Guide to Accessing PreAdmitTracking Application Reports
If you have one of the following permissions, you have access to a page that allows you to generate historical and statistical reports for the PreAdmitTracking® application.
If you do not have both of the following permissions, then some of the reports will not be available to you.
Run Any Reports, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information
Run Only Reports That Do Not Reveal Patient Information
The reports are listed under categories on the Report Selection page. Click the plus sign beside a category to display the report names. Then, click a report name to begin generating the report.
The following is an alphabetical listing of the reports, displaying the categories under which they are listed. Use this guide to quickly locate a report to generate.
To locate this report. . . | On the Report Selection page, click the plus sign beside this category>subcategory. . . |
Assignment Timer Metrics | PreAdmitTracking>Analysis |
Average Discharges/Transfers | PreAdmitTracking>Discharge/Transfer |
Bed Priority Assignment by the Hour | PreAdmitTracking>Analysis |
Bed Priority Assignment History | PreAdmitTracking>Analysis |
Bed Wait Time Analysis with Milestones | PreAdmitTracking>Analysis |
Census Analysis by Day of Week | PreAdmitTracking>Analysis |
Census Analysis by Hour of Day | PreAdmitTracking>Analysis |
Census Analysis by Month | PreAdmitTracking>Analysis |
Census Analysis per 12-Week Period | PreAdmitTracking>Analysis |
Census Analysis per Year | PreAdmitTracking>Analysis |
Daily Transfers | PreAdmitTracking>Discharge/Transfer |
Hold Audit Report Description | PreAdmitTracking>Analysis |
Hold Compliance Report Description | PreAdmitTracking>Analysis |
Milestone Delay | PreAdmitTracking>Analysis |
Observation Compliance | PreAdmitTracking>Analysis |
Occupied Timer Metrics | PreAdmitTracking>Analysis |
Notification History | PreAdmitTracking>Analysis |
Patient Attribute History | PreAdmitTracking>Analysis |
Patient Isolation History | PreAdmitTracking>Analysis |
Pending Status Compliance | PreAdmitTracking>Proper Pending |
Physician Summary | PreAdmitTracking>Master |
Processing Time Analysis | PreAdmitTracking>Analysis |
Proper Pending Usage | PreAdmitTracking>Proper Pending |
Ready to Move Timer Metrics | PreAdmitTracking>Analysis |
Volume Analysis by Day of Week | PreAdmitTracking>Analysis |
Volume Analysis by Hour of Day | PreAdmitTracking>Analysis |
Weekly Discharges/Transfers | PreAdmitTracking>Discharge/Transfer |
Generating PreAdmitTracking® Application Analysis Reports
About Analysis Reports
Analysis reports provide statistics, volume, and timing information about patient placements and the census. Examples of analysis reports are:
The Assignment Timer Metrics report
Census Analysis by Month report
Processing Time Analysis report
Volume Analysis by Day of Week report.
To generate an analysis report you:
Select the report criteria.
Select the output type and run the report.
Descriptions of each report are available in this help. In the table of contents, expand the Report Descriptions folder, and then the PreAdmitTracking® Application folder, locate the report description that you want to read, and then click the report description name.
You must have at least one of the following permissions to generate an analysis report. Permissions vary by report. See the report descriptions.
Run Any Reports, Including Those that Reveal Patient Information
Run Only Reports that Do Not Reveal Patient Information
Selecting the Report Criteria
On the Report Selection page, click the plus sign next to PreAdmitTracking, and then click the plus sign next to Analysis to display the available reports.
Under Analysis, click one of the following to display a page for selecting report criteria:
Assignment Timer Metrics
Bed Assignment Priority by the Hour
Bed Assignment History
Bed Wait Time Analysis with Milestones
Census Analysis by Day of Week
Census Analysis by Hour of Day
Census Analysis by Month
Census Analysis per 12-Week Period
Census Analysis Per Year
Hold Audit
Hold Compliance
Milestone Delay Report
Notification History Report
Observation Compliance
Occupied Timer Metrics
Patient Attribute History
Patient Isolation History
Processing Time Analysis
Ready to Move Timer Metrics
Volume Analysis by Day of Week
Volume Analysis by Hour of Day
Selecting Report Criteria for Specific Reports
Assignment Timer Metrics
Group by: Data can be displayed by user who assigned the bed OR by the assigned unit or origin unit associated with the placement. Select Assigned by User, Assigned Unit or Origin Unit.
Unit: Select the units that should be included on the report. Click the magnifying glass next to the Units box to display a list of units in your membership. Select the check boxes for the units that should be included on the report, and then click Select to save the selection and return to the Units box. To return to having all units in the campus that are within your membership included on the report, click the restore icon next to the Units box. If you do not select any units, all units associated with the selected campus and to which you have membership will be included.
Request Date: To include only placements that have a requested date within a certain date range, select the date range.
Click the calendar icon next to the From box. Click the arrows at the top to select the month and year, and then click a date for the beginning of the range (for example, May 1, 2009).
Click the calendar icon next to the To box. Click the arrows at the top to select the month and year, and then click a date for the end of the range (for example, May 31, 2009).
Shift Time: To choose specific shifts to be included on the report, in the Start and End boxes, type the start and end times of the shifts. For example, to include the 8:00 AM to 3:59 PM AND the 4:00 PM to 11:59 PM shift, in the Start box, type 08:00 AM and in the End box, type 11:59 PM. If a shift starts on one date and ends on the next, the report will include data from the entire shift. If a shift starts on the last date of a date range ends one day later, data from the entire shift, including the part of the shift that is after the end date of the report, still will be on the report. A message appears indicating that a shift that crosses over the midnight boundary was selected and that the report end date will actually be the day after the selected end date.
