression Worklist Quick report daily to learn the status of care types for each patient who requires ancillary care. For example, if Respiratory Rehabilitation has been ordered for a patient, but not yet started, you can see the Ordered status for the Respiratory Rehabilitation care type, the name of the attending physician, if the care type has been delayed and the reason, the patient's isolation type (if applicable), and the patient's [home location] medical record number, and visit number. This information can help you to plan and organize work for the day.

Note: See About the Report Data for restrictions concerning the data that appears.

Report Parameters

Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.

About the Report Data

  • The user who generates the report can select specific units that are within the selected campus. If the user selected specific units, then only data about those units appears on the report. If the user did not select specific units, then the report includes data from all units that are within the selected campus.

  • The user who generates the report can select a care progression group and care types within that care progression group to display on the report. Only the selected care types appear on the report.

  • Specific care type statuses, such as Ordered or In Progress, can be selected when the report is generated. If statuses were selected, then the report shows only care types that were in the selected statuses at the time that the report was generated.

  • If the user who generated the report chose Yes for Show Only Delays?, then only those care types that were delayed at the time that the report was generated appear. If a delay reason has been selected for a care type, the care type will be considered delayed until either the status is changed to Completed or Select. . . is chosen in the Delay Reason list on the Set Care Progression Details dialog box.

  • Data is sorted either alphabetically by care type, alphabetically by status, or chronologically by the date that the care type was ordered. Order can be ascending or descending.

Care Progression Worklist Quick Report Column Descriptions

This column. . .

Displays for each unit . .

Unit Heading

Each section represents a different unit. The units included in the report were selected at the time the report was generated. If no specific units were selected, then all units in the selected campus appear on the report.


Name of the patient who requires ancillary care.


The patient's medical record number. See definition.

Visit Number

The patient's visit number. See definition.


The isolation type associated with the patient (if applicable).

Patient Status

Status of the patient at the time that the report was generated, such as Inhouse, Pending Transfer, Pending Discharge, or Confirmed Discharge. Patients who are in VisitCancelled, Outpatient, or Discharged status are not included.


The patient's home location.

Care Type

The subcategory of ancillary care that has been ordered for the patient. For example, if the care progression group (category of ancillary care) was Physiotherapy, the care type of Respiratory Rehabilitation might have been ordered for the patient.


The status of the care type for this patient (for example, Ordered or In Progress). Asterisks (**) indicate that the care type was delayed at some point. Care could not proceed because, for example, equipment was unavailable or the patient was in too much pain. A care type is considered delayed and asterisks appear until the delay reason is removed on the Set Care Progression dialog box. So it is possible to see a care type in Completed status and still see the asterisks indicating that it was delayed.


The amount of time that the care type listed in the Care Type column was in the status listed in the Status column at the time that the report was generated. If the status is Not Ordered or Completed, then this column is blank. Knowing the duration of each status can help you to ensure proper care-giving compliance.

Delay Reason

If asterisks appear next to the status in the previous column, then the care type has been delayed at some point. This column lists the reason selected for the delay (such as Equipment Unavailable).

Ordered Date

The date and time when this care type was ordered for the patient. This could be the time that the care type was assigned its first status other than "Not Ordered." For example, if the Ordered status was never officially selected for the care type, but the In Progress status was selected at 10:00 AM on May 15, then May 15 at 10:00 AM is considered the ordered date and time.

Attending Physician

Name of the patient's attending physician. See definition.

Instant Notify Quick Report Description

Permissions Required

You must have the Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information permission or the Run Only Reports That Do Not Reveal Patient Information permission and the Access Instant Notify permission for the Patient Tracking Portal application to generate this report.


The Instant Notify Quick Report provides a list of all instant messages sent on the current date by the user who generates the report. The report includes messages sent from all applications.

Instant Notify Quick Report Column Descriptions

This column. . .

Displays . .

Notify Date

Date and time that the message was sent.


Last and first names of users to whom the message was sent. It might take some time to send a message. If you generate the report immediately after sending a message, the recipients' names might not appear in the column. There is no guarantee that a user listed in the Recipient column received a successfully sent message.


User name of the user who sent the message (user who generated the report) and the message text.

Notification Method

Application / Device Type

Destination / Notification Method



Screen Alert

Flashing red notification. User can view detailed message defined in Global Settings and subsequently access Patient details form.



Device ID. User can view detailed message defined in Global Settings.



Email address. User can view detailed message defined in Global Settings.

Nurse Mobile


Push notification (Banner), limited information. Prompt user to access in-application message OR detail card.


In-Application notification. Prompt user to access in-application message OR detail card.

Transporter Mobile


Push notification, Prompt user to access jobs information.

EVS Mobile


Push notification, Prompt user to access jobs information.


If a message was not sent successfully, then No appears. If a message was sent successfully, then Yes appears. Yes indicates only that the message was sent. There is no guarantee that an intended recipient got a successfully sent message. A message might not be sent successfully if, for example, the identification code of the paging device was found to be invalid.

Failure Reason

If a message was not sent successfully, the reason for the failure appears here. Examples are "Invalid Pager ID" or "Did not get ID." A failure reason called "Expired Message" might appear in this column, even though the message was sent successfully. This situation can occur if the notification method was screen alert, but the message was not read within the time period specified in the Master Configuration setting called Time Since Creation to Show Screen Alerts (Hours). The time period is usually 8 hours.

Staff Assignment History Quick Report Description

Permissions Required

You must have the Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information permission to generate this report.


The Staff Assignment History Quick Report provides a listing of the staff members and their assignments in the selected units within the current, previous, or next shift. The report can be run for selected patients, so that you can learn who cared for them during the selected date range. This report replaces the Caregiver Patient Quick Report. Like the Caregiver Patient Quick Report, the Staff Assignment Quick Report allows for grouping by Unit or Staff Member (formerly Caregiver). The Staff Assignment Quick Report can also be grouped by Patient. When grouped by Unit or Staff Member, the user will have the ability to generate the staff assignment report either to view only the beds that were assigned to the staff or view the beds assigned to the staff along with patient information for the beds that were occupied during the assigned time period. The patient information includes the patient’s name, visit number, and medical record number.

Report Parameters

Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.

About Report Data

  • The report displays staff members and their bed assignments for selected units.

  • The user who generates the report can group the data by unit, staff member, or patient.

    • If the data is grouped by unit, then the staff members with the selected staff assignment type who have beds assigned to them are shown. Underneath each staff member, the home locations of the patients who are occupying beds assigned to the selected staff member are shown. If the Include Patient Info option is selected, the report shows the patient's name, visit number, and medical record number. Grouping by unit is helpful when you need to see staff assignment information for entire units. The user who generates the report can select specific units to include. If specific units are selected, then only data about those units appears. If specific units were not selected, then the data about all units with staff members assigned to beds at the selected campus appears.

    • If the data is grouped by staff member, then staff members with the selected staff assignment type who have patients assigned to them are shown. Underneath each staff member, the home locations of the patients occupying beds assigned to the selected staff members are shown grouped by unit. If the Include Patient Info option is selected, the report shows the patient's name, visit number, and medical record number. This is helpful when you need to see information about a specific staff member. The user who generates the report can select specific staff members to include. If specific staff members are selected, then only data about those staff members appears. If specific staff members are not selected, then data about all staff members assigned to beds in the units in the selected campus appears.

    • If the data is grouped by patient, then patients and the staff members caring for them are shown. For each patient, the report shows the medical record number and visit number. Underneath each patient, the staff members assigned to the patients are shown (in ascending chronological order), the start and end time of each assignment, the unit where the bed was located, and the patient's home location at the time of each assignment. This is helpful when you need to see information about a specific patient. The user who generates the report can select specific patients to include. If specific patients are selected, then only data about those patients appears. If specific patients are not selected, then data about all patients assigned to beds in the units in the selected campus appears.

Staff Assignment History Quick Report Row and Column Descriptions

If Grouped by Unit with No Patient Info

This row or column. . .

Displays for each unit for the selected shift. . .

Unit row

Unit abbreviation (in ascending alphanumeric order).

Staff member name and type row

In each unit, for the date shown, the last and first name of the staff members assigned to beds and each staff member’s staff type.

Assignment Start column

Under each staff member's name, the date and time that their assignment to a bed started.

Assignment End column

Under each staff member's name, the date and time that their assignment to a bed ended.

Bed column

Under each staff member's name, the bed assigned to that staff member.

Assignment Type column

Under each staff member's name, the assignment type for that staff member. For example, if the staff member was assigned to one bed as a nurse, Nurse would be displayed. If the staff member was assigned to another bed as an assistant, Assistant would be displayed.

