Guide to Accessing General Master Reports and Cross-Application Reports
If you have the following permission, you have access to a page that allows you to generate master reports.
Run Master Reports
The reports are listed under the Master Configuration category on the Report Selection page. Click the plus sign beside Master Configuration to display the report names. Then, click a report name to begin generating the report.
The following is an alphabetical listing of the reports. Use this guide to quickly locate a report to generate.
To locate this report. . . | On the Report Selection page, click the plus sign beside this category. . . |
Console Master List | Master Configuration |
Location Master List | Master Configuration |
Location Validation | Master Configuration |
Pager Master List | Master Configuration |
Patient VOX and ID Listing | Master Configuration |
User Master List | Master Configuration |
User Notification Settings | Master Configuration |
If you have the PreAdmitTracking® application permission called Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information, you can generate the Scorecard - Capacity Management Performance Report.
To locate this report. . . | On the Report Selection page, click the plus sign beside this category. . . |
Scorecard - Capacity Management Performance | Cross-Application Reporting |
If the Capacity IQ® solution is integrated with the TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™, you can generate interaction and movement history reports.
To locate this report. . . | On the Report Selection page, click the plus sign beside this category. . . |
Asset/Patient/Staff Interaction | Cross-Application Reporting |
Patient and Staff Interaction Durations | Cross-Application Reporting |
Patient/Staff Location Movement History | Cross-Application Reporting |
Generating an Interaction Report
About Interaction Reports
If the Capacity IQ® solution is fully integrated with TeleTracking RTLS, then two interaction reports are available that can help you track interactions between patients and staff and between patients, staff, and assets:
Asset/Patient/Staff Interaction Report—Shows instances when assets, patients, and staff members with TeleTracking RTLS badges have been in the same location. This information is helpful if you are attempting to track the spread of infection or to audit an incident reported by a patient or staff member.
Patient and Staff Interaction Durations—Shows instances when patients and staff members with TeleTracking RTLS badges have been in the same location and for how long. It provides data about the frequency and the length of interactions between patients and staff. This information can be helpful when you are researching patient care and determining how much time staff members have spent with patients (for example, when assistance with meals is required). The data can be useful when researching costs involved in staff and patient interactions.
Caregiver / Clinician Rounding—Shows instances when badged patients and badged staff members who are responsible for patient rounding duties have been in the patient's home location and for how long. It provides data about the frequency and the length of interactions between patients and staff. This information can be helpful when you are researching patient care and determining how much time staff members have spent with patients (for example, when assistance with meals is required). The data can be useful when researching costs involved in staff and patient interactions.
Your organization must have the following licenses before you can generate these reports:
To generate this report . . . | License or licenses required . . . |
Asset/Patient/Staff Interaction | Patient Tracking OR Staff Tracking |
Patient and Staff Interaction Durations | Patient Tracking AND Staff Tracking |
Caregiver / Clinician Rounding | Patient Tracking AND Staff Tracking |
You must have the PreAdmitTracking® application permission called Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information to generate an interaction report.
To Select the Report Criteria:
On the Report Selection page, click the plus sign next to Cross-Application Reporting.
Under Cross-Application Reporting, click Asset/Patient/Staff Interaction Report or Patient and Staff Interaction Durations to display the Report Selection page for the report.
In the Campus list, select the campus for which you want to generate the report. Only campuses to which you have membership are available to select.
Asset/Patient/Staff Interaction Report
After you have selected a campus, complete the following:
Date Time Range—Select the date and time range for the report.
Click the calendar icon next to the From box to select the beginning of the date range.
Click the calendar icon next to the To box to select the end of the date range.
In the box next to the From calendar, type the start time of the time range. In the box next to the To calendar, type the end time of the time range. For example, in the From box type 08:00 for 8 AM. In the To box, type 23:59 for 11:59 PM).
Example: If the report should include all interactions that occurred between May 1, 2013 and May 15, 2013, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, then click the calendar icon next to the From list, click the arrows in the title bar of the calendar until May 2013 appears, then in the calendar, click 1. Then, click the calendar icon next to the To list, click the arrows in the title bar of the calendar until May 2013 appears, then in the calendar, click 15. In the time format used at your campus, type the time range in the boxes next to the calendars (for example, 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM or 0800 and 1700. Only interactions that occurred between these times on the dates that are included in the date range will appear on the report.
Unit—Select the units that should be included on the report. Click the magnifying glass next to the Units box to display a list of units in the campus that you selected. Select the check boxes for the units that should be included on the report, and then click Select to save the selection and return to the Units box. To return to having all units in the campus included on the report, click the restore icon next to the Units box. If you do not select any units, all units associated with the selected campus and to which you have membership will be included.
