If a user enters the wrong password too many times, their account can become locked if they configured this in the Global Settings. The more times they attempt, the longer the lockout.
The default time to wait is 15 minutes. After 15 minutes from the last attempt the account will be unlocked.
Teletracking Support is unable to unlock accounts, or reset passwords pertaining to client environments.
Standard Account
To unlock a Standard account, have the client click the reset password functionality link.
Enter the User Name
Click Confirm
You will get a message advising where the temporary password will be, and if you don’t receive an email you will need to reach out to your supervisor, or internal Teletracking admin.
Hit confirm
MSAD Account
The client can unlock an account using MSAD authentication using the following process.
Client will need to find a user with admin rights (whether this is their supervisor or a member of their help desk) in order to cycle their login type from MSAD to Standard and then back to MSAD. This will reset the Capacity IQ® account lockout for the specific user account.
Have the user with admin rights navigate to Admin Tool > User Management > User Management.
Select the specific user account which is having the login issue.
Adjust the login type from MSAD to Standard and save.
Change the login type back to original setting and save.
Confirm the user is successfully able to login to Capacity IQ®.