If Grouped by Unit with Patient Info

This row or column. . .

Displays for each unit for the selected shift. . .

Unit row

Unit abbreviation (in ascending alphanumeric order).

Staff member name and type row

In each unit, for the date shown, the last and first name of the staff members assigned to patients and each staff member’s staff type.

Assignment Start column

Under each staff member's name, the date and time that their assignment to a bed started, grouped by patient.

Assignment End column

Under each staff member's name, the date and time that their assignment to a bed ended, grouped by patient.

Bed column

Under each staff member's name, the bed assigned to that staff member, grouped by patient.

Assignment Type column

Under each staff member's name, the assignment type for that staff member. For example, if the staff member was assigned to one bed as a nurse, Nurse would be displayed. If the staff member was assigned to another bed as an assistant, Assistant would be displayed.

Patient column

Under each staff member's name, the names of the patients occupying the beds they were assigned.

Visit# column

Under each staff member's name, the visit number for each patient occupying the beds they were assigned.

MRN column

Under each staff member's name, the medical record number for each patient occupying the beds they were assigned.

If Grouped by Staff Member with No Patient Info

This row or column. . .

Displays for each staff member for the selected shift. . .

Staff member name and type row

Staff member's name and their staff type (in ascending alphabetical order).

Unit row

The unit to which each staff member was assigned (in ascending alphanumeric order).

Assignment Start column

Under each staff member's name, the date and time that their assignment to a bed started.

Assignment End column

Under each staff member's name, the date and time that their assignment to a bed ended.

Bed column

Under each staff member's name, the bed assigned to that staff member.

Assignment Type column

Under each staff member's name, the assignment type for that staff member. For example, if the staff member was assigned to one bed a nurse, Nurse would be displayed. If the staff member was assigned to another bed as an assistant, Assistant would be displayed.

If Grouped by Staff Member with Patient Info

This row or column. . .

Displays for each staff member for the selected shift. . .

Staff member name and type row

Staff member's name and their staff type (in ascending alphabetical order).

Unit row

The unit to which each staff member was assigned (in ascending alphanumeric order).

Assignment Start column

Under each staff member's name, the date and time that their assignment to a bed started.

Assignment End column

Under each staff member's name, the date and time that their assignment to a bed ended.

Bed column

Under each staff member's name, the bed assigned to that staff member.

Assignment Type column

Under each staff member's name, the assignment type for that staff member. For example, if the staff member was assigned to one bed as a nurse, Nurse would be displayed. If the staff member was assigned to another bed as an assistant, Assistant would be displayed.

Patient column

Under each staff member's name, the names of the patients occupying the beds they were assigned.

Visit# column

Under each staff member's name, the visit number for each patient occupying the beds they were assigned.

MRN column

Under each staff member's name, the medical record number for each patient occupying the beds they were assigned.

If Grouped by Patient

This row or column. . .

Displays for each staff member for the selected shift . .

Patient name, MRN, and Visit# row

Patient's name, their medical record number, and their visit number (in ascending alphabetical order by patient name).

Staff column

Under each patient, the name of the staff member assigned to their home location. (in ascending order by start date and time)

Assignment Type column

Under each patient's name, the assignment type for the staff member assigned to their home location. For example, if one staff member was assigned to the bed as the patient's nurse, Nurse would be displayed. If another staff member was assigned to the bed as an assistant, Assistant would be displayed.

Assignment Start column

Under each patient's name, the date and time that the assignment for each staff member started.

Assignment End column

Under each patient's name, the date and time that the assignment for each staff member ended.

Unit column

Under each patient's name, the unit in which the patient was located during each staff member's assignment to the home location.

Bed column

Under each patient's name, the home location occupied by the patient during each staff member's assignment to that home location.

Generating Capacity IQ® EVS Application Quick Reports

About Generating a Quick Report

Quick reports provide information about employee and bed statistics as well as activity for the current day. If you have at least one of the permissions listed in Permissions Required, you may click the Quick Report icon at the top of the BedTracking® console, or go to BedTracking® > Quick Reports, or go to Care Support > BedTracking® > Quick Reports icon. Or, if your health system is configured for multiple instances of the **Capacity IQ® Solution, go to Care Support > BedTracking® > <Instance Name> > Quick Reports icon. Then, select a quick report to generate.

The following quick reports are available. Click the links below for descriptions of the reports.

  • Daily Discharge

  • Employee Statistics

  • Employee Zone Coverage

  • Notification

  • Response/Turn Time

  • Today's Activities

  • Instant Notify

  • Spills Today

Permissions Required

Generating this quick report . . .

Requires this permission . . .

Daily Discharge

Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information

Instant Notify

Access Instant Notify for the Capacity IQ® EVS application and either Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information OR Run Only Reports That Do Not Reveal Patient Information

All other quick reports

Either Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information OR Run Only Reports That Do Not Reveal Patient Information

To Generate a Report

  1. Do one of the following:

    • Click the Quick Reports icon at the top of the BedTracking® console, and then when the Quick Reports dialog box appears, click the quick report that you want to generate.

    • Go to BedTracking® > Quick Reports, and then select the quick report that you want to generate.

    • Go to Care Support > BedTracking® > Quick Reports icon, and then select the quick report that you want to generate.

    • Or, if your health system is configured for multiple instances of the **Capacity IQ® Solution, go to Care Support > BedTracking® > <Instance Name> > Quick Reports icon.

Note: For the Instant Notify Quick Report, there are no criteria to select. All instant messages that you sent today will appear on the report.

  1. In the Campus list, select the campus for which you want to generate the report.

    • Note: Only campuses that are within your membership appear in the list.

  2. For the Daily Discharge, Employee Zone Coverage, and Response/Turn Time quick reports, click the magnifying glass next to the Units box to display a list of units in your membership. Select the check boxes for the units that should be included on the report, and then click Select to save the selection and return to the Units box. To return to having all units in the campus that are within your membership included on the report, click the restore icon next to the Units box.

  3. For the Employee Statistics quick report, select the employees who should appear on the report:

    1. Click the magnifying glass icon next to the Bed Cleaner box to display a list of employees.

    2. To search for an employee by first or last name, in the User Attribute list, select First Name or Last Name, in the Filter String box, type the first or last name, and then click Go.

    3. Do one of the following:

      • To include individual employees, select the check boxes for those employees, and then click Selected Bed Cleaners to return to the Employee Statistics Quick Report dialog box.

      • To include all employees shown on the page, select the check box at the top of the column, and then click Selected Bed Cleaners to return to the Employee Statistics Quick Report dialog box.

  4. On the Employee Statistics Quick Report dialog box, to include spill clean statistics, select Yes.

  5. On the Employee Statistics Quick Report dialog box, if you have selected individual employees and you wish to change it to all employees who have base units within the selected campus, then click the Reset to All icon ().

  6. For the Employee Statistics Report, if spill cleaning jobs should be included in employee statistics, then click Yes next to Include Spills?

  7. Click Run Report.

  8. When the File Download dialog box appears, do one of the following:

    • To open the report in .pdf format and view it immediately, click Open.

    • To save the report in .pdf format to the location of your choice, click Save, select a location, and then click Save.

How to Generate the Today's Activities or Notification Quick Report

Before You Begin

  • To access the Quick Report dialog box, go to BedTracking® > Quick Reports > Today's Activities Report or Quick Reports > Notification Report. Or, go to Care Support > BedTracking® > Quick Reports icon > Today's Activities Report or Quick Reports icon > Notification Report. Or, click the Quick Reports icon, and then select Today's Activities Report or Notification Report. Or, if your health system is configured for multiple instances of the **Capacity IQ® Solution, go to Care Support > BedTracking® > <Instance Name> > Quick Reports icon > Today's Activities Report or Quick Reports icon > Notification Report.

Generating the Report

  1. In the Campus list, select the campus about which today's activity data should appear (for example ABC Children's Hospital).

    • Note: You can only select a campus that is within your membership.

  2. Click Run Report.

  3. When the File Download dialog box appears, click Open to display the report in .pdf format or click Save to save the .pdf file to your computer or network.

How to Generate the Response Turn Time or the Employee Zone Coverage Quick Report

Before You Begin

Do one of the following to access the Quick Report dialog box:

  • Go to BedTracking® > Quick Reports > Response Turn Time Report OR Quick Reports > Employee Zone Coverage.

  • Go to Care Support > BedTracking® > Quick Reports icon > Response Turn Time Report OR Quick Reports icon > Employee Zone Coverage.