Start With—Select whether you want to see interactions for a Patient, an Asset, or a Staff member. Depending on your selection, one of the following boxes becomes available.
Patient—To see the interactions of a specific patient, select the patient's name. You can select only one name. The selected patient's name, medical record number, and visit number will appear on the report with information about the assets and staff members that have been in the same location as the patient. Click the magnifying glass icon to display the Search Patients dialog box. In the Patient Attribute list, select First Name or Last Name. In the Filter String box, type part of the patient's first name or last name (depending on your selection in the Patient Attribute list). Click Go to display a list of patients. In the list that appears, select the check box for the patient who should be included in the report. If the list spans multiple pages, click the numbers or arrows to move to a different page, and then select the check box. Click Selected Patient.
Staff—To see the interactions of a specific staff member, select the staff member's name. You can select only one name. The selected staff member's name and staff type (such as Transporter) will appear on the report with information about the assets and patients that have been in the same location as the staff member. Click the magnifying glass icon to display the Search Staff dialog box. In the User Attribute list, select First Name or Last Name. In the Filter String box, type part of the staff member's first name or last name (depending on your selection in the User Attribute list). Click Go to display a list of staff members. In the list that appears, select the check box for the staff member who should be included in the report. If the list spans multiple pages, click the numbers or arrows to move to a different page, and then select the check box. Click Selected Staff.
Asset—To see the interactions of a specific asset, select the asset name. You can select only one asset. The selected asset's name and identification number will appear on the report with information about the staff members and patients who have been in the same location with the asset. Click the magnifying glass icon to display the Search Asset dialog box. In the Asset Attribute list, select Asset Name, Serial Number, or Asset ID. In the Filter String box, type part of the asset ID number, serial number, or name (depending on your selection in the Asset Attribute list). Click Go to display a list of staff members. In the list that appears, select the check box for the asset that should be included in the report. If the list spans multiple pages, click the numbers or arrows to move to a different page, and then select the check box. Click Selected Asset.
Patient and Staff Interaction Durations
Date Time Range—Select the date and time range for the report. If you are generating a summary report, you can select a period of 30 days or less. If you are generating a detailed report, you can select a period of 24 hours or less.
Click the calendar icon next to the From box to select the beginning of the date range.
Click the calendar icon next to the To box to select the end of the date range.
In the box next to the From calendar, type the start time of the time range. In the box next to the To calendar, type the end time of the time range. For example, in the From box type 08:00 for 8 AM. In the To box, type 23:59 for 11:59 PM).
Example: If the report should include all interactions that occurred between May 1, 2013 and May 15, 2013, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, then click the calendar icon next to the From list, click the arrows in the title bar of the calendar until May 2013 appears, then in the calendar, click 1. Then, click the calendar icon next to the To list, click the arrows in the title bar of the calendar until May 2013 appears, then in the calendar, click 15. In the time format used at your campus, type the time range in the boxes next to the calendars (for example, 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM or 0800 and 1700). Only interactions that occurred between these times on the dates that are included in the date range will appear on the report.
Time Period—Select the specific time period of the interactions that you want to see. For example, to see how much time staff members spent with patients during patient lunch periods, select 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM (or 1100 to 1300).
Show Detail?—If you select No, the report displays only the number of interactions and the average duration of interactions for a patient, a staff member, a staff type, or a unit. If you select Yes, then a detailed report will be generated that shows specific interactions for a staff member, a staff type, a patient, or a unit, including interaction start and end times, durations, and locations.
Group By—Select whether data should be displayed by staff member name, by staff type (such as nurse, nursing assistant, physician), by patient name, or by unit.
Unit—Select the units that should be included on the report. Click the magnifying glass next to the Units box to display a list of units in the chosen campus. Select the check boxes for the units that should be included on the report, and then click Select to save and return to the Units box. To return to having all units in the campus included on the report, click the restore icon next to the Units box. If you do not select any units, all units associated with the selected campus will be included.
Search by Patient or Patient Attribute—You can select individual patients whose home locations are within the selected units. If you select specific patients, then only those patients appear on the report. There are two ways you can select the patients who will appear on the report. One way is to search for the patients by name. If you want to see information for patients Chris Smith and Pat Jones, you can search for them by their names. Alternately, the report can show all patients in the selected units who have certain patient attributes, such as Fall Risk and Hard of Hearing. You can select those patient attributes instead of selecting patient names.