Important Note: If you change the database selection after selecting dates, times, and other options, the dates and times that you selected will not change. However, other options will change and you will have to re-select them.
Include Standard Deviation?: To include standard deviation on the report, select Yes. Including standard deviation can be helpful if you want to examine variations from the average (for example, variations from the average time between bed assignment and placement request activation or target unit selection).
Summary View (Yes or No): To show a summary view of the report, select Yes. To show a detailed view, select No. The summary view displays total durations, average durations, group durations, and group standard deviations. The detailed view shows per unit or per user, detailed information such as the request time and the bed that was occupied.
Bed Assignment Priority by the Hour
Unit: Select the units that should be included on the report. Click the magnifying glass next to the Units box to display a list of units in the selected campus. Select the check boxes for the units that should be included on the report, and then click Select to save the selection and return to the Units box. To return to having all units in the campus included on the report, click the restore icon next to the Units box. If you do not select any units, all units associated with the selected campus will be included.
Date Range: Only beds that had bed assignment priorities during the range that you select will appear on the report. Click the calendar icons to select beginning and ending date ranges. Only beds that had priorities assigned after the PreAdmitTracking® application version 3.2 was installed will be included on the report. If a bed priority was assigned before version 3.2 was installed, and then removed in version 3.2 or later, then the removal will not be included in the report.
Bed Assignment Priority History
Unit: Select the units that should be included on the report. Click the magnifying glass next to the Units box to display a list of units in the selected campus. Select the check boxes for the units that should be included on the report, and then click Select to save the selection and return to the Units box. To return to having all units in the campus included on the report, click the restore icon next to the Units box. If you do not select any units, all units associated with the selected campus will be included.
Date Range and Time Period: Only beds that had bed assignment priorities during the date range and time that you select will appear on the report. Click the calendar icons to select beginning and ending date ranges and type times in the boxes in 24-hour format (for example, 23:59 for 11:59 PM). Only beds that had priorities assigned after the PreAdmitTracking® application version 3.2 was installed will be included on the report. If a bed priority was assigned before version 3.2 was installed, and then removed in version 3.2 or later, then the removal will not be included in the report.
Patients: If only beds that were occupied by or assigned to certain patients and that had bed assignment priorities removed should appear on the report, select those patients. If you do not make any selections, data about all patients who meet the selected criteria appear on the report.
To Select Patient Names:
Click the magnifying glass icon next to the Patient box to display the Search Patients dialog.
In the Patient Attribute list, select Visit Number, MRN, First Name or Last Name. In the Filter String box, type part of the patient's visit number, medical record number, first, or last name, and then click Go.
Patients who have had multiple visits can appear in search results multiple times. To ensure that you are selecting the row for the appropriate patient visit, view the **
Visit Number**, Admit Date, and Discharge Date columns.
Select the check boxes for the patients whom you want to include on the report OR to include all patients who appear on the list currently, select the check box in the title bar.
Click Selected Patients to close the dialog and place the selected patient names in the Patient(s) box on the Report Criteria page. To return to having all patients included, click the restore icon next to the Patient(s) box.
Priority Removal Source: A bed assignment priority can be removed from a bed in the following ways. These are called priority removal sources. If the report should include data about priority removal only for beds where assignment priorities were removed through a specific source, then select one or more of the following. If you do not select anything, then the report will include beds where assignment priorities were removed through all sources.
Bed Assignment: Priority was removed because the bed was assigned to a patient.
Clear Priority-by User: A user manually removed the priority in the PatientTracking Portal® application. The user name will appear on the report.
Occupy Bed-ADT: Priority was removed because an ADT system transaction marked the bed occupied automatically. The report will show that the change was made by "system user." It could also show an actual user name in the Removed by column if the sender of the ADT message can be mapped to a valid user account.
Occupy Bed-by User: Priority was removed because a user manually marked the bed occupied in the PatientTracking Portal® application. The user's user name will appear on the report.
Occupy Bed-RTLS Movement: Priority was removed because a patient movement that was tracked through the TeleTracking RTLS system marked the bed occupied automatically. The report will show that the change was made by a "system user."
Occupy Bed-Transport Job: Priority was removed because the completion of a patient transport job marked the bed occupied automatically. The identification number of the transport job will be shown on the report as well as the user name of the user who requested the transport job.
Bed Time Wait Analysis with Milestones
Group By: You can group information on the Bed Time Wait Analysis report by origin unit, assigned bed, unit of the assigned bed (assigned unit), patient, or a single admit source. In the Group By list, select one of the following:
Patient: You can select a maximum of 5 patients to display on the report. Select Patient from the list, then click the magnifying glass icon, select a filter option to search for patients by, type text from the filter options, and then click Go. Patients who have had multiple visits can appear in search results multiple times. To ensure that you are selecting the row for the appropriate patient visit, view the Visit Number, Admit Date, and Discharge Date columns. Select check boxes for as many as 5 patients in the search results list, and then click Selected Patients.
Admit Source: Select Admit Source, and then click one Admit Source in the list. Data about only the selected admit source will appear on the report.
Origin Unit: You can select one unit from which patients were moved to group data by. Only data about that origin unit will appear on the report. Select Origin Unit in the list, and then select one unit from the Origin Unit list.
Assigned Unit: You can select one unit to which patients are assigned to group data by. Only data about that assigned unit will appear on the report. Select Assigned Unit in the list, and then select one unit from the Assigned Unit list.
Assigned Bed: You can select a maximum of 5 locations (beds) to which patients are assigned to group data by. Only data about these assigned beds will appear on the report. Select Assigned Bed in the list, and then click the magnifying glass icon, select the check boxes for the units in which the beds are located, click Click to Search, select as many as 5 beds in the location results list, and then click Selected Locations.
