To create a new console:
Identify an existing Console
Edit an existing Console
Save an edited Console with a new name.
Remember: Every group console must belong to a view group. Prior to creating a console you must create a view group or identify an existing view group to which that console will belong.
Creating a View Group
When creating a view group, there are several fields to populate with the appropriate parameters.
Select the Admin Tool > Select Dictionary Management > Select View Group > Click Add (if there no existing View Group that is appropriate for your new Console) > Click Save
Please Note:
A view group can and frequently will have consoles for both PreAdmit and Patient Tracking Portal
A view group can have multiple consoles for each application
Any console followed by “**” is the default console for that view group
PreAdmitTracking & PatientTracking Consoles
In general, consoles work the same in Patient Tracking Portal as in PreAdmit.
A primary difference between the two consoles is Purpose.
PreAdmit consoles can ONLY show patients with bed requests.
Patient Tracking Portal consoles show patients or locations associated with a unit. Units and locations must have “Show on Bedboard” enabled to appear on consoles.
Only locations with a “Location Type” of Admit, Home, or Specialty Bed will appear on a console.
Creating the console
From the console screen select Load/Save Console
Click Save
We must select whether this console will be a personal console, available only to me, or a group console, available to multiple people.
View Group
Every group console must belong to a view group. Prior to saving the console we should have identified the view group to which this console will be defined.
View group is not available with personal consoles.
A console must have a unique name within each application (PreAdmit or Patient Tracking).
The name may be the same as the name of its view group, but it must be a unique console name. (This extends across view groups. You cannot save consoles with the same name in different view groups.) Click in the name field and start typing the name of your console.
Set as my default
Check if this console going to be the console that will be automatically loaded when I log into TeleTracking and this application (PreAdmit or Patient Tracking).
Set as group default
Is this console going to be the default console for its view group. As noted above a view group may have multiple consoles. One of those consoles can be set as the view groups default console.
Clicking on Save provides a final opportunity for us to confirm that we wish to save our changes. Click OK.
Best Practices
When creating a new group console, make sure to have the view group complete prior to starting your new console.