Placement Request Information holds data about the patients bed request details. In Standalone mode, meaning either your system is not integrated with Capacity IQ® / Capacity Management Suite® or the destination facility is outside of your health system, you’ll be able to manually document details.
There are two sections under Placement Request Information. We’ll cover how to enter data for each. In order to continue with a placement request you must have entered a Destination Facility under the Patient Tab > Referring Information.
Bed Request Details
Contains key information regarding the bed requests.
Destination Facility
Auto populated based on the Destination field in the Patient Tab.
This field is View only.
Level of Care
Type then select the level of care from the list.
Target Unit
Type then select the preferred unit from the list.
Enter date/time when the bed request was submitted using the calendar tool, or select Now to enter current date/time.
Bed Assignment Details
Used to track updates on the bed assignment.
Assigned Bed
Enter the identifier for the assigned bed.
Enter date/time when the bed request was submitted using the calendar tool, or select Now to enter current date/time.
Best Practices