Date Range: Only data about completed placement requests with requested dates and times that are within the range that you select will appear on the report. Click the calendar icons to select beginning and ending date ranges and type times in the boxes in 24-hour format (for example, 23:59 for 11:59 PM).
Request to Occupied Minimum (in hrs): Select a number of hours. Only placement requests that were completed in fewer than this number of hours will appear on the report. If you do not want to use this criterion, select 0.
Census Analysis by Day of Week
Unit: Select the units that should be included on the report. Click the magnifying glass next to the Units box to display a list of units in your membership. Select the check boxes for the units that should be included on the report, and then click Select to save the selection and return to the Units box. To return to having all units in the campus that are within your membership included on the report, click the restore icon next to the Units box. If you do not select any units, all units associated with the selected campus and to which you have membership will be included.
Statistics Date: For the Census Analysis by Day of Week report, select the first date that will appear on the report. Data for this date and the six days that follow it will appear on the report. For the Census Analysis by Hour of Day report, select the date for which statistics will appear. On the Census Analysis by Hour of Day report, data for only one day can appear.
Census Time: You must select a census time for the following reports: Census Analysis by Day of Week, Census Analysis by Month, Census Analysis per 12-Week Period, and Census Analysis per Year. This is the time for which data will be displayed on the report. For example, if you select 12:00 PM, only the data that was valid at 12:00 PM will appear on the report.
Include Unit Details: To include a separate section for each unit that displays detailed data about that unit only, select Yes. The overall summary will appear at the end of the report. If you select No, then only the overall summary will appear.
Census Analysis by Hour of Day
Unit: Select the units that should be included on the report. Click the magnifying glass next to the Units box to display a list of units in your membership. Select the check boxes for the units that should be included on the report, and then click Select to save the selection and return to the Units box. To return to having all units in the campus that are within your membership included on the report, click the restore icon next to the Units box. If you do not select any units, all units associated with the selected campus and to which you have membership will be included.
Statistics Date: For the Census Analysis by Day of Week report, select the first date that will appear on the report. Data for this date and the six days that follow it will appear on the report. For the Census Analysis by Hour of Day report, select the date for which statistics will appear. On the Census Analysis by Hour of Day report, data for only one day can appear.
Include Unit Details: To include a separate section for each unit that displays detailed data about that unit only, select Yes. The overall summary will appear at the end of the report. If you select No, then only the overall summary will appear.
Census Analysis by Month
Unit: Select the units that should be included on the report. Click the magnifying glass next to the Units box to display a list of units in your membership. Select the check boxes for the units that should be included on the report, and then click Select to save the selection and return to the Units box. To return to having all units in the campus that are within your membership included on the report, click the restore icon next to the Units box. If you do not select any units, all units associated with the selected campus and to which you have membership will be included.
Statistics Month (Census Analysis by Month Report): For the Census Analysis by Month report, select the month that will appear on the report. Data for every day of this month will appear on the report.
Census Time: You must select a census time for the following reports: Census Analysis by Day of Week, Census Analysis by Month, Census Analysis per 12-Week Period, and Census Analysis per Year. This is the time for which data will be displayed on the report. For example, if you select 12:00 PM, only the data that was valid at 12:00 PM will appear on the report.
Include Unit Details: To include a separate section for each unit that displays detailed data about that unit only, select **Yes**. The overall summary will appear at the end of the report. If you select No, then only the overall summary will appear.
Census Analysis Per 12 Week Period
Unit: Select the units that should be included on the report. Click the magnifying glass next to the Units box to display a list of units in your membership. Select the check boxes for the units that should be included on the report, and then click Select to save the selection and return to the Units box. To return to having all units in the campus that are within your membership included on the report, click the restore icon next to the Units box. If you do not select any units, all units associated with the selected campus and to which you have membership will be included.
Statistics Start Date: For the Census Analysis per 12-Week Period report, select the date on which the 12-week period will start. Data for each week of the 12-week period starting with this date will appear on the report.
Census Time: You must select a census time for the following reports: Census Analysis by Day of Week, Census Analysis by Month, Census Analysis per 12-Week Period, and Census Analysis per Year. This is the time for which data will be displayed on the report. For example, if you select 12:00 PM, only the data that was valid at 12:00 PM will appear on the report.
Include Unit Details: To include a separate section for each unit that displays detailed data about that unit only, select Yes. The overall summary will appear at the end of the report. If you select No, then only the overall summary will appear.
Census Analysis Per Year
Unit: Select the units that should be included on the report. Click the magnifying glass next to the Units box to display a list of units in your membership. Select the check boxes for the units that should be included on the report, and then click Select to save the selection and return to the Units box. To return to having all units in the campus that are within your membership included on the report, click the restore icon next to the Units box. If you do not select any units, all units associated with the selected campus and to which you have membership will be included.
Statistics Year (Census Analysis by Year Report): For the Census Analysis by Year report, select the year that will appear on the report. Data for every month of this year will appear on the report.
Census Time: You must select a census time for the following reports: Census Analysis by Day of Week, Census Analysis by Month, Census Analysis per 12-Week Period, and Census Analysis per Year. This is the time for which data will be displayed on the report. For example, if you select 12:00 PM, only the data that was valid at 12:00 PM will appear on the report.
Include Unit Details: To include a separate section for each unit that displays detailed data about that unit only, select Yes. The overall summary will appear at the end of the report. If you select No, then only the overall summary will appear.
Hold Audit Report
Campus: Select the campus in which are located the patients whose hold data you wish to audit.
Patient: Select one or more patients to appear in the report.