  • Or, if your health system is configured for multiple instances of the **Capacity IQ® Solution, go to Care Support > BedTracking® > <Instance Name> > Quick Reports icon > Response Turn Time Report OR Quick Reports icon > Employee Zone Coverage.

  • Click the Quick Reports icon, and then select Response Turn Time Report or Employee Zone Coverage.

Generating the Report

  1. In the Campus list, select the campus about which response turn time data should appear (for example ABC Children's Hospital).

    • Note: You can only select a campus that is within your membership.

  2. In the Units list, click the magnifying glass next to the Units box to display a list of units in your membership. Select the check boxes for the units that should be included on the report, and then click Select to save the selection and return to the Units box. To return to having all units in the campus that are within your membership included on the report, click the restore icon next to the Units box.

  3. Click Run Report.

  4. When the File Download dialog box appears, click Open to display the report in .pdf format or click Save to save the .pdf file to your computer or network.

How to Generate the Daily Discharge Quick Report

Before You Begin

Do one of the following to access the Quick Report-Daily Discharge dialog box:

  • Go to BedTracking® > Quick Reports > Daily Discharge.

  • Go to Care Support > BedTracking® > Quick Reports icon > Daily Discharge.

  • Or, if your health system is configured for multiple instances of the **Capacity IQ® Solution, go to Care Support > BedTracking® > <Instance Name> > Quick Reports icon > Daily Discharge.

  • Click the Quick Reports icon, and then select Daily Discharge.

Generating the Report

  1. In the Campus list, select the campus about which daily discharge data should appear (for example ABC Children's Hospital).

    • Note: You can only select a campus that is within your membership.

  2. In the Units list, click the magnifying glass next to the Units box to display a list of units in your membership. Select the check boxes for the units that should be included on the report, and then click Select to save the selection and return to the Units box. To return to having all units in the campus that are within your membership included on the report, click the restore icon next to the Units box.

  3. Click Run Report.

  4. When the File Download dialog box appears, click Open to display the report in .pdf format or click Save to save the .pdf file to your computer or network.

How to Generate the Employee Statistics Quick Report

Before You Begin

Do one of the following to access the Quick Report-Employee Statistics dialog box:

  • Go to BedTracking® > Quick Reports > Employee Statistics

  • Go to Care Support > BedTracking® > Quick Reports icon > Employee Statistics

  • Or, if your health system is configured for multiple instances of the **Capacity IQ® Solution, go to Care Support > BedTracking® > <Instance Name> > Quick Reports icon > Employee Statistics.

  • Click the Quick Reports icon, and then select Employee Statistics.

Generating the Report

  1. In the Campus list, select the campus about which employee statistics data should appear (for example ABC Children's Hospital).

    • Note: You can only select a campus that is within your membership.

  2. Select the employees who should appear on the report:

    1. Click the magnifying glass icon next to the Bed Cleaner box to display a list of employees.

    2. To search for an employee by first or last name, in the User Attribute list, select First Name or Last Name, in the Filter String box, type the first or last name, and then click Go.

    3. Do one of the following:

      • To include individual employees, select the check boxes for those employees, and then click Selected Bed Cleaners to return to the Employee Statistics Quick Report dialog box.

      • To include all employees shown on the page, select the check box at the top of the column, and then click Selected Bed Cleaners to return to the Employee Statistics Quick Report dialog box.

  3. On the Employee Statistics Quick Report dialog box, if you have selected individual employees and you wish to change it to all employees who have base units within the campus, then click the Reset to All icon ().

  4. If spill cleaning jobs should be included in employee statistics, then click Yes next to Include Spills?.

  5. Click Run Report.

  6. When the File Download dialog box appears, click Open to display the report in .pdf format or click Save to save the .pdf file to your computer or network.

How to Generate a Spills Today Quick Report

Before You Begin

Do one of the following to access the Quick Report-Spills Today dialog box:

  • Go to BedTracking® > Quick Reports > Spills Today

  • Go to Care Support > BedTracking® > Quick Reports icon > Spills Today

  • Or, if your health system is configured for multiple instances of the **Capacity IQ® Solution, go to Care Support > BedTracking® > <Instance Name> > Quick Reports icon > Spills Today.

  • Click the Quick Reports icon, and then select Spills Today.

Generating the Report

  1. In the Campus list, select the campus about which spill clean data should appear (for example ABC Children's Hospital).

    • Note: You can only select a campus that is within your membership.

  2. Click Run Report.

  3. When the File Download dialog box appears, click Open to display the report in .pdf format or click Save to save the .pdf file to your computer or network.

Today's Activities Quick Report Description

Permissions Required

You must have one of the following permissions to generate this report:

  • Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information

  • Run Only Reports That Do Not Reveal Patient Information


The Today's Activities Quick Report is a snapshot of transactions triggered by Capacity IQ® EVS related events that occurred during the current day (midnight until the time that the report was generated) for the selected campus.

  • Note: See About the Report Data for restrictions concerning the following data.

The report displays the details of individual transactions chronologically, along with the triggering event names and additional details related to the triggering events. See a list of events that could appear in the Event column.

  • Environmental services (EVS) bed status changes that resulted from a specific event. For example, if the Status column shows that the bed was in CleanNext status at the time that the Change Cleaning Request Priority event occurred, then the Event Details column shows that the previous status of the bed was CleanNext. If a bed was occupied when a spill cleaning request was created, then the Status column shows Spill (Occupied).

  • Status transitions of completed or cancelled bed cleaning jobs and spill cleaning jobs (if the spill clean feature is enabled). For example, if a job's status is changed from CleanNext to Stat, then the prior status is noted as CleanNext in the Event Details column.

  • Bed size changes. (Changes to other bed settings are not included.)

  • Status changes of employees who are assigned to the selected units or are associated with bed or spill cleaning jobs in those units. If an employee puts a job in progress and the employee's status changes to In Progress, then if the Type column shows User, then the Status column shows In Progress.

  • Notifications and alerts triggered by events. For example, if a cleaning request was created and there are no bed cleaners signed in who can respond to the cleaning request, then a No Coverage Alert is sent to the supervisor. The report includes both the notification sent about the available job and the No Coverage Alert sent to the supervisor.

Report Parameters

Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.

About the Report Data

  • Only EVS Services Beds appear on the report.

  • If the Spill Clean BedTracking® global setting is enabled for the campus, then data about spill cleaning jobs appears on the report.

  • Cleaning jobs are included on the report only 1) if their locations are in a campus that has clusters or units within the membership of the user who generated the report or 2) if the base unit of the user who generated the report includes the locations of the jobs.

  • Employees, supervisors, or requesters are included on the report only if their base unit is in a campus that has clusters or units within the membership of the user who generated the report or if their base unit is the same base unit of the user who generated the report. For example, if the Main Campus is selected when the report is generated, the employee Chris Smith's base unit is in the main campus, and the user who generated the report has membership to the Main Campus, then data for Chris Smith appears on the report.

Today's Activities Quick Report Column Descriptions

The following information appears in the columns on the Today's Activities Quick Report.

This column . . .

Displays . . .


Time that the employee or job entered the status listed in the Status column.


Depending on the transaction type, this column could show the status of the bed at the time shown in the Time column, or the employee status at the time shown in the Time column, or it could be blank. If the Type column displays: User—The Status column displays the employee’s status at the time shown in the Time column (for example, Log In for the Day). Bed—The Status column displays the status of the bed at the time shown in the Time column. Job—There was a bed-cleaning job associated with the bed. The Status column displays the status of the bed-cleaning job at the time shown in the Time column. Notification— If a notification or alert was triggered by a bed-related or bed-cleaning-related event, then this column displays the status of the bed at the time shown in the Time column. If an alert or notification was not related to a bed or a bed cleaning job, then this column is blank. Examples are alerts about employee lunch periods or breaks or about employees in Available status.


View this column to learn whether the event is employee-related, bed-cleaning-job-related, bed-related, or notification and alert-related. The possible values are: User—If the transaction is related to employee status changes, but was not triggered by bed cleaning activity. Examples are Log In for the Day, Lunch, Break. Bed—If the transaction concerns an EVS bed, but is not related to a bed cleaning job. Examples are a bed size change or a bed status transition, such as “Occupy Location." Job—If the transaction concerns the status transition of a bed cleaning job. Notification—If the transaction concerns a notification or alert.


The IVR ID of the bed associated with the activity listed in the Event column. If this column is blank, the activity is not associated with a bed.


The unit associated with the bed that is related to the activity shown in the Event column. If this column is blank, then the activity is not bed-related or is related to a bed that is not associated with a unit.