Patient—If you selected Search-by Patient, the Patient box appears. Select the names of patients in the chosen units who should appear on the report. The selected patients' names, medical record numbers, and visit numbers will appear on the report with information about the duration of staff member interactions with those patients. Click the magnifying glass icon to display the Search Patients dialog box. In the Patient Attribute list, select First Name or Last Name. In the Filter String box, type part of the patient's first name or last name (depending on your selection in the Patient Attribute list). Click Go to display a list of patients. In the list that appears, select the check box for the patient who should be included in the report. If the list spans multiple pages, click the numbers or arrows to move to a different page, and then select the check box. Click Selected Patient. To return to having all patients on the report, click the restore icon.
Patient Custom Attribute—If you selected Search-by Patient Attribute, the Patient Custom Attribute box appears. Select patient attributes. For example, if you want to see information for all patients in the chosen units who have the Fall Risk and the Meal Assistance Needed patient attributes, select those attributes. Those patient attributes will appear on the report with information about the duration of staff member interactions with patients who have those attributes. Click the magnifying glass icon to display the Patient Custom Attributes dialog box. To select a category of patient attributes, such as Psych/Social, click the check box next to the category. To select specific attributes, click the plus sign (+) next to the category to display a list, then select the check boxes next to the attributes. Click Save. To return to having all patient attributes on the report, click the restore icon.
Search by Staff or Staff Type—You can select staff members to see the durations of interactions that those individuals had with patients. Or, you can select staff types (such as Registered Nurse or Physician) to see the durations of interactions that those types of staff members have with patients. For example, if you want to see how much time nursing assistants spent with patients, you can select the staff type Nursing Assistant. If you select staff members, then only those specific staff members appear on the report. If you select staff types, then only staff members who have those staff types will appear on the report.
Staff—If you selected Search-by Staff, the Staff box appears. Select the names of staff members in the chosen units who should appear on the report. The selected staff members will appear on the report with information about the duration of interactions with patients. Click the magnifying glass icon to display the Search Patients dialog box. In the User Attribute list, select First Name, Last Name, or Staff Type. In the Filter String box, type part of the first name or last name or staff type (depending on your selection in the User Attribute list). Click Go to display a list of staff members. In the list that appears, select the check box for the staff members who should be included in the report. If the list spans multiple pages, click the numbers or arrows to move to a different page, and then select the check box. Click Selected Staff. To return to having all staff members on the report, click the restore icon.
Staff Types—If you selected Search-by Staff Types, the Staff Types box appears. Select the staff types who should appear on the report (for example, Nursing Assistant). To select multiple staff types, press and hold the CTRL key and then click the staff type names. The selected staff types will appear on the report with information about the duration of interactions with patients.
Ignore Interactions Less Than (Seconds)—Sometimes staff members interact with patients briefly. They stop by patients' rooms just to ask how they are or to deliver something quickly. You might have no need to see brief interactions on the report. You can exclude interactions that lasted less than a certain number of seconds (for example, 10 seconds). Type the number of seconds in the Ignore Interactions Less Than (Seconds) box.
Caregiver / Clinician Rounding
Date Time Range—Select the date and time range for the report.
Click the calendar icon next to the From box to select the beginning of the date range.
Click the calendar icon next to the To box to select the end of the date range.
In the box next to the From calendar, type the start time of the time range. In the box next to the To calendar, type the end time of the time range. For example, in the From box type 08:00 for 8 AM. In the To box, type 23:59 for 11:59 PM).
Example: If the report should include all rounding that occurred between May 1, 2016 and May 15, 2016, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, then click the calendar icon next to the From list, click the arrows in the title bar of the calendar until May 2016 appears, then in the calendar, click 1. Then, click the calendar icon next to the To list, click the arrows in the title bar of the calendar until May 2016 appears, then in the calendar, click 15. In the time format used at your campus, type the time range in the boxes next to the calendars (for example, 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM or 0800 and 1700). Only rounding that occurred between these times on the dates that are included in the date range will appear on the report.
Time Period—Select the specific time period of the interactions that you want to see. For example, to rounding that occurred during patient lunch periods, select 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM (or 1100 to 1300).
Group By—Select whether data should be displayed by staff member name, by patient name, or by unit.
Unit—Select the units that should be included on the report. Click the magnifying glass next to the Units box to display a list of units in the chosen campus. Select the check boxes for the units that should be included on the report, and then click Select to save and return to the Units box. To return to having all units in the campus included on the report, click the restore icon next to the Units box. If you do not select any units, all units associated with the selected campus will be included.
Search by Patient or Patient Attribute—You can select individual patients whose home locations are within the selected units. If you select specific patients, then only those patients appear on the report. There are two ways you can select the patients who will appear on the report. One way is to search for the patients by name. If you want to see information for patients Chris Smith and Pat Jones, you can search for them by their names. Alternately, the report can show all patients in the selected units who have certain patient attributes, such as Fall Risk and Hard of Hearing. You can select those patient attributes instead of selecting patient names.
