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Ashley Ware avatar
Written by Ashley Ware
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Ready To Move

About Ready to Move

  • The Ready to Move (RTM) feature in TeleTracking is used by unit staff to indicate when a patient is prepared to be moved to an assigned bed, helping streamline patient transfers and improve bed management. This occurs when all transfer requirements have been met, or a projected ready time is set if the Use Projected RTM setting is enabled. If a patient should no longer be considered ready to move, staff can click the RTM time field or select Cancel from the RTM list. The feature is available where placement or patient search lists display a Requested or Assigned placement status. The RTM@ column will show a Ready to Move button (- -) if a patient is eligible, and those with the Badge Patient Ready to Move permission can update it. However, the RTM button and details are not available in the Admits Today or Pending/Confirmed Discharges list views. The why behind this feature is to streamline patient flow, optimize bed utilization, and reduce delays in patient transfers by ensuring transport teams are promptly notified when a patient is ready for movement.

Projected Ready to Move

  • The Ready to Move designation is used when all pre-transfer requirements for a patient have been met. This status is typically assigned by staff from the unit sending the patient to a new bed.


  • A patient can be marked ready to move immediately or at a future time (if Projected RTM is enabled).

  • To select a future RTM time, the Master Configuration setting "Use Projected RTM" must be enabled.

  • If enabled, staff can select a projected Ready to Move time when they anticipate all transfer requirements will be met.

  • A TeleTracking Technologies representative can help your organization to enable this setting. For example, if you know that all the requirements that must be met to move the patient have not been met right now, but will be in 30 minutes, you can indicate that the patient will be ready to move in 30 minutes.

Enabling Projected RTM

  • Default setting: Disabled on new installations.

  • If upgrading: The setting retains its previous status.

  • Activation: A TeleTracking Technologies representative is required to enable this setting.

RTM Options




Staff can only mark the patient as ready immediately. Clicking - - in RTM@ sets the current time.


Staff can select a future time for when the patient will be ready to move. An arrow appears next to RTM@ to allow time selection.

No Longer Ready to Move

  • If a patient should no longer be marked ready to move, you can click the time shown in the RTM@ field or select Cancel from the RTM@ list on a placement or patient search list view to mark the patient not ready to move.

Before You Mark the Patient as Ready to Move

  • The patient's placement status must be Requested or Assigned.

  • If the RTM@ field on the Placement List view or Patient Search List view displays a "--", then a Ready-to-Move time has not been selected. If a time appears instead, then the patient was marked Ready to Move for that time. You can change the time.

Permission Required

You must have the Badge Patient as Ready to Move permission to complete this task.

How to Mark a Patient Ready and Not Ready to Move:

Locate On a List View

Click a placement tab or go to the Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application > List Views > <placement list view name>, or go to Clinical Operations > PreAdmitTracking® application > If your health system is configured for multiple instances of the Capacity IQ® Solution, select the instance name > <placement list view tab> to display a list of patients, and then filter the list to display the patient you want to mark.

Changing the RTM with Projected RTM

Available only if the Master Configuration setting called Use Projected RTM is enabled

  • To select a future time, click the arrow to display a list, and then click the hours or minutes from now when the patient will be ready (for example, 30 minutes). The time appears in the RTM@ field to indicate when the patient is or will be ready to move.

Steps to Mark a Patient Ready to Move

Via List View

  1. Navigate to the list view:

    • Placement tab

    • Capacity IQ® PreAdmitacking® applicationList ViewsPlacement list view name

    • Clinical OperationsPreAdmitTracking® applicationSelect instance namePlacement list view tab

  2. Locate the patient in the list.

  3. Click the RTM@ field:

    • To mark the patient ready immediately, click "- -" or select Now.

    • To set a future time (if Projected RTM is enabled), click the arrow and select the desired time (e.g., 30 minutes from now).

Via Patient Search

  1. Use the search function to locate the patient.

The beds visible in list views are restricted to those with the Show on Bedboard setting enabled in the Admin Tool or within Admin > Settings > Capacity Management. User membership also determines visibility—those with fixed membership can only see specific units assigned in their profile, while users with variable membership (or "floaters") select their units upon signing in, which then appear automatically in list views. For fixed membership, the displayed units depend on the setup: if assigned to one unit, only that unit appears; if assigned multiple non-clustered units or a partial cluster, the base unit is shown; if assigned an entire cluster, all units in that cluster appear; and if assigned multiple clusters, the base unit is displayed.

How to Access the List View

  • Go to Patient Tracking Portal > List Views > <name of a list view> to display it.

  • Go to Clinical Operations > Patient Tracking Portal > Select the instance name > <list view tab name> OR Custom Views icon > <list view name>.

  • Click the tab for the list view.

  • Click the Custom Views icon > <list view name>.

  • Select the units where the beds that you want to view are located.

  • Click the magnifying glass icon to display the Unit dialog box.

