We’ll cover how to add documents to Transfer Cases. Attaching documents speeds up throughput as you do not have to re-transcribe this information. This is mainly used by a Patient Placement Specialist.
We’ll navigate to the documents tab and then attach a document via browsing or drag and drop.
Navigate to the Documents Tab
Create/Edit/Open an existing case, ensuring you are in Edit Mode.
Navigate to the 4th tab at the top titled, Documents.
Attaching by Browsing
Click on Browse and Upload Documents.
Navigate to the file you with to upload and select Open
The file is now attached
Attaching by Drag and Drop
Navigate to the file you with to upload
Left click and drag the file over the Drag Documents Here section
Release to drop the file and upload it
The file is now attached.
Best Practices
Ensure you’re following your health systems policies for what documents are able to be attached.