Patient—If you selected Search-by Patient, the Patient box appears. Select the names of patients in the chosen units who should appear on the report. The selected patients' names, medical record numbers, and visit numbers will appear on the report with information about rounding with those patients. Click the magnifying glass icon to display the Search Patients dialog box. In the Patient Attribute list, select First Name or Last Name. In the Filter String box, type part of the patient's first name or last name (depending on your selection in the Patient Attribute list). Click Go to display a list of patients. In the list that appears, select the check box for the patient who should be included in the report. If the list spans multiple pages, click the numbers or arrows to move to a different page, and then select the check box. Click Selected Patient. To return to having all patients on the report, click the restore icon.
Patient Custom Attribute—If you selected Search-by Patient Attribute, the Patient Custom Attribute box appears. Select patient attributes. For example, if you want to see information for all patients in the chosen units who have the Fall Risk and the Meal Assistance Needed patient attributes, select those attributes. Those patient attributes will appear on the report with information about rounding with patients who have those attributes. Click the magnifying glass icon to display the Patient Custom Attributes dialog box. To select a category of patient attributes, such as Psych/Social, click the check box next to the category. To select specific attributes, click the plus sign (+) next to the category to display a list, then select the check boxes next to the attributes. Click Save. To return to having all patient attributes on the report, click the restore icon.
Search by Staff or Staff Type—You can select staff members to see the rounding that those individuals did. Or, you can select staff types (such as Registered Nurse or Physician) to see rounding that those types of staff members did. For example, if you want to see how much time nursing assistants spent rounding, you can select the staff type Nursing Assistant. If you select staff members, then only those specific staff members appear on the report. If you select staff types, then only staff members who have those staff types will appear on the report.
Staff—If you selected Search-by Staff, the Staff box appears. Select the names of staff members in the chosen units who should appear on the report. The selected staff members will appear on the report with information about rounding. Click the magnifying glass icon to display the Search Patients dialog box. In the User Attribute list, select First Name, Last Name, or Staff Type. In the Filter String box, type part of the first name or last name or staff type (depending on your selection in the User Attribute list). Click Go to display a list of staff members. In the list that appears, select the check box for the staff members who should be included in the report. If the list spans multiple pages, click the numbers or arrows to move to a different page, and then select the check box. Click Selected Staff. To return to having all staff members on the report, click the restore icon.
Staff Types—If you selected Search-by Staff Types, the Staff Types box appears. Select the staff types who should appear on the report (for example, Nursing Assistant). To select multiple staff types, press and hold the CTRL key and then click the staff type names. The selected staff types will appear on the report with information about rounding.
Ignore Interactions Less Than (Seconds)—Sometimes staff members interact with patients briefly. They stop by patients' rooms just to ask how they are or to deliver something quickly. You might have no need to see brief interactions on the report. You can exclude interactions that lasted less than a certain number of seconds (for example, 10 seconds). Type the number of seconds in the Ignore Interactions Less Than (Seconds) box.
To Select the Output Type and Run the Report:
In the Output list, select one of the following formats for the report:
Adobe Acrobat—To generate the report as a .pdf file. (This format is selected by default.)
Microsoft Excel (not available for Caregiver / Clinician Rounding)—To generate the report as an .xls file that can be opened in Microsoft Excel.
Microsoft Excel (Unformatted)—The Microsoft Excel (Unformatted) report output option produces an .xls file that is suitable for performing your own calculations and analysis. Data will appear in simple rows and columns and will not be totaled, grouped, or summarized.
Click Run Report.
If a security message appears at the top of the page, right-click the message bar, and then select Download File.
When you are prompted to save or open the report, do one of the following:
To save the report on a network drive or hard drive, click Save. When the Save As dialog box appears, select a location to save the report to, and then click Save.
To open the report immediately in the appropriate program, click Open.
Generating the Location Dwell Time Report
Select the Report Parameters
Group by Location Report Parameters
Group by Patient Report Parameters
On the Report Selection page, click the plus sign next to Cross-Application Reporting.
Under Cross-Application Reporting, click Lost Badge Report to display the Report Selection page for the report.
Do one of the following. To generate a report with data that:
Has been archived and is in the archive database, select Archive.
Is still in the production database, select Production.
In the Campus drop-down list, select a campus to limit the report to. A campus is the top level of the hierarchy of an enterprise. An enterprise is a larger system of hospitals and a campus is one collection of buildings.