  • In the Campus list, select a campus name to display a list of units.

  • Select the names of the units to place check marks next to them.

  • Click the Add > button to place the selected units in the list on the right side.

  • If you placed multiple units in the list on the right and you want to change the order in which they appear in list views, then click and hold a unit, move it to the correct position on the list, and then release.

  • Click Save.

  1. In the RTM@ field, do one of the following:

  • To mark the patient ready to move right now, click the blank, gray cell or click the arrow to display a list, and then click Now.

  • (Available only if the Master Configuration setting called Use Projected RTM is enabled) To select a future time, click the arrow to display a list, and then click the hours or minutes from now when the patient will be ready (for example, 30 minutes). A time appears in the RTM@ field to indicate when the patient is or will be ready to move.

To mark a patient as Not Ready to Move

First, access a list view that displays the relevant beds. Only beds with the Show on Bedboard setting enabled in Admin > Settings > Capacity Management will be visible. Membership settings also determine which units appear in list views. If you have fixed membership, you can only see specific units assigned to your profile, whereas variable membership users (or "floaters") select their units upon signing in, and those units automatically appear in list views. Depending on the fixed membership setup, the displayed units vary: a single-unit membership shows only that unit, multiple non-clustered units or partial clusters default to the base unit, an entire cluster membership displays all units in that cluster, and multiple clusters default to the base unit.

How to Access the List View

  • Go to Patient Tracking Portal > List Views > <name of a list view> to display it.

  • Go to Clinical Operations > Patient Tracking Portal > Select the instance name > <list view tab name> OR Custom Views icon > <list view name>.

  • Click the tab for the list view.

  • Click the Custom Views icon > <list view name>.

  • Select the units where the beds that you want to view are located.

  • Click the magnifying glass icon to display the Unit dialog box.

  • In the Campus list, select a campus name to display a list of units.

  • Select the names of the units to place check marks next to them.

  • Click the Add > button to place the selected units in the list on the right side.

  • If you placed multiple units in the list on the right and you want to change the order in which they appear in list views, then click and hold a unit, move it to the correct position on the list, and then release.

  • Click Save.

  1. In the RTM@ field, click the time that appears (for example, 8:40 AM) or click the arrow to display a list, and then click Cancel.

The time is replaced with a - -.

Summary of Key Actions



Mark Ready to Move (Immediate)

Click RTM@ (- -) → Select Now

Mark Ready to Move (Future Time)

Click RTM@ arrow → Select a future time (Requires Projected RTM enabled)

Remove Ready to Move Status

Click RTM@ time → Select Cancel

Real-Time Key Indicators

Understanding Capacity IQ® EVS Application Real-Time Key Indicators (RTKIs)

Real-Time Key Indicators (RTKIs) provide live statistics on key operational metrics such as bed cleaning, spill cleaning, and daily room cleaning, appearing at the top of the BedTracking® console for users with the necessary permissions. RTKIs use a mm:ss format in the list view and an hh:mm format on the Employee Detail page. Application-specific RTKIs, such as those for Capacity IQ® Transport and Capacity IQ® PreAdmit, are displayed based on the unit's campus license and selection. Capacity IQ® EVS and Capacity IQ® Transport RTKIs apply at the campus level. Users need specific permissions to access and configure RTKIs, including viewing them at the top of the Capacity IQ® EVS and Patient Tracking Portal consoles and adjusting display settings. To enable RTKIs, the RTKI Display setting must be activated in Console Settings, and each RTKI can be shown or hidden individually. Capacity IQ® EVS RTKIs include metrics like Beds Cleaned, Discharge Response Time, Discharge Turnaround Time, Current Census, Spills Cleaned, Rooms Cleaned, and Room Turn. Capacity IQ® PreAdmit RTKIs cover Census, Staffed Beds, Assigned, Incoming Transfers, New Incoming Patients, and Bed Assignment Impact. Capacity IQ® Transport RTKIs are displayed only if the unit's campus has an active license. In the PatientTracking Portal®, RTKIs appear at the bottom for a single unit and in section headers for multiple units, with the Hand Hygiene Index at the top.

RTKI Descriptions

Real-Time Key Indicators (RTKIs) provide live statistics on key operational metrics such as bed cleaning, spill cleaning, and daily room cleaning. These indicators appear at the top of the BedTracking® console for users with the necessary permissions.

Time Format

  • List View: RTKIs use a mm:ss format.

  • Employee Detail Page: RTKIs use an hh:mm format.

Application-Specific RTKIs

  • Capacity IQ® Transport: RTKIs appear only if the selected unit's campus has an active TransportTracking™ license.

  • Capacity IQ® PreAdmit: RTKIs apply only to the selected units. If a single unit is selected, Capacity IQ® PreAdmit RTKIs and the Hand Hygiene Index appear at the top of the page. If multiple units are selected, RTKIs and the Hand Hygiene Index appear in the unit name row.