The user who submitted the request for the bed-cleaning job. If this column is blank then either the activity listed in the Event column is not related to a bed-cleaning job or no request was submitted for the bed-cleaning job (for example, the bed was a found bed).


If the activity listed in the Event column, is bed-cleaning-job-related, then the name of the bed cleaner appears. If the activity is related to a bed, but not a job, then the name of the user who made the change appears. (For example, if Occupy Bed appears in the Event column, the name of the user who selected Reoccupy Patient appears.) If the activity is employee-related (for example, On Lunch), the employee's name appears. If the activity is a notification, then the name of the notification recipient appears.


The event that triggered the transaction. [See a list of events that could appear in the Event column]

Events Detail

Additional information about the triggering event. [See a list of events that could appear in the Event column and examples of event details]

Response/Turn Time Quick Report Description

Permissions Required

You must have one of the following permissions to generate this report:

  • Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information

  • Run Only Reports That Do Not Reveal Patient Information


The Response/Turn Time Quick Report provides a snapshot of the bed
cleaning workload for the selected units.

Report Parameters

Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under
Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected
when the report was generated.

About the Report Data

  • The user who generates the report can select specific units that are
    within their membership and within the selected campus to
    display data from those units on the report. If the user selected
    specific units, then only data about those units appears on the
    report. If no specific units were selected, then the report displays
    data from all units in the selected campus that meet the criteria
    defined in the next bullet.

  • Cleaning jobs are included on the report only 1) if their
    locations are in a campus that has clusters or units within the
    membership of the user who generated the report or 2) if
    the base unit of the user who generated the report
    includes the locations of the jobs.

  • The report includes only data about jobs that were created on the
    current day (between midnight and the time that the report was

  • Only EVS beds are included in calculations of
    response/turn time.

  • The census and status counts include 1) EVS beds and 2) beds that
    are out-of-service, but are still considered EVS beds, that are in
    Blocked, Clean, or Occupied status.

  • The Average Response Turn Times for Non-Adjusted Job Requests,
    Average Response Turn Times for Up/Downgraded Non-Adjusted Job
    Requests, and Non-Adjusted Cleans row in Job Totals sections only
    include jobs for which formal bed cleaning requests were submitted
    in the Capacity IQ® EVS application.
    Non-compliant bed cleaning jobs do not appear.

  • Only jobs which initially had statuses of Dirty, CleanNext, Stat,
    UDEF-8, and UDEF-9 and that will be cleaned by the EVS services
    department are included on the report. UDEF-8 and UDEF-9 are custom
    unclean statuses. The administrator at each campus chooses to use or
    not use custom unclean statuses. The names UDEF-8 and UDEF-9 are
    placeholder names. If a campus uses custom unclean statuses, the
    administrator gives UDEF-8 and UDEF-9 each a name (such as

  • The Average Response Turn Times for Non-Adjusted Job Requests,
    Average Response Turn Times for Up/Downgraded Non-Adjusted Job
    Requests, and Non-Adjusted Cleans row in Job Totals sections, only
    include completed jobs. Cancelled jobs are not included.

  • Only those bed cleaning jobs that an employee received credit for
    appear on the report. For more information, see Credit in
    the Capacity IQ® EVS Application.

  • Calculations always include the time that jobs spent in Suspended
    and Delayed status.

  • Adjusted jobs are not included in calculations of
    averages in the Average Response Turn Times for Non-Adjusted Job
    Requests, Average Response Turn Times for Up/Downgraded Non-Adjusted
    Job Requests, and Non-Adjusted Cleans row in Job Totals sections.
    Click to learn more about how a job is defined as adjusted.

Response/Turn Time Quick Report Section and Column Descriptions


The following sections are on the report:

  • Average Response and Turn Times for Job Requests (Excludes
    Up/Downgraded Job Requests)—Displays the average response
    times, average turn times, average delay and
    suspension times, and average clean times for bed
    cleaning jobs created on the current day that were NOT upgraded
    or downgraded.

  • Average Response and Turn Times for Up/Downgraded Job
    Requests—Displays the average response times, average
    turn times, average delay and suspension times, and
    average clean times for bed cleaning jobs created on the
    current day that WERE upgraded or downgraded.

  • Job Totals—For all bed cleaning jobs created on the current day,
    displays the:

  • Average response times

  • Average turn times

  • Average delay and suspension times

  • Average clean times

In addition, the Job Totals section displays for all jobs created on
the current day:

  • Compliant Cleans and Non-Compliant Cleans—The number of
    compliant and non-compliant bed cleaning jobs.

  • Adjusted-Minimum and Adjusted-Maximum—Number and percentage
    of jobs whose clean time is less than the
    minimum or more than the maximum clean time
    that was set in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity
    Management component.

  • Adjusted Response Time—Number and percentage of jobs whose
    original response time is more than the maximum
    response time that was set in the Admin Tool or Admin
    > Settings > Capacity Management component.

  • Canceled Cleans—Total number of cancelled cleaning jobs with the
    reasons for cancellation and counts per reason (number of jobs
    cancelled for each reason).

  • Current Status and Totals—The Current Status and Totals section
    displays the following information. The data is based on bed
    statuses at the time that the report was generated.

  • Status—All statuses that a bed cleaning job could

  • Count—Count of EVS beds in a given status. The census count
    includes all EVS Services beds (including those that are
    out of service but are in Blocked, Clean, or Occupied status).

  • Delayed—The number of bed cleaning jobs in a given unclean
    status that are currently delayed.

  • Percentage—Count of beds in a given status divided by the number
    of beds included in the total.

Column Descriptions

The Average Response and Turn Times for Job Requests (Excludes
Up/Downgraded Job Requests), Average Response and Turn Times for
Up/Downgraded Job Requests, and All Job Totals sections display the
following columns:

This column . . .

Displays for the current day. . .


The last "unclean" status (such as Dirty) or status priority (such as Stat) associated with a bed before the bed cleaning job status was changed to In Progress. Statistics for all unclean statuses are also displayed.

Example: If Stat appears, then the bed's status priority was Stat at the time that the employee placed the job into the In Progress status and began to clean the bed.


The number of beds that the employees received credit for cleaning that had been in the status shown in the Status column when the employees started the job. The count includes EVS Services beds.

Example: If 9 appears for the Dirty status, then employees received credit for cleaning 9 beds that were in Dirty status. If 10 Dirty beds were actually cleaned, but one employee placed one of those Dirty beds in Suspended status and another employee completed it, then neither employee received credit for the 10th bed. It is not included in the count.


The number of delays in bed cleaning jobs for beds that had been in the status shown in the Status column when the employee started the job. Only beds that the employees received credit for cleaning are included.

Example: If employees received credit for cleaning 9 Dirty beds and there were a total of 3 delays for these 9 bed cleaning jobs (for example, one of the 9 bed cleaning jobs was delayed once and another was delayed twice), then 3 appears in the Delayed column for the Dirty status.

Avg Delay

The average duration of delays that employees had for beds that had been in the status shown in the Status column when the employee started the job.

Calculation: Total delay time for all beds that the employees received credit for cleaning and that were previously in this status / Total number of beds that employees received credit for cleaning and that were previously in this status.

Example: If employees received credit for cleaning 9 beds that were previously in the Dirty status, and there were 3 delays of 10 minutes each (30 minutes of delays) for these 9 bed cleaning jobs, then the calculation used to determine the Average Delay for the Dirty status would be 30 / 9 = 03.33 minutes.


The number of bed cleaning job suspensions for beds that had been in the status shown in the Status column when the employee started the job. Only beds that employees received credit for cleaning are included.

Example: If employees received credit for cleaning 12 Clean Next beds and placed 2 of those beds into a Suspended status, then 2 appears in the Suspended column for the Clean Next status. If one bed had 2 suspensions and another had 1, then 3 appears in the Suspended column.

Note: For a description of the Suspended status, see Bed Status Definitions.

Avg Suspend

The average duration of suspensions that employees had for beds that had been in the status shown in the Status column when the employee started the job.

Calculation: Total suspension time for all beds that employees received credit for cleaning and that were previously in this status / Total number of beds that employees received credit for cleaning and that were previously in this status.

Example: If employees received credit for cleaning 12 beds that were previously in the Clean Next status, and there were 2 suspensions of 10 minutes each (20 minutes of suspensions) for these 12 bed cleaning jobs, then the calculation used to determine the Average Suspend for the Clean Next status would be 20 / 12 = 01.67 minutes.

Avg Response

For jobs that were in the status shown in the Status column when the employee started them, the average amount of time that elapsed from the time that the bed cleaning jobs were created to the time that the employees first changed their status to In Progress or Delayed. The time that the job was created is the time that the bed cleaning request was submitted.

