When Transfer IQ® is integrated with Capacity IQ® or Capacity Management Suite® the information synchronizes between the two application’s patient records. It is important for Patient Placement Specialists and Managers to understand how the information sync functions.
Once a bed request is submitted from Transfer IQ® and a match is found (selected by clicking Use This Existing Request), the following information is updated every 60 seconds between the two applications
Capacity Management Suite® Update then Bidirectional
During initial match Capacity IQ®/Capacity Management Suite® will overwrite the following in Transfer IQ®, even if blank in Capacity IQ®/Capacity Management Suite®. After initial match, any update from either application will populate the other.
First Name
Last Name
Middle Initial
Date of Birth
Visit No.
Patient Type
Payor - After the patient has an Admitted status in Capacity IQ®/Capacity Management Suite®, updates to the Payor field in the Transfer IQ® case come from Capacity IQ®/Capacity Management Suite® until the patient has a Discharge status. The Payor field only applies to US health systems.
Capacity Management Suite® → Transfer IQ® (One Way)
Capacity Management Suite always provides updates to the following, which cannot be edited by the Transfer IQ® application.
Placement Status
Completed Time
Assigned Bed
Assigned Bed Status
Assignment Time
Transfer IQ® Priority then Bidirectional
During initial match the Transfer IQ® application will update Capacity IQ® or Capacity Management Suite® solution, unless the Transfer IQ® field is blank. If Transfer IQ® field is blank, Capacity IQ® or Capacity Management Suite® field value provides the update. After initial match, any update from either application will populate the other.
Zip Code
Target Unit
Origin Unit
Level of Care
Bed Request Time
Placement Activated
Organism (via Patient Attribute)
Transfer IQ® → Capacity Management Suite® (One Way)
During Initial Match and afterwards, Transfer IQ® provides updates
Accepting Physician
Transfer IQ® Controlled
During initial match Transfer IQ® will update both applications, unless blank. If blank, Capacity Management Suite provides the update to both applications. Transfer IQ® then provides updates for both applications and is not updated if Capacity IQ® or Capacity Management Suite® field changes.
Hospital service
Transfer IQ® → Capacity Management Suite® (Once, Initially)
Transfer IQ® populates the below if a both a new patient and new placement are created. They are not updated afterwards.
Case Source
Case Source will be populated with “Referral IQ®” if the Transfer Case was submitted to the Transfer Center electronically via the Referral IQ® application.
Expected Admit Date
Destination Facility