  • Capacity IQ® EVS and Capacity IQ® Transport: RTKIs apply at the campus level.

For the Capacity IQ® EVS Application

The BedTracking® console displays several Real-Time Key Indicators (RTKIs) to help monitor key operational metrics:

Beds Cleaned—All beds that have been cleaned today in campuses in which you have membership to at least one unit. If only one unit is displayed in a view, then the total applies to the campus associated with that unit. Jobs, where the clean time was less than the minimum clean time established in the Master Configuration section of the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component, are EXCLUDED from the total. Multi-Stage Clean jobs must have completed Stage 2 to be included in the count.

Disch Resp.—For campuses in which you have a membership to at least one unit, this is the average time (for the current day) between the creation of the bed cleaning jobs and when the jobs were put in the In Progress or Delayed status for the first time. The calculation includes only jobs that have requesters (excludes found beds), that are for EVS beds, that were created on the current day, and that have reached the In Progress or Delayed status. Jobs where the clean time was less than the minimum clean time or the response time was more than the maximum response time established in the Master Configuration section of the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component are EXCLUDED from the average. Multi-stage clean jobs are also EXCLUDED from the average.

The calculation is:

Total Original Response Time (in minutes) / Total Number of Jobs

Disch Turn—This is the average time taken from the creation of a bed cleaning request (or the start of "In Progress" status for found beds) to the completion of the cleaning job today. It applies to EVS beds in campuses where you have unit membership and excludes jobs with extreme clean or response times and multi-stage cleans. The following types of jobs are EXCLUDED from calculations:

  • Clean time is less than the minimum clean time or more than the maximum clean time established in the Master Configuration section of the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component.

  • Response time is greater than the maximum response time established in the Master Configuration section of the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component.

  • Multi-stage clean jobs are excluded from the average.

Current Census—This indicator shows the current number of occupied census beds within the campuses where you have membership to at least one unit. If only one unit is displayed, the census applies to the campus associated with that unit.

Spills Cleaned—This shows the total number of spill cleaning jobs completed today. It appears that the Spill Cleans setting is enabled in the system for at least one campus. If viewing information for an individual campus, it appears only if enabled for that campus.

Rooms Cleaned—The total number of rooms that have had a daily clean completed today in campuses in which you have a membership to at least one unit.

Room Turn—The average number of minutes used to complete a room’s daily clean for today.

These RTKIs provide a detailed and real-time overview of cleaning operations, helping ensure efficient management of hospital resources and maintaining high standards of cleanliness and patient care.

For the Capacity IQ® PreAdmit Application

The Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application provides several Real-Time Key Indicators (RTKIs) to monitor patient admissions and bed assignments:

Census—For the selected unit, total specialty and home locations that are physical beds and are occupied minus total specialty and home locations that are NOT physical beds and are occupied.

Staffed Beds—If the number of staffed beds per shift has been defined on the Unit PreAdmit Settings tab in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component, then the total number of staffed beds at the current time will appear. If the number of staffed beds per shift has not been defined in the Admin Tool or in Admin > Settings > Capacity Management, then -- appears.

Assigned—Indicates the total number of open placement requests where patients have been assigned to a bed on the selected unit. For more information on setting shifts, administrators can click Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Unit/Zone/Location > Units, and then Help, and then see Unit, Zone, Physical Structure, and Location Configuration Units and then Configuring Unit PreAdmitTracking® Application Settings.

The assigned total is calculated by summing the number of placement requests for incoming transfers with assigned beds in the unit and the number of placement requests for new incoming patients with assigned beds in the unit. Incoming transfers include only patients transferring from within the hospital, excluding those arriving from other hospital systems via the Transfer IQ® application, who are categorized as new incoming patients. To be counted, incoming transfers must have a status of "Pending Transfer" and cannot be in "Completed" or "Cancelled" status. Similarly, new incoming patients must have new patient visits and cannot be in "Discharge," "Pending Transfer," or "Visit Cancelled" status. Bed assignment is a prerequisite for inclusion in this calculation. Additionally, if the Master Configuration setting "Count unactivated bed requests for TODAY in bedboard and Projected Census" is enabled, both activated and unactivated placement requests are included, allowing for a more comprehensive demand projection. If this setting is disabled, only activated requests with a request date and time of the current time or earlier are counted. When unactivated requests are included, only those with request dates on the current day are considered.

The requested total represents the number of open placement requests where the selected unit is the target unit, but no bed has been assigned. The calculation includes both incoming transfers and new incoming patients who meet the same criteria as those used for the assigned total. However, for this metric, bed assignment must not have occurred yet. The inclusion of activated and unactivated requests follows the same Master Configuration setting criteria as in the assigned total calculation. Lastly, the patient depart total represents the number of patients leaving the selected unit, including those in "Pending Discharge" or "Confirmed Discharge" status, as well as patients with home locations in the unit who have activated placement requests for transfer to another unit.