Calculation: Sum of elapsed time between when the job was created and when it was placed into In Progress or Delayed status for the first time for all beds that the employees received credit for cleaning and that were previously in this status / Total number of beds that the employees received credit for cleaning and that were previously in this status

Example: Employees received credit for cleaning 3 beds that were previously in the Stat status. They put 2 of those bed cleaning jobs into the In Progress status 10 minutes after the cleaning request was submitted. Because the patient was still in the room when one employee arrived to clean the third bed, that employee put the third bed into Delayed status 5 minutes after the cleaning request was submitted. The calculation used to determine the average response time was 10 + 10 + 5 / 3 = 08.33 minutes.

Avg Original Response (for upgraded or downgraded non-adjusted jobs only)

This column appears only in the Average Response Time for Up/Downgraded Job Requests section. For jobs that were in the status shown in the Status column when the employee started them, the average amount of time that elapsed from the time that the beds entered that status to the first time that an employee changed the bed's status to In Progress or Delayed.

Calculation: Sum of elapsed time between when the job was created and when it was placed into In Progress or Delayed status for the first time for all beds that the employees received credit for cleaning and that were previously in this status /Total number of beds that the employees received credit for cleaning and that were previously in this status

Example: Employees received credit for cleaning 3 beds that were previously in the Stat status and had been upgraded from Clean Next status. They put 2 of those bed cleaning jobs into the In Progress status 10 minutes after the cleaning request was submitted. Because the patient was still in the room when one employee arrived to clean the third bed, that employee put the third bed into Delayed status 5 minutes after the cleaning request was submitted. The third bed was put into the In Progress status, but then delayed again for 5 more minutes. The calculation used to determine the original average response time was 10 + 10 + 5 / 3 = 08.33 minutes. (The second time that one of the bed cleaning jobs was delayed and then put into the In Progress status is not included in the calculation.)

Avg Status Response (for upgraded or downgraded non-adjusted jobs only)

For jobs that were in the status shown in the Status column when the employee started them, the average amount of time that elapsed from the time that the beds entered that status to the time that the employee first changed the bed's status to In Progress or Delayed.

Calculation: Sum of elapsed time between when the beds entered the unclean status shown in the first column and when they were placed into In Progress or Delayed status for the first time for all beds that the employees received credit for cleaning and that were previously in this status/Total number of beds that the employees received credit for cleaning and that were previously in this status

Example: The employees received credit for cleaning 3 beds that were previously in the Stat status. They put 2 of those bed cleaning jobs into the In Progress status 2 minutes after they entered Stat status. One employee put the third bed into the In Progress status 3 minutes after it entered Stat status. The calculation used to determine the average response time was 2 + 2 +3 / 3 = 02.33 minutes.

Avg Clean

For jobs that were in the status shown in the Status column when the employee started them, the average time from the start of In Progress status to Complete (Clean) status minus any time that beds were suspended.

Calculation: Sum of elapsed time from In Progress to Complete status minus the suspended time / Total number of beds that the employees received credit for cleaning and that were previously in this status

Example: Employees received credit for cleaning 2 beds that had previously been in the user-defined, custom status called Contagious. The first bed entered the In Progress status at 11:00 AM and into Completed (Clean) status at 11:15 AM. The second bed entered the In Progress status at 2:00 PM, was suspended at 2:05 PM, was put into In Progress status again at 2:15 PM, and was completed (marked as clean) at 2:25 PM. The total suspension time was 10 minutes. The calculation used to determine average clean time is (15 + 25) - 10 / 2 = 15 minutes.

Avg Turn

For jobs that were in the status shown in the Status column when the employees started them, the average time taken to both respond to and complete bed cleaning job requests (not adjusted for delays and suspensions).

Calculation: Sum of elapsed time from job creation to job completion / Total number of beds that the employees received credit for cleaning and that were previously in this status.

Example: Employees received credit for cleaning 2 beds that were previously in the user-defined, custom status called Special. The first bed cleaning request was submitted at 3:00 PM and an employee completed the bed cleaning job at 3:15 PM. The second bed cleaning job request was submitted at 4:15 PM and the employee completed the job at 4:40 PM. The calculation used to determine the average turn time is 15 + 25 / 2=20 minutes.

Daily Discharge Quick Report Description

Permissions Required

You must have the following permission to generate this report:

  • Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information


The Daily Discharge Quick Report provides a quick reference about
patient flow from units during the current day (midnight until the time
that the report was generated).

Report Parameters

Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under
Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected
when the report was generated.

About the Report Data

  • The user who generates the report can select specific units that are
    within their membership and within the selected campus to
    display data from those units on the report. If the user selected
    specific units, then only data about those units appears on the
    report. If no specific units were selected, then the report displays
    data from all units in the selected campus that meet the criteria
    defined below.

  • Each unit selected when the report was being generated has a section
    on the report. The discharges and transfers are from the units

  • Beds are included in the report only if 1) they are in a campus that
    has clusters or units within the membership of the person
    who generated the report,or 2) if the base unit of the
    user who generated the report is within a campus that includes the

  • Only beds that were previously in Occupied status appear on the

  • The report includes only data about discharges and transfers that
    occurred on the current day (between midnight and the time that the
    report was generated).

Daily Discharge Quick Report Column Descriptions

For each unit listed on the report, the following information appears.

This column . . .

Displays for the current day. . .

Bed ID

The location IVR ID for the bed that the patient occupied just before the transfer or discharge. A location IVR ID is a code, set in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component, that is used to identify the location on the IVR system.


The date and time of the discharge or transfer.


The patient who was discharged or transferred.


The user who submitted the discharge or transfer request. If Interface appears in this column, then the discharge or transfer request came from the ADT system.


Whether the patient was discharged or transferred.


If the patient was transferred, this column displays the location IVR ID for the bed that the patient was transferred to. A location IVR ID is a code, set in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component, that is used to identify the location on the IVR system. If the patient was discharged, this column is blank.

Permissions Required

You must have one of the following permissions to generate this report:

  • Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information

  • Run Only Reports That Do Not Reveal Patient Information


For each zone in the selected campus, the Employee Zone Coverage Quick
Report lists each employee or supervisor who is assigned to that zone
and is signed in currently. The report identifies zones that do not have
employee or supervisor coverage. This information can help to determine
zones where additional employee or supervisor help might be needed for
the day. All data is for the current day only (from midnight until the
time that the report was generated).

Report Parameters

Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under
Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected
when the report was generated.

About the Report Data

  • Only zones that include EVS Services Beds appear on the report.

  • The user who generates the report can select specific units that are within their membership to display on the report. If the user selected units, then only those units appear on the report. If no specific units were selected, then the report displays all units in the selected campus that are within the membership of the user who generated the report.

  • Only zones that are within the selected campus and that are included in the membership of the user who generated the report appear.

  • Employees, supervisors, or requesters are included on the report only if their base unit is in a campus that has clusters or units within the membership of the user who generated the report or if their base unit is the same base unit of the user who generated the report. For example, if the Main Campus is selected
    when the report is generated, the employee Chris Smith's base unit is in the main campus, and the user who generated the report has membership to the Main Campus, then data for Chris Smith appears on the report.

Employee Zone Coverage Quick Report Column Descriptions

The following information appears in the columns on the Employee Zone
Coverage Quick Report.

This column . . .

Displays . . .

First column

The unit names included in the report. Under each unit name, the names of zones that are associated with that unit appear.

User Name

The currently signed in employee or supervisor assigned to the zone shown on the first column. If no currently signed in users are assigned to the zone, then No Employee/Supervisor Coverage appears.

Position Type

Whether the user listed in the User Name column is

supervisor or an employee.|

Device ID

The IVR ID of the device or pager currently assigned to the user shown in the User Name column.

Beds with No Coverage

The IVR IDs of beds that do not have employees or supervisors assigned to cover them. The beds listed are within the zones shown in the first column. If multiple beds within one zone do not have employee or supervisor coverage, they are shown in a comma-separated list.

Employee Statistics Quick Report Description

Permissions Required

You must have one of the following permissions to generate this report:

  • Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information

  • Run Only Reports That Do Not Reveal Patient Information


The Employee Statistics Quick Report provides statistics concerning the selected employees' performance during the current day (from midnight until the time that the report was generated). Examples of statistics are a count of the beds cleaned by the employee and the average time that an employee's bed cleaning jobs were delayed.

Report Parameters

Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under
Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected
when the report was generated.

About the Report Data

  • Cleaning jobs are included on the report only 1) if their locations are in a campus that has clusters or units within the membership of the user who generated the report or 2) if the base unit of the user who generated the report includes the locations of the jobs.

