The Check for Existing Patient button helps expedite information populate for patients. This button is available if your system is integrated with Capacity IQ® or Capacity Management Suite.
Using the Search
Typing in a piece of demographic information will enable the button.
In order to perform a patient search a minimum of one of the following fields must be populated:
Patient First Name
Patient Last Name
SSN (full number)
MRN (full number)
Additionally you’d like to narrow down the search the below can be utilized:
Patient Middle Name
Patient Suffix
Patient DOB
Patient Gender
Navigating the Results
Once results are found you’ll see all patients matching the criteria.
If you don’t wish to see the address information, select Collapse All to focus on the main patient row.
To see the address again select Expand All.
To choose and update your patient, select Use This Patient. All of the remaining fields will auto update.
If you do not find what you are looking for select Cancel to dismiss the results.
Best Practices