Target Facility Communication is the second section within the Communication tab. Its main purpose is to track multiple stages of communication to/from Facilities.
Within this section you’re able to add communication to multiple Facilities by adding a communication card for each.
Adding a Facility Card
Each card has various data points that track stages of communication.
Facilities marked Preferred or Destination Facilities from the Patient Tab would automatically appear.
Begin by searching for a facility from the list.
As normal, you can use the Information Icon to find more information about the facility.
Once you select the appropriate facility , select Add to display that facility card.
The most recent facility will appear at the top.
Progressing the Facility Card
Select the Contacted icon each time you reach out to the facility or leave a message.
You’ll be asked to populate the Mode of Contact each time. Select the appropriate mode of communication and Document Contact.
All events will be logged in the Case Log.
Call Returned
Select this icon when the facility responds.
Events will appear in the logs.
Used to designate a cancellation of communication with a facility.
Once clicking the Cancelled button, populate the cancellation reason by typing and selecting from the dropdown.
Clicking Cancel Communication will submit and log the event.
Select this when the facility agrees to accept the patient.
The accepting date/time appears in the event log.
Select this if the facility does not accept the patient.
Populate the Decline Reason from the dropdown.
Select Decline Patient to submit and log the event.
Best Practices