Avg Resp (Average Response Time All)

This metric calculates the average response time for all transport jobs (excluding outliers) that changed to In Progress status within the last 60 minutes.


Total duration from Pending to In Progress for all jobsTotal number of jobs in the set\frac{\text{Total duration from Pending to In Progress for all jobs}}{\text{Total number of jobs in the set}}Total number of jobs in the setTotal duration from Pending to In Progress for all jobs​

Example Calculation:

Job Number

Time Changed to Pending

Time Changed to In Progress

Actual Response Time

100 (On Demand)

10:01 AM

10:10 AM

9 min

101 (On Demand)

10:11 AM

10:13 AM

2 min

102 (Appointment)

10:33 AM

10:44 AM

11 min

103 (Appointment)

10:45 AM

10:49 AM

4 min

Avg Resp Calculation:

9+2+11+44=6.5 minutes\frac{9 + 2 + 11 + 4}{4} = 6.5 \text{ minutes}49+2+11+4​=6.5 minutes

Avg Respa (Average Response Time for Appointments)

This metric calculates the average response time for appointment-based transport jobs (excluding outliers) that changed to In Progress status within the last 60 minutes.


Total duration from Pending to In Progress for appointment jobsTotal number of appointment jobs in the set\frac{\text{Total duration from Pending to In Progress for appointment jobs}}{\text{Total number of appointment jobs in the set}}Total number of appointment jobs in the setTotal duration from Pending to In Progress for appointment jobs​

Example Calculation:

  • From the Avg Resp example, two jobs are appointment-based.

  • Total response time for appointments: 11+4=1511 + 4 = 1511+4=15 minutes

  • Number of appointment jobs: 2

Avg Respa Calculation:

152=7.5 minutes\frac{15}{2} = 7.5 \text{ minutes}215​=7.5 minutes

Avg Resp OD (Average Response Time for On-Demand Jobs)

This metric calculates the average response time for on-demand (non-appointment) transport jobs (excluding outliers) that changed to In Progress status within the last 60 minutes.


Total duration from Pending to In Progress for on-demand jobsTotal number of on-demand jobs in the set\frac{\text{Total duration from Pending to In Progress for on-demand jobs}}{\text{Total number of on-demand jobs in the set}}Total number of on-demand jobs in the setTotal duration from Pending to In Progress for on-demand jobs​

Example Calculation:

  • From the Avg Resp example, two jobs are on-demand.

  • Total response time for on-demand jobs: 9+2=119 + 2 = 119+2=11 minutes

  • Number of on-demand jobs: 2

Avg Resp OD Calculation:

112=5.5 minutes\frac{11}{2} = 5.5 \text{ minutes}211​=5.5 minutes

Avg Trip Time (Average Total Trip Time)

This metric calculates the average total trip time for transport jobs (excluding outliers) that changed to Completed status within the last 60 minutes.


Total duration from Pending to Completed for all jobsTotal number of jobs in the set\frac{\text{Total duration from Pending to Completed for all jobs}}{\text{Total number of jobs in the set}}Total number of jobs in the setTotal duration from Pending to Completed for all jobs​

Example Calculation:

Job Number

Time Changed to Pending

Time Changed to Completed

Actual Trip Time


10:01 AM

10:10 AM

9 min


10:11 AM

10:13 AM

2 min


10:33 AM

10:44 AM

11 min


10:45 AM

10:49 AM

4 min

Avg Trip Time Calculation:

9+2+11+44=6.5 minutes\frac{9 + 2 + 11 + 4}{4} = 6.5 \text{ minutes}49+2+11+4​=6.5 minutes

Summary of RTKI Metrics



Example Result

Avg Resp (All Jobs)

Average response time for all jobs

6.5 min

Avg Respa (Appointments)

Average response time for appointment-based jobs

7.5 min

Avg Resp OD (On-Demand)

Average response time for on-demand jobs

5.5 min

Avg Trip Time

Average total trip time from Pending to Completed

6.5 min

Average Transit Time

This statistic includes all transport jobs (except outliers) that entered Completed status within the last 60 minutes and have origins and/or destinations in campuses where you have membership to at least one unit.


Sum of time from In Progress to Completed status for all jobs in the setTotal number of jobs in the set\frac{\text{Sum of time from In Progress to Completed status for all jobs in the set}}{\text{Total number of jobs in the set}}Total number of jobs in the setSum of time from In Progress to Completed status for all jobs in the set​


If jobs entered In Progress at 10:01, 10:11, 10:33, and 10:45, the average transit time would be 6.5 minutes (total actual transit time 26 minutes ÷ 4 jobs).
Only jobs that entered Completed status in the last 60 minutes are included.

Avg Pend (Average Pending Time)

This statistic includes all transport jobs (except outliers) that entered Dispatched status within the last 60 minutes and have origins and/or destinations in campuses where you have membership to at least one unit.