Date Time Range From: The report will display holds that were updated within the date and time range that you select. Click the calendar icons for the From and To boxes to select dates.
Date Time Range To: The report will display holds that were updated within the date and time range that you select. Click the calendar icons for the From and To boxes to select dates.
Sort by: Select the order that the report will display the information. The options are displaying by the patient's name or the employee who interacted with the patient's behavioral health hold timer. The options can be sorted in Ascending or Descending order.
Output: Select either Acrobat (.pdf) or Excel (.xls) output.
Hold Compliance Report
Campus: Select the campus that includes the units where the behavioral health holds took place.
Unit: Select the unit where the behavioral health hold happened to include the unit in the report. Click the magnifying glass next to the Unit box to display a list of units in your membership. Select the check box for the unit that should be included on the report, and then click Select to save the selection and return to the Unit box.
Note: At their observation start times, patients must have home locations, current locations, or specialty locations in the selected units to be included on the report.
Hold Type: The hold type selected for each patient. Hold types are associated with durations and can be selected on the Patient/Placement Details form.
Patient Display Name: Select whether patients' first or last names or their medical record numbers will appear on the detailed report (if No is selected for Summary View).
Hold Start Date Time: The report will display only completed holds that started within the date and time range that you select. If a patient had multiple completed holds within this date and time range, only the most recent one will appear. Click the calendar icons for the From and To boxes to select dates. Type the beginning and ending times for the range in 24-hour format (for example, 15:59 for 3:59 PM). For example, if you selected November 15, 2011, and 07:00 AM for From and November 16, 2011, and 09:00 AM for To, then only behavioral health holds that started between 7 AM on November 15 and 9 AM on November 16 can appear on the report.
Include Only Patients Who Exceeded Hold (Summary View): To display data for all patients within each unit on the report, select No. To display only unit patients whose behavioral health hold exceeded the duration, select Yes.
Milestone Delay Report
The Milestone Delay Report shows details about Milestone Delays that were set for patients in either a Discharge or Transfer status. This report is useful in identifying common delays and how much time is associated with the delays. Although there are not any specific metrics captured in this report, it is still important to monitor. Delays can be both external (ex. a nursing home search) or internal (ex. pharmacy providing discharge meds) and knowing what these delays are will help highlight potential areas for improvement. The delays available while generating this report were provided by your hospital and should reflect the common delays that you typically experience at your facility. This report is also frequently used in conjunction with the Proper Pending Usage Report to help explain why certain discharges may have taken longer than anticipated.
Date Time Range: Click the calendar icon next to the From box, and then select the beginning date of the date range for which you want to generate the report. In the box next to it, type the beginning time in 24-hour format (for example, 16:00 for 4 PM). Click the calendar icon next to the To box, and then select the end date of date range. In the box next to it, type the end time in 24-hour format (for example, 23:59 for 11:59 PM). If you are generating a report on discharge milestone delays, then the report will include data about patients whose discharge dates and times were on or after the From date and time and on or before the To date and time. If you are generating a transfer milestone delay report, then the report will include data about patients whose placements were completed on or after the From date and time and on or before the To date and time. If you select a different campus after you have selected dates and time, the dates and times will change to the default date and time based on the time zone settings for the campus. For example, if you select dates and times for a campus in the U.S. Eastern time zone, and then at noon you select a different campus that is in the U.S. Pacific time zone, the end time for the range will change to 9:00 AM, which is the local time in the U.S. Pacific time zone.
Milestone Type: Select Discharge to generate a discharge milestone delay report or Transfer to generate a transfer milestone delay report. If you select Transfer, an option called Origin/Destination becomes available under the Milestone Delays box. If you select Discharge, the Origin/Destination option is not available.
Group by: If data should appear by unit, select Unit. Each unit will be listed and patient and milestone data will be shown under each unit. A unit summary will also appear. If data should appear by patient name, select Patient. Each patient will be listed and unit and milestone data will be shown under each patient. A patient summary will also appear. If data should appear by milestone name and delay reason, then select Milestone Delay. Each milestone will be listed with reasons underneath and patient and unit data will be shown under that. A milestone delay reasons summary will appear. If you select Microsoft Excel (.xls) as the output type, the Group by selection acts as a primary sorting option. Items are not grouped in .xls files as they are in .pdf files. In .xls files, all data appears in rows and columns rather than in groups. For example, if there are 10 patients who are associated with the same 3 milestones, 30 rows of data would appear in a .xls file.
Milestone Delay: If only certain milestones and delay reasons should appear on the report, select those milestones and reasons. If you do not make any selections, all milestones and reasons will be included on the report. Click the magnifying glass icon. To include all reasons for a milestone on the report, select the check box for the milestone. To include only certain reasons for a milestone on the report, click the plus sign (+) icon next to a milestone to display the reasons, and then select the check boxes for the reasons that you want to include. Repeat this procedure for each milestone that should be included. Then, click Select.
Origin/Destination: If you selected Transfer in the Milestone Type section, then select whether the report will display data about the origin unit (units from which patients were transferred) or destination unit (units that received transferred patients). Select Origin or Destination.
Units: Choose any unit in the selected campus to place on the report, even if your membership does not include that unit. If the report should include only certain units, select those units. Click the magnifying glass next to the Units box to display a list of units in your membership. Select the check boxes for the units that should be included on the report, and then click Select to save the selection and return to the Units box. To return to having all units in the campus that are within your membership included on the report, click the restore icon next to the Units box. For a discharge milestone delay report, only data about patients whose last known home locations are in the selected units appear on the report. For a transfer milestone delay report, either the origin or destination units will appear. If Origin was selected in the Group by section, then the units that patients were transferred from will appear. If Destination was selected, then the units to which patients were transferred will appear.
