Placement Request Information holds data about the patient bed request details. In Integrated mode, your system is integrated with Capacity IQ® or Capacity Management Suite and the process is streamlined through automation.
There are two sections under Placement Request Information. We’ll cover how to enter data for each. In order to continue with a placement request you must have entered a Destination Facility under the Patient Tab > Referring Information.
Request Bed
Contains key information regarding the bed requests
Destination Facility
Auto populated based on the Destination field in the Patient Tab.
This field is View only.
Level of Care
Type then select the level of care from the list.
Origin Unit Facility
Auto populated with the selected Destination Facility.
You are able to change the Origin Unit Facility by selecting an option from the list, but only before the patient has an Inhouse status in Capacity Management.
Origin Unit
Auto populated with the default Origin Unit at the selected Destination Facility.
You are able to change the Origin Unit by selecting an option from the list, but only before the patient has an Inhouse status in Capacity Management.
Target Unit
Type then select the preferred unit from the selected destination facility.
Enter date/time when the bed request was submitted using the calendar tool, or select Now to enter current date/time.
Activate this Bed Request
Will be selected by default.
When selected the bed request will automatically activated within Capacity Management.
Uncheck the box to mark the bed request as inactive for a later time.
Submit Request
As long as the case has a Destination Facility you are able to select Submit Request to send the details over to Capacity Management.
Depending on if the request was activate or inactive determines how it will appear in Capacity Management.
Similar Request Exists
Searches Destination Facility. If the Similar bed request dialog box appears, then a match has been found for some of the case information. You can choose an option
Use This Existing Request
Select this button to update the information in your Transfer IQ® case with the information from Capacity Management
Create New Request
If the information that appeared is not the record you are looking for, click Create New Request.
Dismiss the results to make adjustments to the case.
Secondary Search
After you chose to create a new request or if no similar results appear, a search is done against all campuses to ensure there are not duplicates. If one is found you have options to Use This Existing Request or Cancel.
Unable to Create Bed Request
After the secondary search, if an exact match has been found, you are not able to create a duplicate request because one already exists and must select Close Message.
Best Practices