  • The report includes only data about jobs that were created on the current day (between midnight and the time that the report was generated).

  • Only jobs for which formal bed cleaning requests were submitted in the Capacity IQ® EVS application are included in the report. Non-compliant bed cleaning jobs do not appear.

  • Only completed jobs are included.

  • Cancelled jobs are not included.

  • Only those bed cleaning jobs that an employee received credit for appear on the report.

  • The user who generates the report can select specific employees who are within their membership to display on the report. If the user selected employees, then only those employees appear on the report. If no specific employees were selected, then the report displays all employees who meet the criteria defined below.

  • Employees, supervisors, or requesters are included on the report only if their base unit is in a campus that has clusters or units within the membership of the user who generated the report or if their base unit is the same base unit of the user who generated the report. For example, if the Main Campus is selected
    when the report is generated, the employee Chris Smith's base unit is in the main campus, and the user who generated the report has membership to the Main Campus, then data for Chris Smith appears on the report.

  • The report data is grouped by employee and each employee's data is grouped by the last unclean status of a bed that the employee worked on. The calculations used to determine averages, such as Average Delay, included statistics only for the employee and the specific status listed in the first column. For example, if Chris received credit for cleaning 9 beds that were previously in the Dirty status, and Chris had 3 delays of 10 minutes each (30 minutes of delays) for these 9 bed cleaning jobs, then the calculation used to determine the Average Delay for Chris for the Dirty status would be 30 / 9.

Employee Statistics Quick Report Column Descriptions

For each employee listed on the Employee Statistics Quick Report, the
following information appears in the columns.

This column . . .

Displays for the current day. . .


The last "unclean" status (such as Dirty) or status priority (such as Stat) associated with a bed before the bed cleaning job status was changed to In Progress.

Example: If Stat appears, then the bed's status priority was Stat at the time that the employee placed the job into the In Progress status and began to clean the bed.


The number of beds that the employee received credit for cleaning that had been in the status shown in the Status column when the employee started the job.

Example: If 9 appears for the Dirty status for Chris Smith, then Chris received credit for cleaning 9 beds that were in Dirty status. If Chris actually cleaned 10 Dirty beds, but Pat placed one of those Dirty beds in suspended status before Chris completed it, then neither Pat nor Chris received credit for the 10th bed. Chris' count remains at 9.


The number of delays in bed cleaning jobs for beds that had been in the status shown in the Status column when the employee started the job. Only beds that the employee received credit for cleaning are included.

Example: If Chris received credit for cleaning 9 Dirty beds and placed 3 of those beds into a Delayed status one time each, then 3 appears in the Delayed column for the Dirty status.

Avg Delay

The average duration of delays that this employee had for beds that had been in the status shown in the Status column when the employee started the job.

Calculation: Total delay time for all beds that the employee received credit for cleaning and that were previously in this status / Total number of beds that the employee received credit for cleaning and that were previously in this status

Example:If Chris received credit for cleaning 9 beds that were previously in the Dirty status, and Chris had 3 delays of 10 minutes each (30 minutes of delays) for these 9 bed cleaning jobs, then the calculation used to determine the Average Delay for Chris for the Dirty status would be 30 / 9 = 03.33 minutes.


The number of bed cleaning job suspensions for beds that had been in the status shown in the Status column when the employee started the job. Only beds that the employee received credit for cleaning are included.

Example:If Chris received credit for cleaning 12 Clean Next beds and placed 2 of those beds into a Suspended status, then 2 appears in the Suspended column for the Clean Next status. If one bed had 2 suspensions and another had 1, then 3 appears in the Suspended column.

Note: For a description of the Suspended status, see Bed Status Definitions.

Avg Suspend

The average duration of suspensions that this employee had for beds that had been in the status shown in the Status column when the employee started the job.

Calculation :Total suspension time for all beds that the employee received credit for cleaning and that were previously in this status / Total number of beds that the employee received credit for cleaning and that were previously in this status

Example: If Chris received credit for cleaning 12 beds that were previously in the Clean Next status, and Chris had 2 suspensions of 10 minutes each (20 minutes of suspensions) for these 12 bed cleaning jobs, then the calculation used to determine the Average Suspend for Chris for the Clean Next status would be 20 / 12 = 01.67 minutes.

Avg Response

For jobs that were in the status shown in the Status column when the employee started them, the average amount of time that elapsed from the time that the bed cleaning job was created to the time that the employee first changed its status to In Progress or Delayed. The time that the job was created is the time that the bed cleaning request was submitted.

Calculation: Sum of elapsed time between when the job was created and when it was placed into In Progress or Delayed status for the first time for all beds that the employee received credit for cleaning and that were previously in this status / Total number of beds that the employee received credit for cleaning and that were previously in this status

Example: Chris received credit for cleaning 3 beds that were previously in the Stat status. Chris put 2 of those bed cleaning jobs into the In Progress status 10 minutes after the cleaning request was submitted. Because the patient was still in the room when Chris arrived to clean the third bed, Chris put the third bed into Delayed status 5 minutes after the cleaning request was submitted. The calculation used to determine the average response time was 10 + 10 + 5 / 3 = 08.33 minutes.

Avg Status Response

For jobs that were in the status shown in the Status column when the employee started them, the average amount of time that elapsed from the time that the beds entered that status to the time that the employee first changed the bed's status to In Progress or Delayed.

Calculation: Sum of elapsed time between when the beds entered the unclean status shown in the first column and when they were placed into In Progress or Delayed status for the first time for all beds that the employee received credit for cleaning and that were previously in this status/ Total number of beds that the employee received credit for cleaning and that were previously in this status

Example: Chris received credit for cleaning 3 beds that were previously in the Stat status. Chris put 2 of those bed cleaning jobs into the In Progress status 2 minutes after they entered Stat status. Chris put the third bed into the In Progress status 3 minutes after it entered Stat status. The calculation used to determine the average response time was 2 + 2 +3 / 3 = 02.33 minutes.

Avg Clean

For jobs that were in the status shown in the Status column when the employee started them, the average time from the start of In Progress status to Complete (Clean) status minus any time that beds were suspended.

Calculation: Sum of elapsed time from In Progress to Complete status minus the suspended time / Total number of beds that the employee received credit for cleaning and that were previously in this status

Example: Chris received credit for cleaning 2 beds that had previously been in the user-defined, custom status called Contagious. The first bed went into In Progress status at 11:00 AM and into Completed (Clean) status at 11:15 AM. The second bed went into In Progress status at 2:00 PM, was suspended at 2:05 PM, was put into In Progress status again at 2:15 PM, and was completed (marked as clean) at 2:25 PM. The total suspension time was 10 minutes. The calculation used to determine average clean time is (15 + 25) - 10 / 2 = 15 minutes.

Avg Turn

For jobs that were in the status shown in the Status column when the employee started them, the average time taken to both respond to and complete bed cleaning job requests (not adjusted for delays and suspensions).

Calculation: Sum of elapsed time from job creation to job completion / Total number of beds that the employee received credit for cleaning and that were previously in this status.

Example: Chris received credit for cleaning 2 beds that were previously in the user-defined, custom status called Special. The first bed cleaning request was submitted at 3:00 PM and Chris completed the bed cleaning job at 3:15 PM. The second bed cleaning job request was submitted at 4:15 PM and Chris completed the job at 4:40 PM. The calculation used to determine the average turn time is 15 + 25 / 2=20 minutes.

The following data also appears for each employee:


Number of breaks taken (excluding lunch periods) and the total duration of breaks.


Number of lunch periods taken and the total duration of lunch periods.

Adjusted Cleans

Number of completed cleaning jobs that were completed in less than the minimum clean time or more than the maximum clean time established in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component OR whose original response time exceeds the maximum response time established in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component. In addition, the percentage of cleaning jobs that are considered adjusted cleans is displayed.

If Yes was selected for Include Spills?, then the following information about spill cleaning jobs appears. Only completed, compliant jobs that were requested between
midnight and the time that the report was generated today are included

This column . . .

Displays for the current day. . .

Spill Status

Status of the bed for which the spill cleaning job was completed. Spill (Clean) means the bed was in Clean status when the spill cleaning job was requested. Spill (Occupied) means the bed was in Occupied status when the spill cleaning job was requested. Spill (Blocked) means the bed was in Blocked status when the spill clean job was requested. "All Spills" means all of the compliant spill cleaning jobs completed by this employee, regardless of the bed's status when the job was requested.