Patients: If only certain patients should appear on the report, select those patients. If you do not make any selections, data about all patients who meet the selected criteria appear on the report.
To Select Patient Names:
Click the magnifying glass icon next to the Patient(s) box to display the Search Patients dialog.
In the Patient Attribute list, select Visit Number, MRN, First Name or Last Name. In the Filter String box, type part of the patient's visit number, medical record number, first, or last name, and then click Go.
Patients who have had multiple visits can appear in search results multiple times. To ensure that you are selecting the row for the appropriate patient visit, view the Visit Number, Admit Date, and Discharge Date columns.
Select the check boxes for the patients whom you want to include on the report OR to include all patients who appear on the list currently, select the check box in the title bar.
Click Selected Patients to close the dialog and place the selected patient names in the Patient(s) box on the Report Criteria page. To return to having all patients included, click the restore icon next to the Patient(s) box.
Sort by: Within the grouping that you selected, data can be sorted by the delay start date and time, by the milestone and delay reason or by patient name (if Unit was selected in the Group by section) or by unit (if Patient was selected in the Group by section). In the three lists, select the first, second, and third items by which data will be sorted within a grouping. To sort in alphabetical order by milestones name and delay reason, select Milestone Delay. To sort in alphabetical order by patient last name or unit, select Patient Name or Unit. To sort in chronological order by delay start date and time, select Delay Start. Then select Ascending or Descending. For example, if you select Milestone Delay first, then Delay Start, then Patient Name, and then select Ascending for each, the data within each unit section will be listed in ascending alphabetical order by milestone name, then in ascending chronological order by delay start date and time, then in ascending alphabetical order by patient last name.
Generating PreAdmitTracking® Application Discharge and Transfer Reports
About Discharge Transfer Reports
Discharge and transfer reports display information about discharges and transfers from units in a campus. There are three Discharge/Transfer reports: The Average Discharge/Transfer report, the Daily Transfers report, and the Weekly Discharges/Transfers report. To generate a discharges/transfers report you:
Select the report criteria.
Select the output type and run the report.
Report Data
The Average Discharges and Transfers report and Weekly Discharges/Transfers report display only discharges and transfers with an origin unit that is within the selected campus and units and within your membership. The Daily Transfer Report only displays transfers with an origin unit or destination unit that is within the selected campus and units and within your membership.
You must have at least one of the following permissions to generate a discharge/transfer report:
(Required for Daily Transfers Report) Run Any Reports, Including Those that Reveal Patient Information.
(Not applicable to Daily Transfers Report) Run Only Reports that Do Not Reveal Patient Information.
To Select the Report Criteria:
On the Report Selection page, click the plus sign next to PreAdmitTracking, and then click the plus sign next to Discharge/Transfer to display the available reports.
Click one of the following:
Average Discharges/Transfers
Daily Transfers
Weekly Discharges/Transfers
Do one of the following to generate a report with data that:
Has been archived and is in the archive database, select Archive.
Is still in the production database, select Production.
Important Note: If you change the database selection after selecting dates, times, and other options, the dates and times that you selected will not change. However, other options will change and you will have to re-select them. Data that has been archived is available in the archive database after a database synchronization occurs. It remains in the production database until it is purged.
If you have membership in multiple campuses (for example, ABC Children's Hospital and ABC Women's Hospital), then in the Campus list, select the campus for which you wish to generate a report.
Depending on the report that you are generating, select report criteria. Click the links below for descriptions of the criteria that can be selected for each report:
Average Discharges/Transfers
The Average Discharges/Transfers Report provides the total number and percentage of discharges and/or transfers that occurred within a selected time range. This is a very useful report for both EVS Supervisors and Nursing Units because it shows when the bulk of discharges are happening. This helps units see if they are meeting their early discharge goals and it also helps EVS Supervisors manage staffing to ensure that the busiest times are being covered. This report is also used by Transport Supervisors (in conjunction with the Activity Detail by Job Report) to determine the % of discharges completed by the transport department.
Best Practice Metrics Captured In Average Discharges/Transfers Report
Metric | Best Practice Goal |
% of Discharges by 11 AM | 25% |
% of Discharges by 2 PM | 50% |
% of Discharges Completed by Transport Department Note: See the Discharge by Transport section of this reference guide for additional details on this metric | 70% |
Origin Unit: To include only transfers and discharges from specific origin units, click the magnifying glass next to the Origin Unit box to display a list of units in your membership. Select the check boxes for the units that should be included on the report, and then click Select to save the selection and return to the Origin Unit box. To return to having all units in the campus that are within your membership included on the report, click the restore icon next to the Units box.
Discharge/Transfer Date: You may choose to include only discharges and/or transfers that were completed within a certain date range. Click the calendar icons next to the From box and the To box to select beginning and ending dates for the date range. (For example, select May 15, 2011 in the From box and May 22, 2011 in the To box).
Important Note: If you change the database selection after selecting dates, times, and other options, the dates and times that you selected will not change. However, other options will change and you will have to re-select them.
Time Periods: Select the number of time periods to be included on the report. Only discharges and transfers occurring within these time periods will be included on the report. The time periods appear on the report as Period 1 through up to Period 10. The Report Parameter section displays the time represented by each period (for example, Period 1: 00:00 to 07:59 and Period 2: 08:00 to 15:59).
To select time periods:
In the Periods list, select the number of time periods (for example, 3).
To select when each time period begins and ends, in each Begin box type a time (for example 08:00) and in each End box type a time (for example, 15:59).
Events to Include: Select whether to include discharges, transfers, or both on the report. Select the Discharges check box, the Transfers check box, or both.