Sum of time from Pending to Dispatched status for all jobs in the setTotal number of jobs in the set\frac{\text{Sum of time from Pending to Dispatched status for all jobs in the set}}{\text{Total number of jobs in the set}}Total number of jobs in the setSum of time from Pending to Dispatched status for all jobs in the set​


If jobs entered Dispatched status at 10:10, 10:13, 10:34, and 10:49, the average pending time would be 6.5 minutes (total actual pending time 26 minutes ÷ 4 jobs).
Only jobs that entered Dispatched status in the last 60 minutes are included.

Pending Job Metrics

  • PT Pend (Number of Jobs Pending for Patients)
    Total number of patient transport jobs currently in Pending status.
    Includes only jobs with origins and/or destinations in campuses where you have membership to at least one unit.

  • IPend (Number of Jobs Pending for Items)
    Total number of item transport jobs currently in Pending status.
    Includes only jobs with origins and/or destinations in campuses where you have membership to at least one unit.

  • Pend (Total Number of Jobs Pending)
    Total number of patient and item transport jobs currently in Pending status.
    Includes only jobs with origins and/or destinations in campuses where you have membership to at least one unit.

RJT (Rejected Job Count)

Total number of rejected patient and item transport jobs where the origin or destination is in a campus where you have a membership to at least one unit.
Jobs must be in Pending, Dispatched/Assist, or In Progress/Assist status to be counted.

Rejection Rules

  • If a job is rejected but later completed, it still counts as rejected.

  • If a job is rejected multiple times by the same transporter, it counts as multiple rejections.

  • If two batched item jobs are rejected, it counts as one rejection.

  • If a rejected job is part of a sequence and the remaining jobs are canceled, it still counts as rejected.

  • IVR Job Rejections:

    • If a transporter exceeds the Max Review Job setting in the Admin Tool, the job is counted as rejected.

    • If a transporter does not respond after three IVR attempts, the job is counted as rejected.

Hand Hygiene Index (HHI) in the Patient Tracking Portal Application

If your hospital campus has a Hand Hygiene license and the Show Unit Hand Hygiene Index (HHI) setting is enabled, the HHI appears in the Patient Tracking Portal.

Display Rules

  • The HHI appears at the top or bottom of the console if enabled.

  • If multiple units are displayed, the HHI is listed with each unit name.

  • If no hand hygiene data exists for a unit, the HHI will not appear.


The HHI and its corresponding standard report help hospitals assess hand hygiene compliance and determine necessary actions, such as:
✅ Educating staff
✅ Ensuring soap/gel dispensers are filled and functional
✅ Checking that hand hygiene monitors are working properly


Some Real-Time Key Indicators are accessible only through the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system. If you have the appropriate permissions, you can call the IVR system to access these indicators.

RTKIs: Departmental Statistics

If you are a supervisor with the required permissions, you can call the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system to hear statistics called Real-Time Key Indicators (RTKIs). These statistics help track transport job statuses in real-time.

RTKIs are available in three categories:

  • Departmental Statistics (detailed below)

  • Zone and Section Statistics

  • Transporter Statistics

For more information, see:

  • [RTKIs: Zone and Section Statistics]

  • [RTKIs: Transporter Statistics]

Required Permissions

Supervisors need Supervisor Workflow permissions to access RTKIs via IVR. This provides managerial statistics about employees and transport operations.

Departmental Statistics RTKIs

Completed Jobs

The total number of patient and item transport jobs that:

  • Have an origin or destination within a campus where you have membership

  • Are in Completed status

  • Have the current day as their completed date

Cancelled Jobs

The total number of patient and item transport jobs that:

  • Have an origin or destination within your membership

  • Are in Cancelled status

  • Have the current day as their canceled date

Appointment Jobs

The total number of patient and item transport jobs that:

  • Have an origin or destination within your membership

  • Are in Appointment status

  • Have the current day as their appointment date

Pending Jobs

The total number of patient and item transport jobs that:

  • Have an origin or destination within your membership

  • Are currently in Pending status

Dispatched Jobs

The total number of patient and item transport jobs that:

  • Have an origin or destination within your membership

  • Are in Dispatched, Delayed/Dispatched, or Assist/Dispatched status

In Progress Jobs

The total number of patient and item transport jobs that:

  • Have an origin or destination within your membership

  • Are in In Progress, Delayed/In Progress, or Assist/In Progress status

Response and Transit Time Metrics

Average Response Today


∑(Time from Pending to In Progress)Total number of jobs in the set\frac{\sum(\text{Time from Pending to In Progress})}{\text{Total number of jobs in the set}}Total number of jobs in the set∑(Time from Pending to In Progress)​


  • Includes all jobs that went into Completed status today

  • Excludes outliers

  • Includes only jobs with an origin or destination within your membership

If 10 jobs meet the criteria and each had a Pending-to-In Progress time of 10 minutes, then:

100 minutes10 jobs=10 minutes\frac{100 \text{ minutes}}{10 \text{ jobs}} = 10 \text{ minutes}10 jobs100 minutes​=10 minutes

Average Response Last Hour


∑(Time from Pending to In Progress)Total number of jobs in the set\frac{\sum(\text{Time from Pending to In Progress})}{\text{Total number of jobs in the set}}Total number of jobs in the set∑(Time from Pending to In Progress)​


  • Includes all jobs that went into Completed status within the last 60 minutes

  • Excludes outliers

  • Includes only jobs with an origin or destination within your membership

If 10 jobs meet the criteria and each had a Pending-to-In Progress time of 10 minutes, then:

100 minutes10 jobs=10 minutes\frac{100 \text{ minutes}}{10 \text{ jobs}} = 10 \text{ minutes}10 jobs100 minutes​=10 minutes

Average Trip Time Today


∑(Time from Pending to Completed)Total number of jobs in the set\frac{\sum(\text{Time from Pending to Completed})}{\text{Total number of jobs in the set}}Total number of jobs in the set∑(Time from Pending to Completed)​


  • Includes all jobs that went into Completed status today

  • Excludes outliers

  • Includes only jobs with an origin or destination within your membership

If 10 jobs meet the criteria and each had a Pending-to-Completed time of 20 minutes, then:

200 minutes10 jobs=20 minutes\frac{200 \text{ minutes}}{10 \text{ jobs}} = 20 \text{ minutes}10 jobs200 minutes​=20 minutes

Transporter Status RTKIs

These RTKIs display the number of transporters whose base units are within your membership and who are currently in each of the following statuses:

  • Available

  • Logged In

  • Break

  • Lunch

  • In Progress

  • In Progress/Assist

  • In Progress/Delayed

  • Dispatched

  • Dispatched/Assist

  • Dispatched/Delayed

RTKIs: Zone and Section Statistics

If you are a supervisor with the required permissions, you can call the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system to hear Real-Time Key Indicators (RTKIs)—statistics that help track transport job statuses in real time.

RTKIs are available in three categories:

  • Departmental Statistics

  • Zone and Section Statistics (detailed below)

  • Transporter Statistics

Required Permissions

Supervisors need Supervisor Work Flow permissions to access RTKIs via IVR. This provides managerial statistics about employees and transport operations.

Zone and Section Statistics RTKIs

Completed Jobs

The total number of patient and item transport jobs with:

  • Origins and/or destinations in the selected zone or section

  • An origin or destination within your membership

  • A Completed status

  • The current day as their completed date

Cancelled Jobs

The total number of patient and item transport jobs with:

  • Origins and/or destinations in the selected zone or section

  • An origin or destination within your membership

  • A Cancelled status

  • The current day as their cancelled date

Appointment Jobs

The total number of patient and item transport jobs with:

  • Origins and/or destinations in the selected zone or section

  • An origin or destination within your membership

  • An Appointment status

  • The current day as their appointment date

Pending Jobs

The total number of patient and item transport jobs with:

  • Origins and/or destinations in the selected zone or section

  • An origin or destination within your membership

  • A Pending status

Dispatched Jobs

The total number of patient and item transport jobs with:

  • Origins and/or destinations in the selected zone or section

  • An origin or destination within your membership

  • A status of Dispatched, Delayed/Dispatched, or Assist/Dispatched

In Progress Jobs

The total number of patient and item transport jobs with:

  • Origins and/or destinations in the selected zone or section

  • An origin or destination within your membership

  • A status of In Progress, Delayed/In Progress, or Assist/In Progress

Response and Transit Time Metrics

Average Response Today


∑(Time from Pending to In Progress)Total number of jobs in the set\frac{\sum(\text{Time from Pending to In Progress})}{\text{Total number of jobs in the set}}Total number of jobs in the set∑(Time from Pending to In Progress)​


  • Includes all transport jobs with origins and/or destinations in the selected zone or section

  • Excludes outliers

  • Includes only jobs with an origin or destination within your membership

  • Jobs must have Completed status today

If 10 jobs meet the criteria and each had a Pending-to-In Progress time of 10 minutes, then:

100 minutes10 jobs=10 minutes\frac{100 \text{ minutes}}{10 \text{ jobs}} = 10 \text{ minutes}10 jobs100 minutes​=10 minutes

Average Response Last Hour


∑(Time from Pending to In Progress)Total number of jobs in the set\frac{\sum(\text{Time from Pending to In Progress})}{\text{Total number of jobs in the set}}Total number of jobs in the set∑(Time from Pending to In Progress)​


  • Includes all transport jobs with origins and/or destinations in the selected zone or section

  • Excludes outliers

  • Includes only jobs with an origin or destination within your membership

  • Jobs must have Completed status within the last 60 minutes

If 10 jobs meet the criteria and each had a Pending-to-In Progress time of 10 minutes, then:

100 minutes10 jobs=10 minutes\frac{100 \text{ minutes}}{10 \text{ jobs}} = 10 \text{ minutes}10 jobs100 minutes​=10 minutes

Average Trip Time Today


∑(Time from Pending to Completed)Total number of jobs in the set\frac{\sum(\text{Time from Pending to Completed})}{\text{Total number of jobs in the set}}Total number of jobs in the set∑(Time from Pending to Completed)​


  • Includes all transport jobs with origins and/or destinations in the selected zone or section

  • Excludes outliers

  • Includes only jobs with an origin or destination within your membership

  • Jobs must have Completed status today

If 10 jobs meet the criteria and each had a Pending-to-Completed time of 20 minutes, then:

200 minutes10 jobs=20 minutes\frac{200 \text{ minutes}}{10 \text{ jobs}} = 20 \text{ minutes}10 jobs200 minutes​=20 minutesy = 20.

RTKIs: Transporter Statistics

If you are a supervisor with the necessary permissions, you can call the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system to hear Real-Time Key Indicators (RTKIs). These statistics are available in three categories: departmental, zone and section, and transporter statistics. High job pending times can be caused by improper use of the POSSIBLE status after a job has been in the PENDING status, often due to item transport jobs created ahead of time for future use. The pending time clock for a transport job begins at the date/time found in the Apt/Pend field and ends when the job goes to IN PROGRESS. The Apt/Pend Time field is automatically populated with the date/time when a transport job goes to the PENDING status for the very first time. This timestamp is never again updated for the duration of the job. If a job is changed from PENDING to POSSIBLE, although the job no longer appears on the pending jobs list, the Apt/Pend field has been populated and the pending time clock continues to count. When this job is then released back into the PENDING status, which could be days or weeks in the future, the pending time for that job will include all of the time from when the job first went PENDING until it goes to IN PROGRESS. To check for current POSSIBLE jobs that were set back from PENDING, look at the current POSSIBLE transport jobs list and check the Apt/Pend Time field. POSSIBLE jobs should not have any data in this field. You may only access statistics for transporters whose base units are within the campus that you selected when you signed in. These transporter statistics help supervisors monitor and manage transporter activities effectively, ensuring efficient use of resources and timely completion of transport jobs.

Which permissions are required to listen to Real-Time Key Indicators on the IVR? Supervisor work flow, offering managerial statistics about employees.

You may only access statistics for transporters whose base units are within the campus that you selected when you signed in.

These statistics are available in three categories: departmental, zone and section, and transporter statistics. Below are the transporter statistics:

Dispatched Today: Total number of times a transporter has been dispatched on the current day.

  • Breaks Today: Total number of scheduled and unscheduled breaks taken by a transporter today (excluding lunch).

  • Break Minutes: Total minutes spent in scheduled and unscheduled breaks today (excluding lunch).

  • Lunch Today: Total number of lunch periods taken by a transporter today.

  • Lunch Minutes: Total minutes spent in lunch periods today.

  • Unscheduled Breaks Today: Total number of unscheduled breaks taken by a transporter today (excluding lunch).

  • Logouts Today: Total number of times a transporter signed out of the IVR or Capacity IQ® Solution today.

  • Logout Minutes Today: Total minutes spent signed out of the IVR or Capacity IQ® Solution today.

Reason Code

Adding or Editing Reason Codes


  • Users with the appropriate permissions can select a reason code when canceling, rescheduling, or delaying transport jobs, as well as when delaying, suspending, or canceling bed cleaning jobs, blocking beds, or canceling daily room cleanings. This functionality is essential for supervisors, bed cleaners, and requesters to ensure accurate documentation and tracking of operational adjustments. To access and manage reason codes, users must have the necessary permissions, including Admin Tool Menu access and Global Admin Permissions-Administrative Controls-Reason Codes rights to add or edit reason codes. Additionally, users must have edit rights with either "All" Membership Type with Administrative Rights enabled or "Fixed" Membership Type with campus-level membership and Administrative Rights enabled for that campus. This feature is used in hospital operations to enhance workflow management and accountability by providing clear documentation for job delays and cancellations, ensuring efficiency in real-time task adjustments for hospital staff and administrators.

Capacity IQ® Transport and Capacity IQ® EVS Reason Code Requirements

  • Capacity IQ® Transport: Users must select a reason code if any of the following permissions are enabled:

    • Reason Code Required for Cancel

    • Reason Code Required for Delay

    • Reason Code Required for Reschedule

    • Require Reason Code when the job destination is home location type

  • Capacity IQ® EVS: Users must select a reason code if any of the following permissions are enabled:

    • Reason Code Required to Block Beds

    • Reason Code Required to Suspend Bed Cleaning

    • Reason Code Required to Delay Bed Cleaning

    • Reason Code Required to Cancel Cleaning Request

    • Reason Code Required to Cancel In-Progress Bed Cleaning

Add or Edit Reason Codes:

  1. Navigate to Dictionary Management:

    • Admin Tool > Dictionary Management

    • Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Miscellaneous > Dictionary Management

  2. Select "Reason Codes" in the Dictionary Name Column.

  3. Choose the Relevant Tab:

    • TransportTracking™ tab for transport-related reason codes.