The number of completed, compliant spill cleaning jobs in each status that the employee received credit for.All Spills shows the total compliant, completed spill cleaning jobs that the employee got credit for, regardless of the bed's status when the spill cleaning job was created.

Avg Response

The average response time gives an overview of the average amount of time it took to respond to a spill clean job request. It is the average time between when the job requests were created and when this employee put the jobs in the In Progress status (started the jobs). This shows the average time it took to respond to spill clean jobs for each bed status, such as Spill (Clean), and for all statuses together (All Spills). The calculation is (Sum of elapsed time from spill cleaning job creation to spill cleaning job placed in In Progress status for all compliant completed spill cleaning jobs requested today that this employee got credit for) divided by number of compliant completed spill cleaning jobs requested today that this employee got credit for. Time is shown in hours, minutes, and seconds. Found spill cleaning jobs are excluded from calculations.

Avg Turn

The average turn time shows the average time it took to turn over a spill cleaning job from request time to job completion time. It shows the average time between when the job request was created and when this employee completed the job for each bed status, such as Spill (Clean), and for all statuses together (All Spills). The calculation is (Sum of elapsed time from spill cleaning job request creation to spill cleaning job completion for all compliant completed spill cleaning jobs requested today that this employee got credit for divided by number of compliant completed spill cleaning jobs requested today that this employee got credit for. Time is shown in hours, minutes, and seconds. Found spill cleaning jobs are excluded from calculations.

Avg Clean

The average clean time shows the average time it took to clean up a spill from when the employee started the job to when it was completed. It shows the average time between the job being placed in the In Progress status and the job being placed in Completed status for each bed status, such as Spill (Clean), and for all statuses together (All Spills). The calculation is (Sum of elapsed time from spill cleaning job placed in In Progress status to spill cleaning job placed in Completed status for all compliant completed spill cleaning jobs requested today that this employee got credit for) divided by number of compliant, completed spill cleaning jobs requested today that this employee got credit for. Time is shown in hours, minutes, and seconds. Found spill cleaning jobs are excluded from calculations.

Permissions Required

You must have one of the following permissions to generate this report:

  • Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information

  • Run Only Reports That Do Not Reveal Patient Information


The Notification Quick Report gives an overview of notifications that have been sent to Capacity IQ® EVS application users during the current day (midnight until the time that the report was generated) for the selected campus. Only users whose base unit is in the selected campus appear on the report.

  • Note: See About the Report Data for restrictions concerning users who appear on the report.

Report Parameters

Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.

About the Report Data

  • Employees, supervisors, or requesters are included on the report only if their base unit is in a campus that has clusters or units within the membership of the user who generated the report or if their base unit is the same base unit of the user who generated the report. For example, if the Main Campus is selected when the report is generated, the employee Chris Smith's base unit is in the main campus, and the user who generated the report has membership to the Main Campus, then data for Chris Smith appears on the report.

  • Instant notifications and "Employee Paged for Stat Job" notifications are not included on this report.

  • If no recipients were selected when the report was generated, then all recipients associated with the enterprise are included on the report. Recipients from multiple campuses can be included on one report.

Notification Quick Report Column Descriptions

The following information appears in the columns on the Notification Quick Report.

This column. . .

Displays. . .

Date Sent

The date and time that the message was sent.


Displays whether the message was an alert about a job or an employee status, a notification to an employee about an available job, or a notification that the user subscribed to.

Bed ID

If the message concerns a bed cleaning job, then the name, abbreviation, or identification code of the bed associated with the job appears. If the message is not about a bed cleaning job, then dashes appear in this column.


Last and first name of the person whom the message concerns. For example, if the message is a notification about a job in the In Progress status, the name of the employee who put the job into In Progress status appears. If it is an alert about an employee in Available status, that employee's name appears.

Message Text

Text or numeric information sent in the message. If the Type column displays Notification-Employee Paged for Job, then this column displays the text New Job, the bed associated with the job, and the bed's status (for example, Dirty or Clean Next).


Last and first name of the person who received the message.


Application / Device Type

Destination / Notification Method



Screen Alert

Flashing red notification. User can view detailed message defined in Global Settings and subsequently access Patient details form.



Device ID. User can view detailed message defined in Global Settings



Email address. User can view detailed message defined in Global Settings

Nurse Mobile


Push notification (Banner), limited information. Prompt user to access in-application message OR detail card


In-Application notification. Prompt user to access in-application message OR detail card

Transporter Mobile


Push notification, Prompt user to access jobs information

EVS Mobile


Push notification, Prompt user to access jobs information


Yes means that the message was sent successfully. However, this does not guarantee that the intended recipient got the message. If the Alert button at the top of the screen is indicating that a screen alert has been received, the message will be included in this history, even if the user has not yet clicked the Alert button to view the message.

Instant Notify Quick Report Description

Permissions Required

You must have the Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information permission or the Run Only Reports That Do Not Reveal Patient Information permission and the Access Instant Notify permission for the Capacity IQ® EVS application to generate this report.


The Instant Notify Quick Report provides a list of all instant messages sent on the current date by the user who generates the report. The report includes messages sent from all applications.

Instant Notify Quick Report Column Descriptions

This column. . .

Displays . .

Notify Date

Date and time that the message was sent.


Last and first names of users to whom the message was sent. It might take some time to send a message. If you generate the report immediately after sending a message, the recipients' names might not appear in the column. There is no guarantee that a user listed in the Recipient column received a successfully sent message.


User name of the user who sent the message (user who generated the report) and the message text.

Notification Method

Application / Device Type

Destination / Notification Method



Screen Alert

Flashing red notification. User can view detailed message defined in Global Settings and subsequently access Patient details form.



Device ID. User can view detailed message defined in Global Settings



Email address. User can view detailed message defined in Global Settings

Nurse Mobile


Push notification (Banner), limited information. Prompt user to access in-application message OR detail card


In-Application notification. Prompt user to access in-application message OR detail card

Transporter Mobile


Push notification, Prompt user to access jobs information

EVS Mobile


Push notification, Prompt user to access jobs information


If a message was not sent successfully, then No appears. If a message was sent successfully, then Yes appears. Yes indicates only that the message was sent. There is no guarantee that an intended recipient got a successfully sent message. A message might not be sent successfully if, for example, the identification code of the paging device was found to be invalid.

Failure Reason

If a message was not sent successfully, the reason for the failure appears here. Examples are "Invalid Pager ID" or "Did not get ID." A failure reason called "Expired Message" might appear in this column, even though the message was sent successfully. This situation can occur if the notification method was screen alert, but the message was not read within the time period specified in the Master Configuration setting called Time Since Creation to Show Screen Alerts (Hours). The time period is usually 8 hours.

Spills Today Quick Report Description

Permissions Required

You must have one of the following permissions to generate this report:

  • Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information

  • Run Only Reports That Do Not Reveal Patient Information


The Spills Today Quick report displays information about spill cleaning jobs that were completed or cancelled between midnight of the current day and the time that the report was generated. The report is helpful when you need information such as the total number of spill clean jobs created for each cost center today or the average amount of time it took to respond to or complete spill cleaning jobs today.

Report Parameters

Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.

About the Report Data

  • Only spill cleaning jobs that were completed or cancelled between midnight of the current day and the time that the report was generated are included on the report.

  • The report includes only spill cleaning jobs associated with beds and units that are within the campus selected when the report was generated and that are within the membership of the person who generated the report. For example, the user who generated the report has membership to Units 1 through 20 of the Main Campus. That user selected Main Campus when the report was generated. Only information about spill cleaning jobs associated with beds that are in Units 1 though 20 will be included in the report.

  • Found spill cleaning jobs are included.

Spills Today's Activities Quick Report Descriptions

The following information appears on the Spills Today Quick Report.

For Each Cost Center

This . . .

Displays . . .

Example . . .

Cost Center row

The abbreviation of the cost center associated with the units and beds where spill cleaning jobs have been either cancelled or completed today.

Spill Type

The spill types of all spill clean jobs that were either cancelled or completed today in each cost center.


For each cost center, the number of completed or cancelled spill clean jobs that were requested by spill type. For example, if 1 appears under requested in the Blood row, then 1 spill clean job to clean a blood spill type was either cancelled or completed today. The job was not necessarily requested today. It could have been requested on an earlier day and then either cancelled or completed today.


For each cost center, the number of spill cleaning jobs that were completed today by spill type. For example, if 1 appears under Cleaned in the Blood row, then 1 spill clean job to clean a blood spill type was completed today.


For each cost center, the number of spill cleaning jobs that were cancelled today by spill type. For example, if 1 appears under Canceled in the Blood row, then 1 spill clean job to clean a blood spill type was cancelled today.