Include Weekends: Select whether to include discharges and transfers that occur on weekends. Organizations where very few transfers and discharges occur on weekends might want to exclude weekends to avoid skewing data. To include transfers and discharges that occur on weekends, select Yes. To exclude them, select No.
Daily Transfers
Origin Unit and Destination Unit: To include only transfers from specific origin units, and/or destination units, click the magnifying glass next to the Origin Unit or Destination Unit box to display a list of units in your membership. Select the check boxes for the units that should be included on the report, and then click Select to save the selection and return to the Origin Unit or Destination Unit box. To return to having all units in the campus that are within your membership included on the report, click the restore icon next to the Origin Unit or Destination Unit box.
Date: Select the date for which transfer records should appear. Click the calendar icon and select a month and date. Important Note: If you change the database selection after selecting dates, times, and other options, the dates and times that you selected will not change. However, other options will change and you will have to re-select them.
Transfers to Include: Select whether to include transfers that were completed or canceled or both on the selected date. Select the Completed or Canceled check box or both.
Group by: Data can be displayed by the origin unit or the destination unit of the transfers. Select Origin Unit or Destination Unit.
Weekly Discharges/Transfers
Origin Unit: To include only transfers and discharges from specific origin units, click the magnifying glass next to the Origin Unit box to display a list of units in your membership. Select the check boxes for the units that should be included on the report, and then click Select to save the selection and return to the Origin Unit box. To return to having all units in the campus that are within your membership included on the report, click the restore icon next to the Units box.
Start Date: Select the date on which the week starts. Data for seven days, starting with the selected date, appears on the report. Click the calendar icon to select the date.
Include Weekends: Select whether to include discharges and transfers that occur on weekends. Organizations where very few transfers and discharges occur on weekends might want to exclude weekends to avoid skewing data. To include transfers and discharges that occur on weekends, select Yes. To exclude them, select No.
Selecting the Output Type and Running the Report
In the Output list, select one of the following formats for the report:
Adobe Acrobat: To generate the report as a .pdf file. (This format is selected by default.)
Microsoft Excel: To generate the report as an .xls file that can be opened in Microsoft Excel.
Microsoft Excel (Unformatted) (Available for Average Discharges/Transfers): The Microsoft Excel (Unformatted) report output option produces an .xls file that is suitable for performing your own calculations and analysis. Data will appear in simple rows and columns and will not be totaled, grouped, or summarized.
Click Run Report.
If a security message appears at the top of the page, right-click the message bar, and then select Download File.
When you are prompted to save or open the report, do one of the following:
To save the report on a network drive or hard drive, click Save. When the Save As dialog box appears, select a location to save the report to, and then click Save.
To open the report immediately in the appropriate program, click Open.
Discharges By Transport
As mentioned previously, the Average Discharges/Transfers Report is also used to help calculate the Best Practice Metric for Discharges Completed by Transport. In order to ensure the accuracy of data, there are two specific reports that will need to be run to capture data points for a calculation. The two reports are the Activity Detail by Job Number and the Average Discharges/Transfers Report.
Report To Run | Instructions For Generating Report Parameters | Metric To Capture |
Activity Detail By Job Number | Origin: Include All Home Locations. Destination: Include All Discharge Locations. | Total Discharges/Transfers |
Average Discharges/Transfers | Events To Include: Discharges Only | Total # Of Requests |
Once the reports are generated and you have captured the metrics, the following calculation will provide the Best Practice Metric for Discharges Completed by Transport:
Total Discharges/Transfers / Total # of Requests = Discharges Completed by Transport
Generating a PreAdmitTracking® Application Proper Pending Report
About Proper Pending Reports
Proper pending reports compare the numbers of patients who were in Pending Transfer status to actual transfers and the number of patients who were in Pending Discharge and Confirmed Discharge status to actual discharges. There are two Proper Pending reports: The Pending Status Compliance report and the Proper Pending Usage report. To generate a proper pending report, you:
Select the report criteria.
Select the output type and run the report.
Report Data
Only discharges and transfers with an origin unit that is within the selected campus and units and within your membership are included on the report.
You must have at least one of the following permissions to generate a proper pending report:
Run Any Reports, Including Those that Reveal Patient Information
Run Only Reports that Do Not Reveal Patient Information
To Select the Report Criteria:
On the Report Selection page, click the plus sign next to PreAdmitTracking, and then click the plus sign next to Proper Pending to display the available reports.
Click either Pending Status Compliance or Proper Pending Usage.
A page for selecting report criteria appears.Do one of the following. To generate a report with data that:
Has been archived and is in the archive database, select Archive.
Is still in the production database, select Production.
Important Note: If you change the database selection after selecting dates, times, and other options, the dates and times that you selected will not change. However, other options will change and you will have to re-select them.
Data that has been archived is available in the archive database after a database synchronization occurs. It remains in the production database until it is purged.
If you have membership in multiple campuses (for example, ABC Children's Hospital and ABC Women's Hospital), then in the Campus list, select the campus for which you wish to generate a report.
Depending on the report that you are generating, select report criteria. Click the links below for descriptions of the criteria that can be selected for each report:
Pending Status Compliance
The Pending Status Compliance Report provides an overview of usage for entering transfer bed requests and updating discharge statuses. The report compares the number of pending transfers or discharges to the number of actual events for each. The primary reason to run this report is to monitor compliance with setting discharge statuses which is a vital component to efficient patient flow and a reportable best practice metric. However, transfer compliance should also be closely monitored to ensure that bed requests are not being made outside of the system.