Date Time Range—To include only data within a certain date and time range, in the From and To boxes, click the calendar icons and select a beginning and end date for the range then select the start and end times. For example, to include only events that were recorded from September 1 through September 30, 2010 between 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, in the From box, select September 1, 2010 and in the To box, select September 30, 2010. In the list next to the From box, select 08:00 AM. In the list next to the To box, select 04:00 PM.
Note: The Date Time Range for the Group By Location report must be less than 30 days. The Date Time Range for the Group By Patient report can be up to a year.
In Group By, select one of the following:
Location – Select the data for the report by location, either Ancillary or InHouse.
Patient – Select the data for the report by patient(s).
Location Reports – If you selected the Location option in the Group By parameter, continue by performing the following steps:
Unit Type – select one of the following:
Ancillary – The report provides the length of time a patient was in an ancillary treatment unit such as Xray, ED, or Physical Therapy. The length of time is determined by the Arrival and Departure time set by either the TeleTracking RTLS, the TransportTracking™ application, or both methods. If within the Date Time range selected in the report only an Arrival or only a Departure event exists, the record will be flagged as an Exception and excluded from averages and totals.
InHouse - The report provides the length of time a patient was off the unit that includes their home location (home unit). The length of time is determined by the Departure and Return time set by either TeleTracking RTLS, TransportTracking™ application, or both methods. If within the selected Date Time range only an Arrival or only a Departure event exists, the record will be flagged as an Exception and excluded from averages and totals.
Unit – Accept the default All Units or select the magnifying glass to select specific units from a list.
If you selected Ancillary in Unit Type, the units you select are not the patient’s home unit.
If you selected InHouse in Unit Type, you select a single unit that is the patient’s home unit.
Summary View?
Select Yes if you want to generate the summary report. Summary reports are not available for reports grouped by patient.
Select No if you want to generate the detailed report.
Patient Reports – If you selected the Patient option in the Group By parameter, continue by performing the following:
Patient – Select the magnifying glass to choose specific patients from a list. The list is limited to the unit and the time frame that you selected.
Include Exceptions – Select Yes to display the number of exceptions in the Exception column of the report. Select No to not display the number of exceptions in the Exception column of the report.
Output – In the Output list, select one of the following formats for the report. The Detail reports are only generated in Microsoft® Excel®:
Adobe Acrobat—To generate the report as a .pdf file. (This format is selected by default.)
Microsoft Excel (Unformatted)—The Microsoft Excel (Unformatted) report output option produces an .xls file that is suitable for performing your own calculations and analysis. Data will appear in simple rows and columns and will not be totaled, grouped, or summarized. The Detailed Reports are only available in Microsoft Excel (Unformatted) output.
Select Run Report.
When you are prompted to save or open the report, do one of the following:
To save the report on a network drive or hard drive, click Save. When the Save As dialog box appears, select a location to save the report to, and then click Save.
To open the report immediately in the appropriate program, click Open.
Generating a Lost Badge Report
Your organization must have a Patient Tracking or a Staff Tracking license before you can generate this report.
To Select the Report Criteria:
On the Report Selection page, click the plus sign next to Cross-Application Reporting.
Under Cross-Application Reporting, click Lost Badge Report to display the Report Selection page for the report.
Do one of the following. To generate a report with data that:
Is still in the production database, select Production.
Has been archived and is in the archive database, select Archive.
Important Note! If you change the database selection after selecting dates, times, and other options, the dates and times that you selected will not change. However, other options will change and you will have to re-select them. Data that has been archived is available in the archive database after a database synchronization occurs. It remains in the production database until it is purged.
In the Campus list, select the campus for which you want to generate the report. Only campuses to which you have membership are available to select. The report will include information only about badges in this campus.
In Duration, select one of the following:
1 Week—If you want the report to display information about badges that have not reported any information to the TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ for at least a week.
1 Day—If you want the report to display information about badges that have not reported any information to the TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ for at least a day.
To Select the Output Type and Run the Report:
In the Output list, select one of the following formats for the report:
Adobe Acrobat—To generate the report as a .pdf file. (This format is selected by default.)
Microsoft Excel (Unformatted)—The Microsoft Excel (Unformatted) report output option produces an .xls file that is suitable for performing your own calculations and analysis. Data will appear in simple rows and columns and will not be totaled, grouped, or summarized.
Click Run Report.
If a security message appears at the top of the page, right-click the message bar, and then select Download File.
When you are prompted to save or open the report, do one of the following:
To save the report on a network drive or hard drive, click Save. When the Save As dialog box appears, select a location to save the report to, and then click Save.
To open the report immediately in the appropriate program, click Open.
