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Using NPI Search to Find a Physician
Using NPI Search to Find a Physician

Clinicians that have an NPI number can be populated in this field.

William Pelino avatar
Written by William Pelino
Updated over 6 months ago


Note: While fields within the Referral Request Form are labeled with the word Physician, any clinician that has an NPI number can be populated in this field.

  • When populating any Physician field within the Referral Request form, type the physician/clinician’s name in the field.

  • If the physician/clinician was previously utilized in a referral request, their name will display in the drop down menu and can then be selected (as shown below).

  • If you do not see the physician/clinician’s name you are looking for in the drop down menu, or you see a No Results message, it means the physician/clinician hasn’t previously been utilized in a referral request.

  • Therefore, you will need to search for them in the NPI repository. To do so, click the Search for new physician link (noted by the magnify glass icon shown below).

  • A search box will appear. Populate the fields as desired to set the search criteria.

    • At least two characters must be entered to perform a physician search.

    • When performing an NPI search using the first and/or last name fields, the results can include physicians whose name has changed. For example, if a physician's name used to be Jane Doe but has changed to Jane Smith, searching for the last name "Doe" may return a result of "Jane Smith".

    • If searching by NPI Number, any other search criteria entered will be ignored. The search will be performed exclusively using the NPI Number.

    • You are unable to search solely by state. You must enter more information to perform a physician search.

  • Click Search. The system will search for the physician/clinician in the National Provider Index database.

  • Review the search results and click Add to select the appropriate physician.

Note: You can hover your mouse over any of the columns in the grid to get more details. For example, part of the address is cut off in the screen shot below, but if you hover your mouse over the address, the content will display.

  • If you are unable to locate the physician/clinician you are looking for, click the Back to search link in the bottom left hand corner of the window and try tweaking your search criteria with a new search. If you are still unable to locate the provider you are looking for, please start a chat with a TeleTracking Support Team member by clicking “Get More Help”

  • Once Added, the physician name will populate in the appropriate field of the Referral form.

  • Click the Submit Referral button.

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