    • BedTracking® tab for bed cleaning-related reason codes.

  4. Select a Campus:

    • Use the filtering field at the top right to select the campus where you want to add or edit a reason code.

    • The list refreshes to display reason codes associated with that campus.

Adding a New Reason Code

  1. Click "Add" to create a new row.

  2. Enter Information in the Following Fields:

    • Campus: Select the applicable campus.

    • Name: Type the reason as it will be heard on the IVR (e.g., Patient became ill).

    • Abbreviation: Enter the abbreviation that appears in Capacity IQ® Transport and Capacity IQ® EVS.

    • IVR ID: Enter a numeric identifier greater than 0. (Must adhere to IVR ID Min/Max Char settings).

Selecting Actions for Reason Code Use

  1. Choose Applicable Actions for the Reason Code:

    • For Capacity IQ® EVS: Select applicable checkboxes for Block, Cancel Request, Cancel In-Progress, Delay, Suspend, and Daily Cleans.

    • For Capacity IQ® Transport: Select applicable checkboxes for Cancel, Delay, Reschedule, and Home.

  2. Click "Save."

  3. To add more reason codes, repeat the above steps.

  4. To edit existing reason codes, in the appropriate rows, change the information.

  5. Click Save.

Deleting Reason Codes

Permissions Required

To delete reason codes, you must have:

  • Admin Tool Menu permission to access the Admin Tool or Capacity Management settings.

  • Global Admin Permissions – Administrative Controls – Reason Codes permission.

  • Edit rights, along with:

    • Membership Type "All" with Administrative Rights enabled, OR

    • Membership Type "Fixed" with campus-level membership and Administrative Rights enabled.

Steps to Delete Reason Codes

  1. Access Dictionary Management:

    • Go to Admin Tool > Dictionary Management, OR

    • Go to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Miscellaneous > Dictionary Management.

  2. In the Dictionary Name column, select Reason Codes.

  3. Click the TransportTracking or BedTracking tab.

  4. Use the filtering field (top right) to select the campus where the reason code is used.

  5. Select the checkboxes next to the reason codes you want to delete.

    • To delete all reason codes, select the checkbox in the title bar.

  6. Click Delete Selected Records.

  7. When prompted with a confirmation message, click OK to finalize the deletion.

Additional Notes

  • Capacity IQ® Transport users will be required to select reason codes via IVR only if specific permissions are enabled (e.g., Reason Code Required for Cancel, Delay, or Reschedule).

  • Capacity IQ® EVS users must select reason codes if permissions such as Reason Code Required to Block Beds or Cancel Cleaning Requests are enabled.

Re-Assignment Authorization Code (RAC)


A Re-Assignment Authorization Code (RAC) is required for certain users when signing in if they have variable membership and are logging in again during the same shift while selecting different units or clusters than their previous login. If a user is not required to enter a RAC, they should leave the RAC Code box blank. Each RAC code can only be used once and is valid only for the current day (When). Supervisors, administrators, or users with special permissions can provide a RAC code to those who need one (Who). This process occurs within the hospital's administrative and operational systems where staff manage assignments and coverage (Where). The use of RAC codes ensures controlled access to unit selections, maintains security, and prevents unauthorized changes to coverage areas while allowing flexibility for variable staff assignments (Why). Users with the "Allow User to Set Membership on Login" permission do not need to enter a RAC code, while those without it must do so under the specified conditions. Additionally, users with the "Allow User to Request RAC" permission can generate RAC codes for others and track their usage through the Admin Tool > Request RAC feature.

Requesting or Viewing an RAC


Users with variable membership and Allow User to Set Membership on Login without RAC permission can sign in, adjust their membership selections, and access patient, job, and bed information as needed.

However, users without this permission must request a RAC from a supervisor or administrator before selecting different units and clusters during their shift.

The Request RAC feature (Admin > Settings > Capacity Management) allows authorized users to:

  • Generate a RAC to provide to a requesting user.

  • View records of RAC usage, including:

    • Previously requested RACs.

    • Users who requested and entered RACs.

    • Timestamps of RAC usage.


  • Only users with variable membership can use RACs.

  • RACs are valid for one-time use and expire at the end of the day.

Permissions Required

  • The Allow User to Request RAC permission is required to complete this task.

How to Request or View an RAC

  1. Access the RAC Code page:

    • Go to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Miscellaneous > Request RAC.

  2. To request a new RAC, click Request RAC Code and view the code in the New RAC Code section.

  3. The RAC table displays:

    • Previously requested RACs.

    • The names of users who requested RACs.

    • The names of users who entered RACs when signing in.

    • The times RACs were used.

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