If you are looking to upgrade your current TeleTracking application, please visit our Knowledge Bridge Website at Login | Knowledge Bridge and login.
Creating a Knowledge Bridge Account
If you do not have credentials, click Sign Up
You will need to populate the information that is requested.
Then click Sign Up
Requesting an Upgrade
Log into Knowledge Bridge
Go to Client Support > Update Assistance
Click on Schedule an update
You will now need to fill out the upgrade form
Your information will already be populated
You will need to fill out all the sections with an *
Account ID - This is your facility’s Client ID
Products - This form is designed for all TeleTracking products.
You will want to provide as much detail as possible for the general questions.
What is your timeline?
Why do you need to update?
Additional notes (If you are requesting for multiple facilities, or have complexities, include them here)
Once you are done, click the Request Update button
Being Contacted
One of our Project Managers will reach out to you directly.
Please be aware that it could take up to 2 weeks for a Project Manager to reach out, depending on their current workload.