Group Total

For each cost center, total requested spill cleaning jobs for all spill types that were either completed or cancelled today. Total jobs for all spill types that were completed (cleaned) today. Total jobs for all spill types that were cancelled today.

Spill Type








Bodily Fluid












Group Total





Report Summary

This section shows the information above for all spill clean jobs that are shown on the report. The data is NOT broken out by cost center.

Generating a Quick Report Capacity IQ® Transport


If you have the appropriate permissions, you can generate a "quick report" within the Capacity IQ® Transport application. The Employee Daily Performance Report, the Instant Notify Quick Report, and the Notification History Quick Report can be generated.

Unlike historical reports, quick reports provide data from a recent, short period of time. For example, the Employee Daily Performance Quick Report provides data about employee activity that occurred between midnight of the current day and the present time.

Permissions Required

Generating this quick report...

Requires this permission...

Employee Daily Performance

Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information OR Run Only Reports That Do Not Reveal Patient Information

Instant Notify

Access Instant Notify for the Capacity IQ® Transport application and either Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information OR Run Only Reports That Do Not Reveal Patient Information

Notification History

Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information

To Generate a Quick Report

  1. To access the TransportTracking™ console do one of the following:

    • Go to Capacity IQ® Transport.

    • Go to Care Support > TransportTracking™.

    • Or, if your health system is configured for multiple instances of the Capacity IQ® Solution, go to Care Support > TransportTracking™ > <Instance Name>.

  2. At the top of the TransportTracking™ console, click the Quick Reports icon or go to TransportTracking™ > Quick Reports > Employee Daily, Instant Notify, or Notification Report.

  3. (Not applicable to Instant Notify Quick Report) When the Quick Report - Daily or the Quick Report - Notification Report dialog box appears, in the Campus list, select the campus for which you want to generate the report, and then click Run Report.

    Note: For the Instant Notify Quick Report, there are no criteria to select. All instant messages that you sent today will appear on the report.

  4. When a File dialog box appears, do one of the following:

    • To display the report immediately, click Open.

    • To save the report to your hard drive or network, click Save to display a Save As dialog box. In the Save In list, select the location where you want to save the file, and then click Save. When the Download Complete dialog box appears, click Close.

Employee Daily Performance Quick Report

The Employee Daily Performance Quick Report provides the same information as the Employee Performance Report but displays only the activity that occurred between midnight on the current day and the present time. The Employee Daily Performance Quick Report is accessed from the TransportTracking™ console.

Instant Notify Quick Report Description

Permissions Required

You must have the Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information permission or the Run Only Reports That Do Not Reveal Patient Information permission and the Access Instant Notify permission for the Capacity IQ® Transport application to generate this report.


The Instant Notify Quick Report provides a list of all instant messages sent on the current date by the user who generates the report. The report includes messages sent from all applications.

Instant Notify Quick Report Column Descriptions

This column...


Notify Date

Date and time that the message was sent.


Last and first names of users to whom the message was sent. It might take some time to send a message. If you generate the report immediately after sending a message, the recipients' names might not appear in the column. There is no guarantee that a user listed in the Recipient column received a successfully sent message.


User name of the user who sent the message (user who generated the report) and the message text.

Notification Method

Notification Method Descriptions

Application / Device Type

Destination / Notification Method



Screen Alert

Flashing red notification. User can view detailed message defined in Global Settings and subsequently access Patient details form.



Device ID. User can view detailed message defined in Global Settings.



Email address. User can view detailed message defined in Global Settings.

Nurse Mobile


Push notification (Banner), limited information. Prompt user to access in-application message OR detail card.


In-Application notification. Prompt user to access in-application message OR detail card.

Transporter Mobile


Push notification, Prompt user to access jobs information.

EVS Mobile


Push notification, Prompt user to access jobs information.


Notification Quick Report Description

Permissions Required

You must have the following permission to generate this report:

  • Run Any Reports, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information


The Notification Quick Report gives an overview of notifications that have been sent to Capacity IQ® Transport application users for the selected campus for the day that the report was generated. Notifications that are included were sent between midnight of the day that the report was generated until the time on that day that the report was generated (for example, from midnight until 2:00 PM on one day). The report provides an easy way to see the number of notifications or alerts that were sent about a specific job or transporter during a day.

About the Report Data

  • For base unit, only notifications and alerts about jobs or employees associated with the selected campus appear on the report. If a job's origin or destination location is within a campus, then the job is associated with the campus. If an employee's base unit is within the campus, then the employee is associated with the campus.

  • The report output is in .pdf format.

Notification History Quick Report Column Descriptions

This column...


Date Sent

The date and time that the message was sent.


Displays whether the message was an alert about a job or an employee status, a notification to an employee about an available job, or a notification that the user subscribed to. An example is Notification-Employee Paged for Job.

Job ID

Identification number of the transport job. This number is generated automatically when the job is requested.


The last and first name of the person whom the message concerns. For example, if the message is a notification about a job in the In Progress status, the last and first name of the employee who put the job into In Progress status appears. If it is an alert about an employee in Available status, that employee's name appears.

Message Text

Full text sent in the message.


Last and first name of the person who received the message.

Destination Descriptions

Application / Device Type

Destination / Notification Method



Screen Alert

Flashing red notification. User can view detailed message defined in Global Settings and subsequently access Patient details form.



Device ID. User can view detailed message defined in Global Settings.



Email address. User can view detailed message defined in Global Settings.

Nurse Mobile


Push notification (Banner), limited information. Prompt user to access in-application message OR detail card.


In-Application notification. Prompt user to access in-application message OR detail card.

Transporter Mobile



Quick Reports not Loading

  • When running a quick report you might encounter the following error or one similar.

    • “An error has occurred. Please retry your action. If the error continues, contact your system administrator.”

  • When encountering this kind of error, you will want to run the report as a Standard Report (Capacity IQ® Report) and not Quick Report.

    • If the report is not listed within the Standard reports, you will need to look at the report descriptions to find one that will fit your needs.

Quick reports

  • The “Quick Reports” Icon is located in ribbon on the top section of each page

  • Quick Reports will run be only for the section you are currently viewing. You cannot access another section’s Quick Reports unless you switch to that section.

    • Example - If you are in Capacity IQ® EVS and want to run the “Placements By Physicians” report then you will need to switch to Capacity IQ® PreAdmit to run this Quick Report, as it is not in the quick reports for Capacity IQ® EVS .

Standard Reports

  • Standard Reports are located within the Clinical Operations and Care Support tabs.

  • Standard Reports are called Capacity IQ® Reports

  • The Standard Reports(Capacity IQ® Reports) will list all available Capacity IQ® reports

  • You can run these reports within the Standard Reports (Capacity IQ® Reports).

  • When adjusting the parameters of the report it will assist in providing more specific results

Quick Reports in Capacity IQ® PreAdmit

TeleTracking solutions offer robust reporting capabilities, including two key Quick Reports recommended for Case Management:

  • Length of Stay Report

  • Current Observation Patients Report

Length of Stay Quick Report

Purpose: Displays the Length of Stay (LOS) for all admitted patients from selected units whose LOS meets or exceeds the chosen threshold.

To Run the Length of Stay Report:

  1. Access Report:

    • Click the Quick Reports icon in Capacity IQ® PreAdmit.

    • Select the Length of Stay report.

  2. Configure Report Parameters:

    • Verify the Campus.

    • Select the Unit(s) to include. For the entire hospital, leave All Units selected. For specific units, click the Magnifying Glass and choose the desired units.

    • Enter the LOS Threshold (e.g., set to 5 to show patients admitted for more than five days).

  3. Run Report:

    • Click the Run Report button.


  • The report opens in PDF format, displaying information grouped by unit.

Current Observation Patients Quick Report

Purpose: Lists patients currently in an Observation Status.

To Run the Current Observation Patients Report:

  1. Access Report:

    • Click the Quick Reports icon in Capacity IQ® PreAdmit.

    • Select the Current Observation Patients report.

  2. Configure Report Parameters:

    • Verify the Campus and select the Unit(s) to include. For the entire hospital, leave All Units selected. For specific units, click the Magnifying Glass and select the desired units.

    • Choose the display format from the Patient Display field drop-down.

    • Select how to sort the data using the Sort By drop-down.

  3. Run Report:

    • Click the Run Report button.


  • The report opens in PDF format, showing information grouped by unit.

  • Includes an overall summary with the total number of current Observation Patients hospital-wide.

  • Displays Allowed Duration and Compliance Time Remaining, indicating if patients are within or beyond the Allowed Duration.

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