As the final section in the Communication Tab, Escalation tracks communication with internal resources.
Within this section, you are able to add escalation cards to one or multiple roles within your health system. These could range from a director of patient placement to a house supervisor depending on your workflow.
Adding an Escalation Card
The first step is adding an escalation resource.
Begin by typing and selecting a role from the drop down to whom you want to escalate to.
Clicking Add will display the Escalation Associations window.
Select any current physician or facility associated with the escalation, if applicable, then submit with Document Escalation.
Progressing the Escalation Card
Similar to the other Communication Cards you have options to progress the Escalation cards.
Select this each time you reach out/speak with the escalation resource.
You’ll be asked to populate the Mode of Contact.
Once you select the mode, click Document Contact to log the event.
Call Return
When you receive a call back with a response, select this option to log the date/time and physician/facility associations to the log.
Used when you’d like to cancel the Escalation.
Once selected type and choose the appropriate cancellation reason then press Cancel Communication to log the event.
Used to document when a resolution has been found to the issue, whether that be a contact overturning a declining decision, an alternate solution, or a manager resolution.
Once resolved is selected the date/time, escalation resource, and any associations are logged.
Used to document when the escalation resource sustains a declining decision.
Once selected the information is logged in the Case Log.
Best Practices
Differ to your health systems configuration/best practices for submitting an escalation association.