Best Practice Metrics Captured In The Pending Status Compliance Report
Metric | Best Practice Goal |
Pending Discharge Compliance | 70% or above |
Confirmed Discharge Compliance | 90% or above |
Unit—Select the units that should be included on the report. Click the magnifying glass next to the Units box to display a list of units in your membership. Select the check boxes for the units that should be included on the report, and then click Select to save the selection and return to the Units box. To return to having all units in the campus that are within your membership included on the report, click the restore icon next to the Units box. If you do not select any units, all units associated with the selected campus and to which you have membership will be included.
Discharge/Transfer Date—You may choose to include only discharges and/or transfers that were completed within a certain date range. Click the calendar icons next to the From box and the To box to select beginning and ending dates for the date range. (For example, select May 15, 2011 in the From box and May 22, 2011 in the To box).
Important Note: If you change the database selection after selecting dates, times, and other options, the dates and times that you selected will not change. However, other options will change and you will have to re-select them.
Shift Time—To choose specific shifts to be included on the report, in the Start and End boxes, type the start and end times of the shifts. For example, to include the 8:00 AM to 3:59 PM AND the 4:00 PM to 11:59 PM shift, in the Start box, type 08:00 AM and in the End box, type 11:59 PM. If a shift starts on one date and ends on the next, the report will include data from the entire shift. If a shift starts on the last date of a date range ends one day later, data from the entire shift, including the part of the shift that is after the end date of the report, still will be on the report. A message appears indicating that a shift that crosses over the midnight boundary was selected and that the report end date will actually be the day after the selected end date.
Important Note: If you change the database selection after selecting dates, times, and other options, the dates and times that you selected will not change. However, other options will change and you will have to re-select them.
Proper Pending Usage
Origin Unit—To include only transfers and discharges from specific origin units, click the magnifying glass next to the Origin Unit box to display a list of units in your membership. Select the check boxes for the units that should be included on the report, and then click Select to save the selection and return to the Origin Unit box. To return to having all units in the campus that are within your membership included on the report, click the restore icon next to the Units box.
Discharge/Transfer Date—You may choose to include only discharges and/or transfers that were completed within a certain date range. Click the calendar icons next to the From box and the To box to select beginning and ending dates for the date range. (For example, select May 15, 2011 in the From box and May 22, 2011 in the To box).
Important Note: If you change the database selection after selecting dates, times, and other options, the dates and times that you selected will not change. However, other options will change and you will have to re-select them.
Shift Time—To choose specific shifts to be included on the report, in the Start and End boxes, type the start and end times of the shifts. For example, to include the 8:00 AM to 3:59 PM AND the 4:00 PM to 11:59 PM shift, in the Start box, type 08:00 AM and in the End box, type 11:59 PM. If a shift starts on one date and ends on the next, the report will include data from the entire shift. If a shift starts on the last date of a date range ends one day later, data from the entire shift, including the part of the shift that is after the end date of the report, still will be on the report. A message appears indicating that a shift that crosses over the midnight boundary was selected and that the report end date will actually be the day after the selected end date.
Important Note: If you change the database selection after selecting dates, times, and other options, the dates and times that you selected will not change. However, other options will change and you will have to re-select them.
Events to Include—Select whether to include discharges, transfers, or both on the report. Select the Discharges check box, the Transfers check box, or both.
Summary View (Yes or No)—To show a summary view of the report, select Yes. To show a detailed view, select No. The summary view displays summary information for each date within each unit such as the total records for a unit and the pending compliance percentages for a unit. The detailed view shows per unit, detailed information such as the daily and unit duration averages, daily and unit compliance percentages, and the bed that was occupied. If you select No, the Microsoft Excel (Unformatted) option will be available in the Output list.
If you would like to perform your own calculations and analysis in Microsoft® Excel, then Microsoft Excel (Unformatted) is a good option.
Include PHI—Select whether to include Protected Health Information (PHI), such as patient names, in the report. Select Yes to include PHI and No to exclude it. (On the report, a line will appear in place of the excluded PHI.) It is helpful to exclude PHI if you are sharing the report with others who need to see the data, but should not see personal information about individual patients.
To Select the Output Type and Run the Report
In the Output list, select one of the following formats for the report:
Adobe Acrobat—To generate the report as a .pdf file. (This format is selected by default.)
Microsoft Excel—To generate the report as an .xls file that can be opened in Microsoft Excel.
Microsoft Excel (Unformatted)—(for Proper Pending Usage report only.) This option is only available if you selected No for **Summary View?**. The Microsoft Excel (Unformatted) report output option produces an .xls file that is suitable for performing your own calculations and analysis. Data will appear in simple rows and columns and will not be totaled, grouped, or summarized. If you would like to perform your own calculations and analysis in Microsoft® Excel, then Microsoft Excel (Unformatted) is a good option.
Click Run Report.
If a security message appears at the top of the page, right-click the message bar, and then select Download File.
When you are prompted to save or open the report, do one of the following:
To save the report on a network drive or hard drive, click Save. When the Save As dialog box appears, select a location to save the report to, and then click Save.
To open the report immediately in the appropriate program, click Open.
Generating the Ready To Move Timer Metrics Report
Database - Where Your Facility's Data Is Stored
Production - Data that is stored in the production database (this is your current data).
Use when live up-to-the-minute data is needed.
Contains the data from the current time and for the past number of days as defined in Archive Management. This is typically 7 days but may range between 1 and 30 days. If you do not know the number of days, your TeleTracking System Administrator should be able to assist.
Archive - Data that is stored in the archive database (this is your older data).
Campus Drop-Down
Group By
Group By Drop-Down
Group By allows you to choose how you want the report data sorted.
Origin Unit (most common): Select when you want to run metrics for bed requests leaving a specific unit.
Unit Selection
Magnifying Glass
Date & Time
Request Date
Click on the Calendar Icon to select the needed dates.
