We’ll cover how to search the NPI (National Provider Identifier) to find and add physicians to Transfer IQ®. Most often used by Patient Placement Specialists.
Select Search for a new physician to begin the searching process. We’ll cover search types and adding the physician.
Text Search
Type any piece of information in one or more of the following fields. Once you enter information select Search to display the results.
Last Name
First Name
NPI Number
Type all ten digits of the NPI Number then select search to display results.
Adding a Physician
Once you locate the correct physician, select Add. If the physician has multiple taxonomies, they’ll be condensed. Hover over them to see the complete list.
Updating a Physician
If some of the details pertaining to a physician have been updated (e.g. a physician's last name is changed), that information can be updated by the same process used to add a new physician. Search for the physician and select Add. The physician's information will be updated in the system.
Best Practices
At least two characters must be entered in a field to perform a physician search.
You are unable to search solely by state. You must enter more information to perform a physician search.
When performing an NPI search using the first and/or last name fields, the results can include physicians whose name has changed. For example, if a physician's name used to be Jane Doe but has changed to Jane Smith, searching for the last name "Doe" may return a result of "Jane Smith".
If searching by NPI Number, any other search criteria entered will be ignored. The search will be performed exclusively using the NPI Number.