Generating a Patient/Staff Location Movement History Report
Your organization must have the Patient Tracking or Staff Tracking license before you can generate this report.
To Select the Report Criteria:
On the Report Selection page, if the reports are not already visible, click the plus sign next to Cross-Application Reporting.
Under Cross-Application Reporting, click Patient/Staff Location Movement History to display the Report Selection > Patient/Staff Location Movement History page.
Specify which database will be used to obtain the report data. Click on either the Production or the Archive radio button.
In the Campus list, select the campus for which you want to generate the report.
After you have selected a campus, complete the following:
Date Time Range—Select the date and time range for the report.
Click the calendar icon next to the From box to select the beginning of the date range.
Click the calendar icon next to the To box to select the end of the date range.
In the box next to the From calendar, type the start time of the time range.
In the box next to the To calendar, type the end time of the time range. For example, in the From box type 08:00 for 8 AM. In the To box, type 23:59 or 11:59 PM, depending on how time entry format has been defined for the campus.
Important Note! If patient or staff movements are detected outside of the specified time parameters, but the movement either began or ended within the specified parameters, those movements are included in the report, which displays the actual times that TeleTracking RTLS detected the movement. For example, if the From time is set to 7:00 AM, and the To time is set to 4:00 PM, and TeleTracking RTLS detects a staff movement that begins at 6:55 AM and ends at 1:00 PM, it would appear on the report, with the actual times, even though the beginning time was outside of the date range.
Group By—Select whether you want to see Patient or Staff member movements. Depending on your selection, one of the following boxes becomes available.
Patient—Click the magnifying glass icon to display the Search Patients dialog box. In the Patient Attribute list, select First Name, Last Name, Visit Number, or MRN. In the Filter String box, type all or part of the information for the selected patient attribute, and click Go to display a list of patients. Select the check boxes for the patients to include in the report. If the list spans multiple pages, click the numbers or arrows to move to a different page, and then select the check box. Click Selected Patients to add the selected patients to the report.
Staff— Click the magnifying glass icon to display the Search Staff dialog box. In the User Attribute list, select First Name, Last Name, or Staff Type. In the Filter String box, type part of the staff member's first name, last name, or staff type (depending on your selection in the User Attribute list). Click Go to display a list of staff members. In the list that appears, select the check box(es) for the staff member(s) who should be included in the report. If the list spans multiple pages, click the numbers or arrows to move to a different page, and then select the check box. Click Selected Staff to add the selected staff members to the report.
To Select the Output Type and Run the Report:
In the Output list, select one of the following formats for the report:
Adobe Acrobat—To generate the report as a .pdf file. (This format is selected by default.)
Microsoft Excel (Unformatted)—The Microsoft Excel (Unformatted) report output option produces an .xls file that is suitable for performing your own calculations and analysis. Data will appear in simple rows and columns and will not be totaled, grouped, or summarized.
Click Run Report.
If a security message appears at the top of the page, right-click the message bar, and then select Download File.
When you are prompted to save or open the report, do one of the following:
To save the report on a network drive or hard drive, click Save. When the Save As dialog box appears, select a location to save the report to, and then click Save.
To open the report immediately in the appropriate program, click Open.
Generating a Master Report
About Master Reports
Master reports display lists of users, paging devices, locations, and patient VOX files (see the definitions of VOX files in the BedTracking® application and VOX files in the TransportTracking™ application). To generate a report you:
Select the report criteria.
Select the output type and run the report.
Report Data
Only users whose base units are within the membership of the user who generated the report appear on the User Master List Report.
Only locations associated with the campus selected when the report was generated appear on the Location Master List Report.
Only paging devices associated with the campus selected when the report was generated appear on the Pager Master List report.
Only patients whose assigned bed locations are within the membership of the user who generated the report appear on the Patient VOX File Master List report. (See the definitions of membership in the BedTracking® application, membership in the PreAdmitTracking® application, and membership in the TransportTracking™ application.)
All s are generated in Microsoft Excel format. You may only generate this report from the production database. All locations within the campus that you select appear on the report, regardless of your membership.
You must have the Run Master Reports permission to generate a master report.
To Select the Report Criteria:
On the Report Selection page, click the plus sign next to Master Configuration to display the available reports.
Click the name of the report that you want to generate (for example, Location Master List).
A page for selecting report criteria appears.Do one of the following. To generate a report with data that:
Has been archived and is in the archive database, select Archive. This option is not available for the User Notification Settings report or the .
Is still in the production database, select Production.
Important Note: If you change the database selection after selecting dates, times, and other options, the dates and times that you selected will not change. However, other options will change and you will have to re-select them. Data that has been archived is available in the archive database after a database synchronization occurs. It remains in the production database until it is purged.