Shift Time
The system defaults to the entire day, however you may want to isolate specific shifts if you are trying to investigate issues with not meeting metrics.
Only placements with requested dates within the selected date range and the selected shift appear in the report. However, if a shift starts on the end date of the report date range and ends on the next day, data from the entire shift will be included in the report.
Standard Deviation
Include Standard Deviation
Summary View
Summary View - Select Yes (most common): Displays total durations, average durations, group durations, and group standard deviations.
Leave this set to Yes.
Summary View - Select No: Displays per unit or per user, detailed information such as the request time and the bed that was occupied.
Adobe Acrobat (Summary View) - Here is the summary view using Adobe Acrobat. This lists counts per unit or user for each day.
The following information is displayed on the summary report for each user or target unit or origin unit, for each day within the date range selected.
Name | Description |
Date |
Day of the Week |
Total Records |
Compliant Records |
Invalid Timers |
Total Duration |
Average Duration |
Standard Deviation |
Group Duration Average |
Group Standard Deviation |
Invalid Timer Values |
# of # for % of placements were excluded (missing RTM dates and times) |
Excel (Detailed View) - The detailed report displays specifics about completed placements per target or origin unit or per requesting user, such as the occupied bed, the requested time, and the time that the patient was marked ready to move.
The following information is displayed on the detailed report for each user or target unit or origin unit, for each day within the date range selected.
Name | Description |
Date |
Day of the Week |
Patient Name |
Target Unit (only if data is grouped by user or origin unit) |
Requested by User (only if data is grouped by target unit) |
Bed Occupied |
Request Time |
RTM Time (Ready to Move Time) |
Duration |
Daily Duration Average |
Group Duration Average |
Invalid Timer Values |
# of # for % of placements were excluded (missing RTM dates and times) |
Run Report
Analyzing the Ready To Move Timer Metrics Report
The above is an example of a generated Ready to Move Timer Metrics report. We will now break down the information to help you better understand how to read the data.
Total Records: total number of bed requests generated from the unit(s) per date.
Compliant Records: total number of bed requests generated from the unit(s) per date that had an RTM timer activated in the request.
% of Placements Excluded- Shows the % of records that were missing an RTM timer. In the above example, if 33% of placements were excluded, this would mean that the unit was 67% compliant with the RTM timer. This calculation provides the Ready to Move Compliance %
Generating a PreAdmitTracking® Application Master Report
About Master Reports
You may generate a PreAdmitTracking® application master report called the Physician Summary Report. The report provides information about all physicians associated with the selected campus. To generate the report, you:
Select the report criteria.
Select the output type and run the report.
Report Data
Only physicians associated with the selected campus appear on the report.
You must have the Run Master Reports permission to generate a master report.
To Select the Report Criteria:
On the Report Selection page, click the plus sign next to PreAdmitTracking and then the plus sign next to PAT Master to display the available report.
Click Physician Summary to display a page for selecting report criteria.
Do one of the following. To generate a report with data that:
Has been archived and is in the archive database, select Archive.
Is still in the production database, select Production.
Note: Data that has been archived is available in the archive database after a database synchronization occurs. It remains in the production database until it is purged.
If you have membership in multiple campuses (for example, ABC Children's Hospital and ABC Women's Hospital), then in the Campus list, select the campus for which you wish to generate the report.
In the Sort by list, select whether the physician data should be sorted by physician last name or physician ADT ID code and select whether data should be sorted in Ascending or Descending order.
To Select the Output Type and Run the Report
In the Output list, select one of the following formats for the report:
Adobe Acrobat—To generate the report as a .pdf file. (This format is selected by default.)
Microsoft Excel—To generate the report as an .xls file that can be opened in Microsoft Excel.
Click Run Report.
If a security message appears at the top of the page, right-click the message bar, and then select Download File.
When you are prompted to save or open the report, do one of the following:
To save the report on a network drive or hard drive, click Save. When the Save As dialog box appears, select a location to save the report to, and then click Save.
To open the report immediately in the appropriate program, click Open.
Generating a PreAdmitTracking® Application Master Report
About Master Reports
You may generate a PreAdmitTracking® application master report called the Physician Summary Report. The report provides information about all physicians associated with the selected campus. To generate the report, you:
Select the report criteria.
Select the output type and run the report.
Report Data
Only physicians associated with the selected campus appear on the report.
You must have the Run Master Reports permission to generate a master report.
To Select the Report Criteria:
On the Report Selection page, click the plus sign next to PreAdmitTracking and then the plus sign next to PAT Master to display the available report.
Click Physician Summary to display a page for selecting report criteria.
Do one of the following. To generate a report with data that:
Has been archived and is in the archive database, select Archive.
Is still in the production database, select Production.
Note: Data that has been archived is available in the archive database after a database synchronization occurs. It remains in the production database until it is purged.
If you have membership in multiple campuses (for example, ABC Children's Hospital and ABC Women's Hospital), then in the Campus list, select the campus for which you wish to generate the report.
In the Sort by list, select whether the physician data should be sorted by physician last name or physician ADT ID code and select whether data should be sorted in Ascending or Descending order.
To Select the Output Type and Run the Report
In the Output list, select one of the following formats for the report:
Adobe Acrobat—To generate the report as a .pdf file. (This format is selected by default.)
Microsoft Excel—To generate the report as an .xls file that can be opened in Microsoft Excel.
Click Run Report.
If a security message appears at the top of the page, right-click the message bar, and then select Download File.
When you are prompted to save or open the report, do one of the following:
To save the report on a network drive or hard drive, click Save. When the Save As dialog box appears, select a location to save the report to, and then click Save.
To open the report immediately in the appropriate program, click Open.