In the Investigation a Patient Record we’ll review different ways to research a patient record. This would generally be used by Supervisors or Administrators, but may be helpful to others with access to view patient data.
Understanding how to fully research a patient record will allow you to potentially resolve issues more quickly within your Health System, benefiting you and your patients.
Information Needed
You’ll need some information about your patient. The most helpful fields to search for records in Capacity IQ® are:
Live Investigation
Use the Patient Search to pull up live records in the system.
Within Capacity IQ® PreAdmit or Patient Tracking Portal select Patient Search.
Enter your Patient Identifier and ensure you match the Search Filter to your field.
Select Search
Left Click on the record you want to review to open the Patient Placement Details.
Report Investigation
In addition to the patient search, you can also review records within the HIPAA - Patient Audit Report
Within Standard Reports navigate to the bottom of the page, locate HIPAA reports, and find the Patient Audit.
Determine if you want too look at:
Live Data - Production - This holds data for 7 days.
Historical Data - Archive - Holds data older than yesterday.
Select the campus your patient is in.
Select the appropriate date range. For anything older than 7 days, choose the Archive.
Search for your patient by clicking on the magnifying glass and entering any of the key patient attributes:
Run the Report and review the information provided.
Other Options
Your EMR (Electronic Medical Record) system may also hold key information that Capacity IQ® may not have.
TeleTracking Support will be able to help assist if you are having trouble understanding what happened to a record.
Best Practices
First thing to check if there is a report of a patient not showing somewhere is a Patient Search. With a membership of all, if you search for a patient by Visitnumber, MRN, or LastName you should be able to find the correct record. If you do not, it’s likely it did not update for some reason.