(For Location Master List report only) In the Product list, select the product for which you want to generate the report.
Note: The list displays only products for which your organization has a license. You need to select a product because there may be differences between products in locations that appear on a master report. For example, there might be locations that are associated with the BedTracking® application, but not associated with the TransportTracking™ application. Zones apply to the BedTracking® and TransportTracking™ applications, but not to the PreAdmitTracking® application. Non-physical beds and EVS beds apply to PreAdmitTracking® application, but not to BedTracking® and TransportTracking™.
If you have membership in multiple campuses (for example, ABC Children's Hospital and ABC Women's Hospital), then in the Campus list, select the campus for which you wish to generate a report.
Note: The list displays only campuses that have a license for the product selected in the previous step (for the Location Master List report) and to which you have membership. Only data associated with the campus that you select can appear on the report.
Depending on the report that you are generating, select report criteria. Click the links below for descriptions of the criteria that can be selected for each report:
Console Master List
There are no criteria to select. All PreAdmitTracking® application consoles and PatientTracking Portal® consoles from all campuses in the enterprise are included on the report. Only Microsoft Excel output can be generated.
Location Master List
Unit—If only locations that are within specific units should be included. select the units. Click the magnifying glass next to the Units box to display a list of units in your membership. Select the check boxes for the units that should be included on the report, and then click Select to save the selection and return to the Units box. To return to having all units in the campus that are within your membership included on the report, click the restore icon next to the Units box. If you do not select any units, locations from all units within the campus will be included in the report.
Cost Center —To include only data associated with certain cost centers, select the cost center names. To select multiple names, press and hold the CTRL key, and then click the names. Only cost centers associated with the selected campus appear in the list. If you do not select any cost centers, data from all cost centers associated with the selected campus will be included on the report.
Include Non-EVS Beds? (Only available when the PreAdmitTracking® application is the selected product)—To include beds that are not EVS services beds on the report, select Yes. If you want to include beds that were transferred to the application through an ADT transaction, then select Yes.
Include Non-Physical Beds (Only available when the PreAdmitTracking® application is the selected product)—To include beds that do not have the Physical Bed setting configured in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component, select Yes.
Location—To include only specific locations (beds), select the locations. If you do not select specific locations, all locations within the selected campus that are associated with units and clusters to which you have membership will be included on the report.
To select specific locations:
Click the magnifying glass icon next to the Location box to display the Find a Location dialog box.
In the Search Text box, type a few letters of the location name.
Note: Only locations associated with the campus selected in the Campus list and to which you have membership can be selected. The search finds locations containing text that you type. For example, searching for out could find Outpatient Waiting Area and South Wing Office. You may include a % sign with the text that you type in the box. For example, you may type s% to find all location names that include the letter S.
To select the check boxes for all units and clusters that appear in the Units/Clusters list so that the Location Results list will include locations from all of them, select the Check All check box.
If you did not select the Check All check box, then in the Units/Clusters list, select the units or clusters that should be included in the search.
Note: If necessary, use the scroll bars to move the list.
Click Click to Search to display a list of locations that match your search criteria.
In the list of possible locations in the Location Results box, click a location or press the CTRL key and then click multiple locations. (Locations listed are all within the selected units and clusters.)
Click Selected Locations to close the Find a Location dialog box.
To return to having all locations in the campus included, click the restore icon next to the Location area on the Report Criteria page.
Location Type —To include only certain types of locations (for example, Discharge and Admit), select the location types. The available location types are Admit, Discharge, Home (assigned patient bed), Exam/Treatment, or Specialty Bed. To select multiple names, press and hold the CTRL key, and then click the names. If you do not select location types, locations of all types within the campus will be included on the report.
Sort by—The list of records on the report can be sorted in ascending or descending order by:
Location Name—Alphabetically, by location name.
ADT ID—In numeric and/or alphabetical order, by the identification code used in the ADT system to identify the bed (location).
IVR ID—In numeric order, by the IVR ID number of the bed (location).
Section—In alphabetical order, by the section where the bed is located. (Section names that begin with numerals are ordered by numeric character, rather than numerically. For example, 1, 10, 11 rather than 1, 2, 3.)
Zone—In alphabetical order, by the zone where the bed is located. (Zone names that begin with numerals are ordered by numeric character, rather than numerically. For example, 1, 10, 11 rather than 1, 2, 3.)
You may select the order of the sort criteria. Data on master reports may be sorted on multiple levels (for example, by ADT ID, then by IVR IDs associated with the ADT ID, then by the location names associated with each IVR ID). Select an option in at least the first Sort by list, and then select Ascending or Descending. For example, to sort records by name first, then by ADT ID, then by IVR ID, in the first Sort by list, select Location Name, in the second Sort by list, select ADT ID, in the third list, select IVR ID. (Do not select the same option in more than one list.) For each list in which you chose an option, select Ascending or Descending.
Location Validation
You may select only a campus from the Campus list. All locations from the campus that you select appear on the report. The report can be generated only from the production database. All Location Validation reports are generated in Microsoft Excel format.
Pager Master List
Sort by—The list of records on the report can be sorted in ascending or descending order by:
Type—Alphabetically, by pager type (for example, Alpha or Digital).
Pager Number—In numeric and/or by the paging device number.
IVR ID—In numeric order, by the number used on the IVR system to identify the paging device.
You may select the order of the sort criteria. Data on master reports may be sorted on multiple levels (for example, by Type, then by IVR IDs associated with the type, then by the pager numbers associated with each IVR ID). Select an option in at least the first Sort by list, and then select Ascending or Descending. For example, to sort records by type first, then by paging device number, and then by IVR ID, in the first Sort by list, select Type, in the second Sort by list, select Pager Number, in the third list, select IVR ID. (Do not select the same option in more than one list.) For each list in which you chose an option, select Ascending or Descending.
Patient VOX and ID Master List
In the Date Time Range section, select the date and time range for the report.
Click the calendar icon next to the From box to select the beginning of the date range.
Click the calendar icon next to the To box to select the end of the date range.
Example: If you are generating a report that should include data between January 1, 2011 and January 15, 2011, then click the calendar icon next to the From list, click the arrows in the title bar of the calendar until January 2011 appears, then in the calendar, click 1. Then, click the calendar icon next to the To list, click the arrows in the title bar of the calendar until January 2011 appears, then in the calendar, click 15.
Type the From and To times in 24-hour time format (for example, for 8:00 AM to 11:59 PM, type 08:00 in the From box and 23:59 in the To box).
Patient—To include only certain patients on the report, select the patient names. If you do not select specific patients, then the report includes all patients who have the following within the selected campus:
Home locations (sometimes called Bed)
Current locations
Pending transport jobs with origin locations and/or destination locations
To select patient names:
Click the magnifying glass icon next to the Patient box to display a list of names on the Search Patients window.
Note: Only patients associated with the selected campus appear on the list.
If there is more than one page of names, click the numbers or the >> at the top or bottom of the window to display additional names.
To narrow the list of patients, in the Patient Attribute list, select Patient Number, First Name or Last Name. In the Filter String box, type part of the patient's identification number, first, or last name, and then click Go.
Select the check boxes for the patients whom you want to include on the report OR to include all patients who appear on the list currently, select the check box in the title bar.
Click Selected Patients to close the Search Employees window and place the selected patient names in the Patient box on the Report Criteria page.
To return to having all patients in the campus included, click the restore icon next to the Patient area on the Report Criteria page.
Include—The report can display patients with or without VOX files, or both. Select Patients with VOX, Patients without VOX, or Patients with or without VOX (for both).
User Master List
There are no criteria to select. All active users from all campuses in the enterprise are included on the report. Only Microsoft Excel output can be generated.
User Notification Settings Report
User—Select one user.
To select a user name:
Click the magnifying glass icon next to the User box to display a list of users on the Search Users window.
Note: Only users whose base units are within the selected campus and within your membership appear on the list.
To narrow the list of users, in the User Attribute list, select First Name or Last Name. In the Filter String box, type part of the user's first or last name, and then click Go.
Select the check box for the user whom you want to include on the report.
Click Selected User to close the Search Users window and place the selected name in the User box on the Report Criteria page.
# of Days—Type the number of days for which to report user application access audit information. The maximum is 30 days.
Selecting the Output Type and Running the Report
In the Output list, select one of the following formats for the report:
Adobe Acrobat—To generate the report as a .pdf file. (This format is selected by default.). Not available for User Master List or Location Validation.
Microsoft Excel—To generate the report as an .xls file that can be opened in Microsoft Excel. Not available for User Notification Settings.
Rich Text Format—To generate the report as an .rtf file that can be opened in Microsoft Word. Not available for User Master List, Console Master List, Location Master List, and User Notification Settings.
Click Run Report.
If a security message appears at the top of the page, right-click the message bar, and then select Download File.
When you are prompted to save or open the report, do one of the following:
To save the report on a network drive or hard drive, click Save. When the Save As dialog box appears, select a location to save the report to, and then click Save.
To open the report immediately in the appropriate program, click Open.